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HOMEBREW Digest #5281

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HOMEBREW Digest #5281		             Wed 23 January 2008 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Counter pressure bottle filler ("Alexandre Carminati")
Re: Hot water heater elements (Steven Parfitt)
michelob head (Matt)
RE: Digest Traffic and 2206 Wyeast ("Jim Dunlap")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 09:33:19 -0200
From: "Alexandre Carminati" <afcarminati at>
Subject: Counter pressure bottle filler

Hi folks,

I am having a bit problem with my CP bottle filler. Bottles get filled
easily and when poured beer is OK (good head and well carbonated). The
problem I see is there is no "pop" or "fizz" when I open the bottle.
I had carbonated beer at 1 kg/cm2 (44 PSI) for 2 days and used same
pressure at CP filler; beer temperature is around -2 C (28 F)

Alex (in Brazil)


Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 05:27:18 -0800 (PST)
From: Steven Parfitt <thegimp98 at>
Subject: Re: Hot water heater elements

In HOMEBREW Digest #5280 Tue 22 January 2008

Brian Lundeen wonders about the safety of using an electric heating element
after removing hte copper by over-zealous cleaning.


> My electric kettle (built in Saskatoon Canada by someone who at last contact
> seemed to want to distance himself from ever having sold these commercially
> for fear of lawsuits)is fitted with a couple of 3000W low watt density
> elements which appear to be Giant 10G30 80 units, at least that is what is
> on the back cover plate. After my latest brew session, I seem to have
> scrubbed my way from a nice shiny copper surface to a dull silver one. In
> other words, my latest cleaning with a hot PBW solution and a soft scrubbie
> has taken away much of the copper sheathing and mostly exposed the metal
> underneath. I had no idea my cleaning regimen would do this to copper, but
> what's done is done, and I am now left with a dull silvery element of
> unknown makeup.
> Thanks
> Brian, in Winterpeg

All the elements I've disected have been constructed with an inner element
surrounded by ceramic insulating material and an outer metal sheith. The outer
covering is usually Inconel or stainless and may be copper or tin plated. The
insulated construction is for safety as it isolates the electrical element from
the liquid.

I would feel safe contenuing to use the element.

Steven, -75 XLCH- Ironhead Nano-Brewery
Johnson City, TN [422.7, 169.2] Rennerian

"There is no such thing as gravity, the earth sucks." Wings Whiplash - 1968


Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 07:27:04 -0800 (PST)
From: Matt <baumssl27 at>
Subject: michelob head

Joe explains airline cabin pressure and how it affects CO2 partial
pressure (only on the HBD...) and using those numbers it *seems* like
the difference should be negligible... but I have also noticed that
when I pour a beer at 11,000 ft (in the mountains) the head is immense
and it grows really fast as you pour. I don't know if that's due to
altitude or just some effect with the enameled steel mug I use.



Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 16:12:30 -0800
From: "Jim Dunlap" <jdpils at>
Subject: RE: Digest Traffic and 2206 Wyeast


I too have not posted in a long time. Mostly because of time and local club
yahoo groups. I think the HBD deserves more time from all of us still
brewing. I would say the HBD was always the best place to get very good
technical information. I also have found that there are always many
challenges that a homebrewer faces and each can be quite unique based on
one's own brewing system. Hopefully I can be more active posting in the

I have noticed that 2206 gets sluggish towards the end of fermentation and
likes a temp boost to 60 +/- 5F to finish. Even with a larger slurry it can
slow down at 50F. I pitched my yeast at 48F then after 10days brought it to
64F to finish. I do not think there is any diacetyl left, however I am
partial to a little for my taste. I have made a Classic Pils that fermented
in 7 days from 1052 to 1012 and a Maibock from 1064 to 1016. Usually I like
Wyeast 2124 bohemian yeast and this takes about 10 - 14 days to ferment out.


Jim Dunlap
Woodinville WA

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5281, 01/23/08

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