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HOMEBREW Digest #4757

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HOMEBREW Digest #4757		             Wed 13 April 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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JUDGES - 2005 National Homebrew Comp, Denver 1st round (Nathan Moore)
call for judges - NHC 2005 Northeast Region ("Tina Weymann")
11th annual BUZZ brew-off (Linda Owens)
Brewing Culture (Alexandre Enkerli)
AHA Election Results (Mark Tumarkin)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 14:39:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Nathan Moore <nhcmtn at>
Subject: JUDGES - 2005 National Homebrew Comp, Denver 1st round

The Mountain Region judging for the National Homebrew
Competition 1st round will be in Denver again this
year, and we need judges!

The competition is scheduled for April 30th at the
Breckenridge Brewery and BBQ of Kalamath St in Denver.
There will be a morning and an afternoon judging

If you can help us out, please fill out the online
judge registration at:
(Note: if you are interested in stewarding you can
just use the same form, but indicate you want to
steward in the "other experience" field)

More information on the schedule and location are
posted on the registration page.

If you know anyone else that would be interested in
judging, please pass this along.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Nathan Moore
Mountain Region Judge Coordinator
nhcmtn at


Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2005 11:20:43 -0400
From: "Tina Weymann" <TWEYMANN at>
Subject: call for judges - NHC 2005 Northeast Region

The Upstate New York Homebrewers Association (Rochester NY) will once
again host the Northeast Region's first round judging for the National
Homebrew Competition, and we're looking for judges.

Judging will take place on the evenings of Wednesday 27 April and
Friday 29 April at 6 PM and two sessions, morning and afternoon, on
Saturday and Sunday 30 April and 1 May. Judging will be held at
Rohrbach Brewing Company, 3859 Buffalo Road in Rochester's western

If you'd like to judge, please let us know ASAP, indicating what
session(s) you can make and what styles you cannot judge (either because
you've got entries in those categories or you're not comfortable judging
those styles). If you have a strong preference to judge certain
categories, let us know that too, and we'll do our best to place you

For further info, please contact Judge Director Adam Odegard (email
AOdegard at, phone 315-597-5698).

Good brewing to all,

Tina Weymann
Upstate New York Homebrewers Association


Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 10:14:22 -0500
From: Linda Owens <lkowens at>
Subject: 11th annual BUZZ brew-off

Brewers and meadmakers, start your kettles! Judges, mark
your calendars!

The 11th Annual Boneyard Brew-Off will be held on June 4,
organized by the Boneyard Union of Zymurgical Zealots,
Champaign, Illinois.

In addition to the styles set forth by the 2004 BJCP guidelines,
we are also continuing our tradition of a No One Gets Out Alive
High-Gravity category, with a hedonic judging of any beer or
mead with a starting gravity over 1.070.

Details are available on the World Wide Web at:

Entry forms will be available for download, and are being
snail-mailed out to regional clubs and judges, in the next
week or so. Online judge and entry registration will be
enabled around May 1.

Entries will be accepted May 23 through June 1.

To receive a hard copy of the materials or for more
information, contact one of the following people:
Competition Organizer: Linda Owens <lkowens at>
Judge Director: Britt Weiser <weiser at>


Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 19:43:49 -0500
From: Alexandre Enkerli <aenkerli at>
Subject: Brewing Culture

Just gave a talk on brewing culture for the Sociology Club at IU South
Bend. Ever since it was announced, a lot of people have been mentioning
it. It wasn't big an audience but it was interesting.
One point that I tried to emphasize about the "Craft Brewing
Revolution" (apart from the impact of homebrewers and beer geeks) was
the fact that craft brewers tend not to see each other as a threat,
which seems quite striking a phenomenon for those present. It's in fact
quite interesting to see that brewpubs and microbreweries are often ok
with having other craft brewers in town because the main target is the
macro-swill market share which seems to diminish as more people
understand that there's more to beer than getting drunk on the beer
equivalent of Wonder bread. So people were interested in that dynamic.
Another point is this practice by some brewpubs of selling macro beers
alongside their own beers. I know some beer geeks feel very strongly
against the practice but it seems like a necessity in some contexts to
get people to go to these brewpubs even if their friends don't like
craft beers (yet). Does anyone have any idea of how well the "expensive
macro bottle alongside inexpensive tasty craft beer draft" strategy
works in those contexts in which it has been implemented?

A related issue is beer education. I personally feel quite strongly
about the need for people to understand what beer can offer instead of
seeing it as a way to get drunk on the cheap. And there are activities
on college campuses where craft/homebrewed beer is discussed and drank.
Anyone saw an impact of that on college beer geeks?

Really, universities should give both science and arts credit to


AleX in South Bend, IN
[129.7mi, 251.5] Apparent Rennerian


Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:53:47 -0400
From: Mark Tumarkin <tumarkin at>
Subject: AHA Election Results

It is my privilege, as Chairman of the AHA Governing Committee (formerly
the Board of Advisors) to inform you of the results of our recent
election for the open seats on the Governing Committee. The winners of
the election are David Logsdon, Rob Moline, Jeff Renner, and Jamil
Zainasheff. Congratulations to all of them!

They should be (or will continue to be, in the case of Jeff and Rob)
valuable additions to our Board in helping to shape the future direction
of the AHA. The election process, and our continuing movement towards a
more member driven organization, is working very well for the AHA. This
year, we again had an increase in the number of ballots. There were 479
ballots placed, up from 301 last year. This is a very significant
increase (though there's certainly room for continued improvement). An
interesting side note - Rob is now the first member to have been elected
three times, a pretty impressive accomplishment.

We had a great slate of candidates overall, as we have for the last
several years as well. In talking with the unsuccessful candidates,
everyone of them indicated to me that they still want to contribute to
the AHA however they can. Not to take anything away from our winners,
and without meaning any disrespect to the candidates or the election
process, but I believe we could have pulled the names from a hat and
still come up with a great group from among the nominees. That is a
tribute to the depth of the passion, commitment, and quality of the
human resources that we have to draw on in our brewing community.

Thanks to all the unsuccessful candidates for being willing to serve,
and for going through this election process. And especially, thanks to
all you AHA members who placed your votes, making your voices heard, and
helping to make this process successful. I hope to see you all in
Baltimore in June for the AHA National Homebrewers Conference and the
National Homebrew Competition.

Again, Congratulations to both the winners and the AHA on this election.

Mark Tumarkin
Chairman of the AHA Governing Committee

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4757, 04/13/05

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