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HOMEBREW Digest #4664

HOMEBREW Digest #4664 Thu 02 December 2004
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at
Beer, Beer, and More Beer
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FW: haploid/diploid/tetrapoid-Can You Comment? ("Rob Moline")
Re: Vanilla bean vs. vanilla extract; which is better? (Bob Devine)
CFC, pump, and cavitation (pacman)
RE: Vanilla bean - source? ("Ronald La Borde")
re: Heritage (Michael Owings)
Fermenting in Cornies ("Todd Swearingen")
Heritage (Jim Bermingham)
Re: Vanilla bean vs. vanilla extract; which is better? (Denny Conn)
Pumps and geneology ("zuvaruvi")
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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 23:04:37 -0600
From: "Rob Moline" <jethrogump at>
Subject: FW: haploid/diploid/tetrapoid-Can You Comment?
All the info...
- -----Original Message-----
From: Cone, Clayton
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 4:57 PM
To: Rob Moline
Subject: RE: haploid/diploid/tetrapoid-Can You Comment?
I was in Kansas. There are over 90 huge distilleries for Biofuel; up to
100 million gallons per year each. One bushel of corn will produce about
2.8 gallons of 100 % alcohol. Wheat, rye and milo produce about the
This is Tobias' reply to Chad Stevens inquiry:
"It is very difficult to determine ploidy in brewing strains. Only lab
strains are haploid or diploid. Brewing strains are at least diploid
most of them are polyploid or anoiploid (an abnormality involving a
chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the haploid number)
All of the Lallemand strains for wine, brewing and distilling (over 200)
are selected with stability as a criteria. We monitor the DNA to assure
strain stability.
There should be no problems with several repitching. It is when the
yeast is subjected to many repitchings, acid washes, poor storage
temperatures, lack of nutrients, lack of oxygen, and other stressful
conditions that mutants begin to form.
Infection is the main problem with many repitchings.
- ---
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Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2004 22:41:18 -0700
From: Bob Devine <bob.devine at>
Subject: Re: Vanilla bean vs. vanilla extract; which is better?
Bill Velek asks about vanilla.
> Bottom line: does anyone know if there is a difference in the quality of
> beer made with vanilla extract vs. beans? And if there is no
> difference, what is the equivalency of one to the other, for purposes of
> making conversions when a recipe calls for one and you have the other.
In general, you do pay more for quality vanilla. But it is
worth it. Avoid "artificial vanilla", or vanillin, because
it is too one-dimensional.
Of the 3 major vanilla regions of Madagascar, Tahiti, and
Mexico (the likely origin of vanilla), nearly 75% come from
the island of Madagascar. Beware of cheap vanilla from
Mexico because it may be adulterated with coumarin, which
smells like very strong vanilla but studies show it causes
liver problems.
You can buy vanilla in several forms: beans, paste, powder,
or extract. Look for Bourbon vanilla (from Madagascar,
Mexico, or other tropical areas) for the typical flavor
you expect in vanilla ice cream. Tahitian vanilla is a
bit more expensive and has a sort of dried fruit flavor.
Because the potency of a spice hard to foretell, I can't
give a good answer on how much to use. I'd recommend
adding vanilla only to cooled wort or in the secondary
to avoid losing the great aroma.
You could add a whole bean to your carboy but that will
give a substantial, maybe even dominant, vanilla tone.
Hmmm, a lightly hopped porter with vanilla would be tasty
because of the dark malt. Maybe a less attenuative yeast
so it is doesn't finish too dry. I judged a vanilla porter
this year that reminded me strongly of a toasted marshmallow!
A great source for spices is Penzey's
Bob Devine
Riverton, UT
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 23:23:42 -0700
From: pacman at
Subject: CFC, pump, and cavitation
So I am theorizing and a concern comes up. If I hook my pump to the outlet on
my kettle, turn it on and pump my wort through the CFC, when I get toward the
end, if I let the pump run the kettle dry, I risk running the pump dry, and
cavitating it. How do I prevent this? slow the flow rate down toward the end,
shut it off and gravity drain the rest of the wort into the fermenter?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
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Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 09:05:27 -0600
From: "Ronald La Borde" <pivoron at>
Subject: RE: Vanilla bean - source?
