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HOMEBREW Digest #4838

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HOMEBREW Digest #4838		             Sun 04 September 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Bud vs. Bud Select (Andrew Calder)
RE: Rasberry Wheat (Steven Parfitt)
CA beer legislation (zuvaruvi)
Queen of Beer Women's Homebrew (jhandy)
shanks and tubing (Nathaniel Lansing)
Steinbier and Esters and starter size ("Dave Burley")
RE: Rasberry Wheat and woodruff syrup ("Dave Burley")
Counterflo (sort of) chiller... ("Michael Eyre")
Fermentis Yeast Petition (UK homebrewers) (Darren Wyn Rees)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 20:30:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Andrew Calder <arcalder2000 at>
Subject: Bud vs. Bud Select

Howdy All,

I have a mega-swill question. Can anyone taste the
difference betweeen Bud and Bud Select? I was
recently down in St. Louis and my first beer of the
day was a regular Bud. My second beer was a Bud
Select. I really couldn't tell the difference between
the two of them. I was just wondering if anyone out
there could.

Just wondering,

Andrew Calder, New Lenox, IL
[218.1,257] Apparent Rennerian


Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 21:47:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Steven Parfitt <thegimp98 at>
Subject: RE: Rasberry Wheat

"Dave Burley" Responds to Jeff McNally's comments on
Mike's Rasberry addition...

>Jeff McNally comments on Mike's Raspberry addition
>and estimates the 5 lbs of raspberries will
>contribute 1 pound of sugar since he recalls that
>raspberries are about 20 Brix.


>The Berliners (yeah I know it is a jelly doughnut)
>produce a very acidic wheat and add a sweet berry
>syrup (often blackcurrant or wormwood in the
>olden times)is added to cut the sourness during

I suspect you mean Woodriff and not Wormwood. Wormwood
is VERY BITTER! I grow Wormwood to keep deer out of my
garden (Debatible whether or not it works).

Woodriff is a source for Coumadin, a blood thinner and
rat poison. Strange but true.


>Keep on Brewin'

>Dave Burley


Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 10:50:30 -0400
From: <zuvaruvi at>
Subject: CA beer legislation


Greg Aghazarian is the author of AB417 (the SB1008 rider), the legislation you are fighting in California. Below is a partial list of contributors for his campaign for assembly in 2004. It speaks volumes with regard to where this legislation is coming from. Because the big boys control the second tier, this legislation would obviously be to their advantage.

Good luck, good fight,

Chad Stevens
San Diego


Campaign: AGHAZARIAN 2004 Amount Transaction
ANHEUSER-BUSCH COS., INC. $1,000 6/30/2003
ANHEUSER-BUSCH COS., INC. $1,000 5/22/2003
E & J GALLO WINERY $3,200 8/20/2003
WINE INSTITUTE $750 9/30/2003

ANHEUSER-BUSCH COS., INC. $1,000 7/7/2003

$3,000 5/7/2003

Total: $11,950


Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 11:40:13 -0700
From: jhandy <j.handy at>
Subject: Queen of Beer Women's Homebrew

When I saw this, I was curious. Why is there a separate competition for
women only? Surely gender is not a factor in the ability to make a great
beer. Sure, it's a male-dominated hobby, and I suppose the goal is to
interest more women. But why a separate competition? Do women feel
uncomfortable entering regular competitions? Is there discrimination
among the judges or something? Maybe someone has a good explaination,
but I don't get it.


Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 22:26:00 -0400
From: Nathaniel Lansing <delbrew at>
Subject: shanks and tubing

Rowan asked: >Which shank bore is best? 1/4 inch or 3/16ths???
I thought smaller beer line was better for the beer line but some websites
in the US are suggesting that a 3/16ths beer line is "notorious for foaming
The only beer I've heard of that requires a 1/4 inch bore
in the shank is Coor's Light. You gonna serve Coor's light?
No? use a 3/16 bore shank.
Some websites are wrong, 3/16 is the correct size for a direct-draw
system. The head pressure in the keg at serving temperature must
drop slowly in a linear fashion from the keg coupler to the mouth
of the faucet. With 2.2 lb per foot drop in a 3/16 I.D. a standard keg
pressure of 13- 14 lb is dropped through 6 feet of tubing, the pour is
correct. Yes you can use larger tubing, maybe 1/4 inch, but with
a drop of .6 lb/ft you need 22 feet of 1/4 I.D. tubing, a bit ungainly.
The forward seat faucets work, they stay cleaner *longer*, not forever.
A bit pricey though, as everything stainless.


Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 09:59:13 -0400
From: "Dave Burley" <Dave_Burley at>
Subject: Steinbier and Esters and starter size


In making steinbier using marble chunks, Eugene Johnson's club got a much
higher than expected F.G. and wonders if they should have added the rock
more times or what.

In the first place, the high final gravity is due to a mashing procedure in
which you mashed at a too high temperature most likely and not your rock
addition procedure to boil the wort. If you choose to use hot rocks to
raise the mash temperature, you should heat plain water to the boiling point
and then add this to your mash to advance the temperature according to a
known program which raises the temperature and dilutes the sugars so the
saccharifying enzymes can be more effective.

After lautering then you add really hot rocks to the wort or even better I
think is to pour the wort over the hot rocks if you do it safely. This will
give you more caramelization of the sugars which cling to the rocks. The
rocks can then be added to the wort after they are cooler to rinse off these
caramelized sugars. Consider loading a SS pipe with hot rocks and pouring
the wort over them.

Be very careful with either procedure. I recommend full safety equipment,
gloves and face shield at the minimum. Heating these rocks can cause them to
shatter as can dumping these rocks into water or pouring wort over them.

Nathaniel I believe you missed the late FOY reply . Starting with a small
starter will generate more esters, as these are produced during the growth
phase. This is consistent to your observation.

Keep on Brewin'

Dave Burley


Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 10:11:43 -0400
From: "Dave Burley" <Dave_Burley at>
Subject: RE: Rasberry Wheat and woodruff syrup


> I suspect you mean Woodriff and not Wormwood.

Seven Parfitt is exactly correct. I thought of this later but didn't have
time to correct it and had planned to do it in this session. I did mean
Woodruff syrup (a Spring tonic in Germany added to their wheat beer) and my
bean cornfused this with Wormwood which was used in making Absinthe in the
bad old days, I believe, Thanks.

It's possible that the blood thinning properties of wormwood which Steve
noted was responsible for the many bad things including death which came
from using the original Absinthe potion. The extract is a source for the
blood thinner Coumadin used in humans who have clotting disorders and is
also a rat poison causing the rat to bleed to death internally, which Steve
also notes.

Keep on Brewin'

Dave Burley


Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 10:12:55 -0700
From: "Michael Eyre" <meyre at>
Subject: Counterflo (sort of) chiller...

I'm looking to get out of my immersion chiller I think. As much as I
like it's ease of cleaning and such, it's really killing me and my
partner on the hot days when it's taking in excess of 45 minutes to cool
10 gallons down to 80 degrees, at best. We've tried the ice bath
prechiller thing too, but aren't having much luck with it. I've looked
at some designs, and I'm not fond of the 'hose around the hose'
counterflow type, but the 'coil inside the 4 inch PVC pipe thing looks
pretty durable. Anyone have much luck with this idea, and is it as
effective as the hose over the hose style? Any suggestions on dimensions
for the coil size and length for best results?



Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 15:31:51 +0100
From: Darren Wyn Rees <darren at>
Subject: Fermentis Yeast Petition (UK homebrewers)

I've started a Pledge at Pledgebank calling on Fermentis (who produce
S04/Safale and Saflager for the UK) to make available more of their
product for the UK homebrew market.

I would be grateful for any signatures to the pledge

The lack of a good range of dried yeasts in the UK market has been a
bone of contention for many years, and there have been rumblings about
Fermentis yeasts on the uk-homebrew mailing list since 2000.



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