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HOMEBREW Digest #4769

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HOMEBREW Digest #4769		             Mon 02 May 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Irish Moss ("Williams, Rowan")
Brain Cells (Alexandre Enkerli)
Dummy message ("Pat Babcock")
HBD Subscription Probe Diatribe ("Pat Babcock")
Re:Saison Yeast ("Richard S Sloan")
thanks/saison (Matt)
Saison ("Brian Schar")
Last runnings for starter wort? (Brian Miller)
HBD Virus? ("Pat Babcock")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 14:13:04 +1000
From: "Williams, Rowan" <Rowan.Williams at>
Subject: Irish Moss

David wrote:
Besides affecting the resulting clarity of beer, this additional aid in
separating hot break material from the work will help in the stability of
the beer over time. So even an opaque stout will benefit form the use of
David Houseman

Would it therefore be fair to assume that IM also helps me out when I
whirlpool the hot wort prior to extracting the wort from the kettle via a
braided hose?

Rowan Williams
Canberra Brewers Club
[9588.6, 261.5] AR (statute miles)

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Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 00:10:34 -0500
From: Alexandre Enkerli <aenkerli at>
Subject: Brain Cells

Here's the DOI of the article:
DOI 10.1017/S1461145705005286
And a link to the abstract:
(It hasn't been published yet, apparently)
Unfortunately, my library doesn't subscribe to this journal.

Here's the site of the Swedish institute on the study:

It's important to note that they don't associate new brain cells with
increased intelligence. In fact, they mostly associate it with
addiction, according to this BBC article (which quotes a CAMRA
spokesperson): <>

Here's the abstract:
Moderate ethanol consumption increases hippocampal cell proliferation
and neurogenesis in the adult mouse
Alcoholism is a lifelong disease often associated with emotional
disturbances and a high risk of relapse even years after
detoxification. To explore if cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus
of the hippocampus might be important for alcohol-induced brain
adaptation, we analysed hippocampal neurogenesis and gliogenesis in
adult C57Bl/6 mice that consumed moderate levels of ethanol (~6 g/kg.d)
in a two-bottle free-choice model during ~10 wk. The mice developed a
53% preference for ethanol vs. water and displayed a blood ethanol
concentration of 0.24%0 at the time of sacrifice. Bromo-deoxy-uridine
(BrdU) was administered in different regimes to analyse proliferation,
survival, cell distribution and differentiation of new cells in the
dentate gyrus. Moderate ethanol consumption increased the proliferation
of cells, which survived and developed a neural phenotype. Ethanol
consumption did not induce apoptosis, neither did it change
differentiation or the distribution patterns of the newly formed cells.
The cell proliferation rate in the dentate gyrus returned to basal
levels 3 d after ethanol withdrawal. We conclude that voluntary ethanol
intake by mice can change the rate of cell proliferation in the dentate
gyrus. These observations add to the emerging picture of dentate gyrus
neurogenesis as a highly regulated process. Since there was no increase
in apoptosis concomitant with the ethanol-induced increase in
neurogenesis, it is possible that the new cells in the dentate gyrus
may contribute to the long-lasting changes of brain function after
ethanol consumption.

Ah, well...

Relax, Don't Panic, Have a Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster!

AleX (back from Rennerian 0,0)


Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 11:07:21 -0400
From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at>
Subject: Dummy message

Dummy message to allow direct editing of post containin rejectable words.


Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 11:07:21 -0400
From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at>
Subject: HBD Subscription Probe Diatribe

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...

Since I've been seeing a lot of "spam filter" and "Out of Office" responses in
the PROBE processing queue, I thought it important to publish a bit about the
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The Troll Beneath The HBD Bridge

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See ya!

