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HOMEBREW Digest #5084

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HOMEBREW Digest #5084		             Fri 03 November 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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first press, Japanese sake ("Bob Devine")
Steve's Mystery Illness (was: Malt Free Beer) ("Alexandre Enkerli")
Esterification (typo correction to previous post in Digest #5077) ("Fredrik")
Yeast bite (Fred L Johnson)
Re: Sankeys ("Eric and Susan")
making candy sugar ("Brian Pic")
Re: Malt Free Beer? (JSC-NS\)[AND]" <>
Pumpkin ale surprise/kirin ressing/Unibroue yeast ("steve.alexander")
Wort Oxygenation ("Richard Schmittdiel")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 21:26:45 -0800
From: "Bob Devine" <devinebob at>
Subject: first press, Japanese sake

"David Lewinnek" wrote:
> My guess about the "first pressings" term is that the Japanese use the
> same term for for the brewing of beer and for sake. [...]
> Although I don't know the actual term used by Kirin, my guess is that
> there's a single Japanese phrase for both first runnings

I don't know. Good info on sake:

Bob Devine


Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 01:11:35 -0500
From: "Alexandre Enkerli" <enkerli at>
Subject: Steve's Mystery Illness (was: Malt Free Beer)

Steve in Vancouver (BC) writes:

> Well, as a disappointing resolution to some mystery illnesses I have just
> found out that I have significant allergies to barley, malt and wheat among
> other things. The good news is that I do not have celiac disease, and my
> allergies are limited to "only" barley, malt and wheat as far as beer is
> concerned.

Unfortunately, I have nothing to contribute. But I really find it
quite sad that "one of us" has to avoid malt. Man!
And it sounds like celiac has been claiming more and more brewers. Sheesh!

Now, I'm sure he'll chime in (it's been a while, though, so he might
be buried under some mangoes) but Gram Senders from the oh-zee
craftbrewers podcast had a series of things to say about gluten-free
beer. Can't remember precisely and it might be that most of it still
contained malted grain, but it might be a good idea to check with some
of the Aussie gang.

If you end up experimenting with sake-related methods and ingredients
(say, komi-koji), please do report back!
I for one would love to hear about an actual rice beer. How does a
RicePA sound? :-)

- --


Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 07:45:43 +0100
From: "Fredrik" <carlsbergerensis at>
Subject: Esterification (typo correction to previous post in Digest #5077)

Not that it matters to the principal discussion but I just happened to skim
through my old post I did in Digest #5077 and found that part of an
expression is missing.

> After some straightforward formula manipulations we get the
> esterification rate V := d[Ester]/dt can be written as
> V = A*e^(-Ea/RT)*[1 - Q/Keq]

The correct form of the formula is

V = A*e^(-Ea/RT)*[Acid]*[Alcohol]*[1 - Q/Keq]

The only purpose of quoting that particular expression is that it
illustrates that
- the direction of esterification (that is, do we get esterification or
- as well as the rate
depends on the concentrations and the activty quotient.

(When esterases are involved the enzyme concentration as well as substrate
affinities will of course enter the rate equation too, making it just
slighly more



Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 07:21:53 -0500
From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at>
Subject: Yeast bite

Dear Darrell:

Darrell noticed that his bottled beer has cleared but that this same
beer in a 2.25 gallon pig has yeast bite after one month. Darrell
didn't say that the pigged beer was clear or not. If not, it certainly
is yeast.

I have always noticed that bottled beer clears of yeast much faster
than the bulk beer in any large container. It probably is simply a
function of how far the yeast has to fall and the final gravity of the
beer. This is especially noticeable with low-flocculating strains or
when the gravity of the beer is approaches 1.02.

Having said that, I am a little surprised that yeast would still be in
suspension after one month unless the gravity is pretty high.

Fred L Johnson
Apex, North Carolina, USA


Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 12:47:00 -0600
From: "Eric and Susan" <eska at>
Subject: Re: Sankeys

Here is a inexpensive kit for using sankeys at home.

