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HOMEBREW Digest #5167

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HOMEBREW Digest #5167		             Thu 29 March 2007 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: Carboy on magnetic stirrer ("Craig S. Cottingham")
T1 Upgrade Update ("Pat Babcock")
Customer Service Kudo ("Richard Scotty")
Sulfate contribution of sodium metabisulfate (AVO Analyst)" <>
Re: Carboy on magnetic stirrer (John Schnupp)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 01:23:12 -0500
From: "Craig S. Cottingham" <craig.cottingham at>
Subject: Re: Carboy on magnetic stirrer

On Mar 28, 2007, at 10:09, "Doug Moyer" <shyzaboy at> wrote:

> Craig sez:
> - ----------------------------------------------
> You should see an eddy in the center of the liquid, like the kind
> you see
> when water is going down a drain. How deep/pronounced it is is a
> function of (among other things) how fast the stir bar is spinning
> (faster
> == deeper).
> Of course, if the beer is light enough and clear enough, you should
> just be
> able to see it. :-)
> - ---------------------------------------------
> You'd see a whirlpool even with a full five gallon carboy? It must
> not be
> working, then. Sigh.

It's all in your definition of "working". You'll see the whirlpool if
you're getting good, vigorous stirring out of your bar and plate.

> (FYI, I have a stir bar like this one:

Eep. 1 5/8" long, in the bottom of a 5 gallon carboy? I don't have
any equipment or measurements handy, but I'm thinking that 5 gallons
of beer in a carboy is very roughly 1 foot in diameter by 1 foot
high. [1] That seems like a wide vessel and a large volume of liquid
for that leetle bar to be stirring.

Between that, the woes you describe with getting the bar centered on
the plate (not so much a problem when it's a 2000 ml Erlenmeyer), and
the fact that you're just trying to degas your beer rather than
aerate it, maybe something like one of these would work better:


If you're in a hurry and have a short length of thin-wall copper
tubing lying around, I suspect you could make your own whip degasser
by giving it a slight bend, chucking it in a drill, and pulling the
trigger. [2]

[1] Yes, I know. That's why I said "very roughly". My degree is in
engineering, not math. :-)
[2] This suggestion is provided "AS-IS" and does not guarantee that
you won't scratch your carboy or do something else equally or more

- --
Craig S. Cottingham
BJCP Certified judge from Olathe, KS ([621, 251.1deg] Apparent
craig.cottingham at


Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 09:48:50 -0500 (EST)
From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at>
Subject: T1 Upgrade Update

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager, but do so s-l-o-w-l-y...

Well, folks, as a result of my plea for sponsors/donations in order to
bump the HBD up to T1 connectivcity, the HBD has received a whopping $75
and has had no response from last year's sponsor.

With the economy and job market as they are, my wife needing a
replacement car, kids liking to eat, etc., I cannot justify the added
expense - even if I drop our home internet service and move the family onto
the T1, I cannot move between what we pay for connectivity today to the cost
of the T1 without taking monies from my family.

So, since the current offer is up 31 March, the T1 project is scrapped until
and unless they make the offer again AND we've captured a sponsor. I guess
we're fast enough, for the time being.

And thanks to those who stepped up and pitched in. Your donations will still
be put to good use keeping the HBD online.

See ya!
Pat Babcock
Chief of Janitorial Services


Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 15:40:11 -0600
From: "Richard Scotty" <rscotty2 at>
Subject: Customer Service Kudo

I wanted to pass along a great customer service story about Williams Brewing
(No affiliation, yadda, yadda).

Its wine related, but Williams sells brewing supplies and equipment, so I
thought I'd pass the experience along. I purchased one of their wine kits
in January of '06 and never got around to making it because of other wine in
progress, full fermenters, sun spots - a million reasons.

I finally got round to bottling a merlot and cleaned my fermenter and
proceeded to start the wine kit. I bought a Cabernet kit and the box was
marked as a Cabernet, but when I opened the juice, it was obviously a white
wine kit that had been mis-marked.

I wrote Williams' customer service and explained the situation and even
though I'd had the kit for 15 months, they sent out a new Cabernet kit.
That's what I call good customer service!

Now I just have to figure out:
1. What kind of white wine I currently have under way.
2. How to get rid of it since I'm not a white wine drinker :-) I suppose I
can find a neighbor or two to take it off my hands when the time comes.

Kudos again to Williams!

Rich Scotty
Head Sommelier and bottle washer
The Crapshoot Winery


Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 17:08:31 -0800 (AKDT)
From: "Scott Stihler (AVO Analyst)" <scott at>
Subject: Sulfate contribution of sodium metabisulfate

I'm on a chloramine kick now but hopefully I will have my questions answered
and then I can move on.

First I'd like to thank the folks that answered my last question.

I recently came across a posting from 1998 by A.J. deLange which notes:

"Each tablet weighs about 695 mg of which about 45% is potassium and about
55% of which is sulfur dioxide so you can estimate the amounts of those which
will go into the water from the dose you use. The potassium stays through to
the beer. Each mg/L of free chlorine will convert 0.85 mg of sulfur dioxide
to 1.3 mg/L sulfate and each mg/L chloramine will convert 1.7 mg of SO2 to
2.7 mg/L sulfate."

"...If all the SO2 in a Campden tablet is converted to sulfate 683 mg of
sulfate are added."

1998 was a quite a while ago. Have these values been revised or is there any
reason to believe that they are no longer valid?

I assume that if the tablets are a different size that percentages should be
more of less the same. Correct?

I've seen Campden tablets composed of potassium as well as sodium

Have similar values been determined for sodium metabisulfite? If so, what
are they?

One final chloramine question and then hopefully we can move on in this

In "An Analysis of Brewing Techniques" it was noted that deionization
largely leaves the chloramine levels unchanged.

Is this correct?

Or is this similar to RO filtration in that there is an inline activated
carbon filter that removes the chlorine/chloramines first?

Thank you for all the water chemistry help!


Scott Stihler
Fairbanks, Alaska
[2874, 324.9] Apparent Rennerian


Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 18:58:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Schnupp <john.schnupp at>
Subject: Re: Carboy on magnetic stirrer

>You'd see a whirlpool even with a full five gallon carboy? It must not be
>working, then. Sigh. (FYI, I have a stir bar like this one:
>I may transfer it again to a six gallon carboy if the bottom of that size is
>flatter (the five is raised slightly in the middle).

I think you'll find that all the carboys have a decent curve in the bottom.
Also, the glass is thicker on the bottom than on the sides. Even if you bottom
was mostly flat you might have a problem coupling the stir bar. You may need
to find a way to somehow move the motor/magnet closer to the bottom of the
carboy. If you have a commercial stirrer it may require some disassembly.

Back when I was activly brewing, I was using a 4L wine jug to grow starters and
it had a slight curve in the bottom that a flat stirrer could not couple to
stir bar very well. I made my own stirrer and built in some adjustability
(vertical movement of the motor/magnet specifically to address the curved
bottoms on many carboys and other glass jugs.

John Schnupp, N3CNL
Georgia, VT
'95 XLH 1200 64,000

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5167, 03/29/07

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