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HOMEBREW Digest #4715

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HOMEBREW Digest #4715		             Fri 04 February 2005 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


Beer, Beer, and More Beer
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America's Finest City ("Chad Stevens")
Re: Single roll mill crushing action (Wayne Faris)
Re: Beer in Salt Lake City (Bob Landry)
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: Single roll mill crushing action ("River Bound Brewing")
Cream ale and yeasty flavors ("Peed, John")
Beer Can Save Your Life ("Pete Calinski")
Re: Las Vegas Beer ("Doug Hurst")
toasting malt ("Jason Gross")
Re: Pressure-Cooker Pseudo-Decoction (pDecoct) (Jeff Renner)
Long term storage of Chimay Blue ("Antony Hayes")
Decocting Schwarzbier (Randy Mosher)
2005 South Shore Brewoff - update (McNally Geoffrey A NPRI)
Oxygenation with inline diffuser ("Noah A. Bolmer")
Hefe Temps ("HomeBrewUSA")
Re: Vegas Beer (Kent Fletcher)
Spruce tip tips? (Teresa Knezek)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 19:44:46 -0800
From: "Chad Stevens" <zuvaruvi at>
Subject: America's Finest City

It's time to ship your entries to AleSmith for America's Finest City
Homebrew Competition. Entries will be accepted now till February 23rd:

Winners will receive a commemorative T-shirt, White Labs Yeast Certificate,
etched mug, a chance to have your beer brewed commercially by WBC and GABF
Gold Medal Brewer Tom Nickel of Oggi's Pizza, and other groovy stuff.

We have a great group of Judges from numerous clubs who also do SW First
Round Nationals. Use this comp to figure out where to place your "tweener"
beers in Nationals.

Thanks to the many HBD'rs who have participated. We wouldn't have 500
entries from 15 states without you.


Chad Stevens
San Diego


Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 21:44:59 -0600
From: Wayne Faris <ke0bz at>
Subject: Re: Single roll mill crushing action

Todd Snyder posted (among other things):

"...... This is what I observed. The crush from the Philmill is
excellent, just as Dan stated below the husks are pealed from the grain
completely intact and fluffy. The starchy meat of every barley corn is
crushed and there is little fine flour. The throughput using an old 3/8"
drill motor was _very_fast_. The only thing I would like to see changed
in the design is the small 'hopper' which is an upside down 2 liter pop

I picked one of these back in December and also did not like the tiny
"hopper". I quickly modified mine. I found a large funnel in the
automotive department at Walmart. The inside diameter of the spout
towards the top is about the same diameter as the hole in the top of the
mill where the 2 liter bottle goes. I cut a small scrap of wood to fit
the top of the mill and drilled a hole in it to fit the end of the
funnel (after cutting several inches off the spout). I screwed the
piece of wood to the top of the mill, inserted the funnel, and moved the
hopper retaining screw from the mill top to the new funnel holder.
This arrangement works great. I get a little better flow since the hole
is bigger than the inside diameter of the 2 liter bottle. Also, this
funnel will hold 5 pounds of grain. Much better than the original design.

Maybe Dan should consider drilling the "hopper" hole a little bigger,
include a $4.00 funnel and charge an extra $10 for the "Extra Capacity"


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Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 00:27:28 -0700
From: Bob Landry <psyktek at>
Subject: Re: Beer in Salt Lake City

There are a few brewpubs in the valley. My favorite is Red Rock. There's
also a "private club" called The Bayou. Haven't tried it, but supposedly
great cajun food and over 200 microbrews on tap and in bottles.
I'm sure you'll meet somebody at the convention that can point you in the
right direction(s). Oh, and don't let the "private club" thing scare you
off. Someone there will sponsor you and you just pay a nominal fee for a
temporary membership.

If you go out to dinner (and you should, Salt Lake has many good
restaurants) ask your server for a primer on Utah's alcohol regulations.
You'll need it!!!



Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 07:42:05 -0600
From: "River Bound Brewing" <RiverBound at>
Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: Single roll mill crushing action

I think I got all my "Re:"s in there.

Hi everyone. I'm not associated with Mr. Listerman in any way either.
I've just seen so much controversy raised of the number of rollers in a mill
that I thought it was time I chimed in.

First, I have to admit that I've never owned any other mill than your basic
Phil Mill. I have, however, been brewing for several years and believe I
understand fully what a nice crush is supposed to look like. I may some
complaints about my Phil Mil, but they certainly are not related to the
quality of the crush. Yeah, it's small, and it's slower than most larger
mills, but don't knock the crush. On speed, I don't know how fast some
people hope to get through the process, but I brew 17 gallon batches and
don't think the 10 minutes I spend at my Phil Mil is all that much in the
shadow of a long brew day. TO speed things up a bit I did bore the inlet
out a bit to accommodate an inverted plastic 5 gallon carboy as a hopper,
and I picked up a drill at Big Lots for $8 to power the device. So far, so

Will I ever buy a "nicer" mill (I think that's more appropriate than
"better")? I doubt it.



Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 09:46:58 -0500
From: "Peed, John" <jpeed at>
Subject: Cream ale and yeasty flavors

A month or so ago I asked if anyone had had problems with1056 yeast
producing yeasty flavors, particularly in lighter beers like cream ales.
The yeasty half of the ten gallon batch had primaried for a week,
secondaried for two weeks and had been carbonated and in the fridge for five
weeks when it blew out. The other half (same batch of 1056 yeast, split
between the two) was primaried for a week and secondaried for seven weeks -
I just filtered and carbonated it two nights ago. It's delish, with no
yeasty flavors at all. So I feel pretty sure it's more the style than the
yeast (a good cream ale is pretty demanding), and it appears that the beer
needs to rest a good while in the vicinity of room temperature to allow all
the yeast byproducts to clear out. I have another cream ale in secondary
now that was fermented with 1007 German ale yeast. I suspect that sulfur
will be the culprit with that one, but at least now I know to wait it out.
I'll let you know how it turns out. And, Steve, the next one will be done
with 1275 (just got a pack of it).

John Peed
Oak Ridge, TN


Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 10:38:05 -0500
From: "Pete Calinski" <pjcalinski at>
Subject: Beer Can Save Your Life

What more can I say:

Pete Calinski
East Amherst NY
Near Buffalo NY

*My goal:
* Go through life and never drink the same beer twice.
* (As long as it doesn't mean I have to skip a beer.)


Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 10:02:40 -0600
From: "Doug Hurst" <dougbeer2000 at>
Subject: Re: Las Vegas Beer

I don't think anyone has mentioned Chicago Brewing Company. Yep, it's a
brewpub in Las Vegas. It's a few miles west of the strip area. I haven't
been there yet, but it seems to rate consistently well.

I can't seem to find a website for them but here's the address:
2201 S Fort Apache Rd 89177

Doug Hurst
Chicago, IL
[197.5, 264.8] Apparent Rennerian


Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 10:35:46 -0700
From: "Jason Gross" <jrgross at>
Subject: toasting malt

I want to mash with toasted malt. John Palmer's book "How to Brew" (thank
you, John, I use your water salts addition table every time I brew) gives
various methods for toasting malt, followed by the fine print, "The malt
should be stored in a paper bag for 2 weeks prior to use." Two weeks! I
find it hard to anticipate making a yeast starter 2 days before I brew.
Other than the satisfaction of having toasted my own malt, why couldn't I
just use a roasted or crystal malt that has already been "toasted"? It
seems to be 6 maillard rxn products of one or half-dozen of the other
conundrum. Please enlighten me.

Jason Gross
Mandan, ND
[895.4, 296] Apparent Rennerian (miles)


Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 13:38:14 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <jeffrenner at>
Subject: Re: Pressure-Cooker Pseudo-Decoction (pDecoct)

Alexandre Enkerli <aenkerli at> wrote from South Bend, IN:

>I always wanted to try ... a pseudo-decoction by
>pressure-cooking a Mason jar of grain. IIRC, this is a method Jeff
>"Center of the Homebrew Universe" Renner uses for his CAP's cereal
>mash. Jeff, did I get this right?

Close. I cook more than a mason jar full. My standard 8 gallon
batch is 10 lbs. of malt and 3 lbs of corn meal. I cook the corn
with a pound of malt. I used to do it in an 8 qt (7.6 l) pot on top
of the stove, but recently I've put the pot in a really big pressure
cooker (22 qt, 20.8 l). Not only does this speed thing up, I figure
it gives more yummy flavors.It sure smells great. Not a big flavor
difference, though.

I've also done a couple of pseudo-decoctions with all malt beers, and
am going to do one Monday with an all-Munich malt Dunkles. I take
about 20-25% of the malt, mash in separately, then after a short
rest, pressure cook it, then add it to the main mash. Really just
like a cereal mash but with malt. Don't know if it really works
better, but it feels good.

- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 21:07:27 +0200
From: "Antony Hayes" <anthayes at>
Subject: Long term storage of Chimay Blue

Does anyone have any success stories regarding long terms storage of Chimay
Blue? Their website recommends a dark place, but I wondered if anyone had
temperature and humidity recommendations?

Ant Hayes


Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 13:12:49 +0100
From: Randy Mosher <randymosher at>
Subject: Decocting Schwarzbier

AleX wrote:

>A cool one I always wanted to try was to do a pseudo-decoction by
>pressure-cooking a Mason jar of grain.

