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HOMEBREW Digest #5026

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HOMEBREW Digest #5026		             Thu 29 June 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: Best pitched when? ("steve.alexander")
I need a miracle (3rbecks)
Wichita Kansas area home brew clubs (Jake Lowen)
Lallemand Scholarship Winner Announced! ("Rob Moline")
Proposal: HBUs vs IBUs ("Fred Johnson")
National Homebrew Competition 2006 Wrap-Up ("Janis Gross")
East Kent Goldings ("Jan Heng")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 07:33:26 -0400
From: "steve.alexander" <-s at>
Subject: Re: Best pitched when?

I *thought* I replied to this one, but I don't see it on my 'sent' folder.

Kevin Elsken wrote:
> My normal mode of operation is to use dormant yeast.
Same here. As a practical matter I usually choose to remove the starter
wort and I have no other way to separate yeast.

> Suppose I had I liter or starter that had fermented out and
> flocculated. If I drained off the spent wort starter and added, I
> don't know, say 500 ml of fresh pre boil wort to the slurry, that
> would give the yeast maybe 2 hours to wake up prior to pitching into
> the fully finished beer (by the time I run off all the wort and boil
> and cool). Would that be enough time to make a difference, or would I
> be better off to make 500 ml of fresh starter say 24 to 48 hours
> before brewing and pitch the slurry into that?
Well any improvement helps reduce lag time, and dormant healthy yeast
will start making the critical change through oxygen uptake and sterol
production in a couple hours or less, so a couple hours could be quite
useful. Of course the nuisance of making some appropriate starter wort

If you are only adding half a liter of starter wort, then perhaps the
gravity and type are not of great concern, but you will want to avoid
having the starter ferment out and the yeast go dormant again - so I
wouldn't expect a small amt of starter wort in the large yeast slurry to
last too long, certainly less than 24 hrs. This amount of yeast per
wort will go through all those metabolic transitions in a short period
of time, but with far less growth than a 'normal' ferment. In fact the
yeast won't finish the reproduction under these circumstances.



Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 08:23:52 -0500
From: <3rbecks at>
Subject: I need a miracle

For the first time in many years, we lost out in the lottery for tickets to
the Great Taste of the Midwest in Madison and had our check returned.

If anyone has any extra tickets or knows of someone with extra tickets, I
would REALLY appreciate hearing from you.

I know that there have always seemed to be tickets for sale around town on
Friday night and in the line on Saturday morning, but I hate the uncertainty


Rob Beck
Kansas City

Listening to someone who brews his own beer is like listening to a religious
fanatic talk about the day he saw the light.
- Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette, 1991


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 17:56:08 -0500
From: Jake Lowen <jake at>
Subject: Wichita Kansas area home brew clubs


My friend and I who are both home brewers would like to get connected
to the larger homebrew community in or around Wichita, KS. I have
heard that there may be a club in Hutchinson, and I've seen
information on a Derby Brew Club, but I can't seem to find contact
information for them.

Can anyone connect me with home brew clubs in South Central Kansas?




Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 10:53:33 -0500
From: "Rob Moline" <jethrogump at>
Subject: Lallemand Scholarship Winner Announced!

Lallemand Scholarship Winner Announced!

Lallemand, maker of the Danstar line of brewers' yeasts, and
ServoMyces, the ultimate yeast nutrient is proud to announce that Gera L.
Exire LaTour, of Minneapolis, MN, is the 2006 winner of the Lallemand
The Lallemand Scholarship awards a member of the American Homebrewers'
Association with the famous two-week World Brewing Academy Concise Course in
Brewing Technology.
This two-week course (valued at $ 2,900) is provided at the Siebel
Institute of Technology campus in Chicago, America's oldest and most
recognized brewing school. The winner also receives $1,000 towards any
expenses while in Chicago, one of America's most exciting and vibrant
Gera (G.L.) Exire LaTour has been brewing since March 2004. Her first
win was a blue ribbon at the Minnesota State Fair Home Brew Contest with her
Cucumber Dill Cream Ale. Gera is an active member of the Minnesota
Homebrewers Association, where she is known for her eclectic beers. She is
a Certified Beer Judge with the BJCP and helps organize local BJCP exam prep
But a real hero has emerged in this years' award, Gera's boss, Ed
Kodet, principle of the Kodet Architectural Group of Minneapolis, where Gera
is the Marketing director, initially reminded her that she had already
enjoyed her annual vacation time, when she toured Belgium and France, and
that time off was not available. However, by the next morning, he had
reconsidered and offered her a chance to use next years time!
So, raise a pint in salute to Gera, Beer Heaven bound, and to the Best
Boss this side of Nagasaki, Ed Kodet!

Rob Moline


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:56:22 -0400
From: "Fred Johnson" <fjohnson at>
Subject: Proposal: HBUs vs IBUs

Boy, the Digest is slow these days! Perhaps the following can
stimulate some discussion (or fan the flames).

For many months, I've had difficulty hitting the correct bitterness
level in beers that I've tried to reproduce from published recipes.
After many months of struggling with getting my hopping levels under
control, I've concluded that one source of my problem is the way
recipes are published, especially among homebrewers. Many (all?) of
have come to use the IBU convention for describing the bitterness
levels in our beers, but I contend that we homebrewers usually don't
know what the IBU level is and are making some huge and probably
incorrect assumptions when we report IBUs. What we do know is how much
hops we added and when. One could report widely different IBU levels
for the same recipe, depending upon which formula one chooses for
estimating IBUs. Consequently, if the reader of the recipe doesn't
know what formula the brewer used for estimating the IBU level, the
reader does not really know how to duplicate the recipe.

