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HOMEBREW Digest #5306

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HOMEBREW Digest #5306		             Tue 04 March 2008 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: different bottle sizes (Mike)
2008 National Homebrew Competition ("Janis Gross")
RE: different bottle sizes ("Ronald La Borde")
Big bottle, small bottle... ("Pat Babcock")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 00:20:30 -0500
From: Mike <mharry2 at>
Subject: Re: different bottle sizes

>What I have noticed is that the larger bottles have a
>slight but distinctly sharper bitterness/hop taste too
>them when compared to the 330ml bottles.

Have you noticed a difference in carbonation from large to small
bottle? CO2 definitely accentuates bitterness, if you've ever tried
the same beer gassed with CO2 vs. gassed with nitrogen you'll really
notice the difference. This does amount to "taste buds playing tricks
on you" since the IBU isn't changed, the bitterness might just be
accentuated by the acidity of the carbonic acid (carbonated water)...
but I really don't know the explanation for it.

So that would be my first impression based on the fact that if you
batch prime, a large bottle will end up more carbonated than a small
bottle (less headspace for more fermentable sugar) which would then
highlight bitterness. But with one carbonation drop per bottle your
big bottles might be less carbonated... but who knows how much
residual fermentable sugar you had after your primary fermentation and



Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 09:12:37 -0700
From: "Janis Gross" <janis at>
Subject: 2008 National Homebrew Competition

Hi everyone,
I hope you have all been brewing up some stellar beer, mead,
and cider to enter in the 2008 National Homebrew Competition

This year, cider entries can be included with your beer and
mead entries. Send them all to your regional location, and
make one entry payment for all entries.

New this year, entry to the 2008 NHC is by online entry only.
In addition, you now have the option of paying for your entries
and/or AHA membership online.

The online entry link <>
and the Rules & Regulations (PDF file) and all the entry details
are posted on the Entry Information page on Beertown:

The entry deadline is March 31 through April 11 at the regional
receiving sites listed on the Entry Information page on Beertown
and shown on the map on page 22 of the March/April 2008 issue
of Zymurgy (Volume 31, Number 2).

NOTE: This year entrants in the Northwest Region from Idaho,
Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming can ship/drop-off
their entries at Pyramid Brewery in Seattle between March 10
and March 21, or they can ship entries directly to Anchorage
during the regular competition entry deadline, March 31 through
April 11. Entries sent to the Seattle location between March 10
and March 21 will be palletized and shipped on a barge to
Anchorage at no additional cost to the entrant.

NOTE: California entrants are again split between two regions.
The dividing line is set by the entrant's Zip code; Zip codes
lower than 93600 enter in the Southwest Region (San Diego, CA),
and greater than 93600 enter in the West Region (Concord, CA).

Good luck in the competition, and please volunteer to judge
or steward if you can!

Janis Gross
NHC Director
AHA Project Coordinator
janis at
303-447-0816 x134


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 16:38:26 -0600
From: "Ronald La Borde" <pivoron at>
Subject: RE: different bottle sizes

>From: "Greg and Rachel Barclay" <barclay1 at>

..My latest effort was bottled using both 500ml and 330ml bottles. What I
have noticed is that the larger bottles have a slight but distinctly
sharper bitterness/hop taste too them when compared to the
330ml bottles...

Oh Greg, surely you must know I cannot resist this!
I understand that some people eat the shells when enjoying barbequed shrimp.
I can't imagine doing that, but thruth is stranger than fiction.

But bottles! This is just going too far, the glass would seem to be much
worse than shrimp shells!

And now to more serious talk. I think the amount of carbonation can
definately affect the taste of the beer. I have this method that I use when
bottlilng with different size bottles. I measure out 640 milliliters of
boiled and cooled water and add the entire pack of priming sugar to it and

Why 640? Because 5 gallons of beer will be 640 ounces. So then I just add
the amount of this sugar liquid to each bottle according to the bottle size.
If I have a 16 ounce bottle, I add 16 milliliters to it, for a 12 ounce
bottle, 12 milliliters, etc.

Ronald J. La Borde -- Metairie, LA
New Orleans is the suburb of Metairie, LA
New Orleans is the New Atlantis


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 19:52:57 -0500 (EST)
From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at>
Subject: Big bottle, small bottle...

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...

On Tue, March 4, 2008 5:42 pm, "Greg and Rachel Barclay" <barclay1 at> wrote:

> My latest effort was bottled using both 500ml and 330ml bottles. What I
> have noticed is that the larger bottles have a slight but distinctly
> sharper bitterness/hop taste too them when compared to the
> 330ml bottles.

The carbon dioxide in beer is an overlooked source of bitterness, though
the larger bottles being more carbonated than the smaller would be
counter-intuitive. I vaguely recall discussions regarding more highly
carbonated beers interfering with the perception of hop bitterness. Maybe
this is at play here?


- --
See ya!

Pat Babcock in SE Michigan
Chief of HBD Janitorial Services
pbabcock at

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5306, 03/04/08

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