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HOMEBREW Digest #5136

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HOMEBREW Digest #5136		             Thu 25 January 2007 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Subject: re: Possible Problems Malting Corn ("Chad Stevens")
RE: A Linux version of homebrew software ("Anton Walters")
Re: body in Flanders red ale (Paul Waters)
malting wheat (eric stiegman)
Wyeast "Lactobacillus Delbrueckii" (Matt)
Flanders Red (Matt)
Malting ("Dan Listermann")
More Water Analysis ("Joe Schwab")
Stogies and Stouts in Dunedin Florida (HamFon\)" <>

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 20:06:16 -0800
From: "Chad Stevens" <zuvaruvi at>
Subject: Subject: re: Possible Problems Malting Corn

Marc Dubeau says,

> I am trying to malt some corn to make Chicha. The problem is that the
>malt smells like farts and corn. There seemed to be a little bit of mold on
>the corn as it was sprouting.

Mostly good observations from Steve.

I've done a lot of malting, and I've made Chicha. One thing to keep in
mind, Corona mills are made to handle wet corn. Get the corn wet, let it
sprout just till you have a hint of sweetness in a chewed kernel...the
acrospire will be about 1/4 to 1/2 the length of the kernel...then grind the
stuff IMMEDIATELY before any funk sets in and mash it then and there as
normal...whatever that is...I've had good results with a slow rise to 146
and a bump up to 154.

That's my $0.02.

Chad Stevens
San Diego

Now accepting entries and judge registration for America's Finest City
Homebrew Competition at


Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 23:20:16 -0800
From: "Anton Walters" <antonw at>
Subject: RE: A Linux version of homebrew software

Greetings beer software gurus,

If you're building new homebrewing software, please consider using BeerXML
exchange recipes with other programs using a standard format. You can find
more information about the newest version at:

Have fun!

Stirring the mash in Seattle, WA


Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 05:39:19 -0800 (PST)
From: Paul Waters <pwaters3 at>
Subject: Re: body in Flanders red ale

Mark asks about the body in Flanders style red ale

I haven't had a lot of experience with that style
because the beers that I have tasted in that style
(Rodenbach's) where tart/sour and had a thin watery
mouthfeel which is why I have had much experience with
brewing that Style.

So, in my opinion I think you nailed it for style, so
congratulations and have a homebrew ;)

Paul W
Mad Cow Brewing


Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 22:26:37 -0600
From: eric stiegman <stiegy at>
Subject: malting wheat

Before the subject gets to cold. How does one determine when wheat if
properly modified? The barley float test does not seem to work (at
least for me). Has anyone ever found a textbook that is only about
malting? The Alaskan Bootleggers Bible is good on basics and various
commercial brewing texts devote a few chapters on it (De Clerck,
Briggs, and Wright texts). Any suggestions? Thanks, Eric S. , Central


Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:39:49 -0800 (PST)
From: Matt <baumssl27 at>
Subject: Wyeast "Lactobacillus Delbrueckii"

(Warning: the below uses the word "dextrin" in a very imprecise manner,
considering recent posts.)

I am looking for a good lactobacillus that will sour wort during
primary fermentation, and then leave it alone after that. I have read
somewhere that l. brevis is the only lactobacillus that can hydrolyze
"dextrins" (someone please correct that if it's wrong). Therefore, any
other strain should fit the "leave it alone after primary fermentation"
part. I'd also like a homofermentative strain, since
heterofermentative bugs might change carbonation levels and produce
less lactic acid for a given amount of sugar.

Since l. delbrueckii is homofermentative, I started playing around with
a pack of Wyeast "l. delbruecki," trying to figure out how to get it to
really sour a beer well. I had a hard time getting really strong
sourness from this bug, even when pitched by itself into wort and held
at 90F (plenty of DMS though).

Recently I heard that lactobacillus sours better when pitched with a
saccharomyces, since the yeast keeps thing anaerobic and the C02
somehow helps the lacto. I have also heard that repitching Roselare
leads eventually to beers with very high acid content. So, it would
make sense to play with a mixed sacc/lacto culture instead.

I have not gone on to try anything along these lines, though, because
when I was playing with the Wyeast bug by itself, I noticed it seemed
to be producing a lot of gas. Since l. delbrueckii is
homofermentative, this surprised me. I emailed Wyeast (who I have
found to be very responsive and helpful, by the way) and they replied
that indeed, the strain they provide _does_ produce CO2...

