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HOMEBREW Digest #4783

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HOMEBREW Digest #4783		             Thu 02 June 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Still Missing MCAB VII Qualifiers ("David Houseman")
RE: Pumping iodophor ("Sean Davidson")
Malt Extracts: Is THIS still a problem? (CheekyGeek)
Last Call: BUZZ 11th Annual Brew-off (lkowens)
Call for Entries: CA State Fair (Kevin Pratt)
Erlenmeyer Flasks ("Peter Beauregard")
White Labs Bastogne WLP510 ("Glenn Raudins")
NHC 2005 Final Round Final Call For Judges & Stewards (Phil Sides Jr)
How to open a sankey keg for home brewing ("daytona klo")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Sat, 28 May 2005 21:27:52 -0400
From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at>
Subject: Still Missing MCAB VII Qualifiers

The good news is that a number of the missing qualifiers for MCAB VII have
been located and contacted. But I'm still missing email addresses in order
to contact the following qualifiers. If you know any of these people, or
are any of them, please have them contact me as soon as possible so that
they can plan to enter should they wish to.


David Houseman
MCAB VII Organizer

Don Bates
James P Grady
Gary Harstead
Jeff Hicks
Ted Malmstrom
Wesley McDaniel
Jeff Williamson
Gerald Wyman
Sean O'Connor
Kent Wheat
Chris Broun
Dirk Bridgedale
Andy Schoenwetter


Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 13:08:35 +0000
From: "Sean Davidson" <seanwithin at>
Subject: RE: Pumping iodophor

I figured that this would be an appropriate time to chime in with my
question on iodine solutions. First of all, thanks to the years of
information the Digest has given me. Yes, I'm another one of the longtime
lurkers... Anyway, on to my question. I have been given some bottles of
iodine from a family member who's a nurse. This is the iodine used in the
OR. She says that they might just use a teaspoon and then throw the rest of
the bottle away! My question is, can I use this interchangably with
Iodophor? The bottle says "Povidone Iodine, USP 10% Topical Solution". Would
I be safe in using this or do the two differ?

Carlisle, PA


Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 10:53:44 -0500
From: CheekyGeek <cheekygeek at>
Subject: Malt Extracts: Is THIS still a problem?

I'm a newbie in the information-gathering stage. Found this magazine
article from 1993:
It cites a study that found that many "100% Malt Extracts" were
anything but and actually had a "disturbing presence of substantial
amounts of glucose syrup, invert syrup/liquid sucrose, and
high-fructose corn syrup.

Since this is a pretty old article, I think it is worth asking: Is
this still a problem today?

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE


Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 17:56:53 -0500
From: <lkowens at>
Subject: Last Call: BUZZ 11th Annual Brew-off

June 4, 2005. Champaign, IL. Entries due by June 1.
For further information, go to our website.


Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 06:28:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kevin Pratt <oh2bontv at>
Subject: Call for Entries: CA State Fair


It's right around the corner! The California State Fair Homebrew
Competetion is looking for entries. This competition is the second
leg in the prestigious Anchor Homebrewer of the Year award.

This competition will follow the 2004 BJCP Guidelines. All
categories are open,including Mead and Cider. There is a three
12-ounce bottle requirement, and all must be free of distinguishing
marks or labels (except entry labels). Entry fee is $8 per entry.
Complete rules and info is available at the link listed above.

We ask that you please register your entries at This site will
help you to easily categorize your entries and will even print the
competition labels. Entry labels need to be attached to each bottle
by rubber band. Upon receiving the entries, the organizer will send
you confirmation by email.

Remote sites are available to drop off entries from June 18, 2005
thru July 1, 2005. A complete list of remote entry sites is
available through the link above. If you don't see one near you,
please contact the organizer to coordinate one.

After July 1st, until July 9th, all entries need to be shipped to:
Homebrew Outlet, 5528 Auburn Blvd #1, Sacramento CA 95841.

Final Judging will take place at Brew It Up! in downtown Sacramento,
on July 23 and 24.

Thank you
Kevin Pratt
domino916 at yahoo dot com


Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 11:21:42 -0400
From: "Peter Beauregard" <peterb at>
Subject: Erlenmeyer Flasks

I have been doing starters for years in Erlenmeyer
Flasks over gas on the stove, but have recently
moved into a house with a flat top electric stove.
Anyone out there had any bad experiences doing
starters on this type of stove?

Peter Beauregard
Stratham, NH


Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 21:24:35 -0400
From: "Glenn Raudins" <glenn at>
Subject: White Labs Bastogne WLP510

Does anyone know of a retailer that may still have the White Labs
Bastogne WLP510 Platinum Series yeast in stock? It is only available
in January and February. I'd love to get a slant of this. Any help is
appreciated. Thanks.



Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 22:45:43 -0400
From: Phil Sides Jr <phil at>
Subject: NHC 2005 Final Round Final Call For Judges & Stewards

This is the final call for judges and stewards for the final round of the
27th Annual National Homebrew Competition to be held in conjunction with
the 27th Annual National Homebrewers Conference in Baltimore, Maryland in
two weeks.

If you are interested in judging or stewarding, please register right away
at URL

Thursday, 16 June 2005 9:00am - Noon
Thursday, 16 June 1:30pm - 5:00pm,
Friday, 17 June 8:30am - Noon

The Holiday Inn Inner Harbor
301 West Lombard Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-2507


Phil Sides Jr., Judge Coordinator
altoidman at or

Phil Sides, Jr. - Mid-Atlantic Brewing News
Hop Tips Editor, Import Columnist, Feature Writer
2715 Plyers Mill Road
Silver Spring, MD 20902-4207
(703)788-7817 FAX (925)884-0362
phil at


Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2005 19:08:29 +0000
From: "daytona klo" <daytona_klob at>
Subject: How to open a sankey keg for home brewing

How to open a sankey keg for home brewing

A how to on opening a Sankey type keg. May be useful if you are a home
brewer, and want to put your beer in a standard Keg.
Disclaimer: Opening a keg can be a hazardous operation. The pressure in a
barrel can be as high as 60 PSI if not even greater. Removal of the keg stem
while pressurized can create a projectile that can cause great bodily harm,
or damage to property.
Disclaimer: This page is informational only on how a Sankey type beer keg is
Here we have an empty 1/2 barrel beer keg. This one just happens to be a
Miller keg. These are designed to hold 15 gallons of liquid, and a maximum
charge pressure of 60PSI.
And here is the only way in and out of the barrel, the neck. This fitting is
known as a "SanKey" in the industry
When Pabst used wooden Bung to fill barrels, it was easy to make new
Beachwood bungs, and gain access to the barrel with a drill
A how to on opening a Sankey type keg. May be useful if you are a home
brewer, and want to put your beer in a standard Keg.
Disclaimer: Opening a keg can be a hazardous operation. The pressure in a
barrel can be as high as 60 PSI if not even greater. Removal of the keg stem
while pressurized can create a projectile that can cause great bodily harm,
or damage to property
Disclaimer: This web page is strictly a documentation of what can be done.
In no way do I endorse or sanction any individual that should perform this
Disclaimer: This page is informational only on how a Sankey type beer keg is
OK now lets look at our project
Here we have an empty 1/2 barrel beer keg. This one just happens to be a
Miller keg. These are designed to hold 15 gallons of liquid, and a maximum
charge pressure of 60PSI.
And here is the only way in and out of the barrel, the neck. This fitting is
known as a "SanKey" in the industry.
The first step, and the most important is to blow off the charge pressure.
This can be done while still in the tapper, by turning off the C02 gas, and
opening the tap. At all times in this process, it cannot be stressed enough
that you must allways check to be sure that a charge has not built up in the
barrel. Things such as heat, will cause it to be recharged, or any small
residue of beer, that is still active can create pressure. I use a small
wooden dowl rod to press down on the ball valve in the center of the
Now if you carefully examine the very top rim of the neck, you will see
stainless spring ring holding the stem assembly together
Note that the leading edge of the ring has a taper to allow for a removal
tool to get a start
I will use a metal awl, and a small straight blade screwdriver. The awl
first to get in behind the taper edge, pry the leading edge out, and then
use the screwdriver to work the ring out of the channel. It is quite easy to
do this, once the ring is started out.
Keep your head clear of this anyway, while performing this operation, and
you may only lose a few fingers instead of your face
Well if you made it this far, you now have the ring out of the neck, and
here it is.
Note that there is a Keyway notch on the neck And also one on the stem
You need to rotate the stem in the neck until these keys line up, and you
will be able to lift out the stem
Out it comes, only this one piece
A close up view of the stem head valve assembly. There is an "O-ring", if
you need to replace this it must be a food grade "O-ring"
Well now you have it Clean your barrel with hot soapy water, rinse well in a
sanitizing solution. Do the same for the stem, and steel ring. and your
ready to go !

Try this for web page for easy access kit so you don't ever have to do these
steps again
remove the sankey stem in seconds for easy cleaning and filling of your own
personal home brew beer.

ps for detailed pictured instuctions go to the following web page at

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4783, 06/02/05

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