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HOMEBREW Digest #4759

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HOMEBREW Digest #4759		             Fri 15 April 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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RE: Gravity Feed brew problem, looking for help? (Steven Parfitt)
Solvent Flavors ("A. J. deLange")
Gravity Feed Brew Problem ("Bob Hewitt")
yogurt in stout (Don Shesnicky)
Lost clubs and Other Tales From Beyond ("Pat Babcock")
Lost clubs and Other Tales From Beyond ("Pat Babcock")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 06:03:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Steven Parfitt <thegimp98 at>
Subject: RE: Gravity Feed brew problem, looking for help?

Mike Eyre is experiencing feed problems:

>Hello all!

>I've got your standard issue home build gravity fee
>three teir converted keg brewery. I've used it a
>about 5 times now, with mixed success. The first
>couple times it worked relatively well, but the last
>two times it's really jammed up on me... once while
>sparging, and a couple times while draining the
>cooled wort into the fermenter. I've got the Chore
>Boy scrubber on the boil kettle and I've got a copper
>tube with a lot of holes drilled into it in the
>mashtun. I think the mashtun was a freak
>accident on my part after trying to morotize the
>grainmill and I just pulverized the grain too much..
>so I think I'll be OK with that, but the boiler is
>killing me.

OK, lets skip the mash tun then.

Most likely you are having a problem with coagulated
proteins (Hot Break) plugging your Choir Boy. I
recomend getting a bigger filter for your kettle.
I use a Bazooka Screen and never have problems
(unless I don't clean the screen between brew
sessious, duh!). I have used the Choir Boy technique
(especially when I do small 5 gallon trial batches). I
have seen this problem with (1) pellet hops (which you
are not using) and (2) lots of hot break.

>I use whole leaf hops, BTW. I'm using 3/8th's
>fitting and hose barbs on the outside and a 3/8ths
>dip tune in the interior of the keg.. do you think I
>should go up to a 1/2 on both sides, cause the hole
>is too small, leading to clogging?

I don't think that is necessary. I use 3/8" tubing in
a very similar manner when I do small batches and have
to drain my 21qt kettle.

>What's the solution here? Anyone havc ea setup
>similar to this having good luck that can point me in
>a good direction?

Better/bigger filter on your racking cane from your
boil kettle.

Good luck

Steven, -75 XLCH- Ironhead Nano-Brewery
Johnson City, TN [422.7, 169.2] Rennerian

"There is no such thing as gravity, the earth sucks." Wings Whiplash - 1968


Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 15:50:03 +0000
From: "A. J. deLange" <delange-aj at>
Subject: Solvent Flavors

Solvent like flavors and aromas are usually associated with ethyl
acetate - the ester most commonly found in beer because there is lots
of ethanol and lots of acetate involved in the metabolism of fermenting
yeast. Higher alcohols usually have, IMO, more floral, sweeter aromas
and the other esters I would describe as fruity or berry like.

Whenever I think of ethyl acetate I think of Tetly's. I can't drink the
stuff because it tastes and smells like nail polish remover to me.



Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 12:16:37 -0400
From: "Bob Hewitt" <rthewitt3 at>
Subject: Gravity Feed Brew Problem

Mike Eyre asked for help with a clogging runoff line on his Brew Kettle.

I had the same problem with a copper ring manifold. The problem disappeared
when I switched to a stainless steel braid. Replace the scrubby with a
length of stainless braid, do a good whirlpool, and I bet your problem

Bob Hewitt
Cincinnati, Ohio


Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 12:06:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Don Shesnicky <dshesnicky at>
Subject: yogurt in stout

I noticed a stout recipe on the HBD site that called
for yogurt; no doubt used for souring. I tried to dig
out more info and there was some here and there as
as a discussion on RCB but not enough to really put it
all together. Could someone give me a synopsis of the
use and technique?

I believe there's another similar technique with
sourdough (bread?) where the person seemed to think it
gave more repeatable results. Again I assume that to
was for sourness in the stout but I would be
in that technique as well.



Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 18:34:14 -0400
From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at>
Subject: Lost clubs and Other Tales From Beyond

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager....

Well, here on the "Almost A Year Anniversary" of the Great Crash Of '04, I had
a few spare moments, so I did a bit of maintenance on the HBD server. (OK, I
really didn't have the spare moments, but I figured the maintenance had to be
done, anyway...) One of the things I did was a sweep of the listed clubs.

During this, as I've become accustomed, I found many that had taken off to
their own domains on some other server, abandonning sometimes hundreds of
megabytes of files on the HBD server. While I applaud them for growing large
enough to need to shed the bonds of the HBD server, I admonish those left
behind to follow the rules and notify me when you move on to better digs. Yes,
it's a pain to clean up abandoned sites; but it's a much bigger pain to have
to DISCOVER they've been abandoned. I don't think I'm asking too much, and you
won't hurt my pride by telling me you're moving on. By now, you should know
that I have no pride :o)

In any case, these clubs have been scrubbed from the server, their files
residing in tarballs in case they are still needed (if you're one o' the
guilty, contact me and I'll make them available to you).