Yeah, so, anyway, as I said I want a homofermentative strain, and I'm
wondering if anyone has had good experiences using any of the

1. lactobacillus acidophilus tablets (I have even seen some that are
claimed to be grown on some kind of carrot extract rather than milk)
2. freeze dried yogurt cultures ("Yo-gourmet" or some such)
3. quality yogurt
4. anything else?



Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:48:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Matt <baumssl27 at>
Subject: Flanders Red

I too brewed a Flanders Red/Brown adapted from a Sparrow recipe, found
the body a bit thin, and made efforts to increase the body on a recent
second batch. Here's what I did and why--but I won't know if it worked
for quite a while.

First, the recipe had some flaked maize (might have been the session
Brown recipe, actually) which I replaced with malt on this second
batch. Also I replaced half of the base malt (which was all pils) with
Vienna. I think the effect of these changes will mainly be to deepen
the malt flavor (which I wanted) but it may add some body too.

Other ideas:

1. Mash at a higher temp--but the brett might still strip everything

2. Add a lot of protien (using wheat). I bet this would help, but it
might take you closer to lambic than "Flanders Red", if you care.

3. Since you want more sweetness, I think there might be a pretty good
solution for you--add more crystal. I don't think the brett can strip
out all the caramelized stuff, and it will add sweetness and perhaps
some viscosity/body.

Finally, Frank Boon once said something to the effect that lactic acid
adds body to highly attenuated beers. Since you want more sourness
anyway, getting more lactate from your bugs would probably help. I
have some questions about lacto bugs, but I've put those in a
different post.



Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:03:21 -0500
From: "Dan Listermann" <dan at>
Subject: Malting

When I malted, I found, as Steve points out, that infection is the primary
problem. I worked around the problem by bubbling air up through the steep.
The infections are largely anaerobic. Air stops the problem. I only had to
change the water once a day.

As for couching, I did it on a screen box. This made sure that no water
pooled around any malt and, again, kept the anaerobic bugs away.

For drying, I mounted the screen box over two box fans and enclosed the
sides with cardboard. The drying air just gets sucked through the piece.
In short order the malt is dry to the touch.

I could never get kilning down right so I just made "wind malt" - air dried

Use of Her dryer for the removal of the rootlets will cause marital
problems - this is the voice of experience.

Dan Listermann


Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 15:57:02 -0600
From: "Joe Schwab" <joeschwabmd at>
Subject: More Water Analysis

I'm an extract brewer who has recently transitioned to all-grain
brewing. I'm using my municipal water from the city of Milwaukee and
am interested in getting opinions on what I would need to do to the
water (if anything) to optimize brewing the kinds of beers I like
(mostly light lagers like Bohemian Pilsners and Munich Helles).

Here is the information I get from the Milwaukee Water Works (all
median values):

pH 7.55
Total Alkalinity, CaCO3, 99 mg/L
Total hardness, CaCO3, 134 mg/L
Calcium, Ca, 35 mg/L
Sodium, Na, 7.5 mg/L
Magnesium, Mg, 11 mg/L
Bicarbonate, HCO3, 121 mg/L
Sulfate, SO4-S, 30 mg/L
Chloride, Cl, 13.4 mg/L

Any advice would be appreciated.



Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 22:57:49 -0500
From: "Nelson \(HamFon\)" <nelson at>
Subject: Stogies and Stouts in Dunedin Florida

Dunedin Brewery (in Dunedin Florida) is hosting the 5th annual Stogies and
Stouts party coming up 2 weeks from today! Time is from 7pm to 11pm on
Thursday, February 8, 2007. There are 200 tickets total - get yours before
they sell out!

Tickets are available on the DBG web page ( then
click on Shopping Cart on the left menu), on the Best Florida Beer web page
( then click on Events), and also from World Of Beer
(Clearwater and Westchase), Beer and Winemakers Pantry, Brewshack, and at
the Dunedin Brewery.

Your $20 ticket ($25 at the door, if not sold out) will get you samples of
each of the 15-20 stouts (also porters and dark beers), as well as a premium
cigar. We've got some great beers lined up already, and more coming!

See you there! Cheers :)

Nelson Crowle
Nelson at
Nelson at

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5136, 01/25/07

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