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HOMEBREW Digest #4938

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HOMEBREW Digest #4938		             Fri 27 January 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Moving to Paso Robles (Rick Weber)
Re: Growing Hops -- is it worth the effort? (Bill Velek)
Grow your own (eric stiegman)
Green Schmutz (Randy Ricchi)
Re: Planting Hops and Digest #4936 (Bill Velek)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 09:10:21 -0600
From: Rick Weber <rick.weber05 at>
Subject: Moving to Paso Robles

This summer I will be moving to Paso Robles and I need to find out the
name of their homebrew shop(s). I know it's wine country out there,
but I want to make sure I can do my beer right, does anyone have their
name, and, if possible, their website? Thanks!


P.S. The green Schmutz on my stout is hops residue, I verified with
the good folks at Home Brew Headquarters in Dallas.

- --
"Education: The ability to listen to almost anything without losing
your temper or self confidence."
- -- Robert Frost


Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 16:59:13 -0600
From: Bill Velek <billvelek at>
Subject: Re: Growing Hops -- is it worth the effort?

Tom Lombardo wrote:

> Hops are very invasive. I don't know if their chemistry makes them
> incompatible with other plants, but my wife (the primary gardener) was
> pulling "rogue" hops shoots as they grew into areas where they weren't
> welcome.

Hmmmm. Maybe I need to till up a separate area for them so that I don't
have a problem with them trying to invade my other crops. If I do that
and they extend outside the bed, they'll just be mowed.

I realize that you didn't find homegrown hops worthwhile, but it sounds
like maybe you were focusing mostly on the economics of the matter. Did
it do anything for the quality of your beer. Did you try wet-hopping?

Cheers, Bill Velek
Join "HomeBrewers" international grid-computing team and help mankind by
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in the top 14%, and gaining on MillerTime team:


Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 08:51:01 -0600
From: eric stiegman <stiegy at>
Subject: Grow your own

Hey Greg in Chicago!

I'm about a 100 miles South of you and have had some Hallertaur growing
(I think) for about 10 or 12 years (just started to make beer again).
Is there much difference in hop varieties (growing traits)? Any
suggestions of hops for the midwest? I'm interested in Witt's , German
Wheat's as well as Farm type ales. Do you participate in any of the
Chicago area beer clubs? Thanks, Stiegy of the South lands


Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 10:55:43 -0500
From: Randy Ricchi <rricchi at>
Subject: Green Schmutz

Rick Weber claims to be a newbie brewer but that's hard to believe when
he's throwing around advanced brewing jargon like "green schmutz".

Did you seperate the wort from the hops and other break material before
pitching your yeast? If you used pellet hops and left them in the wort,
that's probably what you're seeing.

The only other place I've seen the word "schmutz" is in kayak building


Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 10:07:14 -0600
From: Bill Velek <billvelek at>
Subject: Re: Planting Hops and Digest #4936

Wil Reed advises to ...
> Be very careful when putting it in your garden, as it spreads (not
> unlike kudzu)

Hmmmm. I might just sneak down and plant it in strategic places in the
city park and let'er rip ;-) Seriously, that has been mentioned often
enough by others that I've decided to plant it in a separate location
from my garden where it will have to cross a good section of lawn before
reaching the garden. I presume that frequent mowing of the grass
between the garden and hops will prevent it from reaching my garden.
The problem I have is that the places I'm considering don't have good
southern exposure because of proximity of trees, and I'd need to run my
row east to west or else I'll mess up an area where my kids and
grandkids toss their football, etc. Either that, or I'll need to put it
near the front of the house, which I'd prefer not to do. I'll need to
give this some thought. Also, I have two dogs, and I know hops are
toxic to dogs; does anyone know whether dogs would try to eat raw hops?

Greg Brewer adds ...
> ... I hate having to haul out and climb a tall ladder to string them
> up and take them down, and the constant need to prune them early on.
> ... snip ...

My house is just one story and faces south with trees in the front, so
putting them along the house is out. I'm thinking of standing two 'A'
frames up at either end of a cable and then tossing the guy-lines over
it. I don't want to use a pulley because I've read that the bines will
grow around it and make it useless.

> Picking them is easy but time consuming. I drop the bines to the
> ground ... snip ...

That's what I want to do; forget the ladder.

> ... I grow four varieties but am seeing more and more new varieties
> out there that I am curious to try. ... snip ...

I'd like to start with just a couple, but if I'm going to go to the
trouble of making 'A' frames, etc., I might as well make it worthwhile
and plant four to six varieties.

Glyn Crossno said:
> ... location, location, location. LOTS of sun, good drainage, lots of
> water, mulch, some thing to climb.
> Grow grapes, another very fun crop.

If I put one in, I plan to bury a soaker hose. Last year I had to water
my garden like crazy. Minus 18 inches of rain last year. Since I won't
be using garden space for the hops, I'm considering putting a couple of
grape vines in my garden.

Pat Babcock added:
> ... snip ... If your neighbor has huskies, be advised that grape
> canes seem to be their "chaw of choice". Of course, I haven't had to
> cane the vines back since they moved in ...

My garden is fenced, but I'm not going to fence in the hops, so I'm
wondering if dogs try to chew on them. Anyone know?

Thanks for all the input. This group is great.

Cheers, Bill Velek
Join "HomeBrewers" international grid-computing team and help mankind by
donating spare computer power for medical research such as cancer; we're
in the top 13%, and gaining on MillerTime team:

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4938, 01/27/06

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