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HOMEBREW Digest #4647

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HOMEBREW Digest #4647		             Tue 09 November 2004 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: Distilled water cleaning / storage of yeast (Grant Family)
Subject: electric kettle ("Jodie Davis")
Re: Distilled water cleaning / storage of yeast ("Paul Clarke")
Re: Auctions (Jim Larsen)
Sake Brewing: Koji Availability, Experiments (Alexandre Enkerli)
winemaking digest, etc. - check out newsgroups (Michael Hetzel)
1" NPS nut ("Doug Moyer")
copper vs stainless (Paul Hethmon)
Judging Witbier (Mark Beck)
Re: link of the week - zinc (Jeff Renner)
2004 THIRSTY Classic Results ("Walsh, Susan")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 16:07:42 +1100
From: Grant Family <grants at>
Subject: Re: Distilled water cleaning / storage of yeast

Kevin wrote:
>Recent posts have lead me to try out saving some yeast that I had in a few
>carboys. Can someone post a link for directions? I know I've read it
>somewhere, but can't remember where.

There's a good set of instructions on the Wyeast website at:

And a bit more detail on general yeast storage and propagation at:
NB. this one needs translation from Aussie into Yankie ;)

Also try this one for good measure:

Stuart Grant
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 07:47:29 -0500
From: "Jodie Davis" <JodieDavis at>
Subject: Subject: electric kettle

> I noticed that Home Depot has an electric turkey fryer. It is an 8
> gallon aluminum kettle which I don't like because it is spun with very
> deep scratches on the inside and is not insulated. But the interesting
> part is the heating element is detachable and has built in temp
> and timer and it's 110 volts. Might be worth the price for the ready
> made heating element alone. I'm waiting to see if they drop the price
> after turkey season.
> Ken


Check these out:
The middle level model has a drain valve.
The higher end model has a stainless kettle.

Jodie Davis
Award-winning "Friends in the Bee" debuts November 13th at 4:30 on


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 09:41:34 -0500
From: "Paul Clarke" <ptclarke at>
Subject: Re: Distilled water cleaning / storage of yeast

Kevin Mueller asks:
"Recent posts have lead me to try out saving some yeast that I
had in a few carboys. Can someone post a link for directions?"

Allan Mckay has a couple of very good tutorials on this topic at Click on the "Yeast" link at the top.

The two links you will be interested in are "Culturing for Dummies"
and "Washing Yeast" under "Usage Tips"

To gain some experience, I used the latter method with the slurry
from a brew in which I used Nottingham dry yeast. It was quite
simple to do and the results were outstanding. I used the second
generation yeast for my next 3 batches of beer.

Paul Clarke
Ottawa, Canada


Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 07:12:34 -0800
From: Jim Larsen <jal7 at>
Subject: Re: Auctions

As noted earlier, US state laws vary widely regarding the distribution of
homebrew. A member of Omahops (club in Omaha, NE) offered for auction a
homebrewing session. Two cases of your favorite style, brewed up fresh. He
brought all the necessary equipment to the winner's door and took him
through the process.

It was a hot item at one charity auction with two bidders fighting it out
at the end. When the bidding was closed, the brewer approached the
runner-up and offered him another session at the winner's price.
Everybody's a winner.

Jim Larsen
Sacramento, CA


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 10:35:30 -0500
From: Alexandre Enkerli <aenkerli at>
Subject: Sake Brewing: Koji Availability, Experiments

Jim Wilson said:

> I've brewed a couple of batches using Fred Eckhardt's recipes and
> process
> and am really happy with the results.
Good! How did you get the koji/koji-kin/kome-koji?
Sake-brewing has been on my mind for a while. Sounds like an
interesting process. Here's a site on it:

Did anyone tried to make "flavored" sake, with spices or such? Seems
like sake flavor's neutral enough that it could give interesting


AleX in South Bend, IN
[129.7mi, 251.5] Apparent Rennerian


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 08:51:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Michael Hetzel <hetzelnc at>
Subject: winemaking digest, etc. - check out newsgroups

First, my apologies for being somewhat off topic.. I'll try to make it

While this doesn't directly answer Tony's question about a winemaking
digest, I thought I'd point out some other options for those who want
more reading to do on their favorite subjects (and for those unaware of
this resource).

Specifically, I'm talking about newsgroups. There is, by my count, far
too much activity on these digests to keep up on it all, but you can
get answers very quickly and skimming also helps.

