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HOMEBREW Digest #4648

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HOMEBREW Digest #4648		             Wed 10 November 2004 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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NPS Locknuts ("A.J deLange")
New BJCP Continuing Education Program (Ed Westemeier)
Electric Turkey Fryer ("Eric R. Theiner")
Barley Crusher ("Steve Smith")
copper v. stainless (Raj B Apte)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 13:18:39 +0000
From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at>
Subject: NPS Locknuts

The almost universal answer to such questions is McMaster-Carr
( See (on line) p4 of their catalogue for
vanilla locknuts and p7 for ones with a PTFE insert.



Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 09:17:12 -0500
From: Ed Westemeier <hopfen at>
Subject: New BJCP Continuing Education Program

The Beer Judge Certification Program has approved the creation of a
Continuing Education Program (CEP).

This may be the most significant initiative ever undertaken by the
BJCP. It is designed to enhance the knowledge and judging skills of
members in a comprehensive program. The program will establish new
education opportunities and programs such as CEP sessions organized by
third parties, development of CEP products and programs available
directly from the BJCP, development of a Beer Vocabulary reference, and
development of a Sensory Tasting Kit.

In order to develop the program, we are looking for a Director for
Continuing Education and one or two Assistant Directors. If you or
someone you know might fit this role, please get a request for
consideration in at the first opportunity.

For full details, please visit our website at

Ed Westemeier
BJCP Communication Director


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 10:14:35 -0600
From: "Eric R. Theiner" <rickdude at>
Subject: Electric Turkey Fryer

As someone who is considering converting to electric
brewing ('cos it's too friggin cold up here!), I was
pretty interested in the electric turkey fryer mentioned
in one or two of the earlier posts--

And I was even considering the high-end model as an easy
way to short circuit the process of getting me brewing
again quickly... but there's a caveat that I want to share
with everyone. 1650 watts (from the element) is only
around 5500 BTU's per hour. That's a long time to get to
boil (Starting from cold water, you'll need around 6500
BTU's to get going, and you'll lose a few BTU's to heating
up the vessel, the air around the boiler, etc.)

I'm still thinking about it, but knowing how long this may
take, I'm not quite so keen on the idea.

Rick Theiner


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:06:07 -0700
From: "Steve Smith" <sasmith at>
Subject: Barley Crusher

Realizing that both the Valley Mill and the JSP MaltMill are excellent
products I was thinking of buying one of them as my first grain mill, but
after doing a little further research in the archives, I found a couple 2003
posts recommending a little or unadvertised mill, the Barley Crusher This mill offers some
features that make me want to buy it instead, including lower cost. That
is, it comes fully assembled for only $105 plus shipping (considerably
cheaper than the Valley or the fully adjustable JSP), including a base and
an aluminum hopper that holds 7 lb. of grain. It has an all-metal design,
has two knurled cold rolled steel rollers adjustable at both ends (like the
Valley Mill, the gap adjustment range is .015" - .070"), and a lifetime
warranty. From the pictures on the website, I can see that the Barley
Crusher uses standard gap adjustment knobs like the JSP has, so it lacks the
benefit of marked settings found on the Valley. I can live with that. I
was hoping that someone might let me know if they have been happy with this
mill, or has any thoughts about its performance compared to the Valley or
JSP. As usual, I have no affiliation with the company... I just want to
know if it's a recommended product. Thank you.

Steve Smith


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 11:12:07 -0800 (PST)
From: Raj B Apte <raj_apte at>
Subject: copper v. stainless

Hi Paul,

I have also been thinking along these lines. For me, the
biggest problem is scorching in my thin, stainless pot. (I
use a direct-fired mash tun). So I've considered 2

1. solid copper pot. Canadiense at is a
portuguese copper pot and still maker who will sell a
riveted 40L copper pot for 169euros. Walls are 1.1mm thick,
although thicker is possible. Larger pots are available.
Unfortunately, shipping will double the cost. I have not
found a coppersmith in the US who is interested in working
with us small fry. Please let me know if you do. I'll bet
Mexico would be a good place to look.

2. copper metal spray. Metal spray is a technique to use
heat or plasma to deposit molten metal in an inert
atmosphere onto a substrate. Start with a stainless pot,
sandblast it clean, and spray on .050" of copper. I'm
currently pricing this option.

Let me know what you find out. I switched to 2.5mm copper
pots for cooking and they are AMAZING. Nothing scorches or
burns and things heat up fast. I did read somewhere that
zinc deficiency in yeast is much reduced when using copper
vessels. I don't know if this would be true for lead-free
soldered pots.


End of HOMEBREW Digest #4648, 11/10/04

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