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HOMEBREW Digest #5171

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HOMEBREW Digest #5171		             Fri 13 April 2007 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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A&E "American Brew" TV special ("Warren Brown")
MHTG Big & Huge Competition (Eric Schoville)
Pressure relief valve odor ("NS Teddy Winstead, MD, MS")
Final Call for Judges, NHC East Regional, Westlake OH (Paul Shick)
HCCP Release ("Al Folsom")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 00:13:52 -0400
From: "Warren Brown" < at>
Subject: A&E "American Brew" TV special

Having missed the airing, and not seeing it listed in their broadcast
schedule for the next month, is there anyone on the mailing list here that
recorded it and would be willing to make a copy of it? Please?




Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:18:27 -0500
From: Eric Schoville <eric at>
Subject: MHTG Big & Huge Competition

The Madison Homebrewers & Tasters Guild is proud to sponsor the 20th
Annual Big & Huge Homebrew Competition on Saturday, April 28th, 2007.

Homemade beers will be evaluated by the trained palates of experienced
beer judges. Beer evaluation sheets will be returned to every entrant
with helpful comments and advice. Awards will be presented in five
categories. The Best of Show beer will receive the coveted WOOLY MAMMOTH
plaque...AND two tickets to the Great Taste of the Midwest craft beer
festival. Again this year, the HAIRLESS MOUSE plaque will be awarded to
the winner of the CMS category.

The competition is sanctioned by the Beer Judge Certification Program
(BJCP) and will follow its competition procedures. Each beer will be
evaluated according to the 2004 BJCP style guidelines as indicated by
the brewer. Please contact us if you are interested in judging or

Eligible Categories and Sub Categories: 5-All; 8C; 9E; 12B,C; 13C,D,E,F;
14A,B,C; 15C; 16C,D,E; 17C; 18-All; 19A,B,C; 20 and up (if they fit the
original gravity requirement)

Categories: Category Original Specific Gravity
Big Ale 1.060 to 1.070
Big Lager 1.060 to 1.070
Huge Ale > 1.071-1.085
Huge Lager > 1.071-1.085
Mammoth Ale > 1.085
Mammoth Lager > 1.085
CMS (Ciders, Meads & Sakes) > 1.050

When: Saturday, April 28th, 2007

Where: Great Dane Pub & Brewing Co., Fitchburg, 2980 Cahill Main,
Fitchburg, Wisconsin

Entry Requirements: Two 12 ounce or larger bottles per entry. Bottles
and caps should have no labels or identifying marks. Attach one
completed entry form to each bottle with a rubber band. Include an entry
fee check payable to the Madison Homebrewers & Tasters Guild.

Entry Fee: $5 per entry

Entry Deadline: Wednesday, April 21st (Note that this is different than
the website).

Ship entries to:

Big & Huge Competition
c/o Wine & Hop Shop
1931 Monroe St.
Madison, WI 53711

For further info:

The MHTG website at
Mark Alfred at hulsie2002 at or
Mark Schnepper at mschnepper at


Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:44:07 -0500
From: "NS Teddy Winstead, MD, MS" <twinstead at>
Subject: Pressure relief valve odor

Aaron asks about removing the root beer smell from a pressure relief
valve -

I would recommend soaking it in a solution of warm water and baking
soda. I also wouldn't worry too much about getting rid of the odor
completely. I had some used 7 up kegs that I had trouble getting the
lemon-lime smell out of the poppets (which actually contact the
beer), but with time and beer the smell went away, and I never had
any off-flavors with them.

If noting else, use the keg for darker, stronger flavored brews for
the first batches. I don't think you'll have any trouble.


PS - with that kind of a valve, be really careful with the bottom
"nut" (the part inside the keg), they can crack really easily. I
usually put a little keg lube on the tread part and just hand-tighten
it then give it a little nudge with a wrench - should hold pressure
just fine.


Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:33:09 -0400
From: Paul Shick <shick at>
Subject: Final Call for Judges, NHC East Regional, Westlake OH


Dear BJCPers and other interested beer aficionados,

We are looking for judges for the 1st round of the American Homebrew
Association's NHC Eastern Region. Judging will be held on Friday
April 20th (evening), and Saturday April 21, 2007 (morning and
afternoon) at J.W. Dover in Westlake, Ohio. Lunch and Dinner
will be provided on Saturday for all judges. We are working on some
lodging accommodations for those of you traveling from nearby states.

Also, we will be throwing a usual banquet Saturday evening with a
great meal and of course-- BEER. If that is not enough, there will be
several flights to enjoy drinking homebrew.

If you are available to judge or know anyone who would like to judge,
please contact Bill Hoyt, Judge Coordinator via email
(wgh at

Hope to see you then!

For those that have already responded, my profound thanks and my
appreciation for ignoring my constant electronic badgering.


Bill Hoyt

NHC Eastern Region Judge Coordinator


Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 19:00:52 -0400
From: "Al Folsom" <alan at>
Subject: HCCP Release

For those using HCCP, my software package for homebrew competitions,
please note that there is a new bugfix release at

This version corrects two major problems, and several minor ones.
Major issues:

- The BJCP XML report now records data correctly and
validates against the current BJCP point award rules. The
XML reports will again be accepted by the BJCP for anyone
using this version or later.

- A bug in the judge assignment matrix software incorrectly
assumed an order in the Database which cannot be
guaranteed. This means if those tables have been reordered
saving the judge assignments would not work, and other
weirdnesses could occur in table data. This one bug could
cause an otherwise well-behaved program to go off the deep

I strongly suggest that anyone using HCCP grab this new version. It is fully
compatible with the databases of previous versions, so your people
information remains, and old contests can be reviewed.

HCCP is a powerful package for tracking entries, organizing a contest,
reviewing information, saving scores, and most of all managing judges. It's
also free. Software and documentation are available at


End of HOMEBREW Digest #5171, 04/13/07

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