This may be a good way to do an adjunct mash (where the adjunct needs to be
boiled to make the starch available), but I don't believe you would get the
kind of caramelization you would like to see for a dark beer like the
Schwarzbier you mention. I doubt if it would be worth the considerable
trouble in this case.

>It was initially supposed to be a
>Baltic Porter but it's looking more and more German. Kind of like a
>Porter version of a Schwarzbier. What's the German word for brown,
>again? Or it could be a Prussian Porter or something... ;-)

There is a direct historical link between porter and schwarzbier. The
English were setting the world on fire in the late 18th/early 19th century
with porter, and breweries all over Europe were trying to get in on "the
next big thing." By 1900 there were two different Deutsches porter styles,
and schwarzbier existed as well. Wagner (1877) refers to it as "Englisher

- --Randy Mosher


Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 15:28:57 -0500
From: McNally Geoffrey A NPRI <McNallyGA at Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil>
Subject: 2005 South Shore Brewoff - update

Hi All,

The 2005 South Shore Brewoff will be held on Saturday, March 26th.

It was originally scheduled to be held at the Rock Bottom Restaurant
and Brewery in Braintree, MA but had to be relocated due to
circumstances beyond our control.

It will now be held at a club members home in Mansfield, MA.

Entry and judging information is now available on the club
website at:

Geoffrey McNally
Competition Organizer


Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 12:23:54 -0800
From: "Noah A. Bolmer" <noah at>
Subject: Oxygenation with inline diffuser


Along with my new St. Pats 3 level system, I also got an inline diffuser
/ thermometer combo unit:

I also have a small benzomatic O2 tank and regulator to hook it up. The
regulator does not have
a dial or any way for me to measure the flow rate. I plan on either
running it directly from the spout
of my brewpot, or after the counterflow chiller (if I get one instead of
my current immersion chiller).
Should I open the O2 valve all the way up as the wort passes through it?
I don't have a pump; gravity
will be pulling the wort through the unit. About how long can I expect a
benzomatic O2 can to last?


Noah A. Bolmer


Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 15:31:55 -0500
From: "HomeBrewUSA" <brewshop at>
Subject: Hefe Temps

Darrell asks about Hefe temps....

In my experience with WLP300 I have discovered that it gives BIG bannana if
fermented at a steady 73 degrees F. I have not tried a lower temp yet but
the rules I know are higher = more bannana lower = more clove


Mike and Mellissa Pensinger
Owners, HomeBrewUSA
Norfolk, Virginia


Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 15:33:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Kent Fletcher <fletcherhomebrew at>
Subject: Re: Vegas Beer

Martin wrote:
> While I'm no expert on Las Vegas, the recent AHA
> convention in Las Vegas
> certainly opened my eyes to some possibilities in
> that town.
> I think a good place to check out would be Barley's
> Casino and Brewery. The
> brewmaster, Michael Ferguson, participated
> extensively in the AHA
> convention. He proved himself to be an outstanding
> person and excellent
> brewer.
> Another great place was the Hofbrauhaus. This is a
> licensed replica of the
> original Hofbrauhaus in Munich.

Four of us stopped in Henderson for lunch at Barley's
on the way out of town from the NHC. I was the DD,
and so didn't sample, but my knowledgable brew club
buddies all gave the beers good marks. But Henderson
is NOT what I would call easily accessible for
somebody without a car, it took us a good 20-30
minutes to get there from the Riviera. Also, Michael
Ferguson has left Barley's, and is now the West Coast
regional Director of Brweing Operations for BJ's.
Vegas' loss is our gain!

Ond of the bes places to enjoy beer is the Freakin'
Frog, with a selection of over 400 beers. They have
brews on tap that you will not find anywhere else in
the U.S.
It's about a $10 cab ride from the north end of the

One other note, the Hoffbrauhaus has a free shuttle,
which is good, once you pay your tab.


Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 14:34:19 -0900
From: Teresa Knezek <mivox.mail at>
Subject: Spruce tip tips?

Quite a while ago, Alaskan Brewing Co. came out with a seasonal
winter ale flavored with spruce tips. It was a pretty unremarkable
beer outside that fact, but it was a very nice flavor... The last 2-3
years' batches have hit the shelves with no detectable spruce flavor,
not much hops... boring, over-malty, bleaugh.

So I'd like to do my own spruce beer, but I've no idea how to use the
spruce tips. Do I add them at the end of the boil, like hops? Find
some way of sanitizing them, and put them in the fermenter? Any ideas
how much I should put in? I'd hate to totally ruin a batch of beer,
but I know if I get it right, it'll be a really nice touch.
- --
:: Teresa ::

"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake
of convincing those who do not know it, but for
the sake of defending those that DO."
-- William Blake

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4715, 02/04/05

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