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HOMEBREW Digest #5001

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HOMEBREW Digest #5001		             Sun 30 April 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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baker's yeast ("some or all of the Oswalds in lower Alabama")
Beer Tripping in Napa (Philip J Wilcox)
Re: Gluten-Free Beer (Derric)
Correction to BEER 10th Annual Brewoff (beerdan)
Judges & Entries Needed, 13th Annual BUZZ Off June 3rd ("Christopher Clair")
RE: GERMANY 2006 WORLD CUP FINALS 2006; (Global Ville)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 10:47:58 -0500
From: "some or all of the Oswalds in lower Alabama" <usoswalds at>
Subject: baker's yeast

Hello all,
I was brewing Friday and accidentally killed my yeast starter.
So in a pinch, I used some of my wife's baker's yeast for a new one
rather than risk an infection and loose everything.
When I filled the cooled wort and yeast into my 5 gal carboy, it was nearly 18L.
To avoid excessive blowoff, Saturday at 7 AM, I decided to put the
loaded carboy in my fridge to cool off and then let it warm slowly. To
my surprise the fermentation went off like a shot - not too much
blowoff - but really going well by Sat PM.

Now it's Tuesday and it is still bubbling away - but why?
I thought lager yeast were specialized for the low temps. My wife's
bread does not rise unless the dough is warm, so how is it working so
at 40F?

I have never made a lager before but I am tempted to leave it in the
frig until the fermentation stops ( I guess I will have to do the
diacetal rest stuff too). The style - you tell me 10 lbs Muntons 2-row
American style, 1 lbs Muntons Chocolate, 2 oz. Nugget hops 1 hr,
cooled in my sink with water changes over night (covered from the
start of course).

Thanks for any comments or advice.

John (near Mobile, Alabama)


Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:43:47 -0400
From: Philip J Wilcox <pjwilcox at>
Subject: Beer Tripping in Napa

Brethren I must confess, its been at least two years since my last

but I still keep tabs from the web... anyhoo... I am attending a family
wedding this summer and will be flying into Sacramento and driving to
Modesto to see my 96 yr old grandmother, then to St. Helena for the
wedding. As it is a family wedding I am going with my folks and not
taking the kids, hence the opportunity for a winery or brewery or two, or
three, or four... Anything in my direct route I shouldn't miss??


Phil Wilcox
Poison Frog Home Brewer
Secretary - Prison City Brewers (Former Warden)
AABG, AHA, BJCP, HBD, Etc., Et. all...


Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 09:35:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Derric <derric1961 at>
Subject: Re: Gluten-Free Beer

> Most of the good information I have found has come
> out of Australia (mash procedures at
> and Andrew
> Lavery's recipes at or
> out of the book The Homebrewer's Garden.
> 3. Lastly, any places selling these grains in bulk
> over the Internet ...

Have you seen these pages?
(in his "grain FAQ" he gives a source for white
sorghum - Twin Valley Mills).
He has another page about a commercial beer:



Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 15:13:45 -0400
From: beerdan at
Subject: Correction to BEER 10th Annual Brewoff

Just a quick correction to the BEER 10th Annual Brewoff May 20th
Entires will be accepted up until May 13th!!!!! If you are judging or
otherwise involved in the competition, you may register your
entries up until May 13th and bring the bottles with you to the
competition, but please don't be late!


Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 19:15:38 -0400
From: "Christopher Clair" <buzzclub at>
Subject: Judges & Entries Needed, 13th Annual BUZZ Off June 3rd

Brewers Unlimited Zany Zymurgists (BUZZ) is proud to announce that the 13th
annual BUZZ Off home brew competition will be held on Saturday, June 3rd at
Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant in West Chester, PA. For another year we
will be a qualifying event for the prestigious Masters Championship of
Amateur Brewing (MCAB) as well as the Delaware Valley Homebrewer of the
Year. All BJCP recognized styles (2004 guidelines) including meads and
ciders are eligible for entry. We are also having a special bottle label
category this year. For complete details and forms, please visit the BUZZ
web site at

Entries will be accepted between May 13th and May 26th. For drop off and
mail in locations please refer to the BUZZ web site. Please, do not mail
entries to Iron Hill.

BJCP Judges and stewards will be needed. If you are interested please
contact me or another committee member (contact information can be found on
the web site). All judges must be BJCP certified (any ranking) or have
relevant experience.

Good luck and cheers!

Christopher Clair
buzzclub <at>

"The mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer."
- Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.


Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 05:49:48 +0200
From: Global Ville <globalfootball at>
Subject: RE: GERMANY 2006 WORLD CUP FINALS 2006;

Attention: Sports Enthusiasts

RE: GERMANY 2006 WORLD CUP FINALS 2006; Global Sportscom International, in
association with Complete Football Inc. and UK Sports Communications Ltd. under
a syndicate of co-sponsors and in positioning itself for the marketing of the
2010 World Cup Finals souvenirs, space and stands allocations, will sponsor
Sports Enthusiats, who eventually emerge winners of our Corporate Sponsorship
Draw to Germany to watch the one month festivals of football, that is, the
2006 World Cup Finals You are therefore, invited to enter for the sponsorship

To qualify for the sponsorship draw on 6th April,2006 at theGlobal Ville, United
Kingdom send your entry to the email above to enable you be among the first 300
entries, stating your name, address, occupation, sex, age and MUST possess a
valid International Passport.

Emerging winners of the draw, who will double as our corporate ambassadors at
these event of football fiesta, will receive an all inclusive expenses cash
prize award of $250,000 to cover such expenses as cost of return flight ticket,
full board hotel accommodation in Germany (throughout the one month
festival of football in country), intra/intser-city transportation to match
venues of your choice, etc.Lucky winners will be communicated promptly after
due process.

Yours faithfully
Valintine Johnson
Executive Director - Corporate Communications

Tu email gratuito y personalizado con consiguelo ya!!!!!

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5001, 04/30/06

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