Happy kegging,


Eric Armstrong


Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 14:19:00 -0500
From: "Brian Pic" <bpicke at>
Subject: making candy sugar

>I've been inverting and carmalizing cane sugar for
>years and am quite pleased with it. I generally do a
>complete 5# bag at once and put it in ball mason jars
>while boiling hot, put the lids on and let them cool.
>I have kept them for up to a year with no noticable
>adverse effect.

How do you go about this? How much water do you
add for 5# of sugar? You boil it? For how long?
Doesn't it just solidify into a huge blob in the Ball jar?
Or, does it stay liquid? How do you go about getting it out?
With a knife? What color is it when you are done? Can you just
boil longer to get dark candi sugar, and less for light?


Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 13:48:53 -0600
From: "Daniel, Steven J. \(JSC-NS\)[AND]" <steven.j.daniel at>
Subject: Re: Malt Free Beer?

Lakefront makes a sorghum beer called New Grist. I've tried it and it's
not bad. It's a little tangy with some honey-like aftertaste. Scott
Birdwell of Defalco's is trying to find either malted sorghum or sorghum
extract due to increasing interest in gluten-free beer. I don't know if
he's had any luck yet, but you can give him a call at 713-523-8154. You
might also try calling Lakefront Brewery to see where they're getting
their supplies.

Steve Daniel


Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 15:33:05 -0500
From: "steve.alexander" <-s at>
Subject: Pumpkin ale surprise/kirin ressing/Unibroue yeast

Bernd Neumann suggests ....

>I've made pumpkin ale by two methods: using unbaked pumpkin meat, and using
>baked pumpkin meat carmalized in an oven.

I've a better suggestion for pumpkin beer. Add the pumpkin spices to
the beer and keep the pumpkin separate, dashing it to bits in a 5 gallon
bucket and adding enough cool water to make a thick pumpkin mash.
After the sparge, add a few quarts of the spent grist to the pumpkin
bucket. Let the two 'ferment' seperately. When the beer is ready in
~3 weeks, take the rotted pumpkin-in-a-bucket pour it over your head and
repeat 3 times, "Real brewers do not ferment vegetables". Shower and
have a nice pumpkin-spiced beer. This *may* cure you of your bad
habits. This method also works with carrots, beets, potatoes and other
ill-advised vegetable beer styles.

If anyone actually "pressed" the mash rather than using first wort,
they'd extract a lot of lipids and would likely add some poor flavors to
the beer.

The Unibroue yeast is indeed a fast fermenter as Spencer suggests, but
it's also subject to fairly rapid autolysis. DON'T leave a beer
sitting on this one too long.



Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 18:38:01 -0800
From: "Richard Schmittdiel" <schmitrw at>
Subject: Wort Oxygenation

I'm pretty well sold on the benefits of oxygenating wort at the time the
yeast is pitched. I've been using an oxygen stone plus one of those screw
on regulators that work with the little $10 bottles of oxygen from the local
hardware store. Results have seemed to be better than without using that,
especially for higher gravity worts. Final gravity seems to be closer to
what my brew software predicts. I'm already doing the multiple yeast step
ups, so I'm pitching close to the optimum, I hope.

But I'm pretty tired of buying one of those $10 oxygen bottles, and only
getting a couple of batches of wort before the bottle is empty. It always
seems to come up empty on brew day. And I never finish brewing while the
hardware store is open...Yeah, I guess I could always buy two bottles at a
time. But is there something better?

So, what hardware or techniques are the rest of you using to oxygenate your
wort at pitching time? Descriptions or links to photos of your set up would
be appreciated. Anyone using larger bottles of oxygen with regulators?
Tell me and the rest of us about your regulator and set up.

Rich Schmittdiel
Possum Holler Brewery
in So. California

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5084, 11/03/06

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