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HOMEBREW Digest #4774

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HOMEBREW Digest #4774		             Sun 15 May 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: Electrical Help? (stencil)
RE; Electrical Help ("Elmer \"Goose\" Steingass")
dry yeast (re-using?) (leavitdg)
10 Delicious Crow Recipes ("May, Jeff")
beer faucets ("dave holt")
MCAB VII ("David Houseman")
2nd Call 11th Annual BUZZ Competition (lkowens)
link of the week - CO2 (Bob Devine)
NPR stories on beer (David Radwin)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 22:22:35 -0400
From: stencil <etcs.ret at>
Subject: Re: Electrical Help?

On Tue, 10 May 2005 01:38:48 -0400, Eric R. Theiner wrote
in Homebrew Digest #4772 (May 09, 2005):

>... and I
>go to test it this morning and slooooowly push the plug in,
>and got a flash and a pop!

Push the plug into the receptacle firmly, smoothly, and swiftly. If you go in
slowly enough you will once again find the sweet spot at which the gap
between the blade and the energized contact is small enough for an arc to
form. I vaguely recall 100Kv per inch for dry air, or 0.003" for 300V. And
of course the voltage across the 230V phase pair rises, 120 times a second, to
1.414 X 230, or about 350V. Three thou isn't much, but if you're slow and
steady you can achieve it. Again.

stencil sends


Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 04:12:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Elmer \"Goose\" Steingass" <w8av at>
Subject: RE; Electrical Help

<What did you do with the neutral connection? You've
connected the two live
wires (red and white) to the heater power terminals
and the ground (green) to
the heatstick. With a 240V heater element, neutral
(black) should be left

Actually, the correct wiring of a 220V device is BLACK
and RED to each side of the 220. The WHITE is the
neutral and GREEN is the safety ground. If you have a
three wire system you can omit hooking up the GREEN.
In the electrical panel the neutral and safety ground
attach to the ground buss.

Just make sure that nothing got inadvertently crossed
in the heater wiring. I too recommend installing a
switch to prevent the "inductance spark" that you will
get by plugging a high current element directly into a
live outlet. (this is the same spark you will see if
you plug in your vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, tv, or
an elevctric motor into a 110V outlet when they are
turned on).


Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 07:48:00 -0400
From: leavitdg at
Subject: dry yeast (re-using?)

Anyone re-use dry yeast?

I have heard for years that this is generally not done, but wonder
if this is still the case?

Nottingham, and Manchester are the two in question.



Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 10:34:46 -0400
From: "May, Jeff" <Jeff.May at>
Subject: 10 Delicious Crow Recipes

In Digest #4772 John Peed wrights

"So to the person I took to task for saying that simpler is
better, I apologize, I stand corrected, and it certainly
appears to be better in this case."

No problem, John. I have been there. Sometimes I think we
get more caught up in the process than in the product. I'm
and engineer, so by nature, I was trying to engineer my beer.
I was in the process of designing a completely automated
RIMS/HERMS/Hybrid system that was run by software on a laptop.
I was building the control program in LABVIEW. (For those
that don't know about LABVIEW, it is an extremely sophisticated
industrial measurement and control environment.) Then there
was the intervention. SWMBO is an artist, and she helped me
see beer as a living thing that we nurture instead of a
'thing' that we create. I greatly simplified, going back to
a Papazian-like Zen thing. Most of the techno stuff is now in
the museum (a shelf in the garage) collecting dust. Nowadays,
I'm just a passenger on the journey, trying to guide things
toward a general style. Hit or miss, it is almost always

Jeff May
Wilmington, NC


Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 11:07:42 -0700
From: "dave holt" <brewdave at>
Subject: beer faucets

It probably has been suggested here before, but a little keg lube will
prevent sticking of regular beer faucets. I lightly coat the internal
slide. I haven't been able to detect any noticeable difference in taste.

I was resistant to try this at first, who wants grease in their beer. But
I've had to remove faucets and soak them in hot water to break them free.
Maybe an experiment is in order. Glob some keg lube in one glass and one
without, pour beer and do a blind taste test.

Dave Holt
Chandler, AZ


Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 22:29:55 -0400
From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at>
Subject: MCAB VII

We have finally been able to lock down the time and place for The
Masters Championship of Amateur Brewing for 2005. MCAB VII will
take place on Saturday, September 17th, at the Iron Hill Brewery and
Restaurant in North Wales, PA. The organizers of the Qualifying Events for
this competition have submitted the names and contact information for most
of the
qualifiers. Some contact information is missing; get the word out about
this competition. Individual emails will be sent to those for whom we have
contact information soon. Remember that the competition will use the
categories and guidelines in place during 2004, the 1999 set of guidelines.
The MCAB web site,, will be updated for this year's
competition in June. Until then all qualifiers should crank up the kettles
or get out those stowed bottles of beer and prepare to send in your entries.
The entrance fee will be $5/entry this year to offset competition costs.
Checks should be made out to David Houseman.

Entries should be sent to arrive by September 12th to:
Keystone Homebrew
Attn: Alan Folsom
779 Bethlehem Pike
Montgomeryville, PA 18936

David Houseman
MCAB VII Competition Organizer


Date: Sat, 14 May 2005 06:33:20 -0500
From: <lkowens at>
Subject: 2nd Call 11th Annual BUZZ Competition

The Boneyard Union of Zymurgical Zealots (BUZZ) is having
their 11th Annual Homebrew Competition on June 4, 2005 in
Champaign, Il. The 2004 BJCP style guidelines for beer and
mead apply (sorry, no ciders this year). The competition
also features the "No One Gets Out Alive" high gravity
brewoff. Entries will be accepted from May 23rd through June
1. For more details, see our website at:
or contact competition organizer Linda Owens
(lkowens at or head judge Britt Weiser
(weiser at


Date: Sat, 14 May 2005 14:16:03 -0600
From: Bob Devine <bob.devine at>
Subject: link of the week - CO2

Carbon dioxide adds a texture to beer, it gives that
fuzzy feeling, and surprisingly it also gives flavor.
It also provides a preservative factor, inhibiting the
growth of molds and bacteria.

Carbon dioxide dissolves slightly in water to form
a weak acid called carbonic acid. If there is not
enough carbon dioxide/carbonic acid present, the beer
will taste stale. Too much, and the beer is acidic.

Solubility of CO2 increases as pressure increases
and temperature decreases. Compare it to nitrogen
which comes out of solution quickly (causing the "bends"
in divers), CO2 releases slowly for a lasting head.

Certain beers have a high level of CO2 as a defining
part of their style. But even that rule is never exact.
Here's a low-CO2 version of a weiss beer.

This links shows the amount of various organic acids
in beer, carbonic acid is the largest contributer:

Finally, Ray Daniels has a nice overview of CO2

Bob Devine Riverton, UT


Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 09:40:45 -0700
From: David Radwin <dradwin at>
Subject: NPR stories on beer

These stories from Friday's NPR "All Things Considered" broadcast were
kind of fun to listen to.

Robert Siegel talks about the history of beer with Tom Standage,
technology editor at The Economist. /A History of the World in Six
Glasses/ is Standage's new book that traces the history of civilization
through beer, wine, distilled spirits, coffee, tea and coca cola. Beer
was first produced at the end of the ice age and became popular with the

With the help of beer expert Michael Jackson, Michele Norris and Robert
Siegel take stock, and taste, of some of the world's finest (and most
expensive) beers.

You can see the Cantillon Rose de Gambrinus label mentioned in the
second story at:

David in Berkeley CA
replies to news at davidradwin dot com

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4774, 05/15/05

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