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HOMEBREW Digest #4984

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HOMEBREW Digest #4984		             Fri 31 March 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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IBU Calculations ("Dave Draper")
AHA Members Last Chance for a Second Chance! ("Rob Moline")
RE: Hi grav stuff ("Brian Lundeen")
Beer Scene in Allentown, PA (Rick) Theiner <>
Update on My Stuck Fermantion and the Dilemma it Created ("Pete Calinski")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 21:20:40 -0700
From: "Dave Draper" <david at>
Subject: IBU Calculations

Dear Friends,

In #4983 David Houseman asks about the various IBU
calculation schemes, Garetz vs Rager vs Tinseth. I
agree with David that using the Garetz utilization figures
results in beer that is more bitter than what one would
calculate. In my case, back when Mark came out with
those numbers, my results were quite overbittered.

About the same time Glenn Tinseth did a lot of hard
work trying to come up with a systematically produced
set of values; he and I used to correspond a lot in those
days. The details are way outside my sphere of
knowledge but what came through was his attempt to
produce at least an internally consistent dataset, about
all one can ask for. I've used his values from the time
they first came out and at least for me and the couple
different hardware setups I've had during those years,
they give me pretty much exactly what I expect.

Cheers, Dave in ABQ
David S. Draper, Institute of Meteoritics, Univ New
David at Draper dot Name
Beer page:
That's all very well in practice; but will it work in
---Ken Willing


Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 22:33:22 -0600
From: "Rob Moline" <jethrogump at>
Subject: AHA Members Last Chance for a Second Chance!

AHA Members Last Chance for a Second Chance!

The deadline for AHA members to gain an extra entry in the annual
Lallemand Scholarship is virually here, so fire up the browser, head over to
Beertown, and pull the trigger on your Ballot for the Governing Council
members, and while you're there, click on the button for your extra entry.
Complete details of the Scholarsship are at
Election Guidelines and Candidates details are at

For those of you who aren't yet AHA members, now's the time to join!
Call 888-822-6273 and don't dawdle, the deadline for this extra chance is
April 1st, and that's no joke!

Rob Moline

"The More I Know About Beer, The More I Realize I Need To Know More About


Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 23:25:08 -0600
From: "Brian Lundeen" <blundeen at>
Subject: RE: Hi grav stuff

> Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 00:01:51 -0500
> From: "steve.alexander" <steve-alexander at>
> Subject: Hi grav stuff
> Such trouble some go to for hi-grav, and to what end - often a fusel-y
> unbalanced mess of a beer. Another approach is to mash and
> ferment at
> reasonable gravity and then 'eisbock' your way to glory. That is to
> *slowly* allow ice to form post fermentation, and remove the
> ice which is nearly pure water if you freeze slowly enough.

Can you detail a process for achieving this using typical homebrewer gear?
I've done something similar pre-fermentation to produce faux-icewines where
the juice is frozen solid in a bucket, then the "first thawings" high in
sugar are drawn off until the desired starting Brix is achieved, and the
remaining ice block is discarded. Post fermentation, this process sounds
like it would be at high risk for oxidizing the beer.



Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 8:51:24 -0600
From: Eric (Rick) Theiner <rickdude at>
Subject: Beer Scene in Allentown, PA

Hey Brewfriends,

My question is about homebrew clubs, resources,
brewpubs/breweries, and general beer stuff in
the Lehigh Valley area. Any thoughts on that
subject matter (how is, where to find, what's
great, etc.) would be appreciated.

My situation is that my employer has been purchased
by Air Products and, although it is up in the air
(NPI) as to what's going to happen, my (semi)forced
relocation to the corporate HQ in Allentown is
likely sometime within the next 18 months (if I
properly read between the lines after my meeting
with the Big Boss).

I won't complain too much-- from all I can tell
it's an excellent company to work for and there are
great resources available to all employees and
particularly to the technical folks such as myself,
but I'd rather stay in Madison and I'd rather work
for the Tomah Products for which I originally went
to work for until retirement. Alas it no longer

And if there are any AP employees on this list
(considering the size, it would not be unexpected),
could you email me privately so I can quiz you about
general stuff?

Thanks to all,

Rick Theiner


Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 10:35:00 -0500
From: "Pete Calinski" <pjcalinski at>
Subject: Update on My Stuck Fermantion and the Dilemma it Created

I was almost two months ago that I posted a request for some advice about a
stuck fermentation. Now I have another dilemma and I need more suggestions.
My problem is how to carbonate the beer because I could make either bottle
bombs or flat beer. Here are some of the details.

OG was 1.095.
Stuck at 1.048
Aerated---No effect
Added 1/4 pint saved yeast---No effect
Added pack of ale yeast ---No Effect
Added Champagne yeast---No Effect.
Made a starter, from saved yeast and stepped it up with DME. Tried stepping
more with a sample from the fermenter. No go, it seems adding the wort from
the fermenter stalled the starter.
Based on advice from you guys, I added amylase to the starter and it took
off. So I added 1/2 teaspoon per gallon to the fermenter and it also
restarted. Great, now the fermenter is down to 1.028. An SG I am very
happy with. My dilemma is that the starter solution is down to 1.000.

So, I guess my questions are,

Why is the fermenter stopped at a much higher SG than the starter?

Is the quantity of amylase limiting it? If so, then, if I try to bottle by
adding more sugar, will I get any carbonation or will it just stay flat?
Should I add amylase for carbonation and if so, how much?

Since the starter went down to 1.000, there is a possibility it is
contaminated because of all the messing around I did. I can't detect any
contamination either by taste or smell. It is possible I gave it a strong
dose of amylase. I believe I gave it the same proportion as the fermenter
but mistakes happen (especially by me).

I am concerned that if the amylase is the limiting factor, adding it for
bottling could get SG down near 1.0 which is sure to make bombs. Of course,
the pressure could stall the yeast I suppose.

So, what do I do now?

Pete Calinski
East Amherst NY
Near Buffalo NY

*My goal:
* Go through life and never drink the same beer twice.
* (As long as it doesn't mean I have to skip a beer.)

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4984, 03/31/06

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