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HOMEBREW Digest #4861

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HOMEBREW Digest #4861		             Tue 04 October 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: Low Final Gravities (Bob Tower)
Low Final Gravities (leavitdg)
Wort Chiller Efficiency (Pete Limosani)
Re: And another thing ! ("Mike Dixon")
Viscosity ("Spencer W. Thomas")
Corn, Corn, Corn (Scott Birdwell)
efficiency, 1/ batch sparge analysis ("steve.alexander")
efficiency, 2/ continuous sparge analysis ("steve.alexander")
many things ("steve.alexander")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
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Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 01:14:23 -0700
From: Bob Tower <tower at>
Subject: Re: Low Final Gravities

Allan J. Horn of Orinda, California wrote about his troubles with
high final gravities (at least that's what he meant to say in his
subject line, either that or low attenuation).

I had a similar situation a few years back. I'd scaled my brew
operations from 10 gallons to 20 and had built my dream fermentation
system only to find that my beers all finished in the upper teens and
low 20s (specific gravity) just as Allan is experiencing. Also as
Allan is doing is tried repitching, adding yeast nutrients, rousing
the yeast also to no avail. I also was using pure oxygen added to the
wort. But still my beers were finishing high.

Then a fellow brewer recommended a different oxygenation regimen. He
told me to try adding the oxygen in stages rather than just once at
pitching as I had been doing. On my next batch I added oxygen right
before pitching, then four hours later and again another four hours
later and yet again after 12 hours from pitching the yeast. This
immediately corrected the problem and all my beers since have
finished exactly where I expect them to (generally in the 1.008 to
1.014 range depending on the beer).

My current oxygenation schedule for beers under 1.060 goes as follows
(times listed are hours from pitching):

0 hours
2 hours
6 hours
12 hours

I am using the red 40.1 gram bottles of oxygen intended for small
torches available at hardware stores, a brass oxygen regulator (no
gauges) and a 0.5 micron stainless steel aeration stone. I turn the
regulator on until I just get bubbles out of the stone. At each stage
I run the oxygen for 2 minutes.

For beers over 1.060 I will add oxygen at the 24 hour mark and if
it's really strong (say over 1.080) I will also oxygenate at the 36
hour mark.

I don't have an explanation of why this works (or even if this is
truly the solution to my problem) but to my knowledge it was the only
variable that I changed. I was using the same yeast, in the same
quantity, handling it exactly the same way as I had before. Also, I
didn't change my recipes nor did I change my mashing technique in any
way that I am aware of. But from the time I went from fermenting 10
gallon batches in either 2 plastic buckets or glass carboys to
fermenting 20 gallon batches in a single fermentation tank I had
problems with the first 4 batches finishing with high gravities.
Spreading out the oxygenation seemed to bring the gravities down to
where I had specified in the recipes. The only thing I can guess is
that it could have something to do with the fermentation volume and/
or the fermenter geometry or some other unknown variable. Previously,
fermenting in five gallon volumes I was running the oxygen for about
45 seconds (as specified in the instructions that came with the stone
and regulator) right before pitching and I had no problems with my
finishing gravities. Assuming that I would need more oxygen for more
beer, on my first four 20 gallon batches I had increased the time to
4 minutes.

It would be interesting to see if Allan tries altering his
oxygenation as I have and whether or not it lowers his final
gravities. I hope this information helps.

Bob Tower / Los Angeles, CA


Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 06:21:18 -0400
From: leavitdg at
Subject: Low Final Gravities

Thanks to Al and Jeff...agreed that taste IS more important than color, and I am
headed up to the NC Malt Supply to pick up some more Maris Otter..


I have also been trying to get the final gravities down, and think that a lower
rest (mid 140's) followed by a slow ramp up, stopping in the mid 50's, slowly
ramping to mashout has helped me.

The grain bill is, of course, important, too. Ane real healthy yeast, of
sufficient quantity.

Please let us know what does it for you.



Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 07:29:10 -0400
From: Pete Limosani <peteLimo at>
Subject: Wort Chiller Efficiency

Fellow Brewers,
I'm trying cut down on my water usage during a brew session.

I boil about 7.5 gallons down to 6 and use an immersion chiller to cool it.
It generally takes 20-25 minutes to get from boiling to 70-75*.

When I first start cooling I open up the valve full throttle and the water
escaping the chiller is steaming. The difference in temperature between water
entering the chiller and exiting the chiller is great. As the wort cools down,
the difference in temperature closes and it takes longer to drop that next

As the difference in temperature decreases, I am tempted to slow the amount
of water running through the chiller to save water. My thinking is that less
water will be used, but the water may extract a couple more degrees while
it is travelling.

