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HOMEBREW Digest #5155

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HOMEBREW Digest #5155		             Mon 05 March 2007 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Wyeast 3068 ("A.J deLange")
Beer in Little Rock ("Chuck Dougherty")
Re: Aging IPAs (Jeff Renner)
Location, location, location (Jeff Renner)
Re: doppelbocks (Linda Owens)
Re: doppelbock ("Rick Garvin")
dry ice carbonation ("Chad Stevens")
Call for Judges and Entries for Las Vegas Winterfest's (Scott Alfter)
Hopping Rates ("Dave and Joan King")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2007 13:02:46 +0000
From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at>
Subject: Wyeast 3068

Rowan asked about the ADF from Wyeast 3068 (which is supposed to be the
Weihenstephan 68) so I looked back in my records far enough to find 5
beers brewed with it. The ADF's were 74.8, 77.4, 80.3, 73.9 and 77.7%.
My supplier went out of business and the new supplier I went to doesn't
carry much Wyeast so I tried the White Labs WLP300 having seen somewhere
that it is the Weihenstephan 68 strain. From the single brew I did with
it I got an ADF of 77.6. I then saw somewhere else on the net that
WLP380 is actually the Weihenstephan 68 and so did my next two wheat
beers (one of which was a bock) with it. The attenuations were 65% and
65.4%. Isn't that interesting? This isn't a whole lot of data to draw
conclusions from but I think the answer to Rowan's question is yes,
Wyeast 3068 is capable of 80% ADF but it can also come in somewhat less
than that. To get the higher number use a long, low temperature, maltose
rest, pitch a good quantity of yeast, oxygenate well and ferment at a
relatively warm temperature.



Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 09:34:32 -0600
From: "Chuck Dougherty" <jdougherty at>
Subject: Beer in Little Rock

Michael Forshaw asks about beer in Little Rock, and Stephen Johnson
Boscos based on his visits to its other locations. Boscos is indeed a
choice here. If you catch it at happy hour, you may be able to check
one of their cask-conditioned brews. They tap a small keg each weekday
afternoon, but when it's gone, it's gone. The food there is top notch,
which is
what has saved Boscos from the fate suffered by the two previous
brewpubs at its
location. Boscos is in the Museum of Discovery building in the River
District; ask anybody in LR where that is and you'll get there. If you
staying at the Peabody or Doubletree downtown, it's a very short walk
east down

Another brewpub to check out is Vino's on 7th and Chester. The
atmosphere is
very different there, more the tattoos-and-piercings crowd rather than
business folks you see at Boscos, but if you go early in the evening
(before the
bands show up) you can enjoy a good beer in relative peace with one of
excellent pizzas or calzones.

Looks like you won't be here for the regular Saturday tours offered at
microbrewery, Diamond Bear Brewing, but you might want to give them a
anyway if you have time to kill and see if anybody is around to show you
place. They do have a taproom. Their American pale ale is a very good
of the style.

Chuck Dougherty
Little Rock, AR (if you couldn't tell from the post)


Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 10:46:10 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <jsrenner at>
Subject: Re: Aging IPAs


My two pence here - I love aged historic style IPAs (as opposed to
modern American style). I brewed a 1.070/150* IBU all Maris Otter/
Goldings IPA based on recipes in the Durden Park beer Circle book in
August, 2003. I double racked it and dry hopped it for two weeks
before bottling it at three months.

When I bottled it it was tongue-slammingly bitter, but not at all
harsh or rough, with nice fruity and spice notes. Lots of malt,
naturally, and good resinous, fruity hop flavor and aroma.

A year later it still had good hop flavor and aroma. The bitterness
had mellowed so that it was quite pleasant, though still way moe
bitter than most beers.

I haven't made tasting notes since then, but I have been drinking a
bottle every few months since then and still have five left. The hop
character has diminished somewhat as I recall, but there is still
some. The beer is by no means tired, but I think it was at its best
a year or two ago. This is a testament to the efficacy of bottle

So, my recommendation is to rack to a third container and dry hop
before bottling, and then keep it and enjoy it over a period of
several years.

* Of course, while I used enough hops to theoretically get in the
neighborhood of 150 IBU, it probably wouldn't assay at that level
since there is a limit of solubility. But it was very, very bitter
with massive hop character.


- ---
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, jsrennerATumichDOTedu
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 10:48:40 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <jsrenner at>
Subject: Location, location, location


It's time for my semiannual request that folks include their location
when posting on HBD.

