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HOMEBREW Digest #4997

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HOMEBREW Digest #4997		             Thu 20 April 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: Gluten Free Beer ("Matthew Beck")
Re: Gluten Free Beer (Andrew Lavery)
Re: Water in refrigerator (Dion Hollenbeck)
Re: Cereal Mash (stencil)
Race Track Kegs Live ! ("Berggren, Stefan")
Big Brew Site Registration ("Janis Gross")
water in refrigerator ("eric")
12th Annual 8 Seconds of Froth Homebrew Competition ("pddey")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 23:23:27 -0700
From: "Matthew Beck" <mcbeck at>
Subject: Re: Gluten Free Beer

During my visit to BevMo! today, I noticed that they had six-packs of
gluten-free beer in their cooler. Just an FYI for anyone interested.


Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 20:33:06 +1000
From: Andrew Lavery <alavery at>
Subject: Re: Gluten Free Beer

Fred Scheer wrote:

>Now, there are several brewing methods for Gluten free beer.
>1. Brewing with Sorghum and 2. Malting with Cereals.
>In both methods we are running into problems with less amino acids as
>required (we need enzymes
>and extra nitrogen in the process) and the buffer capacity is very low,
>we have to add calcium.
>Also, it is important to note that Gluten free beer is brewed without
>Aroma hops, as the pseudo-cereal have enough aroma (example: Sorghum).

Firstly, sorghum is a cereal grain (not a pseudo-cereal) and along with
millet, corn and rice are the main gluten free grains. The main
pseudo-cereals are buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth.

Tropical cereal grains have no amylase in their raw state so that's why
you're having problems, if that's what you are doing. Properly malted
gluten free grain can convert up to 40% non-enzymic malt (eg: crystal,
chocolate, etc...) and provides plenty of yeast nutrition for a healthy

Why leave out aroma hops? Barley malt has an aroma but "normal" brewers
still use aroma hops. I think it is more a matter of finding an aroma
hop that complements the aroma of sorghum, millet or corn, noble
varieties go particularly well. Having a couple of pints of (malted)
corn pils at the moment and it goes very well with the saaz flavour/aroma.

Cheers, Andrew.


Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 07:47:36 -0600
From: Dion Hollenbeck <hollen at>
Subject: Re: Water in refrigerator

>There is water in the bottom of the beer
>refrigerator!!! What are the most likely causes and

Just had this happen to the house fridge and we called a pro
out. The most common cause of water in the fridge (according to him)
is that the drain for the self-defrost in the freezer gets plugged
with frozen water. Then, the water overflows the freezer at the next
defrost cycle and goes down through the air vents into the
fridge. Your fridge is cooled by circulating cold air from the
freezer into the fridge section.

He took the inside back of the freezer apart and thawed out the drain
tube. Then he put in his special "unthawer". He just attached a
piece of 12-GA bare copper wire to the defroster coil and routed it
to the drain tube. Whenever the self-defrost goes on, the heat is
transferred to the drain tube via the copper wire, defrosting the tube as well.

We have not had a recurrence of the problem since.


- --
Dion Hollenbeck
Email: hollen at Home Page:
Brewing Page: Toys: 98 4Runner, 86 4x4 PU


Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 09:54:16 -0400
From: stencil <etcs.ret at>
Subject: Re: Cereal Mash

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 00:07:42 -0400,
in Homebrew Digest #4996 (April 19, 2006)
Steve Alexander wrote:

>I don't see any strong reason to avoid boiling(decocting) the cereal
>mash, but it is not necessary and not used in commercial systems
>where the energy cost is accounted for.
The intent was not to avoid boiling but to avoid the use of a separate pot for
the cereal mash/boil/decoction. This admittedly is wasteful of energy, as it
is necessary to cool the boiled entire mash back down to saccharification
temps before restoring the reserved wort.

"Energy" of course includes that expended in scooping and stirring, and in
scrubbing out yet another tub.

stencil sends
[535.2mi, 86.4deg] AR


Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 08:59:22 -0500
From: "Berggren, Stefan" <Stefan_Berggren at>
Subject: Race Track Kegs Live !

I just revived my race track kegs !

I was having trouble (as with all race track style kegs)
getting a good seal. Then I took a sip of beer and realized
that the profile height of the o-ring was not high enough. So
I doubled up (one on top of the other o-ring) and bam ! perfect
seal. Everytime it seals right ! It looks a little awkward with the lid
set a
few mm lower, but who cares it hold pressure !

Just thought I would pass on my redneck fix fer y'all !


Stefan in Madison, WI (Madison Homebrewers and Tasters Guild)
Home of Beer, Cheese and Tour de France winning bicycles !


Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:37:26 -0600
From: "Janis Gross" <janis at>
Subject: Big Brew Site Registration

Hi everyone,
There is now only a little over 2 weeks remaining before National Homebrew
Day and Big Brew on May 6th. I urge you all to consider hosting a Big Brew
site, or signing up with one in your area. The sooner you register your
site, the sooner you'll be getting special site director offers from the AHA
for you and your fellow Big Brew-ers. This includes a membership offer with
a bonus for the simultaneous toast and Zymurgy for Beginners for the new
brewers in the group.

To register your site go to:

To view other sites in your area, go to:

To learn more about Big Brew, go to:

For this year's recipes, go to:

I look forward to joining all of you in the simultaneous toast, and sharing a
wonderful day of brewing to celebrate National Homebrew Day!


Janis Gross, Project Coordinator
American Homebrewers Association
736 Pearl St.
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 447-0816 x134
janis at


Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 19:30:17 -0600
From: "eric" <zeee1 at>
Subject: water in refrigerator


I think the most likely reason for water getting in a fridge is air
leaking in. Warm air that has moisture gets in and cools, and as the air
cools the relative humidity goes up, water condenses on the colder surfaces.
Same reason as frost in a freezer, or water on the outside of your iced tea

Standard disclaimer: I have been wrong before, and will be again.



Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 20:15:59 -0600
From: "pddey" <pddey at>
Subject: 12th Annual 8 Seconds of Froth Homebrew Competition

Howdy Beer Afficionados:

The High Plains Drafters of Cheyenne, Wyoming invite you to enter our 12th
Annual 8 Seconds of Froth homebrew competition. All the standard info can
be found on our web page.... What
makes this competition different than all the others? Well, not much I
guess except we strive to provide quality feedback from experienced BJCP
judges on your homebrew. We've been doing this for 12 years and run a
pretty smooth operation. And we collect some pretty fine prizes and ribbons
to recognize your efforts. The price, at 5$ per entry, is less than some
competitions. So, consider boxing up some entries between now and May 5th
and get them to: Depot Street Merchants, 316 W. 15th Street, Cheyenne, WY
82001. The event is slated for May 13th.

And if there's a chance you might be in the neighborhood and are willing and
able to steward or judge, contact our judge coordinator at windywy at


End of HOMEBREW Digest #4997, 04/20/06

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