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HOMEBREW Digest #5151

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HOMEBREW Digest #5151		             Wed 28 February 2007 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Bootlegger's Supply (Albuquerque\)" <>
Should I rack my IPA? ("Mark McGee")
Water testing and adjusting ("Robert Zukosky")
Good place for beer in Plano/Addison, TX ("Tray Bourgoyne")
Glue for bottle labels (Richard Lynch)
Glue for bottle labels ("Spencer W. Thomas")
Wyeast Lacto Strain (Matt)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 08:54:33 -0800
From: "Lane, Mark C. \(Albuquerque\)" <MarkC.Lane at>
Subject: Bootlegger's Supply

Hello, all. I've been away from the digest for a while. I live in
Albuquerque, NM, and it
appears my local shop has closed. Does anybody know of any information
regarding Bootlegger's Supply and why it closed?

Thank you,


Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 12:45:57 -0000
From: "Mark McGee" <mark at>
Subject: Should I rack my IPA?


I'm a first-time poster here, but I've been lurking for about 3 years. I
have a question about my IPA - this is the biggest beer I've ever brewed.

I brewed a 1.070 gravity, 200 IBU IPA about 3 weeks ago, I'm expecting to
have to leave this to mellow for a good 6 months at least.

It's had one week primary, and two weeks in a corny for secondary. Seeing
as I'm going to be storing this for a long time (never made a beer for
keeping before), should I rack this over to another keg for long term
storage? I'm worrying about yeast autolysis, but I'm sure I'd need some
yeast for the aging process.

Also, I have a chest freezer, sitting at about 2C (~36F), should I leave the
IPA in there the whole time or just leave it at ambient (UK temps, so can be
anywhere from freezing to 75-80F in the summer)?


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Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 09:40:27 -0500
From: "Robert Zukosky" <zukoskyrobert at>
Subject: Water testing and adjusting

I want to compliment and thank A.J. deLange for his concise reply to my
questions about water testing and PH.

Searching my library I came across an article by Marc Sedam "Engineering the
perfect Pint" in the July/August 1998 issue of BrewingTechniques. This is a
must read for those that want to know more about water adjustment for brewing.
Sedam also references deLange's articles on PH.

Thanks again for these definitive works. Too bad BrewingTechnics is no longer.


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Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 19:22:50 -0600
From: "Tray Bourgoyne" <tray at>
Subject: Good place for beer in Plano/Addison, TX

Can anyone tell me a place to enjoy a good beer in Addison, Tx? I am
spending alot of time in the Plano/Addison area lately. I've searched the
net and the Flying Saucer seems pretty cool.




Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:08:36 -0800 (PST)
From: Richard Lynch <rlny7575 at>
Subject: Glue for bottle labels

Hey Everyone. My sis designed a really great label
for a home brew of mine, and I'm wondering what kind
of glue would be best to adhere it to glass bottles.
I'd prefer something easy to remove.
I've noticed that labels from many European beers
(especially the from older breweries like
Weihenstephan) come right off in hot water, while most
American beer labels (except Sam Adams) are glued on
with a damn-near permanent glue.
Any suggestions?


Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:26:52 -0500
From: "Spencer W. Thomas" <hbd at>
Subject: Glue for bottle labels

My favorite is skim milk. As long as your labels can stand to get wet
when you're applying them, and as long as you're not going to dunk the
bottles into a bucket of ice to keep them cold at a party, it works
great, and the labels come right off when you wash the bottles. Simply
slide the back of the label across the top of a saucer of skim milk,
then apply it to the bottle and gently press on with a towel (to absorb
excess milk). When it dries, the label will be securely glued to the

=Spencer in Ann Arbor
(Taking advantage of HBD janitor status to reply early. :-)


Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:04:24 -0800 (PST)
From: Matt <baumssl27 at>
Subject: Wyeast Lacto Strain

I mentioned in HBD 5136 that in messing around with the Wyeast
"Lactobacillus Delbrueckii" strain it looked like it was producing
quite a bit of CO2. But lactobacillus delbrueckii is homofermentive,
and hence does not produce significant CO2. Surprising. And also
annoying, since I had spent some time looking up information on l.
delbrueckii and it appeared this strain might not be what it was

I emailed Wyeast about this and they were actually pretty responsive.
After some discussion back and forth, I got an email today with the
following information (and permission to share it publicly):

"You are correct, the strain you have received is a heterofermentative
strain of lactobacillus and is not L. delbrueckii. We have recently
replaced the L.del. culture with another strain of lactobacillus. Most
likely it Lactobacillus brevis. It is a strain of Lactobacillus
isolated from a Berliner weisse. Considering the source, we think it is
brevis. We are in the process of analyzing to make a definitive species
determination. The packaging/marketing/technical info has been in the
process of switching to this new strain. You will probably see this in
the next package you purchase."

Also, "We sell this strain for the purpose of souring wort/beer. We try
to provide the best strain we can find for doing this. This is why it
was recently switched."

So, I give them credit for making this information available, but on
the other hand it's their responsibility not to sell the strain as
something it's not.

More broadly, how do we know the lacto, brett, etc strains we buy (from
White Labs or Wyeast) are what they are labelled? It's a complex
issue--sending strains out to get typed is expensive and might even
make it unprofitable for them to even supply these strains. But at the
very least, the strains should carry accurate labels, such as "souring
lactobacillus" or some such.

Perhaps we should be emailing these companies and asking how they know
their strains are what they are labelled. In the meantime, I think it's
wise to only assume (at most) that the "lacto", "pedio", or "brett"
portion of the strain name is correct.


End of HOMEBREW Digest #5151, 02/28/07

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