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HOMEBREW Digest #4985

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HOMEBREW Digest #4985		             Sun 02 April 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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CALL FOR JUDGES - NHC Northeast - 1st Round ("David Houseman")
stuck fermentation ("Peter A. Ensminger")
Re: Allentown beer scene (tpunk)
temperature controller for herms ("Ben Dooley")
Gluten-Free Beer (Glyn)
co2 Refills ("Brew Dog")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 22:46:31 -0500
From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at>
Subject: CALL FOR JUDGES - NHC Northeast - 1st Round

Greeting judges and stewards,

A number of you have contacted me about judging the NHC Northeast Regional
competitition in Philadelphia on Saturday, April 29th and perhaps Friday
night the 28th. If you have, great, I'll get back to you about the details
closer to the event. But we still need judges.

So please contact me to judge the Northeast Regional that will be held in
Philadelphia, at the HRIM Academic Bistro of Drexel University on Friday
night and Saturday, April 28th and 29th.

You don't have to be an high ranking judge with lots of experience to judge
this event (although we'll certainly take those as well). We'll match less
experienced with the more experienced judges -- it's a great forum to gain
experience. Friday judging, for those that are local or wish to come in the
night before, will commence at 7:00pm. Pizza and beer will be available
from 6:15 until 7:00.

Saturday judging will commence at 9:00am and proceed with up to three
sessions of judging. Lunch will be served as well as a beer and hors
d'oeuvre reception just after judging. The Reception will also be a BYO
affair, so feel free to bring your own homebrew to share but we'll have
plenty of other beer there as well. For those that can stay around, there
will be a hosted pub crawl by the knowledgeable George Hummel from Home
Sweet Homebrew and Mid-Atlantic Brewing News.

The Drexel University Academic Bistro is within a few minutes walk of
Philadelphia's 30th Street Station, the main hub for local commuter trains,
subways and Amtrak's Northeast Corridor trains from Boston to Washington.
Upon exiting the 30th Street Station, proceed West on Market Street to 33rd
Street. Turn Right and go to the Academic Building on the Northeast Corner
of 33rd & Arch Streets. The Academic Bistro is on the Sixth floor. There
is parking available on the street (watch time turnover and meters). Free
on-street parking is available on 32nd Street, North of Powelton. Google or
Yahoo! MAPS for driving directions to this location.

So plan to visit Philadelphia, judge some beer, drink more beer and have a
great time with old friends. For those of you from out of town, the Best
Western Center City at 22nd & Pennsylvania, next to the Parkway and the
museums, is the cheapest. Otherwise there are hotels around the University
of Pennsylvania and Drexel Campuses. Center City is also nearby. This
could make the weekend a family affair. This weekend will also see
Philadelphia host the Penn Relays, so if you want a hotel reservation, get
those in very soon. Parking will also be at a premium, so do consider
public transportation as your best option.

Contact me at david.houseman at to
reserve your judging assignment. Let him know what categories you cannot
judge, prefer to judge and prefer not to judge. Let him know whether you
can judge Friday, Saturday or both. Contact Nancy or George at Home Sweet
Homebrew ( if you have other questions or need
help with hotels.

David Houseman


Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 00:53:08 -0500
From: "Peter A. Ensminger" <ensmingr at>
Subject: stuck fermentation

Hi Pete,

Glad to hear that amylase "helped" your barley wine (with lots of
Laaglander dry malt) to go from 1.048 to 1028. I was "shootin at the
moon" when I suggested this back on Feb 5 .

What to do now?
1) Keg your beer. Your apparent attenuation is ~84%. Respectable for a
barley wine. Don't mess around by adding more stuff.
If you don't have kegs, then I suggest ...
2) Bottle it with Champagne yeast (and an appropriate dose of sugar). No
need for more amylase.
And finally ...
3) Whatever you do, let us know how it turns out!

Peter A. Ensminger
Syracuse, NY
Apparent Rennerian: [394, 79.9]


Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 13:01:00 -0800 (PST)
From: tpunk at
Subject: Re: Allentown beer scene

I can't say that I know much about Allentown's beer scene, but Allentown
is a fairly short (45-50 minutes when there's no traffic) ride from
Philadelphia, where we have some great beer, homebrew shops and the like.
There's plenty of info out there about the brewpubs in Philly such as
Nodding Head, Independence, Manayunk, etc and other good bars that carry a
lot of local and regional brews. In the area are also the Victory
brewery, the Yards brewery, Flying Fish, Dogfish Head (delaware, but not a
huge drive)...

If you end up visiting Philly at all, I'd highly recommend Fergie's pub
which has live Irish folk music on saturdays and is my favorite place to
sit down to a pitcher of Guinness (or Nodding Head's Grog, which is served
at Fergie's in addition to Nodding Head itself).



Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 00:28:18 -0500
From: "Ben Dooley" <bendooley at>
Subject: temperature controller for herms

Hello all. I'm building a herms, and I'm shopping around for a
temperature controller on ebay.

I'm planning on heating my hot liquor tank with two 4,500 watt water
heater elements in paralell at 220VAC. Do I absolutely need to run
these with ssr's? The reason why I ask is I'm looking at a super sweet
controller, but it's outputs are triac. I understand that mechanical
relays are bad because they crap out pretty quickly. Triacs
(thyristors), however, are solid state, so that shouldn't be an issue.
Are there other potential problems I should be aware of?

Thanks in advance.

Ben Dooley


Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 04:56:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glyn <graininfuser at>
Subject: Gluten-Free Beer

I know gluten-free beer comes up every once in a


"So Belser, a computer programmer-analyst, began
experimenting with beer made from grains that don't
contain gluten. The result, a sorghum-based lager
called Dragon's Gold, is headed to store shelves in
late April, providing thousands of Belser's fellow
celiacs with a source of safe suds."


Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 10:16:35 -0400
From: "Brew Dog" <rheinheitsgebot at>
Subject: co2 Refills

I recently picked up a 20# co2 bottle and want to use it to keep a few
kegs charged. Will I have any problems having it filled since "coca
cola" is stamped into it? I've heard gas suppliers won't inspect or
fill proprietary equipment and it needs hydrotesting so they will
notice. Will the coca cola place fill it, or will they just think I
stole it? By the way, I did NOT steal it, it was abandoned in an old
restaurant basement. Luckily the bottle is full as of now, so I guess
I have a while to deal with this as long as I don't have a leak. The
bottle has been sitting for upwards of ten years, the gas should be
fine, right?
Thanks in advance, bry
Richmond, Virginia

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4985, 04/02/06

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