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HOMEBREW Digest #4964

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HOMEBREW Digest #4964		             Wed 01 March 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Dale's Pale Ale recipe? ("Ben Dooley")
Drunk Monk Challenge - Competition Announcement ("Darrell Proksa")
Brew shops in MI (brian-morgan)
Yeast starters (Fred L Johnson)
Brewing Coppers (Paul Hethmon)
More well water anaylsis ... ("David Jones")
Call for Judges and Entries for Las Vegas Winterfest 2006 (Scott Alfter)
Drunk Monk Challenge - accepting entries through 3/4 ("Formanek, Joe")
repitching hoegaarden strain (Matt)
Best The Brewer Competition Invitation ("David Houseman")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 22:26:19 -0500
From: "Ben Dooley" <bendooley at>
Subject: Dale's Pale Ale recipe?

Thanks everyone for the responses about doped beer. Are the kits for
tasting? How does that work?

On a totally unrelated note, does anyone have a recipe for Dale's Pale
Ale? I'm particularly interested in knowing what type of hops they

Thanks for the help.




Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 03:33:43 GMT
From: "Darrell Proksa" <djproksa at>
Subject: Drunk Monk Challenge - Competition Announcement

The Urban Knaves of Grain homebrew club is now accepting entries for
This is an AHA/BJCP-sanctioned homebrew competition to be held March
11, 2006 at Walter Payton's Roundhouse America's Brewpub, Aurora, IL

This is a qualifying event for MCAB and a leg for Midwest
Homebrewer of the Year.

Accepting all AHA categories of beer, mead, and cider, plus THE
MENACE OF THE MONASTERY, a special category for the best beer in a
style traditionally associated with monks: Belgian dubbel, tripel,
pale, strong pale, and strong dark, and German doppelbock.

Entries: $5 each for online entries, $7 each for paper entries.
Menace of the Monastery entries are $3 each (online entry only).

Judges needed! For judge info, please contact Joe Formanek,
jformanek at, 630-378-4694 (H).

Even more info, including entry forms: see the Drunk Monk Challenge


Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 23:24:45 -0500
From: brian-morgan at
Subject: Brew shops in MI

I am in the process of moving from Cincinnati to Howell, MI, and
will be working in Ann Arbor, MI. Can anyone (Jeff???) recommend a
good brew supply shop in the area?
I am sort of moved in - I've got to brew...
Thanks -


Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 07:09:58 -0500
From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at>
Subject: Yeast starters

It is often recommended that yeast starters be prepared using worts of
modest gravity and limited volume and that increasing the size of the
starter should be done in steps of no more than about 10-fold. If I am
not mistaken, all of these limitations on starter gravity and volume
are based upon experience, but that experience is assuming limited
oxygen supply. Am I wrong in stating that these limitations are removed
by providing a continuous supply of air to the yeast culture?

It seems to me that the only limitation on growth when oxygen is
abundant is the availability of substrate and micronutrients. Except
for the issue of alcohol stress produced by high gravity worts, all of
the concern about the proper gravity and volume of the starter should
disappear if oxygen is always available to the yeast. Am I missing
something here?

Fred L Johnson
Apex, North Carolina, USA


Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 10:31:06 -0500
From: Paul Hethmon <phethmon at>
Subject: Brewing Coppers

I'm planning on finally making the leap to all-grain sometime
this year and have been doing my fair share of reading, looking,
and lurking around at what I want in the way of equipment. One
thing I am going to do is have my brewery in the basement of
my house, behind the bar. I've got a natural gas hookup there
and an outside wall to put vents through to draw fresh air in
and exhaust out. Given it's going to be on display, I not only
want something that brews well, but it's got to look
good (at least to me).

So given that, I've been drawn to putting together a traditional
brewing copper setup. In my research so far, the only negative
I've found is the cost and lack of sources (ie a coppersmith).
Are there any negatives I should be aware of that relate to
the brewing process? Copper certainly seems to have been the
material of choice for many centuries and I've always admired
the big gleaming tanks in the brewpubs.

Another related question, why the design on brewing coppers?
Meaning the bottle shape of the vessel itself?

All feedback welcome.



- --
Paul Hethmon
phethmon at
Farragut, Tennessee
[443.2, 182.3] Apparent Rennerian


Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 09:50:04 -0600
From: "David Jones" <dpjones at>
Subject: More well water anaylsis ...

Your comments on this northwest Indiana well water will be appreciated.
Please tell me what this means for my future brews or any additions I
might make to make it better. Well water, no water softener/filter. Thanks.

pH.... 7.6
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Est... 372.0
Electrical Conductivity, mmho/cm... 0.62
Cations/Anions, me/L. 6.1 / 6.4 ppm lbs/Ac9
Sodium, Na.............. 7
Potassium, K........... 2
Calcium, Ca............ 77
Magnesium, Mg...... 23
Total Hardness, CaCO3.. 288
Nitrate, NO3-N......... 6.0
Sulfate, SO4-S......... 29
Chloride, Cl........... 22
Carbonate, CO3.........< 1
Bicarbonate, HCO3......220
Total Alkalinity, CaCO3... 180
Flouride, F..........0.16
Total Iron, Fe.......0.06

According to Palmer's "How to Brew" my ....