First thing you need (after internet connection), is a newsreader
program. I recommend Xnews, a great freeware program. Next you'll need
the server name.. I have comcast, and so their newsgroup server name is It may take some poking around to find your server
name. Setup Xnews with the server name, load up their directory of
groups available, and subscribe (with a simple click) to the ones you
want. For example, check out:

Of course, follow netiquette while posting (don't spam, don't flame,
and keep your political views to yourself). Also, I believe the digests
(at least mead and homebrew) get posted there regularly as well.. could
be the same for wine.

Mike Hetzel
Waltham, MA
- ---
From: Tony Brown <speleobopper at>
Subject: Winemaking Digest

Does anyone know of a similiar type of newsletter (i.e., Homebrew
Digest) that is specific to winemaking? Or can I ask winemaking
questions here?


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 12:56:21 -0500
From: "Doug Moyer" <shyzaboy at>
Subject: 1" NPS nut

I plan to put a water heater element through the side of a converted keg for
my HLT. It is 1" NPS. Where do I find a nut (preferably stainless)? I might
be able to use a hex bushing, but I'm not sure if I can tighten it down
enough to make a good seal.

Any suggestions?

Brew on!
Doug Moyer

Troutville, VA

Star City Brewers Guild:


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 14:34:23 -0500
From: Paul Hethmon <Paul.Hethmon at>
Subject: copper vs stainless

I'm interested in hearing anyone's opinion on copper vs stainless
for brewing vessels? Sometime in the next year, I'll be building
the Hethmon Bar and Brewery (located conveniently in my basement).
So I've been looking over commercial equipment and home-built
stuff. One of the things I want in my brewery is a good aesthetic
quality. I've seen a few brewpubs where copper was used. I don't
know if the entire vessel was copper or perhaps just a jacket around
stainless (perhaps wrapping insulation).

Anyway the thought of 3 big copper pots sitting behind the bar has
an appeal. I can certainly see that maintenance would be an issue
to keep tarnish off of the copper.

thanks for any info,

Paul Hethmon
Farragut, Tennessee


Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 12:12:53 -0800
From: Mark Beck <beckmk at>
Subject: Judging Witbier

A question for the experienced judges out there: when judging a witbier,
should you intentionally stir up the sediment in the bottle, or should you
decant off of it?

It's my understanding that the cloudiness of a wit is due to protein haze
and not yeast. As such a wit should be naturally cloudy, and there should
be no need to stir up the sediment.

However, if a wit sits in a bottle for awhile ( especially if it has been
refrigerated) then all the suspended proteins drop out of suspension, and
you've got clear beer--which is what you don't want. Ideally you'd like to
stir up the protein while leaving the yeast at the bottom, but this doesn't
seem possible.

I would argue that you should stir up the sediment for a simple reason: the
beer tastes better if you do. Maybe more importantly, stirring up the
sediment on a beer that's a few months old makes it taste more like it did
when it was younger. I always stir up the sediment in my own wits when I
drink them.

I'm not a BJCP certified judge, are there BJCP guidelines about this? I
don't see any mention of this issue in the style guide.

Mark Beck
Walla Walla, WA


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 15:14:53 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <jeffrenner at>
Subject: Re: link of the week - zinc

Bob Devine <bob.devine at> of Riverton, UT
continues his excellent "link of the Week" series and asks

>Has anybody experimented with add zinc salts to a batch?
>Shooting for an level of about 1 ppm or less might work
>without causing some undesireable yeast byproducts.

This was the subject of a thread a few years ago, and the Aussies
have had discussions of it as well more recently on their
OzCraftBrewers list I've used Servomyces in
several batches and I think it makes a faster fermentation, but I
can't say it resulted in any different final product. I bought a ten
gram pack and use (I think) 1/8 tsp for an 8 gallon batch. WhiteLabs
has just started marketing capsules containing sufficient for a five
gallon batch. I'll continue to use if when I remember just for
insurance. It's cheap and easy.

You can download the Lallemand product info, which includes graph of
fermentation of wort with and without, at

- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 18:42:40 -0600
From: "Walsh, Susan" <susan-walsh at>
Subject: 2004 THIRSTY Classic Results

The results of the 2004 THIRSTY Classic can be found

Congratulations to the Best of Show Brewer & Co-Brewer
Matt Franklin & Larry Papkin for their Scotch Ale

A big thank you to our host Millstream Brewing Company in Amana

This event would not happen without the participation of
judges and stewards, I also thank you for your efforts.

Mark your calendars now for November 2005 for the
2005 THIRSTY Classic.

Susan Walsh, President
Iowa City, IA

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4647, 11/09/04

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