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HOMEBREW Digest #5076

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HOMEBREW Digest #5076		             Mon 23 October 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Spooky Brew Review Needs Judges! (Roger Deschner)
Rocket Fuel and Fusels ("Alexandre Enkerli")
Bubble Gum Smell ("Joe Aistrup")
Belgian Schelde (Wyeast 3655) ("Alexandre Enkerli")
accelerating secondary ferment (Matt)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:11:30 -0500 (CDT)
From: Roger Deschner <rogerd at>
Subject: Spooky Brew Review Needs Judges!

This is the second call for judges to help us judge the CBS Spooky Brew
Review Homebrew Competition.

This BJCP/AHA Sanctioned competition will be held on Saturday October
28, at Flossmoor Station Brewpub, 1035 Sterling Avenue, in suburban
Flossmoor, IL. (Map, other info,
Flossmoor Station just won Small Brewpub of The Year at GABF in Denver,
so you know that there will be something award-winning on draught for
calibration, lunch beers.

Judging will start at 9:00. There is a Metra Electric train that leaves
Millennium Park Station in Downtown Chicago at 7:48 arriving at 8:34, in
time for continental breakfast before judging. The train stops right
there - the brewpub is the old previous train depot. Return trains to
Downtown run hourly through the afternoon and evening, in time for that
halloween party you're planning to attend.

Please register by email to roger at and In
your email, please mention if you have any entries, and also if there
are any styles you feel particularly able or unable to judge. Also
mention if you think you are up to judge one of the "spooky" categories
- these judges could appear in costume for the benefit of photos.

Thank you in advance for your help with what is always a fun
competition, in a great location this year.

Roger Deschner Chicago Beer Society roger at


Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 23:51:42 -0400
From: "Alexandre Enkerli" <enkerli at>
Subject: Rocket Fuel and Fusels

Ok, this may be silly but after all this talk about fusels, I'd feel
sillier not to ask.
What gives some of our high-alcohol beverages (mead especially) its
"rocket fuel" taste, if it's not fusel alcohols? And if it is fusel
alcohols, how come they can age out? Or is the issue that they do age
out but that aging takes a lot of time?
Sorry, I'm a bit confused and thought I might ask.

- --
Alexandre, in Montreal


Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 18:59:39 -0500
From: "Joe Aistrup" <joe_aistrup at>
Subject: Bubble Gum Smell

Hello Fellow HBD types;

I have a short but sweet question for all of the BJCP certified judges.

I brewed a Helles using Munich Lager Yeast. It was cold pitched (1/2 gallon
starter) and fermented at 48 degrees. It has a distinct bubble gum nose.
Kind of like Bazooka bubble gum. What produces this aroma? Is it DMS?
Diacetel (sp)? Or something else?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Joe Aistrup
Little Apple Homebrew Club
Manhattan Ks
South of nowhere (Nebraska) but east of someplace (Colorado)


Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 23:53:02 -0400
From: "Alexandre Enkerli" <enkerli at>
Subject: Belgian Schelde (Wyeast 3655)

Anyone here brewed with Wyeast 3655, Belgian Schelde Ale?
It seems to be the de Koninck strain.

Got a pack recently and will experiment with it soon but some
testimonials might help.


- --
Alexandre, fan of unusual beers, in Montreal

- --


Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 10:02:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matt <baumssl27 at>
Subject: accelerating secondary ferment

I recently observed a strange phenomenon. A saison I brewed finished
primary fermentation pretty fast; the airlock bubbling decreased
dramatically over a period of a few hours on the second day of
fermentation. As expected, the secondary ferment got slower and slower
over the next few days--but then instead of tapering off to nothing it
increased noticably to a steady level of one bubble every few seconds,
and stayed steady for 2 days. This is where I'm at now. There is
quite a bit of settled yeast, but also a whole lot of yeast still in

I'm not really worried about the beer, but I'm curious as to what kinds
of things can cause an accelerating secondary ferment? I've had the
following ideas:

1. Temperature shock, slowly overcome days later?

I try to keep a wet shirt on the fermenter to maintain mid-70s with
this yeast. It got dry, so I re-wetted it with cold water--a few hours
before primary fermentation slowed dramatically. However, the stick-on
thermometer did not indicate a significant temp drop... maybe a degree
at the most (it was ~74F). Also, primary fermentation slowed about
when I expected it to, based on previous batches. Once fermentation
slowed, the temp slowly dropped and has been constant at 72F since
before the acceleration started.

2. The changeover from metabolizing maltose to metabolizing more
complex sugars takes some time (days) to really get going in this
strain (T-58)?

3. The changeover from metabolic to synthetic pathway for certain amino
acids takes some time (days) to really get going in this strain?

4. Some kind of overpitching effect where total cell density is
limited, and then growth can only occur as fast as other cells settle?
Does such a thing exist?

5. Some kind of horrendous infection (which I doubt in this case).

Are any of these ideas bogus? Any possibilities I'm missing? By the
way I pitched 20 g of T-58 which, depending who you ask, is somewhere
between 0.5 and 3 M cells/ml/P for this batch.


End of HOMEBREW Digest #5076, 10/23/06

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