Then there were some who requested space, but never used it. These, too, have
been removed. If you're one and decide that you do, in fact, need and will use
the space, you have only to ask.

What I found alarming are the number of clubs who apparently never requested
that their space be re-initialized after last summer's FUBAR. To these I say:
I still have your original site in storage. If you want to have your site
back, I need only know who to turn the keys over to. If you've moved on,
please let me know so that I can clean up the space. I hate deleting a
directory when I don't know the status of the group that owned it.

To those interested in being hosted on the HBD server, here be the rules:

1) Keep on topic. We're a beer and brewing site.
2) Keep in clean. PG at worst. We like to think we're a family site.
3) Keep it reasonable. Don't gulp down server space with huge files.
4) Keep your access information to yourself. That should be obvious.
5) Let me know if you change webmasters - who's coming on and who's leaving.
6) Let me know if you are leaving the HBD server or if your club folds.
7) Note that the club list is ONLY those hosted on the server, and that we do
not have the luxury of space to provide you a "launching site" into another
domain simply so that your club can be on that list.

Generally, we do not host domains. We used to, but when most of these decide
the HBD server is too slow or otherwise confining, the majority have left
without a peep, leaving my systems with erroneous DNS entries. That, frankly,
just turns my crank, so it will take pretty much an act of God to get me to
host a domain which I don't own from now on. Never hurts to ask - I have my
moments ofweakness - but be prepared to hear me say "No."

Note that the HBD also hosts mailing lists for clubs. Your club does not need
to be hosted on the HBD server for you to make use of this service.

Enough ranting for now :o) Maybe I'll actually BREW again this year, hey?

- --

See ya!

Pat Babcock in SE Michigan
Chief of HBD Janitorial Services
pbabcock at


Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 18:34:14 -0400
From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at>
Subject: Lost clubs and Other Tales From Beyond

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager....

Well, here on the "Almost A Year Anniversary" of the Great Crash Of '04, I had
a few spare moments, so I did a bit of maintenance on the HBD server. (OK, I
really didn't have the spare moments, but I figured the maintenance had to be
done, anyway...) One of the things I did was a sweep of the listed clubs.

During this, as I've become accustomed, I found many that had taken off to
their own domains on some other server, abandonning sometimes hundreds of
megabytes of files on the HBD server. While I applaud them for growing large
enough to need to shed the bonds of the HBD server, I admonish those left
behind to follow the rules and notify me when you move on to better digs. Yes,
it's a pain to clean up abandoned sites; but it's a much bigger pain to have
to DISCOVER they've been abandoned. I don't think I'm asking too much, and you
won't hurt my pride by telling me you're moving on. By now, you should know
that I have no pride :o)

In any case, these clubs have been scrubbed from the server, their files
residing in tarballs in case they are still needed (if you're one o' the
guilty, contact me and I'll make them available to you - I'd like to know if
you don't need them, too, so that I can whack 'em.).

Then there were some who requested space, but never used it. These, too, have
been removed. If you're one and decide that you do, in fact, need and will use
the space, you have only to ask.

What I found alarming are the number of clubs who apparently never requested
that their space be re-initialized after last summer's FUBAR. To these I say:
I still have your original site in storage. If you want to have your site
back, I need only know who to turn the keys over to. If you've moved on,
please let me know so that I can clean up the space. I hate deleting a
directory when I don't know the status of the group that owned it.

Finally, if you weren't a hosted club, but had some file storage arrangement
with the HBD that I've forgotten about (The memory's the second thing to go. I've
found that time to brew is the first...), let me know and I'll restore your
access and directory. I don't think there's any of these anymore, though...

To those interested in being hosted on the HBD server, here be the rules:

1) Keep on topic. We're a beer and brewing site.
2) Keep it clean. PG at worst. We like to think we're a family site.
3) Keep it reasonable. Don't gulp down server space with huge files.
4) Keep your access information to yourself. That should be obvious.
5) Let me know if you change webmasters - who's coming on and who's leaving.
6) Let me know if you are leaving the HBD server or if your club folds.
7) Note that the club list is ONLY those hosted on the server, and that we do
not have the luxury of space to provide you a "launching site" into another
domain simply so that your club can be on that list.

Generally, we do not host domains. We used to, but when most of these decide
the HBD server is too slow or otherwise confining, the majority have left
without a peep, leaving my systems with erroneous DNS entries. That, frankly,
just turns my crank, so it will take pretty much an act of God to get me to
host a domain which I don't own from now on. Never hurts to ask - I have my
moments ofweakness - but be prepared to hear me say "No."

Note that the HBD also hosts mailing lists for clubs. Your club does not need
to be hosted on the HBD server for you to make use of this service.

Enough ranting for now :o) Maybe I'll actually BREW again this year, hey?

- --

See ya!

Pat Babcock in SE Michigan
Chief of HBD Janitorial Services
pbabcock at

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4759, 04/15/05

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