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HOMEBREW Digest #4758

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HOMEBREW Digest #4758		             Thu 14 April 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


Beer, Beer, and More Beer
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CALL FOR JUDGES - AHA National Homebrew Comp, Midwest 1st round ("Al Boyce")
Gravity Feed brew problem, looking for help? ("Mike Eyre")
Beer giant threatens boycott over 'medicinal' grain ("Peter A. Ensminger")
Belgian trip report (McNally Geoffrey A NPRI)
Fundamentals of solventy flavors (Matt)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 22:45:59 -0500
From: "Al Boyce" <aboyce at>
Subject: CALL FOR JUDGES - AHA National Homebrew Comp, Midwest 1st round

The Midwest Region judging for the National Homebrew Competition 1st round
will be in St. Paul
this year, for the first time, and we need judges!

The competition is scheduled for April 29th and 30th at St. Bernard's Church
on 147 Geranium Avenue in St. Paul.
There will be a 2 judging sessions on Friday, starting at 3pm, and 3
sessions on Saturday. Dinner on Friday, and Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday
will be provided. We will have an awards banquet Saturday night for a
modest cost.

If you can help us out, please fill out the online judge registration at: . (Note: if you are interested in
volunteering, rather than judging or stewarding, you can select EITHER, and
indicate you'd rather do other work than Judging or Stewarding in one of the
comment fields.

More information on the schedule and location are posted on the registration

If you know anyone else that would be interested in judging, please pass
this along.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Al Boyce
Publicity Committee


Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 07:35:12 -0700
From: "Mike Eyre" <meyre at>
Subject: Gravity Feed brew problem, looking for help?

Hello all!

I've got your standard issue home build gravity fee three teir converted
keg brewery. I've used it a about 5 times now, with mixed success. The
first couple times it worked relatively well, but the last two times
it's really jammed up on me... once while sparging, and a couple times
while draining the cooled wort into the fermenter. I've got the Chore
Boy scrubber on the boil kettle and I've got a copper tube with a lot of
holes drilled into it in the mashtun. I think the mashtun was a freak
accident on my part after trying to morotize the grainmill and I just
pulverized the grain too much.. so I think I'll be OK with that, but the
boiler is killing me. I use whole leaf hops, BTW. I'm using 3/8th's
fitting and hose barbs on the outside and a 3/8ths dip tune in the
interior of the keg.. do you think I should go up to a 1/2 on both
sides, cause the hole is too small, leading to clogging? What's the
solution here? Anyone havc ea setup similar to this having good luck
that can point me in a good direction?


meyre at


Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 10:48:43 -0400
From: "Peter A. Ensminger" <ensmingr at>
Subject: Beer giant threatens boycott over 'medicinal' grain

A recent CNN news item may interest HBD'rs:

Is it possible that Budweiser will no longer use rice in their beers?

Peter A. Ensminger
Syracuse, NY


Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 17:13:59 -0400
From: McNally Geoffrey A NPRI <McNallyGA at Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil>
Subject: Belgian trip report

Hi All,

From April 1st thru the 10th, I was able to go on a beer hunting trip
to Belgium with 17 other homebrewers and/or beer lovers. The trip was
organized by Paul Zocco, owner of Zoks Homebrewing in Willimantic, CT

What a fantastic trip! We were able to stop at, visit, or tour all of
the Trappist breweries except Rochefort. Many other breweries and beer
bars were also visited.

A complete write-up of the trip (with pictures) will be printed in my
homebrew club's newsletter and posted on the club website in the next
few weeks. If you're interested, check out the website in a few weeks
and click on the newsletter link (it should be in the April edition).

To give you an idea of the places and breweries we visited (and to
make you thirsty!), here is a list of beers I had on the trip:

( * = sampled at the brewery, or brewery affiliated cafe/pub )

Saturday April 2nd: Brussels

Brewer's Guild kriek (Belle Vue)
Mort Subite lambic blanche*
Mort Subite cassis*
Martin's lambic witbier
Timmerman's lambic doux
Rodenbach standard
Pawel kwak
Slaghmuylder passbier

Sunday April 3rd: Brugge

Straffe Hendrik blond*
Straffe Hendrik brune*
Pilsner Urquell
Dupont de Tourpes moinette
Van Ecke hommelbier
Van Ecke witbier
Leffe brune
De Garre tripel*
Wittekerke witbier

Monday April 4th: Alveringem/Poperinge/Watou/Roeselare

Snoek brune*
Van Ecke hommelbier
Saint Bernardus tripel (8)*
Saint Bernardus pater (6)*
Saint Bernardus abt (12)*
Belle Vue kriek
Palm speciale
Rodenbach standard*
Rodenbach gran cru*
Rodenbach foederbier*
Rochefort 8

Tuesday April 5th: Dworp/Brussels

Hansen's gueuze*
Hansen's kriek*
Ginder ale
Maes pils
Cantillon gueuze*
Cantillon kriek*
blanche des Neiges
Rulles tripel
Schlosser altbier
Brugs witbier
Mort Subite lambic blanche*
Flores strawberry
Noiraude bier blanche

Wednesday April 6th: Chimay/Bouillon

Chimay tripel*
Chimay doree*
blanche de Villee*
Bouillon godefroy brune
Rochefort 8

Thurday April 7th: Orval/Achouffe/La Roche

Orval (just bottled)*
Orval table beer*
Grimbergen brune
Rochefort 10
Leffe blond
Hoegaarden witbier
Gordan scotch ale
Mort Subite peche

Friday April 8th: Mechelen/Tilburg

Gouden Carolus ambrio*
Gouden Carolus classic*
Gouden Carolus tripel*
Westmalle dubbel*
Gulpener korenwolf witbier
Christoffel pils
Saison Dupont
De Dolle oerbier
Wiegeleir christmas*

Saturday April 9th: Achel/Tilburg

Achel brune*
Achel blond*
Latrappe witbier*
Latrappe dubbel*
Latrappe tripel*
Christoffel pils
Maredsous 8
Kapittel prior

If you ever have the chance to visit Belgium, GO! Be sure to bring
along a spare liver, or two. :)

Jeff McNally
Tiverton, RI
South Shore Brew Club


Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 15:22:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matt <baumssl27 at>
Subject: Fundamentals of solventy flavors

I have read that solventy flavor in beer is caused by
higher alcohols, but I have also read that it is
caused by an ester, ethyl acetate. I would like to
better understand which substance is more responsible,
and whether one is more palatable than the other. Are
there commercially available beers that display a
pronounced ethyl acetate or higher alcohol character?

I would think that it would be imporant to understand
this, especially for high-gravity or Belgian styles,
since it seems that we are in control of so many
variables that could tilt the balance of esters to
higher alcohols in one direction or the other. For
instance, if yeast growth is _generally_ ester
negative and fusel positive, then temperature (early
or late), aeration, pitching rate can all be tuned to
influence this ratio.


reply to: baumgart at

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4758, 04/14/05

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