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HOMEBREW Digest #5253
HOMEBREW Digest #5253 Fri 09 November 2007
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RE: sour bottled beer (Dylan Wilder-Tack)
RE: sour bottled beer (Derric)
sour bottled beer with priming tabs (Aaron Martin Linder)
Brewing Equipment advice and opinions needed (njfoley)
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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 09:29:28 -0600
From: Dylan Wilder-Tack <dylan at>
Subject: RE: sour bottled beer
> Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2007 12:26:13 -0500
> From: Bob Hall <rallenhall at>
> Along the same line, do any of you have tricks you use to prime a
> small
> number of bottles now that I'm a bit gun-shy about priming tablets?
I do a similar thing - I tap-fill a few bottles right after kegging
(before carbonating the beer), and prime with cooper's carbonation
drops. I usually give the drops a quick dip in weak iodophor
solution, then let them sit in the bottle for a minute before filling.
The iodophor is probably unnecessary, but it it seems harmless and
gives me some peace of mind. I've never had a bottle go bad using
this method.
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 08:33:01 -0800 (PST)
From: Derric <derric1961 at>
Subject: RE: sour bottled beer
> Along the same line, do any of you have tricks you
> to prime a small number of bottles now that I'm a
> gun-shy about priming tablets?
Once I had to re-prime most of a batch so I made a
syrup, and used an eye-dropper to do each bottle.
My calculations were (oz is ounces by WEIGHT):
4 oz for 48 bottles means 1 oz for 12 bottles.
1 oz sugar in 1 oz water was about 36 ml,
so 1/12 of 36 is 3 ml.
Since mine were already partially carbonated, I only
used 2 ml and it worked perfectly. So, for 12
I'd say make a syrup of 1 oz sugar in 1 oz water and
use 3 ml in each bottle. DISCLAIMER: the above worked
for me once, so be sure you agree with the math, etc.,
before using it. I don't want to be responsible for
bottle bombs! :)
I think a syrup is easier to measure exactly than
granular sugar. You can also boil it for a bit if
you have concerns about contamination (but watch out
that too much water doesn't evap and change the "total
of 36 ml" bit which would affect the dose - just
figure 1/12 of whatever amount results from 1 oz
sugar in X water after boiling).
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 12:35:14 -0500 (EST)
From: Aaron Martin Linder <lindera at>
Subject: sour bottled beer with priming tabs
Bob Hall asked about prime tabs as a source of his sour bottled beers.
i've been a bit suspicious of my coopers priming drops as well. i've used
one bag for several months, just to bottle condition leftovers that i
can't fit into my keg.
sometimes they taste fantastic and sometimes they taste a bit off. i
don't know. the beer would have been wasted anyway, so i guess it's not a big
deal. the only solution i can see is to boil up a tiny amt. of water and
weigh out a precise amount of dextrose for priming and pipette into each
bottle! the other option is just to hope for the best with the tabs!
keep them cold once carbonated and drink them fast!
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 13:09:29 -0600
From: njfoley at
Subject: Brewing Equipment advice and opinions needed
After a pause of several year I am looking to get back into brewing again.
I used to do all grain brewing, mashing in a cooler with a copper manifold
and doing steam injections. However, I threw out that equipment set up a
few years ago after it got contaminated in a flood. I still have my
ceramic boil kettle that I used to use however, having started down the
path of considering new equipment, I am also considering a new kettle as
well. I have been shopping around a little to see what is available for
boil kettles with SS valves. Also, I have been considering my options for
lauter tuns. I am curious to hear your opinions about what boiling kettles
and lauter tuns you are using. Do you like them or not and why? Would you
do it different if you were setting up anew? Do any of you folks that have
a kettle equipped with a valve use it for both a lauter tun and then also
the boil kettle? Does that process flow work OK for you or is it too
inconvenient? I am curious to hear your opinions.
Marion, Iowa (5899, 94 Apparent Rennerian)
End of HOMEBREW Digest #5253, 11/09/07