Is my logic flawed?

Will I use less water over the whole cooling cycle by keeping it wide open?

Or will I use less water by slowing the flow and waiting a little longer?

How do I find the best balance between the rate of flow and the rate of heat

My chiller is home made with about 20' of 3/8" O.D. copper tubing. I just
measured the temperature of my tap water at 65*. Probably gets a little
colder on brew days because of the volume of draw prior to chilling.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.



Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 09:00:36 -0400
From: "
Mike Dixon" <mpdixon at>
Subject: Re: And another thing !

From: "
steve.alexander" <-s at>
> If anyone thinks the brewing science articles are irrelevant
> should take a look at the most recent issue of JIB where there
> is an article on mash viscosity which has relevance to the
> discussion of extraction efficiency.
> For many years I have preached the your HB books are wrong
> and that the increased temperature of mashout has a negligible
> impact on mash viscosity. There are graphs to prove it in
> the several articles on mash rheology.

I guess I am not seeing the same thing.

Using this article:
Figure 2c shows a definite decrease in viscosity from 65C at 60 min to the
time they go to 78C.

Same for this article:
Figure 5

What I also noticed is they made grain dust. In the first article the grain
was ground to 0.06 mm. In the second article the grind was 0.02 mm. Perhaps
this is a standard they are to use but contrast that with the homebrewing
malt mill gaps of 0.039"
- 0.050" (1 - 1.27 mm). I saw a probrewer forum
where the gentlemen mentioned 0.033"
(0.8382 mm), but that still is quite a
coarse grist compared to the experimental method used with the viscometer.

What I do know is that stirring the mash I create at home becomes easier as
the temperature increases from after dough in to mashout. That indicates to
me that something has changed and with the varibility that would be noticed
from a standard mash setup to a grain dust slurry in a laboratory, I'm fine
with atrributing it to a lowered viscosity of the mash due to the higher

I suspect that could be tested by measuring the amperage draw on a
continuously stirred mash from start to finish. A homemade viscometer of
sorts. If the amperage drops then the mash is become less "tough" to stir,
or some way to measure the torque. Anyone got a Compu-Brew system and time
on your hands?

Mike Dixon
Wake Forest, NC


Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 10:24:27 -0400
From: "Spencer W. Thomas" <hbd at>
Subject: Viscosity

Mike Dixon writes:

>Using this article:
>Figure 2c shows a definite decrease in viscosity from 65C at 60 min to the
>time they go to 78C.
When I look at their Figure 1d, I see mash continuing at 70C until 111
minutes, during which time the viscosity decreases from about 2.85 to
2.7 (5% decrease). I don't see any significant change in viscosity due
to the mashout at 78C. I have to admit that I don't quite understand
why point P is labeled "end viscosity at 70C" when it's at the beginning
of the 70C segment of the mash, and point R is labelled "end viscosity
at 78C"
when it's before the ramp-up to 78C even starts.

Same thing with the second article Mike points to. At the end of the
72C mash step, the viscosity is down to about 320 mPas, and in the 78C
mashout, it drops to 300 mPas (6% drop) (Figure 2d.)



Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 10:20:33 -0500
From: Scott Birdwell <defalcos at>
Subject: Corn, Corn, Corn

Jeff Renner spake:

> Brewers us corn syrup especially made for brewing that has the same
> kinds of sugars as mashed malt, or at least a similar ratio of
> fermentable sugars (see above). I am not sure if these kinds of
> syrups are available in the HB trade.

This kind of corn syrup is definitely available to the homebrew
trade. We have stocked this item for over 12 years. It is our
alternative to the "tin & kilo" brewing that the malt extract kit
manufacturers have been trying to foist upon us for decades. A can
of decent quality hopped malt extract and a couple of pounds of this
stuff can make a very palatable, if not exciting, batch of beer.
Unlike "sugar beers," it lacks that cidery, winey twang in the
finish. I'm not ready to trade in my mash tun, but it's a good way
to start, especially if you prefer a lighter-bodied beer. Thought
you'd like to know.

Scott Birdwell
DeFalco's Home Wine & Beer Supplies
Houston TX


Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 12:22:21 -0400
From: "steve.alexander" <-s at>
Subject: efficiency, 1/ batch sparge analysis

Well my face may red, but it's others acting like baboons here.
Continuous sparge is LESS efficient than batch in the general case.
But it requires some detailed analysis to see why.

