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HOMEBREW Digest #4782

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HOMEBREW Digest #4782		             Fri 27 May 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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PhilMill and other items ("D. Hopf")
McMaster shipping (Ted Hull)
re: faro? (RI_homebrewer)
Re:Dunkel came out clear... (Denny Conn)
free beer (Jon Olsen)
Re: Sight Glass material ("Sajec, Mike TQO")
Re: Using Sight Glass (Guage Glass) on Boil Kettle (Kent Fletcher)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 20:03:31 -0700
From: "D. Hopf" <hopfbrau at>
Subject: PhilMill and other items

I forgot to mention that when researching grain mills, I found very few
complaints overall. Generally, everyone loves their mill regardless of

Here is a factoid for the Pumping Iodophor discussion. Iodine is highly
reactive and is easily ionized. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) will provide
a dramatic example of iodine ionization. Add a small amount of ascorbic
acid to a strong iodine solution and it will instantly clear. It doesn't
remove the iodine though. Backpackers often use iodine to purify
drinking water and after it is purified, ascorbic acid is added to
remove the iodine (think Band-Aid) taste. I would be interested in
finding out if this ionized iodine has any sanitizing properties though
I doubt that it does.

Regarding sight glasses on brew pots, this is not for me. I just can't
bring myself to bugger up a perfectly fine kettle just for the luxury of
looking at the wort level through the dang thing. And then you add
another layer of complexity to your brewery for this privilege.

What I did was to make a stainless steel dip stick for the brew pot. The
dip stick is made of readily available 3/16th inch stainless steel
welding rod. I calculated the depth per gallon and marked it on the
dipstick with a magic marker. Then I ground rings around the dipstick to
mark each gallon with a Dremel fitted with a cut-off disk.

Sight glass, dipstick, PhilMill, Corolla mill or some turbo-charged
monster that will mill 100 pounds in 20 seconds, we all love our toys,
don't we.

-= Dave
Issaquah, WA


Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 05:23:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ted Hull <theartfuldudger at>
Subject: McMaster shipping

My office is across town from their warehouse. I've
made the mistake of choosing "Best Method Available"
for shipping, which led to a courier showing up within
hours at significant cost. I've also ordered large
items that they didn't tell me would come across town
as an expensive freight shipment. Getting educated
about their shipping methods (tactics?) is half the

Ted Hull
Georgians for World-Class Beer
Atlanta, GA


Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 06:54:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: RI_homebrewer <ri_homebrewer at>
Subject: re: faro?

Hi All,

Darrell recently asked about faro.

I've never made one, but I recently tried 2 of them (Mort Subite faro
and Timmerman's lambic doux) at cafes/pubs in Brussels.

Both of them were almost flat, and I believe that both of them had
the sugar added right at serving time. I'm not sure if they used
crystallized sugar or syrup.

We also visited Cantillon, but I don't remember them having a faro

Jeff McNally
Tiverton, RI
(652.2 miles, 90.0 deg) A.R.
South Shore Brew Club


Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 08:31:14 -0800
From: Denny Conn <denny at>
Subject: Re:Dunkel came out clear...

Darrel I hope this doesn't sound like I'm picking on you, but I'm gonna use
your post to address a minor peeve of mine. What you were making is a
dunkelweizen, NOT a dunkel. A dunkel is a dark lager (well, technically,
dunkel just means "dark", but it's come to mean a dark lager as in "Munich
dunkel"). Believe me, you're not alone in this, and I've pointed it out to
others before. I just felt like this would be a good forum to make the
point once again.


At 12:01 AM 5/27/05 -0400, you wrote:

>I made what approximates a Dunkel, and much to my surprise (not dismay,
>however) it came out clear.
>Here is the recipe:
>5 lb Wheat malt
>6 lb Pale malt
>2 oz Caraffa I
>1 lb Vienna malt
>2 oz Special B
>a handfull of rice hulls
>2 stage infusion (145 for 45 min, then heated to 155 for 1 hour), boosted to
>mashout/ 170
>og was 1.061
>fg was 1.012
>yeast was 4th use of wlp300/ hefe


Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 11:28:37 -0500
From: Jon Olsen <burnunit at>
Subject: free beer

Friend of mine sent me a link to someone with a creative commons
licensed beer recipe.

There's an english info link in the top right of the page, and a link
to the recipe. The original link to it was here:

They also link to John Palmer's online book, which goes in their plus

Very cute. Of course, open source brewing has long been the name of the
game (how do you think any of us learned to do it?) but this is one of
the first creative commons licensed recipes I can recall and it's a
very cute reference to the "free as in freedom/free as in beer" quote.

Frankly, that recipe sounds bizarre. who would add 4kg of random sugar
to a perfectly good all-malt beer? where's the instructions for
avoiding hotside aeration? what about secondary fermentation? where's
the sanitation instructions? what yeast do you use?

These guys are terrible hackers.

I got root on their airlocks so fast, I totally 0wnz0red their
fermenters in seconds, man, cuz I'm l33t!

Minneapolis, MN


Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 09:37:21 -0700
From: "Sajec, Mike TQO" <msajec at>
Subject: Re: Sight Glass material

Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 23:07:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kent Fletcher <fletcherhomebrew at>
Subject: Re: Sight Glass material

>>.....I still can't imagine why anybody would want a sight glass (more
>>properly called a gauge glass) on a boil kettle? Very useful on an
>>HLT, but teats on a boar for a kettle, if you ask me.

It's useful for measuring when you've collected the correct volume of
wort while lautering. Additionally it it great for "calibrating" your
boild to ensure that you boil down to the correct final volume.


Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 14:17:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kent Fletcher <fletcherhomebrew at>
Subject: Re: Using Sight Glass (Guage Glass) on Boil Kettle

I do all of those, as well, I just use a dipstick to
do it. I put a glass on my HLT because it's easier to
read that way. I like to keep the kettle as simple as
possible, easier to clean that way. This is
especially true of the system I built for Club use, at
the LHBS:
as I don't always have control over how the cleanup is

- --- Fred Johnson <FLJohnson at> wrote:

> Kent considers measuring volumes in the boil kettle
> to be of little
> value:
> > ... I still can't imagine why anybody would want a
> sight
> > glass (more properly called a gauge glass) on a
> boil
> > kettle?
> Measuring volumes in the boil kettle are among my
> most important
> measurements in the brew day. I the boil kettle
> sight glass as follows:
> 1) To determine when I've finished sparging,
> collecting a consistent
> volume per pound of grain
> 2) To calculate the total extract and efficiency of
> the
> mashing/lautering process
> 3) To calculate how long the boil should be to
> achieve my target
> gravity or how much additional water to add to the
> boil kettle to
> achieve my target gravity at the end of the boil
> 4) To confirm when the appropriate final volume
> (approximate at least)
> has been achieved during the boil
> Fred L Johnson
> Apex, North Carolina, USA

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4782, 05/27/05

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