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HOMEBREW Digest #5013

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HOMEBREW Digest #5013		             Thu 25 May 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Barley Balance - FDA claims soluble Barley fiber helps the heart ("Dave Burley")
Re: Saflager Strains (le Man)
RE: Starters ("Anderson, Keith T")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 08:22:38 -0400
From: "Dave Burley" <Dave_Burley at>
Subject: Barley Balance - FDA claims soluble Barley fiber helps the heart


I do not have any information about the soluble fiber content of beer. Any
info on this?

Keep on Brewin'

Dave Burley
- ----------------------------------

>From Food Navigator:

The FDA has confirmed the qualified health claim linking whole grain barley
to a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, which could help raise
awareness of the grain amongst heart health-conscious consumers.

Barley BalanceT reduces cholesterol, glycemia
Request further information about this product presentation

With mounting evidence of multiple health benefits from soluble fibers in
significantly reducing the risks of heart disease, diabetes and obesity -
consumer demand for foods enriched with such fibers is on the rise. In
response to this demand, new product launches in a wide variety of
functional food and beverage segments incorporate remarkable fibers, called
beta-glucans derived from cereals. Recently, the health benefits of barley
beta-glucan were recognized by FDA with a Health Claim for reducing risks of
heart disease.

Barley BalanceT is naturally concentrated barley beta-glucan from PolyCell
Technogies, distributed by DKSH North America, Inc., that is ideally suited
for enhancing functional foods and beverages. This concentrate has over 23%
beta-glucan content, which is six or seven times higher than that found in
typical barley or oat ingredients. Since only small amounts of Barley
BalanceT are necessary to provide benefits, beta-glucan can be added to many
more food and beverage products to give them functional properties.

Clinical studies using barley beta-glucan have shown remarkable effects on
lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol by as much as 20%. In
addition to lowering cholesterol, Barley BalanceT is effective in lowering
and balancing blood sugar peaks and extending glycemic cycles, and can
promote satiety and weight loss in conjunction with healthy diet changes.

In food and beverage products, Barley BalanceT offers seven great advantages
as compared to other cereal beta-glucan ingredients that can make a real
difference in improving the quality and performance of your functional foods
and beverages.

Natural beta-glucan concentrate is made entirely by a dry milling and
separation process, a real, clean label advantage.

The Glycemic Index of Barley BalanceT is much lower than typical cereal
ingredients with beta-glucan, making it excellent for low GI formulations.

Low lipid levels and the natural bland flavor of barley, make Barley
BalanceT the preferred choice for taste over products with high lipid

Research studies indicate that Barley BalanceT reaches its maximum
effectiveness in the digestive tract environment, unlike oat products.

Barley BalanceT has 150% more of the key chemical bonds that are responsible
for increased gelling and functional performance

Starch and protein fractions in Barley BalanceT are similar to wheat, the
major ingredient in many foods and can be partially substituted in

The pure waxy (100% amylopectin) starch in Barley BalanceT reduces staling
in food products, extending freshness and shelf life.

For more information please contact:
DKSH North America, Inc. 300 E. Lombard St., #1175 Baltimore, MD 21202
Tel:410-385-1666/ Fax:410-385-1266
or fill in the form below for immediate response


Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 17:24:07 +0100
From: le Man <hbd at>
Subject: Re: Saflager Strains

Matt Wrote

> > why not try a dry lager yeast?
> > Have folks found that the Saflager strains are not good enough,
> > at least for certain styles?

Our experience here in the UK with Saflager, has proved not to be a good
one. I will say that when you pitch enough S23 it produces a really fine
lager, it is a high sulphur producer but that dissipates with lagering.
The problem is that looking at the DCL site it gave two sets of
completely different instructions and pitching rates depending on if you
are in the homebrew / Pro brew arena. The inference being that if you
are a home brewer you are NOT going to do it properly, and you will
pitch and ferment at 20C!!!!! Under these circumstances the amount of
viable yeast in one of the 11g sachets is barely sufficient to ferment 5
US Gallons of lager. Looking at the Pro brewer instructions it tells you
to pitch and ferment at 12-14C and recommends pitching rates around 5
times that for home brewers! If I'm buying 4 or 5 sachets of Dry Yeast I
may as well go the whole hog and get a whitelabs phial and make a
starter, is as cheap

- --
Le Man (The brewer Formerly Known As Aleman ) Mashing In Blackpool,
Lancashire, UK

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Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 15:11:20 -0400
From: "Anderson, Keith T" <ktanderson at>
Subject: RE: Starters

First time post - long time reader. Love the list. Can't believe I got

Anyway, I brew 10 gallon batches and do the following for ales. Not
exactly Eric's question but I wish I had this type of info a few years
ago and patched it together based on this list and it works great.

Day 1 - 1 liter starter with ~ 1/4 cup DME and 1/8 tsp of yeast
nutrient. Aerate with O2 and stone.
Day 2 - add 2 liter starter with ~ 1/2 cup DME and 2/8 tsp of yeast
nutrient. Aerate again.
Day 3 - add 3 liter starter with ~ 3/4 cup DME and 3/8 tsp of yeast
nutrient. Aerate again.

I'll usually brew a day or two after this. I've siphoned off the liquid
and I've dumped the entire thing in and not really noticed a difference.
No stir plate and no constant aeration and my fermentation takes off
every time. And I don't aerate the wort at all but I do open ferment in
a 15 gallon keg with a lid on. And I don't make crazy high gravity

I have tried to save time by making one 3 liter starter and not stepping
it up this way and have been very disappointed every time. Weak
ferments and high FG which also result in beer that just doesn't taste
as good.

This regiment would probably work well for 5 gallons of a lager but
others would know better.

Keith in Red Bank, NJ

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5013, 05/25/06

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