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HOMEBREW Digest #5004

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HOMEBREW Digest #5004		             Wed 10 May 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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AHA Conference Continuing Education Credits ("David Houseman")
your hbd post ("Peter A. Ensminger")
Rust on diffusion stone (Jim Eberhardt)
Update on room groups for AHA Conference ("Tumarkin ")
Beers in Colorado (Bryce van Denderen)
Delinquent Competition Organizer Reports ("David Houseman")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 18:32:24 -0400
From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at>
Subject: AHA Conference Continuing Education Credits

I hope everyone else is excited about attending the AHA Homebrew Conference
in Orlando. If you are a BJCP judge and have yet to decide to attend, here
is another reason to do so. The BJCP has been working with the AHA in
formulating the technical sessions. I'm happy to report that most of the
sessions will provide the attending judges with CEP (Continuing Education
Program) credits that will count toward your non-judging experience point
requirements for rank elevation. Just think, you get to learn something
in a seminar, drink some beer and get BJCP credit for doing so! Can't beat
that with a stick. Judges, remember to know or bring your BJCP ID number
when you come; you must have that to receive CEP credit.

See ya' there.

David Houseman


Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 01:30:04 -0400
From: "Peter A. Ensminger" <ensmingr at>
Subject: your hbd post

Hi Andrew,

Interesting HBD post (as always). However, your closing comment about a
"millet roggenbier" has me confused. Roggen (German for "Rye") is
especially high in gluten. How can you make a gluten-free Roggenbier?

Peter A. Ensminger
Syracuse, NY
Beer data:


Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 14:32:28 -0500
From: Jim Eberhardt <jim at>
Subject: Rust on diffusion stone

Hey gang,

I'm getting my equipment ready to brew tomorrow (Saturday) and noticed
there's a small spot of rust on my diffusion stone. Would it be a bad
deal to use it? I'm thinking that it would only be in the wort for the
time it takes to aerate (< 1 min) so maybe it would be alright? I'd
hate to hurt my beer (or anyone drinking it, for that matter) but I
don't think there would be danger in such limited contact. I'm not
opposed to replacing the stone, but I'm primed (pardon the pun) to brew

As an aside, I tried to search the archives but got no results (blank
list only) on any of the things I searched on (even 'beer' returned no
results). I tested it with two browsers (Safari and IE) and both had
the same level of success, so I don't think the problem is on my end.
Any idea what's going on?

Thanks for your help!
Jim Eberhardt
Wichita, KS


Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 10:32:13 -0400
From: "Tumarkin " <Tumarkin at>
Subject: Update on room groups for AHA Conference

Hey y'all,

An update on the info I posted about getting your club
members' rooms grouped together.... I had called the
800 number & talked to a reservations clerk who knew what
she was talking about, and it seemed smooth. However, I've
had a two emails from folks who had a less than smooth
experience - one was eventually able to make it work (by trying
to link it to my name, rather than the confirmation number),
the other had less success.

I called the hotel back and hopefully have it worked out.
Bottom line is they will provide this service for us. It's very
unusual that a hotel will group rooms together, but they are willing
to do this. However, there's a better way of going about it.

Have everyone in your group go ahead and make their own reservations
(that's the same as before). Then rather than trying to have the
various reservation clerks do the linking, have one person in your group
email Roseangela Furtado at rfurtado at with everyone's names
& confirmation numbers and she will make sure that the rooms are together.
She told me that their email server may block emails from certain domains,
so ask her to reply back to your email confirming receipt and that she has
done the grouping. If you don't get the reply email, then call her
at (407) 351-2420.

Again, spread the word that the deadline for early-bird registration is
just a week away. Price then goes up, so register for the conference & the
hotel now. And if you are coming as a group, be sure to register online
for a table at Club Night, and a slot in the Hospitality Suite.

See you in Orlando,


Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 14:24:02 +1000
From: Bryce van Denderen <bvandenderen at>
Subject: Beers in Colorado

Hi Guys

Long time reader, first time poster.
I will be at Snowmass (Colorado) for a conference in mid August and was
hoping to include as many beer related activities as possible during my
stay. Any info on local micros, comps, festivals even shops would be
greatly apppreciated.

Bryce van Denderen
Melbourne Australia


Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 21:56:26 -0400
From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at>
Subject: Delinquent Competition Organizer Reports

I've been unable to reach all of the organizers identified below who have
delinquent competition organizer reports. If you judged at one of these
competitions, please contact the organizer to get the organizer report filed
or else there will be no judging, steward or staff credits applied. New
competitions will not be sanctioned for clubs or organizers with outstanding
reports. We're down to only one missing report for 2005 but the 2006
delinquency rate seems to be going back up.

David Houseman
BJCP Competition Director

Comp Date ID Name Location Organizer Org Phone Org Email
04/15/2006 200079 Beer Summit Homebrewers Competition Boston, MA Tom
Briggs (978) 490-6640 briggs802 at
04/01/2006 200086 ALES Homebrew Open -- AHA NHC Qualifier Competition
Regina, SK Dean Holroyd (306) 584-0976 competition at
03/31/2006 101902 Samuel Adams Holiday Homebrew Competition Boston, MA
Robert Driscoll (617) 368-5000 rob.driscoll at
03/25/2006 200010 16th Annual Hudson Valley Homebrew Competition Hyde
Park, NY Al Alexsa (845) 255-8685 aalexsa at
03/04/2006 200055 Peach State Brew Off 2006 Atlanta, GA Young Martin
(770) 603-9575 coverthops at
02/18/2006 101905 Febfest 2006 Homebrew Competition Libertyville, IL
Eric Lindquist (847) 949-8194 brewbird1 at
02/18/2006 200068 Toronado BW Festival San Francisco, CA Russ
Wigglesworth (707) 338-0092 russwig at
02/11/2006 101910 Beerfest Mirboo North, Victoria AU Haig Jason +61
423 827-972 haig at
02/11/2006 200012 Best Florida Beer Championship Pro Brewer
Competition Tampa, FL Bob Sylvester (813) 920-9649
baccsylvester at
01/21/2006 101843 International Mead Fest Home Mead Cptn Boulder, CO
Neil McCormick (407) 625-7633 nmccormick at
08/20/2005 101859 Benton/Franklin Fair Homebrew Competition Kennewick,
WA Dan Doescher (509) 582-7024 DantheDoorman at
09/18/2004 101647 Dearborn Oktoberfest Homebrewing Competition
Dearborn, MI Scott Smith (313) 730-2174 brewer48124 at
08/29/2004 101603 Brewing in the Hills Waverly, NY Tom Koons (607)
425-1543 TKoons at
08/21/2004 101648 Nebraska State Fair Lincoln, NE frank sobetski (402)
593-9171 LSOBETSKI at
07/16/2004 101604 2004 Los Angeles County Fair Pomona, CA Bruce Brode
(310) 558-8458 deacon at
07/10/2004 101563 Mother Lode Fair Homebrew Competition Columbia, CA
Phil Reiss (209) 536-9446 philreis at
05/20/2004 101543 AHA Club-Only Extract Brews Memphis, TN Terrence
Garland (901) 757-0847 terrence.garland at
11/16/2003 101463 AZ Mead Cup Buckeye, AZ Gregory Naff (623) 386-0656
gregory.naff at
11/08/2003 101466 California State Homebrew Competition San Francisco,
CA Dave Suurballe
10/11/2003 101310 KCRF Home Brew Competition Bonner Springs, KS Roger
Clements (816) 531-6977 sales at

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5004, 05/10/06

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