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HOMEBREW Digest #4839

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HOMEBREW Digest #4839		             Mon 05 September 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Queen of beer (David Edge)
Queen of Beer (David Morgan)
Re: Aeration (John Schnupp)
re: Weldless Kettle Fittings (John Schnupp)
Woodruff and berliner Weisse (Thomas Rohner)
Bud vs Bud select ("")
re: Bud vs. Bud Select (Bob Hall)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 05:31:44 +0100
From: David Edge <david.j.edge at>
Subject: Queen of beer

> Do women feel uncomfortable entering regular competitions?

Those who win second prize in a national competition and then have to
endure barrages of suggestion that it was a fix certainly do.

David Edge


Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 02:05:16 -0400
From: David Morgan <voodooman68 at>
Subject: Queen of Beer

True, we have several great women brewers in our club that do not really
need a seperate competition, as they win medals in other comps as is.
But, we do this every year and have fun with it, we get all the women in
our group, all the wives, girlfriends, and such together for a brew
session. Kinda a girls day out. We give them the run of the brewery. The
active women brewers help teach, they all collaberate on recipe, and it
gives them the oppurtunity to understand why we think its so much fun
standing in the driveway with friends, drinking beer and watching a pot
boil. We have several females now who do not brew per say, but they look
forward to the yearly women brew day. Why the women are brewing, the
guys cook dinner,(yes the grille is involved) and keep the womens beers
from going empty. So a Queen of beers competition can be made into a fun
and interesting day.

David Morgan
Pres Dunedin Brewers Guild


Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 00:04:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Schnupp <johnschnupp at>
Subject: Re: Aeration

"Peed, John" <jpeed at> gives some good input to aeration and

I'll add my .02, just keep in mind that I haven't actively brewed in almost 5
years so I'm going from memory here.

>The best things ever to come down the pike for aerating yeast starters
>are the 3 liter Pyrex flask,

I found that I really didn't like the 3L flasks. One thing I found was that it
was very easy to get the flask to foam over. The flask is basically an
inverted cone and as the foam gets higher the volume gets smaller and it pushes
the foam out even faster.

What you want to use is something more carboy shaped, i.e. the cylinder does
not change in volume with the displacement. I wound up using a 4L wine jug.
Buy some cheap table wine and drink it or dump it (I drank mine). Just use the
same sanitation and cleaning techniques you would for a carboy fermenter.

>You boil the wort in the flask (the steam escaping through the foam sanitizes
>the stopper), then chill it in cold water.

And so what happens to the unsanitized air as it gets "sucked" back in when the
flask is chilled? I know the foam is supposed to be sanitized but...

I made my own starter and aeration set-up. Without going in to a lot of
details about my stirrer and (former) starter procedure, here's a couple links
to some stuff I put up on my earthlink home page.

John Schnupp, N3CNL
(once in a) Blue Moon Hombrewery
[560.2, 68.6] Rennerian
Georgia, VT
95 XLH 1200


Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 00:50:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Schnupp <johnschnupp at>
Subject: re: Weldless Kettle Fittings

Mike Grau <mikegrau at> asks:
>I recently acquired a 30qt stainless steel pot with a 3/4" hole already
>drilled into it. I would like to install a weldless spigot, like the
Weld-B->Gone, but I can only find ones that require a 7/8" hole. Can anyone
recommend >a source for a spigot that will work with my kettle, or suggest a
suitable >workaround for this problem? Many thanks.

So what about the ultimate simple solution of drilling a bigger hole?

John Schnupp, N3CNL
(once in a) Blue Moon Hombrewery
[560.2, 68.6] Rennerian
Georgia, VT
95 XLH 1200


Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 10:46:55 +0200
From: Thomas Rohner <t.rohner at>
Subject: Woodruff and berliner Weisse

Hi all

woodruff is the main component in the green sirup besides sugar and
water of course. It's added in very small amounts, since it contains
It is also used for the may-bowle, which is said to have some
aphrodising effects. (But at that time of year it's spring anyway...)

We added woodruff-sirup to prime a normal wheat a couple of years ago,
the result was drinkable, but we didn't repeat it.

Coumarin in larger doses can be dangerous, but the woodruff taste is
very intensive anyway. So the chance to poison oneself is not there.

Wormwood is used for absinth, but it's used in many bitter liqueurs. But
you can make a tea as well. It's used after a big meal. It's extremly
bitter, so the chance of poisoning isn't that big.

As long as someone uses common sense, and reads the receipes from our
ancestors carefully. Those herbs are a blessing. In big quantities they
may be poisonous, as are the industrially produced drugs.

Cheers Thomas


Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 11:22:49 -0500
From: "truejohn at" <>
Subject: Bud vs Bud select

I tried bud select and it seemed a "frothier" beer, it seemed to have
(if possible) a little less taste and a little more head than bud. It
sure made me wish I was still able to homebrew. (bad back, can't lift,
can't bottle, can't afford a fancy brewtree or kegging)

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Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 17:27:54 -0400
From: Bob Hall <rallenhall at>
Subject: re: Bud vs. Bud Select

I thought perhaps it was just me. I tried Bud Select during a ski weekend
last winter expecting something on the line of a Stroh's Signature, the
brew that wet my appetite for better beers decades ago. Nope, it was Bud
with a new label. My wife's first response was "Nothing 'Select' about
this!" The remainer of the six-pack remained in the back of the fridge for
months until some Lite friends cleared the space. It was a great
disappointment from a brewery that could, but won't, do so much better.

Bob Hall
Napoleon, OH

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4839, 09/05/05

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