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HOMEBREW Digest #4837

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HOMEBREW Digest #4837		             Fri 02 September 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Weldless Kettle Fittings (Mike Grau)
yeast growth & esters (Nathaniel Lansing)
Raspberrry wheat ("Dave Burley")
Kegorator shank bores and faucets ("Williams, Rowan")
(HAZE) is pleased to announce the eighth year of "Queen of Beer Women's Homebrew" competition ("Steve Seeley")
Stein bier gravity (Eugene Johnson)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 21:26:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mike Grau <mikegrau at>
Subject: Weldless Kettle Fittings

I recently acquired a 30qt stainless steel pot with a 3/4" hole already drilled
into it. I would like to install a weldless spigot, like the Weld-B-Gone, but I
can only find ones that require a 7/8" hole. Can anyone recommend a source for
a spigot that will work with my kettle, or suggest a suitable workaround for
this problem? Many thanks.

St Louis


Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 09:37:50 -0400
From: Nathaniel Lansing <delbrew at>
Subject: yeast growth & esters

I must have missed it during the fortnight of yeast. Someone had asked
the question whether underpitching and excess growth raised ester levels;
or did no-growth pitching rates produce added esters. They mentioned 2
exclusive competing pathways that would support either position.
I never caught the reply to the question if there was one. If there was an
could someone point me toward the digest with the reply?
From my experience with wiezen yeast the growth from a lower pitching rate
produces added esters but there is always some unseen factor that may be
missed and cause a false conclusion; like growth and oxygen supply/demand
Then there comes the problem of whether you like overt estery beer. So if
say "improved ester profile" does that mean less esters or more? or since
are many esters involved just the balance of this ester versus that ester?

Thanks for the bandwidth


Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:57:04 -0400
From: "Dave Burley" <Dave_Burley at>
Subject: Raspberrry wheat


Jeff McNally comments on Mike's Raspberry addition and estimates the 5 lbs
of raspberries will contribute 1 pound of sugar since he recalls that
raspberries are about 20 Brix.

Raspberry pulp can be 8-15 Brix and raspberry juice is Brix of 9. So a
pound of raspberries would be about 10 Brix or 10% sugar, so 1 pound will
contribute 1.6 ounces of sugar and 5 pounds will contribute about 8 ounces
of sugar and explains why you saw a small change in the SG. If anything the
SG may have dropped a little from the additional alcohol. Grapes are the
only fruit that get into the 20 Brix category. Most fruits are in the 5-10

The Berliners (yeah I know it is a jelly doughnut) produce a very acidic
wheat and add a sweet berry syrup (often blackcurrant or wormwood in the
olden times)is added to cut the sourness during consumption.

At Ludwig's restaurant Kindl Weisse Original Berlin wheat beer is served
with raspberry syrup

You could add simple syrup (sugar and water) to your beer to get the same
final effect. I believe the acids in Raspberries are mostly citric and malic
and not tartaric, so chilling probably will not remove the acid. I would not
try to neutralize it, but if it is very tart you could think about using
calcium carbonate. I suspect it would not be beneficial to the beer, as
other things may come out of solution.

Keep on Brewin'

Dave Burley


Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 12:35:37 +1000
From: "Williams, Rowan" <Rowan.Williams at>
Subject: Kegorator shank bores and faucets

Hi all,
I'm hunting around for a stainless steel shank for my forthcoming kegorator
conversion job.
Which shank bore is best? 1/4 inch or 3/16ths???
I thought smaller beer line was better for the beer line but some websites
in the US are suggesting that a 3/16ths beer line is "notorious for foaming

On a related note, some sites sell the Ventmatic forward seal all stainless
faucet - is it worth the extra money compared to a standard chrome faucet?
Do the ventmatic faucets happily fit onto standard 4 or 5 inch shanks? I
don't draw beer every night (unfortunately!) so a stainless tap that can
handle infrequent use and not gum up or stick is preferred.


Rowan Williams
Canberra Brewers Club
[9588.6, 261.5] AR (statute miles)

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Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 21:43:48 -0700
From: "Steve Seeley" <seseeley at>
Subject: (HAZE) is pleased to announce the eighth year of "Queen of Beer Women's Homebrew" competition

The Hangtown Association of Zymurgy Enthusiasts (HAZE) is
pleased to announce the eighth year of "Queen of Beer Women's Homebrew"
competition. This is a BJCP and AHA sanctioned competition. See Zymurgy
Winners Circle article "Queen of Beer" March/April 2005 for an interview
with Annie Johnson as Queen of Beer for 2004.

The Queen of Beer Women's Homebrew Competition is open to
all non-commercial, home brewed beer and meads produced by persons of
female gender. Beer produced by or with the assistance of persons of the
male gender is not eligible.

All 28 of the 2004 BJCP Style categories
( are open for entry. Depending on
the amount of entries, some categories may be combined for Judging. Cost
for entering the competition is $6.00 for each entry. All beer entries
will be accepted September 17th 2005 through October 9th at the Wine
Smith in Placerville. Entries will also be accepted at Northern
California Homebrewers Festival (NCHF) on October 8th 2005. Starting
September 10th the QOB Registration Wizard will be available to help you
enter your beers into the competition and create bottle labels based on
your registration information. Please visit the QOB web site
( for registration.

Judging will be held on Saturday, October 22th, 2005.
Ribbons will be awarded for first, second and third place in each
category (if point requirements are met). First place winners in each
category will have her beer included in the Best of Show, Queen of Beer
judging round. Judging is by invitation and any remaining judge slots
will be advertised on JudgeNet in October.

Please visit the QOB web site
( for detailed information not
listed here. To contact the QOB coordinator (Steve Seeley) send mail to
QOBOrganizer at


Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 07:11:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Eugene Johnson <elj4176 at>
Subject: Stein bier gravity

I'm looking for others that have brewed a steinbier
using granite chunks. Our brew club (Mansfield Brew
Club) recently attempted this style and it's not
looking so good at this point. The gravity is still
near 1.035 after several weeks of fermentation with a
massive starter of 1056 and a temp of 68F.
We heated the rocks and boiled some water with them as
a test run and also to clean the rocks a bit before
using them in the wort. During the boil we skimmed
some sludge that looked like mud (session pics are
online if anyone is interested I can send the link).
The pH was adjusted to the proper level so I'm not
sure what the problem is. Should we have boiled the
rocks twice or three times before using them? If
anyone has an input I'd be glad to hear it. Beano is
always an option but I'd rather not use it. The beer
tastes ok wit ha hint of smoke flavor but is way too
sweet still.

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4837, 09/02/05

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