Let's consider batch sparge first.

What happens in any sparge is that we have grist which initially
contains all the soluble extract and we have water which will carry of
part of the extract. [Well goods becomes more soluble throughout the
mash, but we assume the mash is over and all solubles are in their
soluble state at beginning of mash].

Let's say we have X volume units of soluble extract (when in solution)
and let's just estimate that this has some density in solution around
1.55 times that of water - close to mash extract, so the mass of extract
is then X * 1.55. The grist also retains a certain volume of solution
which is never removed by any reasonable sparging/draining process The
volume of unremoved stuff is U. Now all mashes start with a volume of
mash water M, and we assume that after the relatively long mash period
that the extract both in and outside the grist are near equilibrium,
same concentration of extract, and the total volume of this solution is
(M+X) and the amount of spargable liquid is (M+X-U). So if we just
drained the mash water we would obtain (M+X-U)/(M+X). Multiply by 100
for percent efficiency. We'll also need to reference the volume of
sparge water S. I'll note without proof that it's simpler to consider
the total amount of extract left behind in the grist ,and in this case
U/(M+X) is the fraction left behind.

Practical Example: I could quibble just slightly over the numbers, but
let's go to ChadT's recent example. 10# of grist, assuming 65% of the
mass is soluble extract means 6.5# of extract(2.95kg of extract mass).
The extract volume is about 2.95/1.55 = 1.90L = 0.5 gallons of extract
volume {X=0.5gal}. Chad also assumes the grist hold 0.1gal/lb, so {U =
1 gal}. Chad chooses an initial mash water addition of 3.1gal of mash
water (1.24qt/lb) so just draining the obtainable fraction of the mash
water would yield (3.1+0.5 - 1.0) / (3.1+0.5) = 0.722 => 72.2%
extraction with no sparge water at all.

Now in Chad's example he compares two cases, first adding all the
(3.4gal) of sparge water with the mash water, obtaining equilibrium and
draining and also the continuous case. I'd like to expand this it a
more detailed analysis

Chad's all-water together case is simple. It's the same extract result
as increasing the mash water addition to (3.1+2.4=) 6.5 gallons. So
it's (6.5+0.5-1)/(6.5+0.5) => 85.7% efficient.

Let's also consider a 1-sparge case (1S/) where we drain the mash water
and add all the 3.4gal of sparge water, achieve equilibrium then drain
that too. As above the initial mash water carries off 72.2% of the
extract. The retained grist contains 1 gallon of water with only 27.77%
of the original extract. After the 3.4gal of sparge water reaches
equilibria we can drain 3.4gal of solution and this will contain
3.4/(3.4+1.0) fraction of the 27.77% of original extract. Put into
notational terms we have:
E = (M+X-U)/(M+X) + [1-((M+X-U)/(M+X)] * S/(S+U)
or more simply the amount left behind is: (U/(M+X)) * (U/(S+U))
For our example this is:
E = 0.722 + [0.2777]*0.773 => 93.7%; 6.3 %left behind.

Now consider the 2-sparge case, where we drain the mash water, add half
the total sparge water(S/2), equilibrate, drain add the second half of
the sparge, equilibrate drain.
In our example for this case the mash drain removes 72.2% of extract
leaving 27.8%, the second removes [[ (1.7/(1.7+1.0)) 62.9% of the
remaining 27.8%]] or 17.5% leaving behind only 10.3% of the original;
then the second sparge also removes the 62.9% of the remaining 10.3%
leaving only 3.8% behind for a 96.2% efficiency in the 2-sparge case
using the same amount of water.

As it turns out we can re-write the fraction of the extract removed more
concisely as:
E = 1 - { U/(M+X) * {U/((S/N)+U) } ^N}, where N is the number of
batches in the sparge and ^ is exponentiation operation. In our example
U = 1gal ,X = 0.5gal, M=3.1gal ,S = 3.4gal, so
for N = 1; E = 93.7%
for N = 2; E = 96.2 %
for N = 3; E = 97.1%
for N = 4; E = 97.6%
for N = 5; E = 97.9%
for N = 10; E = 98.5%
for N = 100; E = 99.0%
and in the all-water at once case we got 85.7% efficiency.

So as you can see dividing up the batch sparge water into smaller units
we can approach 100% efficiency with batch sparging but after splitting
the water into 2 batches there is typically rather little additional
gain for the added effort of more smaller batches.
Next the continuous sparge case will be examined.


Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 12:40:56 -0400
From: "steve.alexander" <-s at>
Subject: efficiency, 2/ continuous sparge analysis

In a similar vein let's examine the continuous sparge by an analysis of
extraction efficiency as a series of small water 'replacements' followed
by a final 'drain'; then sweep this to the limit of infinitesimal
replacement volumes.

Again we have a volume of solute(extract) X, a retained volume of
unrecoverable solution in the grist of U, a volume of initial mash
water M, and a total volume of sparge water S. We'll also refer to
Chad Tchantz's example of X = 0.5gal, U = 1 gal, M = 3.1gal and S = 3.4gal.

Again at the end-of-mash we have the condition where all the extract is
presumed in solution of the mash water with a total volume of M+X, but
only (M+X-U) of this liquid is recoverable by 'draining'. Now instead
of draining this entire amount as in batch sparging, consider as a first
approach to the continuous case replacing S/2 amount of wort with
sparge water equilibrating, then repeating this step with the other S/2
of sparge water, then finally draining the whole. [[ note: I would
have suggested removing/replacing S amount, but that exceeds the
available liquid]]. After we calculate this for two S/2
replacements we'll see three S/3 replacement case then extrapolate to
the general N by S/N, and finally take the limit as N approaches
infinity. As N approaches infinity we have the case of the input
trickle = output trickle continuous sparge.

S/2 case:
Step 1: remove S/2 of the original mash water. This removes
(S/2) / (M+X) fraction of the extract and leaves (M+X-(S/2))/(M+X)
Step 2: After equilibrium, we again replace S/2 of the liquid. The
(S/2)/(M+X) * (M+X-(S/2))/(M+X) in this step, leaving
((M+X-(S/2))/(M+X))^2 of the total extract.
Drain: Finally we drain the (M+X-U) volume of liquid which leaves
((M+X-(S/2))/(M+X))^2 * (U/(M+X)) fraction of the original extract
behind and so the efficiency is
E = 100 * { 1 - ((M+X-(S/2))/(M+X))^2 * (U/(M+X)) }

For Chad's example this means, 1.7gal containing 47.2% of total extract
is removed at step 1. At step 2, again 47.2% of the liquid is removed,
but by then the tun only contains 52.8% of the original extract. So
step 2 extracts 24.9% of the original, but leaves 27.9% behind. The
final 'drain' step removes (M+X-U) volume of liquid leaving U behind.
The spent grist still contains U/(M+X) of the 27.9% left after step 2.

The bottom line is that this S/2 case leaves ((M+X-(S/2))/(M+X))^2 *
(U/(M+X)) of the extract behind which is 7.7% lost or 92.3% efficient,
not very good.

Now the weirdness begins ...

S/3 case:
The S/3 case is straightforward, as above and finally leaves:
((M+X-(S/3))/(M+X))^3 * (U/(M+X)) fraction of the
original extract so the efficiency is
E = 100 * { 1 - (M+X-(S/3))/(M+X))^3 * (U/(M+X)) }
In the example this means 8.9% lost extract and only 91.1% extracted !!!

That's *less* extracted than in the S/2 case; is this possible ? Is
this an error ?
No, it's correct. If you add the sparge water 1 teaspoonful at a time and
remove it at the same rate then the extraction is less efficient than if you
replaced it 1 quart at a time (assuming equilibrium applies). If you remove
a quart, then it's 1qt at the higher gravity, while if 1tsp at a time,
you are
constantly diluting the wort over that period of a quart of teaspoons. You
are are in part removing the same water you just added and that means
lower efficiency for the continuous sparge. This problem gets worse the
farther you are from equilibrium, but that's for another day.

So generally, if you divide the sparge water into N equal parts of
volume S/N ,then you leave
( ((M+X-(S/N))/(M+X))^N * (U/(M+X)) ) fraction of extract behind
and efficiency is:
E = 100 * { 1 - (M+X-(S/N))/(M+X))^N * (U/(M+X)) }
In the example case,
for N = 2; E = 92.3%
for N = 3; E = 91.1%
for N = 4; E = 90.5%
For N = 100; E = 89.25% extracted.
For N = 1000; E = 89.20% extracted.

