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HOMEBREW Digest #4779

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HOMEBREW Digest #4779		             Tue 24 May 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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RE: taking into account the rice hulls? (Wayne Faris)
Hop Storage ("Stephen Johnson")
Re: Sight Glass Material (Bob Tower)
Re: More on rice hulls (Nate Wahl)
alcoholic taste (Nathaniel Lansing)
Re: Perfect sterilization solution (Dylan Tack)
Pumping iodophor ("Peed, John")
Faro? (leavitdg)
RE: Rice Hulls (Ricardo Cabeza)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 22:26:33 -0500
From: Wayne Faris <ke0bz at>
Subject: RE: taking into account the rice hulls?

I use rice hulls in almost every brew since I mill my malt pretty fine
and a lot of my beers use either wheat or oats. I don't take the hulls
into account with my strike water. I don't even measure the amount of
hulls I use. I just toss in 3 or 4 big handfulls as I add my grains.
If my crush looks exceptionally fine or am using lots of oats, I'll toss
in a little more.

I batch sparge, so I figure my strike water on 1.25 qts/lb. I put in
all but the last 1/2 gallon and check the temp, then adjust the temp
with the last addition. If it still looks a bit thick, I will add a bit
more water (up to 1.35 qts/lb.). I figure, it's beer, not rocket
science, so I keep the process simple. No need for fancy formulas to
account for the rice hulls.

Bugeater Brewing Company

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Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 23:06:16 -0500
From: "Stephen Johnson" <sjohnson3 at>
Subject: Hop Storage

I just saw an ad for a new Glad food storage product: Press and Seal
Freezer Wrap sheets that are designed to store food products in the
freezer. They are sheets of wrap that can be laid flat and the food item
placed in between, followed by pressing action that seals the two sheets
together. Has anyone tried these for use with storing hops that have
been opened from original packaging? Just curious as to how oxygen
permeable they might be...

Steve Johnson
Nashville, TN


Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 00:37:34 -0700
From: Bob Tower <tower at>
Subject: Re: Sight Glass Material

There's been a lot of talk about material for making sight glasses. I
got some great ideas from this and will be switching over to the
polycarbonate tubes.

Does anyone have any ideas for an ELEGANT way of marking the volumes
on the sight glass? The "best" idea I've come up with so far is to
print it out on sticky back transparency material and adhere it to
the glass then put another layer of the transparency material over
the first so that the print doesn't get scratched off. My only worry
is how well the adhesive stands up to the heat of a boil kettle.
Also, I'm not sure you can get sticky back transparency material in
which case a clear adhesive would need to be applied to the back of
the transparency material. Also, it just occurred to me that the
transparency material itself might not hold up to the heat. But It
sure would like nicer than hand made gallon/liter marks made with a
black felt tip pen. I must confess that is how my current glass is
marked and I've seen no other method on the many pictures of others'
glasses I've seen on the web.

Bob Tower
Los Angeles, CA


Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 06:59:40 -0400
From: Nate Wahl <cruiser at>
Subject: Re: More on rice hulls

Hmmm, say that subject line real fast.....!

For systems with continuous flow (RIMS, HEARMS), the filter bed is set
up during the initial recirc while mashing; lautering is just a
continuation of that flow through the grainbed. So for them, if the
batch needs rice hulls, they go in at the beginning. Otherwise they'd
only be needed when lautering.

Filter media is usually fiber (or little dead sea critter fossils), so
the hulls probably just bulk out the sticky mash for better flow. I've
occasionally had to use them with non-sticky grainbills to get things
unstuck, and it always seems to work.

Richard's tip on pre-soaking the hulls during a pre-heat was great!
Thanks! Here's another semi-related tip in return:

"Good" tubing, high temperature rated stuff like silicone or CFlex,
sometimes softens with heat and can collapse if used on a pump suction
if the grainbed gets restrictive; the cheaper braided-type tubings won't
collapse but aren't rated for that high of temperatures. To use the
softer tubings, you can wrap thin SS wire from a mega home store around
a length of dowel of a smaller OD than the tubing ID, and longer than
the tubing length. Use a notch or hole drilled in the dowel to hold the
one end, and start wraping it tightly in a spiral of about 3-4 wraps per
inch to the length needed (typically the unsupported distance between
the barbs), and hold the loose end against the dowel. Insert the dowel
into the tubing so the spiral is in the desired position and release the
end you are holding. It will spring out and form a nice flexible core
insde the tubing that won't allow it to collapse! You might have to
manuver it around a little to fit best, and have to nip off the bent end
that was in the notch. Works great!

Oogy Wawa!
Nate Wahl
Oak Harbor, OH

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Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 08:09:55 -0400
From: Nathaniel Lansing <delbrew at>
Subject: alcoholic taste

I guess I mean a "hot" or "unmellowed" alcohol taste
and smell that I notice in young beer(especially young
high gravity beer). To me it is even more apparent in
young cider. I also find that (as with that tripel)
it ages out--though obviously with enough sugar it
wouldn't (pure ethanol, for instance).<<

>From your description it sounds a little like fusels.
They have a more "hot" flavor than ethanol.
The aging of the tripel would allow esterification
of the fusels to nicer flavors.
Ciders have a low flavor level and would allow the
higher alcohols to be more apparent.


Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 10:33:00 -0500
From: Dylan Tack <dylan at>
Subject: Re: Perfect sterilization solution

> In response to the Perfect Sterilization Solution post, I think this
> is total BS.

Not sure if it is BS or not, but it is not H2O2.
lists the active ingredients of Oculus Microcyn as:


Still not earth shaking... hypochlorous acid is just another name for
tap water (HOCl, i.e. water + gaseous chlorine), and sodium
hypochlorite is household bleach.



Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 09:08:46 -0700
From: "Peed, John" <jpeed at>
Subject: Pumping iodophor

No, it's not a new workout video, it's yet another way to strip iodophor
of its power. You know how heat and sunlight will cause an iodophor
solution to lose its color (and its ability to sanitize)? Well, I've
been pumping it through a convoluted counterflow chiller and, lo and
behold, it turns clear in a matter of minutes. I replace with new
iodophor solution every ten to fifteen minutes and it just turns clear
again each time. Anyone know what's up with that? I'm using a BBB pump
and convoluted copper chiller. Water is no more than 70 degrees and the
whole assembly is in the shade.

John Peed
Oak Ridge, TN


Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 13:32:12 -0400
From: leavitdg at
Subject: Faro?

Anybody made "Faro"? It is apparently a Lambic that is sweetened with candi



Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 14:08:34 -0400
From: Ricardo Cabeza <expunged at>
Subject: RE: Rice Hulls

I use rice hulls for every mash in my RIMS system. I would strongly
suggest experimentation to determine the ideal amount of rice hulls
for your system. I would also suggest keeping the amount of rice
hulls you use to a minimum. I have a formula I use to determine the
minimum amount to use to avoid a stuck mash. For my system, the
formula is:

For a mash containing flaked barley, flaked oats, or flaked wheat / raw wheat:
lbs. rice hulls = 0.03 X lbs. of malt (including wheat malt) + 0.25 X
lbs. of above adjuncts

For a mash with no 'sticky' adjuncts:
lbs. rice hulls = 0.06 X lbs. of malt

Like I said, I would experiment to see if your system requires more or
less (my guess is less). I've never used more than 1 pound of rice
hulls, and that was for a high OG beer with a grain bill consisting of
10% of those 'sticky' adjuncts. Oh, one more thing, I personally
would not suggest a grain bill with more than 10% by weight of the
above adjuncts.

Ricardo Cabeza

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4779, 05/24/05

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