Pat Babcock in SE Michigan
Chief of HBD Janitorial Services
pbabcock at


Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 08:44:32 -0700
From: "Richard S Sloan" <richard.s.sloan at>
Subject: Re:Saison Yeast

On Sat, 30 Apr 2005 06:14:48 -0400
Darrel wrote:

>>Anyone have experience with the Saison yeast-WLP 565 ? I have used this
one 4
>>times now, and each time I have found that the gravity going into the
>>is high...1.019 the first time, 1.021 the second, and so on. The first
time it
>>was only 7 days in primary, temps were good, but it really slowed in
>>fermentation, second time 11 days, same scenario.

Although White Labs specs says this yeasts optimum fermentation temp is
68F-75F, I have heard many folks talking about letting their Saison
fermentations run up into the high 80's with good results. Perhaps letting
the temp ramp up a bit will help your sluggish attenuation?

Richard Sloan
Brewing in San Diego, CA

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Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 09:42:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matt <baumssl27 at>
Subject: thanks/saison

Thanks to Fredrik and SteveA for the very detailed
posts and reading suggestions, and to others who
replied offline. It seems like the primary place I
oversimplified is with regard to the production of
esters, fusels, and diacetyl. I am happy to see that I
did not simplify enough with regard to lag time. I am
still thinking about the best way to reduce what I
understand of these processes to as simple and obvious
a set of rules as possible--from which I think a table
such as Dave suggests could be filled in.

- ---

In the archives there is a post from Tomme Arthur that
answers Darrell's question about saison yeast--he says
he commonly uses another yeast to finish out
fermentation since the saison yeasts are generally
slow to do so.



Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 16:50:00 -0700
From: "Brian Schar" <schar at>
Subject: Saison

Thanks to everyone who responded to me a
month ago when I asked whether or not to
add souring bacteria to my saison wort.
I did not, and I bottled yesterday,
1 month after fermentation began. I
prepared 10 gallons of wort, and
fermented 5 gallons with WLP 565, and
5 gallons with WY3724. The OG was
approximately 1.060, and the FG was
1.009 for the WY3724 and 1.015 with
the WLP 565. Both tasted bright and
fresh, with the Wyeast batch having
more sourness and the White Labs
batch having more sweetness, as you
would expect from the higher FG.
The Wyeast batch was lighter colored,
cloudier, and more orange, while the
White Labs batch was darker, clear
and browner.

Darrell thought his gravity may be
high going into the secondary with
WLP 565. I don't mess with secondaries
due to my belief that the danger of
infecting the beer and oxygenating
it by moving it around is greater than
any danger that may result from 2-4
weeks of contact with yeast. Having
said that, going head-to-head with
Wyeast on the same wort, just compare
the final gravities. It appears that
WLP 565 is just a yeast that doesn't
like to ferment lower than around 1.015.

Brian Schar
Menlo Park, CA


Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 17:07:14 -0700
From: Brian Miller <bj_mill at>
Subject: Last runnings for starter wort?

I'm a fly sparger and am wondering if there's any reason not
to use the last runnings (perhaps boiled down) for starter wort?

A quick archive search reveals a comment from Steve Alexander
in #4229:

> If you feel you need more frugality in your life, then
> oversparge the last runnings and boil-down the result for
> starter wort or small beers.

Will there be anything lacking in this wort that can't be
corrected by a bit of yeast nutrient?


Brian Miller
Tracy, CA


Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 20:54:10 -0400
From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at>
Subject: HBD Virus?

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...

Interestingly enough, there is now a virus floating around doing a pretty good
job of masquerading as coming from the HBD. Does that mean we've made the big
time? Or does it mean a HBD reader is a soon-to-be-incarcerated virus writer?
The world may never know.

In any case, know that the HBD will never send you a zipped archive, and does
not require accounts and passwords in order to receive the HBD. Delete any
suspicious looking emails. All you should expect from the HBD is the Digest,
responses to your queries to the Request address, receipts for your posts, the
monthly probe messages and, on rare occasions, mail from me. If you are
subscribed to other lists served by the HBD, you know what the output from
those look like so, again, if it looks suspicious, delete it.

- --

See ya!

Pat Babcock in SE Michigan
Chief of HBD Janitorial Services
pbabcock at

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4769, 05/02/05

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