The term ((M+X-(S/N))/(M+X))^N can be written:
(1-(S/(M+X)/N)^N = (1-K/N)^N, for K = S/(M+X)
and, as some of you may recognize from a calculus course,
the limit of this term as N approaches infinity is e^-K,
So the continuous sparge case we have that the fraction of
extract left in the grist is
(U/(M+X)) * e^-(S/(M+X))
and the efficiency percent is
100 * { 1 - ( U/(M+X) * e^-(S/(M+X)) ) }

In the example, efficiency is 100 * { 1 - 0.2777 * e^-0.9444444 }
or E = 89.19%

Note that this is LOWER efficiency than the batch sparge case for
even one drain and one sparge !
My initial thinking was that Chad's all-water example at
85.7 % efficiency was a reasonable lower bound for batch sparge,
and that continuous would remain around 92% (like the N=2
case above) or a bit better. That's not true.

Intuition and poorly chosen examples here conspired to support
the wrong conclusion. The correct take away is that continuous
sparge is LESS efficient, than batch.



Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 14:06:57 -0400
From: "steve.alexander" <-s at>
Subject: many things

Dave Burley says ...

>SteveA what have you been drinking? {8^)
My drink hasn't inhibited critical reading skills, as yours has, Dave.

>Let's see. You believe that batch sparging is more efficient yet you aim for
>inefficiency to get better tasting beer?? So what do you use? Batch or
>continuous sparging?

I've done both over the years and there isn't much difference in practice.
I currently use batch sparge in a recirculating pumped system and it's
hard keeping the efficiency down to 75% where it belongs without
restricting the sparge water volume or bypassing.

> And that as you raise the temperature the mash
>viscosity doesn't go down?
PLEASE learn to read. The viscosity certainly decreases with increasing
temperature. I said the change in viscosity due to mashout is
microscopic , totally beyond the concern of any HBer. Many HB books
play up the decreased viscosity as the reason for the 72C->78C mashout
boost. That's nonsense.

>I think the main reason I do continuous sparging is the uniformity in my
>sparge and added complexity. This lets me calculate the grist and all sorts
>of nice things. I also get a graininess I prefer that is missing with most
>batch sparging I have tasted. Batch sparged beer reminds me of an extract
>beer, probably for a good reason.
Ah yes, that grainy continuous sparge flavor ! The inscrutable and
batch sparge. You certainly must be joking. I personally think there
are good
flavors in the middle runnings that should not be avoided, but everyone
in the
know is convinced of increasingly poor flavor from late runnings and from
over-extraction. My personal taste aside, several triangle taste
studies show a
preference for beers made from no-sparge wort (including two informal ones I

In any case this is certainly all related to efficiency, amount of water
and pH and
not the piddling differences in sparge methods.

>I think Charley P's comment long ago that "just add another pound of malt"
>is right up there with most of his other silliness like a 15 minute mash
>based on an incorrect iodine test procedure and passing hot wort through the
>air, as in his pictures. Remember, Charlie is Type A+, graduated as a
>Nuclear Physicist to become an Unclear Physicist, in his own words. {8^)
Does anyone else recall that ad_hominem = logical fallacy ?
"Charlie is a bonehead, therefore any argument he supports is
is childish name calling; grow-up Dave. Address the
issue not this personality muck-racking.

>I am puzzled by your explanation of why batch sparging can ever be more
>efficient than continuous sparging.
I DIDN'T provide an explanation before, so your puzzlement in attempting
to understand the non-existent explanation is even more puzzling.

It's now laid out in detail - straightforward I think.

>In a batch sparge, the "sparge" water is
>a high concentration sugar solution, which reduces its ability to remove the
>malt sugar from the interior of the grain.

You are wrong. A batch sparge begins by draining most of the sugar with
the first runnings at T=0, then at T+epsilon is at a lower equilibrium
than the continuous sparge will be for a long time - actually until
about the
time the next batch or final drain occurs. Continuous begins and finishes
with more extract in the tun than a batch sparge - so it operates at a
eq.SG and therefore with less ability to remove sugars (slower diffusion).

>One test of the extraction efficiency would be to do an extraction both ways
>on the same batch and the take the remaining brewer's grains and soak them
>overnight (to eliminate kinetic issues) in a known volume of water to cover,
>or more. and determine the concentration of the remaining sugar with
Impossible to control the two sparges with sufficient accuracy to
produce meaningful
and comparable results Dave. Why don't you propose the experiment you think
would prove the point in detail, and I'll point out all the problems
with the
methodology (IOW we'll switch roles).

>And, Chad. I have made this argument before, but modern usage of the "-ster"
>suffix is asexual [...]
You go girl !


End of HOMEBREW Digest #4861, 10/04/05

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