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HOMEBREW Digest #4752

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HOMEBREW Digest #4752		             Fri 01 April 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Bottling ("William Frazier")
Re: New Orleans Beer Places (Bob Barrett) ("Byron Towles")
Re: ProMash Updates (Jeff Renner)
Re: Round two - Enzymes and step mashing (Jeff Renner)
RE: Homebrew Digest Request (April 01, 2005) ("Al Boyce")
Promash update & Purging CPBF bottles ("May, Jeff")
Promash Updates (kmstfb2)
Re: Sparging with Reverse Osmosis water (Denny Conn)
ProMash Updates ("Janie Curry")
Stalking Alan Eames, Beer Stats (Alexandre Enkerli)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 21:46:18 -0600
From: "William Frazier" <billfrazier at>
Subject: Bottling

I've been reading John Peed's counter pressure dilemma with interest. Sorry
John...I don't have a clue. I bottle condition all my beer and fill the
bottles by gravity using a piece of plastic racking tube attached to the
flexible tubing coming from the container where I mix priming sugar with
beer. Once the bottle is filled to the lip I remove the plastic tube and
this leaves some head space which is filled with air. I don't notice any
oxidation from this exposure but wonder if anyone has found it beneficial to
purge the headspace with CO2 before capping. I do this with wine but have
never bothered with my beer.

Bill Frazier
Olathe, Kansas USA


Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 22:29:50 -0600
From: "Byron Towles" < at>
Subject: Re: New Orleans Beer Places (Bob Barrett)

In my personal opinion, the best beer bar in the city is DBA in Fauborg
The Marigny (sp?) is the neighborhood right next to the quarter, which is
most people tend to center their doings and goings when they visit.
on where you are actually going to be centered, you might want to try the
or even Cooter Browns, which are both reasonably close to the streetcar
Cooter's being much closer than the Bulldog.

The main reason I prefer DBA is they have no BudMillerCoors products. They
some stuff that I haven't even seen available at retail outlets here in the
city. Plus they
have a good whiskey selection as well.

I'd be reasonably wary of anywhere that also serves a lot of food with their
beer selection,
especially in the quarter, as you know their emphasis is going to be on the
mass market
consumers (read most tourists) palate.

Again, my preference is DBA in the marigny, which is 10 minutes or so
time from the main Bourbon Street bars.

I hope you have a good time, and Laissez les bon temps roulez
(Let the good times roll!)



Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 08:56:46 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <jeffrenner at>
Subject: Re: ProMash Updates

Todd in Fort Collins "Janie Curry" <houndandcalico at> writes:

>Anyone have problems getting update files from ProMash?
>I purchased version 1.8A about 16 months ago and registered it via their
>website. ... Have there been updates?

According to,
the most recent is Version 1.8.a - Released 03/08/03

- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 09:16:57 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <jeffrenner at>
Subject: Re: Round two - Enzymes and step mashing

"Michael Wright" <wrightmi at> writes:

>If I want a dry pale ale, then I would like a highly fermentable
>wort-easier said than done. To make steps toward a highly fermentable
>beer, I am hearing that a one approach might be a fairly simple two step
>mash (I've just taken a stab at duration):
> 1) Mash-in at ~60C(140F) for 45 minutes
> 2) Increase the mash temp to ~70C(158F) and rest for ~30 minutes
>Am I on track?

I have done this - it is part of what George Fix recommended with his
40/60/70 step mash. But I think that the 60C/140F is an arbitrary
temperature that may have more to do with the fact that it is an even
ten degrees C than any magical properties.

I have had good luck for Classic American Pilsners with a rest at
~145-146F (63C), then 158F (70C). Maybe 30-45 minutes each -
whatever I manage.

When MCAB-2 attendees got a rare VIP tour of Anheuser-Busch pilot
brewery in St. Louis five years ago, Steve Michalak, the head of the
brewery, graciously answered any and all questions. (He said that
there were no secrets to making Budweiser - anyone with a few billion
dollars could do it). It was there that I picked up this mash
schedule, although I don't remember the details precisely.

Of course, for an adjunct beer like Bud or CAP, the main mash is
rested at the first step, then the boiling hot cereal mash is added
for the boost to the second step. But I've had good luck just
boosting an all malt with the propane burner and recirculation. Fix
used boiling water infusion.

BTW, I also did a cereal mash style pseudo-decoction for an all malt
Dunkel that worked out very well. I will report on that soon.

- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 08:36:53 -0600
From: "Al Boyce" <aboyce at>
Subject: RE: Homebrew Digest Request (April 01, 2005)

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 09:44:57 -0500, Bob Barrett <bob.barrett at>

>>Going to New Orleans the last weekend in April for one afternoon/evening.
>>What are two beer places where I have to go?

Cooter Browns, just off St. Charles, where the streetcar line turns
into the Garden District. Not a brewpub, but they have 45 beers on
tap, and hundreds more in bottles. You can get a boudin sandwich next
door, and they have fresh oysters at happy hour.

- Al


Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 09:38:09 -0500
From: "May, Jeff" <Jeff.May at>
Subject: Promash update & Purging CPBF bottles

I just checked and Promash version 1.8a is still the most
current version available.

Has anyone ever tried purging bottles the same way you purge
kegs? Fill the bottle with water and force out with CO2.
That would certainly remove more O2 than shooting in a blast
of CO2. Even extended streams of CO2 would cause turbulence
and mixing of the air resulting in dilution of O2, but not
purging. You would need to modify the CPBF rig to allow the
water to escape via the dip tube, but I'm sure someone could
figure out how to do it.

Also, related to mimicking the mega brew bottling operations,
the one thing that the big boys do that home brewers don't
is pasteurize. I'm not sure of how this would affect
oxidation or the formation of diacetyl, but that is how they
make their product shelf-stable. Just food for thought.

Jeff May
Wilmington, NC
[649.7, 148.6 AR]


Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 11:09:05 -0500 (EST)
From: kmstfb2 at
Subject: Promash Updates

Todd in Fort Collins described a problem that I had several years ago when
I purchased Promash 1.3 from a shop in North Carolina. When I realized
that I was not receiving updates, promash requested the number on the
disc, the name of store and date of purchase. They emailed me a user key
and code and I have not had problems since. Checked my records and the
last update email I received was 1/18/02 for the current version. I have
always found promash very responsive to my questions. My current version
is 1.8A which seems to be the current version. They also seem to monitor
the message board on their site. Hope this helps Tom


Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 08:53:58 -0800
From: Denny Conn <denny at>
Subject: Re: Sparging with Reverse Osmosis water

Dan there's no harm in what you're doing, but I don't think there's any
advantage, either. Especially since you're batch sparging, sparge pH
shouldn't be an issue for you.


At 11:33 PM 3/30/05 -0500, you wrote:

>Can anyone think of a downside to sparging with pure RO water?
>I've always figured that it would be fine since you probably wouldn't
>have to worry about the pH getting too high due to it not being
>buffered at all. But then I got to thinking about how RO water is very
>aggressive in pipes and whatnot. So I am wondering if it wouldn't be
>leaching some stuff out of my mash that I wouldn't want in my beer?
>I usually batch sparge and have batch-sparged with pure RO water in
>the past without any obvious defects in my beer, but I'm always
>looking for ways to improve my brew.


Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 20:18:44 +0000
From: "Janie Curry" <houndandcalico at>
Subject: ProMash Updates

I may have mispoke in my earlier post. Jeff Renner notes that the most
recent version is 1.8A. Guess I meant udate files for the malt, hops,
yeast, and water databases.

Todd in Fort Collins


Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 21:28:51 -0500
From: Alexandre Enkerli <aenkerli at>
Subject: Stalking Alan Eames, Beer Stats

Erm, well...
Maybe I'm not using the right keywords but the only references I find
to a publication by "beer historian" and cultural anthropologist Alan
D. Eames are his /Secret Life of Beer/ (which is apparently available
in two versions) and the out-of-print /Beer Drinker's Companion/. I did
order the Secret Life book from Amazon Marketplace but I was looking
for some of his peer-reviewed academic writing, if there's any.

In fact, I'd like to get in touch with him, if possible.
Does anyone know him?

For some reason, mentions of him on the Web seem to stop around 1997.
Did he pass away?
He was apparently married to Anne Latchis and cooperated with her in
the creation of Xingu beer. (He was also involved in the Flag Porter
beer.) Apparently, she was involved with the Latchis brewpub in
Brattleboro, VT. The brewpub seems to have transformed into a Hotel &
Theater and their restaurant is being renovated.

BTW, looking for some info, I found a few interesting sites with beer
statistics, especially in Europe. Most of those who *need* to know
probably know these already but for those who don't:


I'm quite impressed with Ron Pattinson's site (on XS4All). That's a lot
of data!


AleX in South Bend, IN
[129.7mi, 251.5] Apparent Rennerian

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4752, 04/01/05

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