Sodium is closest to Vienna or Pilsen
Calcium is closest to Munich or London
Magnesium is closest to Edinburgh or Burton
Sufate is closest to London or Dublin
Chloride is closest to Dublin or Burton
Bicarbonate is closest to Dortmund or Edinburgh


Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 11:08:09 -0800
From: Scott Alfter <scott at>
Subject: Call for Judges and Entries for Las Vegas Winterfest 2006

Were you wondering what happened to the Las Vegas Winterfest competition? It's
usually been held a bit earlier in the year, but a combination of factors moved
this year's event to 18 March 2006. We're looking to grow the competition back
to what it used to be, and we need your entries!

We've also gotten an offer to extend to the winning beer entry. Matt Marino,
the brewmaster at the Triple Seven Restaurant and Brewery at Main Street
Station in downtown Las Vegas, has offered to brew the Best-of-Show beer. If
you've always wanted your beer on tap where others can try it out, now's your
chance! With Las Vegas being the popular tourist destination that it is,
you'll get plenty of fame and/or notoriety. :-)

(The only restriction is that he won't do styles that rely on critters other
than S. cerevisiae and/or S. uvarum for their fermentation, which is
understandable. For the most part, that only excludes category 17. This is
also for beers only...liquor license restrictions won't allow for mead and
cider, so categories 24-28 are out. They have their own best-of-show round

Two bottles and $6.00 is all it takes to get your beer, mead, or cider in. If
you have ten or more entries, the entry fee maxes out at $60.00...a deal for
the more prolific brewers among you. Your shipments will be accepted from 4 to
11 March (that's next week) at Nevada Brew & Wine Supply, 4800 S. Maryland
Pkwy. #J, Las Vegas, NV 89119.

The competition itself will be held at UNLV, where it's been located the past
few years. We'll need all of the judges and stewards we can muster; if you're
interested, send me some mail.

For more detailed info, see our competition webpage:

Thanks, and good luck to all entrants!

Scott Alfter
scott at


Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 14:16:54 -0600
From: "Formanek, Joe" <Jformanek at>
Subject: Drunk Monk Challenge - accepting entries through 3/4

The Drunk Monk Challenge, sponsored by the Urban Knaves of Grain of
Chicagoland, is accepting entries in beer, mead and cider categories
through this Saturday, March 4. It is an AHA sanctioned competition, a
qualifying event for MCAB, and a leg of Midwest Homebrewer of the Year.
For detailed information as to rules, etc., please visit our website at
An on-line registration for entries can be found there.
Though the registration deadline is 3/4, we will allow mailed entries to
arrive after that date, as long as they have been preregistered on the
We are also looking for more judges too help out with both the
Mead/Cider judging on Friday evening, 3/10 as well as for the main
judging at America's Brewpub in Aurora, IL all day on 3/11. If you are
interested, please feel free to contact me at
jformanek at

Joe Formanek (Head Judge)
BJCP Midwest Representative

-Urban Knaves of Grain
-Drunk Monk Challenge


Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 14:09:58 -0800 (PST)
From: Matt <baumssl27 at>
Subject: repitching hoegaarden strain

At some point I remember hearing that one should not repitch the
Hoegaarden strain. Does anyone have any information on this? Thanks,



Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 18:37:31 -0500
From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at>
Subject: Best The Brewer Competition Invitation

This is an invitation to Enter and to Judge the

Best the Brewers Competition

Saturday March 18th, 2006

Manayunk Restaurant and Brewery

The 2nd annual Best the Brewer amateur/professional homebrew competition
is looking for entrants and judges. It is a BJCP sanctioned competition.
This year submit beers brewed after November 2005 in these general
categories: The BJCP 2004 Style Guidelines will be used.

Pale ale Stout Porter
IPA Wheat
Brown Ale Spiced/vegetable/specialty

Professional brewers that have agreed to homebrew as of 1/1/2006 come
from Yards, Manayunk Brewery, Flying Fish, and Iron Hill. Prizes will be
awarded for the winner of each of the 7 categories. Best of Show Beers
(up to 3) that are from homebrewers, not professionals, will be brewed
with the homebrewer at Manayunk Brewery and served at the restaurant.

Two 12 ounce bottles should be submitted by Thursday March 16th using
the appropriate AHA submission form
( )
accompanied by a $5 entry fee payable to Tim Ackerson. Drop-off points
for the competition are Home Sweet Homebrew, Keystone Homebrew and the
Manayunk Restaurant and Brewery. Entrants can also be sent to Tim
Ackerson, 101 W. Nippon St., Philadelphia, PA 19119.

There will also be a beer dinner along with the awards at the Manayunk
Restaurant and Brewery on Thursday March 23rd. Full details about the
dinner will be posted on .

For questions e-mail Tim Ackerson at theimann at or Chris Firey
at chris at . Hope to see everyone at the competition
and dinner.


Judging will take place at 10:00am on Saturday, March 18th at Manayunk
Brewery and Restaurant. Judges will be provided with lunch and
will be admitted to the awards dinner on Thursday evening. Contact
David Houseman before March 16th to reserve your place to judge in this
unique competition competing professional brewers' homebrewer against
that of the amateur homebrewers.

Dave Houseman

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4964, 03/01/06

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