There are several reasons to do this - it might help answer your
question, such as questions about available supplies, water, etc.; it
helps foster community; it can add to the information base, such as
Mike Racette recent post about his water supply (I'd like to know
where that water is found); and you might just find other homebrewers
in your area you never knew were there.

And, newcomers who wonder what this Rennerian stuff is, it came about
from this request 11 years ago. The whole story can be found at


- ---
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, jsrennerATumichDOTedu
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943
Calculate your Rennerian Coordinates at


Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2007 09:49:10 -0600
From: Linda Owens <lkowens at>
Subject: Re: doppelbocks

If you look at Darryl Richman's book in the style series, he recommends
only adding a touch of roast malts (about 2 oz) to provide color. You
really don't want roasty flavors, just a smooth, clean malty character.
You get this by using lots of munich malt. The need for a decoction
mash is a point of disagreement among brewers, but Richman insists
that it is the only way to get the melanoidin flavors that are so critical
to the style. I've tasted a side by side comparison of an infusion mash
doppelbock (with kettle caremelization of first runnings) and a triple
decoction doppelbock. The decocted version was better.

Richman's recipe for a decocted doppelbock is:
1.5 pounds lager malt
10.25 munich malt
0.5 pale caramel
0.5 dark caramel
2 oz chocolate
If you are going to do an infusion mash instead, use 1 pound
of dark crystal and cut the pale crystal (and maybe use
the melanoidin malt, but I've never used it so don't have
any recommendations).


>Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2007 00:45:46 -0500
>From: "Peter A. Ensminger" <ensmingr at>
>Subject: doppelbock

>This motivated me to brew my own doppelbock next weekend. Decoctions are
>a PITA for me. How do I get that roasty-toasty character and all that
>complexity? Weyerman melanoiden malt? How much? Dark malt (chocolate
>malt, roasted barley, ...) How much?


Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 11:14:41 -0500
From: "Rick Garvin" <rgarvin at>
Subject: Re: doppelbock

I've been working on our bocks intensively for a couple of years now. I have
found no substitute for decoctions. Melanoidin malt can give some of the
aroma, but not the mouthfeel - full bodied without being worty.

You can get by with a single long decoction and get much of the benefits of
creating a more complex malt profile. My first decoction is very thick, for
40 minutes and provides a good bit of color. Since we use 100% Weyermann
Dark Munich a lot of the color comes from the decoctions.

On yeast, the WLP bock yeast works well. It is a very low sulfur producer
and produces drinkable beer in four weeks. I pitch 2 vials in a one gallon
starter for 12 gallons and ferment at 50F to start, then reduce a couple of
degrees per day to 45F as the krausen gets active. A 1.090 beer finishes at
about 1.026 with good alcohol integration. I've tried the WLP 830 yeast, our
standard for pils and kellerbier, and it turned out noticably alcoholic and
took 3 months for the sulfur to settle down. Good enough to win ribbons, but
the bock yeast versions are doing better at competitions this year.

Let me know how your non-decocted doppelbock turns out. I'd be willing to
trade bottles.

Cheers, Rick


Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 09:07:38 -0800
From: "Chad Stevens" <zuvaruvi at>
Subject: dry ice carbonation

How many grams of dry ice does it take to carbonate a 12 oz. bottle of beer?
...after donning your eye protection of course!

Chad Stevens
San Diego

(Kids, don't try this at home)


Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2007 10:38:53 -0800
From: Scott Alfter <scott at>
Subject: Call for Judges and Entries for Las Vegas Winterfest's

It's not too late to get your entries in for Winterfest! Las Vegas Winterfest
2007 is this Saturday, on 10 March 2007. We're looking to grow the competition
back to what it used to be, and we need your entries! As long as your beer
gets here by Friday, you're in.

Two bottles and $6.00 is all it takes to get your beer, mead, or cider in.
Shipped entries are accepted 26 February to 9 March. If you're coming from out
of town to judge or steward, you can save a few bucks and bring your entries
with you.

This year's competition will be held at the Freakin' Frog, on Maryland Parkway
across from UNLV. We'll need all of the judges and stewards we can muster; if
you're interested, send me some mail.

For more detailed info, see our competition webpage:

Thanks, and good luck to all entrants!

Scott Alfter
scott at


Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 19:54:50 -0500
From: "Dave and Joan King" <dking3 at>
Subject: Hopping Rates

Jim Brischke asked about hop levels in old British Beers. I've read (in
Zymurgy, I believe?) that hops used to be very low in AA back a long time
ago. Our improved hops have been refined by many years of selective

Dave King, President of BIER
[396.1, 89.1] Apparent Rennerian

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5155, 03/05/07

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