>From: "Doug Moyer" <shyzaboy at>
>Anyone know of a good source for purchasing vanilla beans?
Sure, it's easy, just go to your grocery store spice rack. Look at the
McCormick display, and you should find a bottle with about 4 or so
vanilla beans in it. Not cheap though.
Ronald J. La Borde -- Metairie, LA
New Orleans is the suburb of Metairie, LA
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 09:18:48 -0600
From: Michael Owings <mikey at>
Subject: re: Heritage
I am of the K'th'thlik'k people. We are renowned for our colorful
painted gourds and our language, which sports 26 genders and includes no
- --
Teleoperate a roving mobile robot from the web:
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 09:25:12 -0600
From: "Todd Swearingen" <tswearingen at>
Subject: Fermenting in Cornies
Hello, I have been a longtime lurker. I finally decided to de-cloak after
seeing the post on fermenting in cornie kegs. This is a favorite topic for
me. I have been using a 10 gallon corny keg as my primary for several years
and it has been one of the best improvements to my process. I always hated
transferring out of a carboy because it is so difficult to start and
maintain a siphon. Transferring out of the keg is simple. Hook a transfer
hose from the primary keg to the serving keg via each "out" post and
pressurize the primary. This will push the beer into the previously purged
serving keg. I periodically vent the receiving keg as it fills. Others have
mentioned various ways to attach an airlock, but I use a much simpler
method. Attach a qd/hose to the gas post and run the free end of the hose
(no fitting) into a flask of water. If I want to collect the yeast for a
later batch, I boil up a mason jar of water to sterilize both the water and
jar. Once it has cooled I pour into the primary, re-seal, and push the
yeast slurry into the mason jar via a picnic faucet. This is much cleaner
and easier than trying to pour out of the keg opening.
Huntsville, AL
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 10:08:32 -0600
From: Jim Bermingham <JBHAM6843 at>
Subject: Heritage
I think my heritage is similar to that of a Kurr Dog. Probably mixed
with just about every nationality. Maybe that's why I don't have a
preference to any one beer. I seem to like them all.
Jim Bermingham
Millsap, TX
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 08:29:58 -0800
From: Denny Conn <denny at>
Subject: Re: Vanilla bean vs. vanilla extract; which is better?
Bill, I can tell you that several years ago when I made my first batch of
bourbon vanilla impy porter, I compared real vanilla extract to using
vanilla beans in the secondary. It was no contest to my taste buds...the
beans were so much richer and rounder tasting (yeah, I know that's pretty
subjective) that the extract came in a distant second.
------------->Denny Conn
At 11:04 PM 12/1/04 -0500, Bill Velek wrote:
>Bottom line: does anyone know if there is a difference in the quality of
>beer made with vanilla extract vs. beans? And if there is no
>difference, what is the equivalency of one to the other, for purposes of
>making conversions when a recipe calls for one and you have the other.
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 11:15:12 -0800
From: "zuvaruvi" <zuvaruvi at>
Subject: Pumps and geneology
With all the posts on pumps lately (pre-chill, post-chill,
post-primary-chill, pre-post-chill...but never at dusk, never at dusk...)
I'm a wonderin' what is the preferred type of pump out there in HBD land:
Impeller or Peristaltic? A bunch of one or two line data points from all
you wort pumpers out there would be nice. I'll whittle hash marks in my
monitor at work to keep track.
1/4 Norwegian (you know, those people who taught the rest of the world how
to brew), 1/4 Scott (the folks who took brewing from the Norse in the 11th
century and ran with it), and 1/2 English (the dandies who perfected the art
of brewing, and taxing, a pint). I wasn't allowed to use Great-Grampa's big
bathroom when I was a kid because he always had something bubbling away in
there. Guess it's in the genes.
Chad Stevens
San Diego
End of HOMEBREW Digest #4664, 12/02/04