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HOMEBREW Digest #4831

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HOMEBREW Digest #4831		             Thu 25 August 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: Home grown hops ("Craig S. Cottingham")
Re: Pressure Cooker Decoction ("Kevin Kutskill")
Re: Music To Brew By ("David Houseman")
I think we found that efficiency... ("Michael Eyre")
Our first Barley Wine, looking for suggestions... ("Michael Eyre")
Re: Home grown hops (Scott Alfter)
Molasses Adjunct (Tony Brown)
Music To Brew By ("Ed Measom")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 23:39:06 -0500
From: "Craig S. Cottingham" <craig at>
Subject: Re: Home grown hops

On Aug 24, 2005, at 07:36, "Mueller, Kevin (K.M.)" <kmuell18 at> wrote:

> I've started harvesting and drying some homegrown Liberty hops. This
> is my
> first year havesting, probably the 3rd of 4th growing season. This
> year is
> the first time that I've gotten the plant enough water to have a good
> crop!
> Anyways, I've never brewed with Liberty, and really don't know what
> they're
> like. I received the rhizome as a gift from a guy that I taught how to
> brew. Any suggestions on what to brew? Recipes? Styles?

HopUnion's "Hop Variety Characteristics"
<> says that Liberty is a tetraploid
variety of Hallertauer Mittelfrueh "with close similarities to imported
German aroma varieties, especially Hallertau." They list Hallertau,
Tradition, Mt. Hood, and Spalt as possible substitutions for Liberty;
obviously, you're working in reverse.

- --
Craig S. Cottingham
craig at
Olathe, KS


Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 06:48:29 -0400
From: "Kevin Kutskill" <beer-geek at>
Subject: Re: Pressure Cooker Decoction

John McGowan has questions about pressure cooker decoctions.

I would recommend using the technique that Spencer has already outlined--use
a container to hold the grains, and put the whole container inside the
p-cooker. The p-cooker that I use is big enough to hold a smaller stainless
pot. I pull the decoction into this pot, put it on the burner, bring it up
to the saccharification temperature, put the lid on, and hold for 15
minutes. Then put the whole pot into the p-cooker, and pressure cook away.
Once the p-cooker is up to temperature and pressure, I usually let the
decoction cook for 20 minutes.

I also agree with Spencer that the p-cooked batches have a some extra DMS
character, and this really increases if you cover the container holding the
grains inside the pressure cooker (many brewers cover the container with a
lid or foil to avoid the risk of spattering grains plugging the vent pipe on
the lid). Cover the grains with a muslin bag or grain bag to avoid
spattering grains, and minimize the DMS.

beer-geek at

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving
safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in
sideways, pizza in one hand, beer in the other, body thoroughly used up,
totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"


Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 07:33:18 -0400
From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at>
Subject: Re: Music To Brew By

Maybe brewing music should be style inspired?

When brewing Lambics: Itsy-Bitsy Spider of course :-))

Just no bagpipes when making Scottish Ales.



Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 08:09:05 -0700
From: "Michael Eyre" <meyre at>
Subject: I think we found that efficiency...

Hey all!

Regarding my post a few days ago about lost efficiency that my friend
was reporting by his calculations through promash? Well, our brew went
off without a hitch this past Sunday, and everything was well. We double
rolled the wheat and adjusted the water per lb ratio to the correct
proportions and when we went to lauter, we got a good first runoff, a
good second runoff... and a good third runoff (hell, we were shooting
for only two!) and the third runoff was still 1.038 but we didn't have
any room left in the kettle, so we took the 14 gallons we'd collected
and just had to call it a day. So, basically, we left a lot of good
sugar in that wort, and now we know that we're actually just fine,
efficiency wise. In fact, since we weren't able to collect the whole
amount of sugar out of the grains, we're not sure *what* our actual
efficiency is because we don't know really how much was left. Well, I
will say, it feels much better to have more beer than you planned and
leave scratching your head on something like this than to have an
underpowered beer.

Thanks for all the suggestions!



Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 09:03:36 -0700
From: "Michael Eyre" <meyre at>
Subject: Our first Barley Wine, looking for suggestions...

And since we crossed that bridge so well, I figured I'd throw this one
out too.

We have a cooler we single infuse mash in that holds a maximum of 25lbs
of grain. This is fine for our 10 gallon normal gravity batches.
However, we're looking to do a barley wine, somewhere on the order of
1.100 to 1.120 O.G. We're thinking now about doing a 5 gallon batch, and
we figure we'll have to do a couple of sparges near 8-10 gallons and
just plain boil it all for hours to get it down to the 5 gallons and
thereby raise the O.G. to a respectable gravity.

Normally, the past few beers we've done the first runoff is at or neat
1.060 and the second falls somewhere less than that.. which is normal, I
guess. Is there another way to do this, with just one sparge that
wouldn't waste any sugar? To somehow rip all the sugar out in, say, 6
galons, so the boil time would only have to be a normal one hour boil?
What I mean is, is this the only way to do it, by sparging a couple of
lower gravity worts (more than 6 gallons) combining, and then boiling it
down? Theoretically, you could have a huge mashtun and just take the
first 6 gallons of 1.100 gravity runoff, and sparge the rest as a lower
gravity beer (you'd have to have a huge mashtun, no?)? Also, what is the
maximum reading you'd ever see on a hydrometer for the first runnings
(quart, pint, gallon, whatever) using a typical pale ale malt... does it
have a max solubility of sugar, and if so, what would that be? Does this
make sense? I'm sort of rambling, I know... I'm having a hard time
putting into words what I'm actually looking to find out. Anyone get me?



Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 10:12:31 -0700
From: Scott Alfter <scott at>
Subject: Re: Home grown hops

"Mueller, Kevin (K.M.)" <kmuell18 at> wrote:
> I've never brewed with Liberty, and really don't know what they're
> like.

It's a recently-transplanted domestic version of German Hallertauer (as opposed
to domestic Hallertauer, which was brought over further back and has diverged a
bit more from the original). You can use it as a substitute for Hallertauer or
Mt. Hood (which also bears some similarity to Hallertauer).

_/_ Scott Alfter
/ v \ Visit the SNAFU website today!
(IIGS( Top-posting!
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Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 13:46:58 -0500
From: Tony Brown <speleobopper at>
Subject: Molasses Adjunct

I went to the Indiana State Fair last weekend and picked up a quart of
pure sorghum sweet molasses in hopes of using it in a beer recipe.
Has anyone here ever used molasses in a recipe? I typically brew
all-grain recipes but thought this would make an interesting adjunct
to some style of beer like a porter. Does anyone have a recipe they
have tried with good results? If so, how would you use the molasses?
Near the end of the boil? I've used honey before and added it 15
minutes before the end of the boil. Either public posting or private
email is okay with me.

- --
"A fine beer can be judged by one sip , but it's better to be sure." - Unknown


Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 21:38:54 -0400
From: "Ed Measom" <ed_measom at>
Subject: Music To Brew By

The first piece of equipment I installed in my current home brewery was the
stereo system with a 5 CD changer. This helped with the construction phase
and installation of the rest of the brewing equipment. I don't conduct any
brewing process without putting on some music.

For my taste live Grateful Dead is the most enjoyable and emotes positive
energy to the beer. With all the Dick's Picks series there is an almost
never ending supply of Dead shows!

Ed Measom
Winter Park, FL

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4831, 08/25/05

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