I propose that unless the brewer actually knows the level of IBUs in a
beer from measuring it, the brewer should not report IBUs in a recipe.
Rather, the brewer should report for each hop addition: 1) the amount
of hops added, 2) at what time the hops were added, and 3) the alpha
acid level of the hops added. Alternatively, one could report HBUs if
the brewer doesn't have the liberty of putting all this information in
the recipe. And if the brewer feels compelled to report the estimated
IBU level in a recipe without having measured them, the brewer should
state that the IBUs are an estimate and report the formula he used to
perform the estimation so that the reader can make adjustments using
knowledge of the utilization rates in his own system.

(We really need a convenient and inexpensive way to determine what
kind of utilization levels we are getting with our hop additions. I
consider this to be one of the biggest deficiencies we must live with
as homebrewers.)

Bring on the flames.

Fred L Johnson
Apex, North Carolina, USA


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:30:07 -0600
From: "Janis Gross" <janis at>
Subject: National Homebrew Competition 2006 Wrap-Up

Hi everyone,
Now that the second round judging has been completed and the awards have been
given out to the winners, I wanted to express my gratitude and thanks for all
the people without whom this would not have been possible.

First, I'd like to acknowledge those people involved with the first round of
the competition.

Thanks to the site directors and judge coordinators of the 10 regions in the
first round for all the hard work, dedication, long hours, and frustration
involved in putting on a regional competition of this size. If we average
the 4,548 entries in this year's competition across the 10 sites, they would
each have processed and judged about 455 entries. 455 entries is a large
competition requiring a lot of groundwork, preparation, and precision
execution to pull it off. Naturally, the average doesn't tell the real
story, where the largest number of entries at one site was 704 in the East
Region, and the fewest number was 73 in the Cider Region. Every region faced
a variety obstacles during the staging of the first round, and they were able
to push through them and get the judging done.

The first round volunteer organizers this year were: Jamil Zainasheff, John
Tull, Harold Gulbransen, Frankie Flynn, Paul Shick, Joe Preiser, Scott
Dennis, David Houseman, Chris Hummert, Alan Hord, Ed Moore, and Dean Holroyd
in Canada. Those who volunteered to serve as the Judge Coordinator for their
region were: Chris Love, Chris Toth, Frankie Flynn, Dave Wohlfeil, Joe
Preiser, Scott Dennis, David Houseman, Chris Hummert, Alan Hord, Rob Kolacny,
and John Jurgensen.

Next, I'd like to thank all those people who volunteered to judge and/or
steward in the first round of the competition. It is an understatement to
say we couldn't have done it without you; you are the people who make it all
happen, and there would be no competition without your support and your
willingness to volunteer your time, your palette, your taste buds, and your
livers to a greater cause. Here's to you!

In the second round....

The second round of the competition was concluded at the National Homebrewers
Conference in Orlando, and the people involved in the organization and
execution of the competition did an excellent job, especially in light of all
the challenges they faced. Glenn Exline and Jeff Gladish were the
competition organizers, and they kept the competition running smoothly
despite a shortage of judges, despite the changing location of the
refrigerator truck, and despite the capricious rules of the hotel staff.
They and their crew worked their butts off to process all 639 entries, even
the late ones, to have them set up for the judging; and then they calmly and
effectively managed the competition. You guys did a great job!

The unsung heroes of the competition were the cellar masters Vic Langley and
Mike Eger, who not only supplied the entries to the competition as they were
needed for the judging, but during the day they also supplied the beer for
the hospitality suite and the seminars. They had to deal with an overloaded
truck and the whims of the hotel staff, including delivering the competition
beers from the overflow lot of the hotel on Thursday morning. They were
finally able to move the truck to the back loading dock later on Thursday
which helped them in their tasks tremendously. From my perspective in the
judging room, Vic and Mike did a stellar job of juggling it all.

Dani Exline did a terrific job of assembling a team of stewards for each
shift of the competition. She had volunteers who had stewarded previously,
as well as a few newbies. Her guidance was definitely effective as the
stewards efficiently dealt with 6 judges judging 3 flights simultaneously.
Dani orchestrated the stewards, delivery of the competition entries, and the
cleanup between sessions with wit and humor, and for that I am very grateful.
Her tutelage was so effective that one of the newbies was given the honor of
stewarding the beer BOS.

The judge coordinator, Don Ferris, had the particularly challenging task of
assembling enough volunteer judges for each session from among the conference
attendees. Thursday morning was a few judges short, and the judging ranks
grew thinner from there. By Thursday night at the Pro Brewers event, we were
all actively engaged in begging people to judge on Friday. In the end, the
judging required an additional Friday afternoon session to complete, but we
got it all done.

A special thanks goes to all of the volunteer judges and stewards who gave up
going to conference sessions in order to help with the competition. I am
grateful for those of you who could sacrifice for even just one session, and
those of you who were there for two or more sessions are tops in my book.
Thank you so much for your sacrifice and your dedication to making and
judging the best beer, mead, and cider in the world!

Thanks to everyone entered the 2006 NHC making this the largest beer
competition in the world!

Cheers to you!

Janis Gross, Project Coordinator
American Homebrewers Association
736 Pearl St.
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 447-0816 x134
janis at


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 17:30:35 -0400
From: "Jan Heng" <janheng at>
Subject: East Kent Goldings


I just moved and don't have easy access to a local hb shop like I used to.
I'm looking for mail order East Kent Goldings. I would like plugs. Oh, and a
reasonable price for pounds would be great too!


End of HOMEBREW Digest #5026, 06/29/06

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