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HOMEBREW Digest #4939

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HOMEBREW Digest #4939		             Sun 29 January 2006 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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re: Paso Robles Homebrewing ("Mike Sharp")
RE: Questions from a newbie ("C.D. Pritchard")
Denver Brew/AFC entries ("Chad Stevens")
Suggestions for England trip? ("chris hofmann")
cracking the beer codes; keeping fermenter warm ("Peter A. Ensminger")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 22:42:07 -0800
From: "Mike Sharp" <rdcpro at>
Subject: re: Paso Robles Homebrewing

Rick Weber sez he's Moving to Paso Robles...

I hope you like hot climates!

I lived in the area for 15 years, but moved away in 1998. And yes, it's
definitely wine country. I did a lot of electrical and controls work at
many of the wineries around that region.

There's no retail outlet that I know of close to Paso Robles, but there are
places in the area. Adam Firestone (of the Firestone Winery) bought the SLO
Brewing facility in Paso Robles, but the Brewpub is still in San Luis Obispo
under the original ownership. There were a lot of changes, but I think the
big Paso Robles brewery is still there. If not, then they moved it to Santa
Ynez, next to their winery. A real nice place, and tasty beer.

Doc's Cellar is where I used to buy my HB supplies. They're at 855
Capitolio Way in San Luis Obispo, about 30 miles south of Paso Robles. It
sounds like a long way, but you'll get used to the distances. He's probably
your best bet. He has a website, but it's dreadful. Looks nice at first, if
you like Flash.

There was another shop in Santa Maria--he actually operated out of his
basement--but I doubt he's still around. He was real cheap, though, so I'd
pick stuff up from him whenever I could.

There used to be a wine shop with some HB stuff near the Madonna Inn, but
they had next to nothing, and I don't think they're still around.

There was SLO Home Brew Supply at 383 Lemon St, which is near Santa Rosa
Park, but I don't know if they're around, but it's worth checking out.

SLO also has a U-Brew for a while, it was in and out of business, as I
recall. They might still be around. I think they were on Monterey St. near
the north end of town.

I'm actually sort of jealous. SLO is a wonderful place to live. Even Paso
is nice.

Mike Sharp

Kent, WA (where it's much colder and wetter)
[1891.3, 294deg] AR


Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 11:23:41
From: "C.D. Pritchard" <cdp at>
Subject: RE: Questions from a newbie

I think Dave Miller's "The Complete Handbook of Home Brewing" is the best.

c.d. pritchard cdp at


Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 19:27:44 -0800
From: "Chad Stevens" <zuvaruvi at>
Subject: Denver Brew/AFC entries

I'll be staying in North Denver (Broomfield ?) for a couple days in
February. Any can't miss places? Bull & Bush? Wynkoop? SandLot? Your


Chad Stevens
San Diego

Time is running out! Ship your entries soon to win a chance to have your
beer brewed commercially by John Wilson of Oggi's Pizza Mission Valley, or a
commemorative T-shirt, free white labs yeast, etched glassware....
Registration is still open.

Thanks and good luck!


Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 09:22:12 -0600
From: "chris hofmann" <chrisrhofmann at>
Subject: Suggestions for England trip?

Greeting Fellow Brewing Enthusiasts...

I will be in England next week for a wedding - specifically London for a
couple of days and the rest of the time in the Cotswolds (Chipping Norton) -
and want to make the most of it.

So far my brewing related itinerary includes:

Fuller's tour - possible
Hook Norton tour - already booked (bride's father works there)
Donnigtons - possible

Any other "must visit" pubs and brewery suggests would be greatly

Thank you!



Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 15:57:18 -0500
From: "Peter A. Ensminger" <ensmingr at>
Subject: cracking the beer codes; keeping fermenter warm


There was an interesting article in the Jan 28-29 issue of the "Wall
Street Journal" on beer freshness and the cryptic coding used by
different brewers to say when their beers are bottled (or 'best consumed
by'). For example:
Anchor Steam: 5F8 = Feb 28, 2005
Bass: 23K54sx = Oct 23, 2005
Guiness Draught: L 5227 GH001 = Aug 15, 2005

That said, I have experienced minimal problems with freshness of
domestic beers. However, imports (which apparently spend time on cargo
ships with minimal temperature control) have occasionally been a problem
for me. It might be nice if there was an easy way for consumers to
decode these messages.

- ----------

I am trying to save on my utility bills this winter by keeping my house
at 50-55 deg F. Not a problem for me, as I simply need to wear a sweater
and wool socks. But, this is too cool for fermenting my ales. Can anyone
suggest a way to keep my fermenter at ~65-70 deg F? I make 5 gal batches.

I'm not too eager to build a glycol-based jacket (with heater, pump, and
thermostat) that fits around my fermenter. OTOH, the "Brew Belt" (see: ) seems like
a very crude and unreliable solution.

Any suggestions?

Peter A. Ensminger
Syracuse, NY
Beer Data:

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4939, 01/29/06

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