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HOMEBREW Digest #4667

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HOMEBREW Digest #4667		             Mon 06 December 2004 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


Beer, Beer, and More Beer
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HBD EOY (Corrected) ("Pat Babcock")
Gift giving ideas? (John Wyzkiewicz)
Beer gas on Hefeweizen, brewers heritage (Calvin Perilloux)
Polyclar in the boil? ("Rob Dewhirst")
two clone requests- la rossa, taddy ("Jon Olsen")
In the news (John Segedy)
Pumps and More (Randy Mosher)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 09:28:51 -0500
From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at>
Subject: HBD EOY (Corrected)

Greetings, beerlings! Take me to your accountant...

I went in to "finalize" the year, since I received the ISP bill for December
and noticed an omission and mathematical error in the EOY statement for the
HBD. Specifically, the expenditures total to 7251.23 rather than the 7131.23
shown, and the "Other" expenses were left off the list. (Surprised no- one
pointed these out to me. I usually get several notes for lesser errors :o)
Barring any unforseseen fubars, irresistable equipment bargains, or a rash
of donations, this sheet should now accurately reflect expectations for year

Pat Babcock
The Mathematically Challenged Troll Beneath The HBD Bridge


HBD 2004 End Of Year Accounting (Corrected)

2003 Balance Forward: $ 2684.42

Income: $12009.00
Sponsorship $ 8685.00
Donations $ 2877.00
Commercial Hosting $ 420.00
Other Income $ 27.00

Expenditures: ($ 7251.23)
Equipment ($ 2437.35)
Paypal ($ 76.07)
ISP ($ 2526.06)
Domains, Certificates ($ 167.30)
Upgrades/Subscriptions ($ 199.45)
Electricity Reimbursement ($ 1575.00)
Other (PO Box, bad checks) ($ 270.00)

Net Surplus/(Shorfall): $ 4757.77

Expected EOY Balance: $ 7442.19

Projected 2005 Expenditures: ($ 4388.36)


Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 08:29:42 -0800 (PST)
From: John Wyzkiewicz <j_wyzkiewicz at>
Subject: Gift giving ideas?

What beer-related gifts are you asking for/giving for the holidays? I am
looking for ideas for all my brewing/beer appreciating friends and family.

My brother-in-law is getting a Celebrator Beer News subscription (and possibly
a Great Lakes Brewing News sub as well) as well as some Double Bastard and
Ruination bombers. I'm asking for a grain mill, probably the Barley Crusher.

As always, no affiliation, yadda, yadda, etc., etc.


Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 08:45:53 -0800 (PST)
From: Calvin Perilloux <calvinperilloux at>
Subject: Beer gas on Hefeweizen, brewers heritage

>From HBD or Thursday., 2 Dec 2004, Stephen Cavan writes about
his problem serving Hefeweizen with beer gas as opposed to CO2,
the problem being specifically that the beer goes flat over time.

No surprise there, and I have to agree with Dave Burley who
already pointed out that beer gas is only part CO2, and so
you'll only have the partial pressure component of CO2 on
your beer instead of the gauge pressure.

I think most beer gas is 75% N2 and 25% CO2 (look that up --
don't trust me on that). Let's pick some numbers for the
carbonation of your hefeweizen and assume that it's in
equilibrium at 40 F at 16 psi CO2. It's fine if your top
pressure is 16 psi of pure CO2, but if it's beer gas instead,
then you're actually getting a partial pressure of only
4 psi of CO2. CO2 will come out of the beer to compensate.

I doubt it would be practical to jack the top pressure
up to 4 x 16 psi = 64 psi! Yow, think of the beer fountain
that will hit the barmaid when that jet hits the bottom of
the Weissbier glass!

This is why beer gas is usually used for low-carbonation ales,
and definitely NOT for Weissbier.

Check out for a bit of
an explanation of beer gas.

Calvin Perilloux
Middletown, Maryland, USA

P.S. Brewer's Heritage: This one is mostly French, then German,
with some Dutch and a bit of Scottish to keep me frugal. And a
Spaniard in there about 1500. But since most of these ancestors
came over before the USA was even a country (and didn't even
settle in the "English" part), I have to agree with Dave Harsh
that unless your ancestors only recently came over, it probably
doesn't mean a lot -- certainly can't mean much in regards
to brewing European styles that didn't even exist when those
folks caught (or were pushed onto) the boat over.


Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 11:32:03 -0600
From: "Rob Dewhirst" <rob at>
Subject: Polyclar in the boil?

A brewing acquaintance told me they use Polyclar in the boil for
clarification and to extend shelf life in kegs.

The exact product used in the boil is "Polyclar Brewbrite." Is this the
same exact product we traditionally use for clarifying in the fermenter?


Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:01:54 -0800 (PST )
From: "Jon Olsen" <burnunit at>
Subject: two clone requests- la rossa, taddy

I've been hunting for all grain recipes that approximate two beers I've
recently craved: Sam Smith's Taddy Porter and Moretti's La Rossa. My web
searches have not yielded great results so far, so either I'm searching
incorrectly (I've included google searches of or lazy, or
both. Any all grain brewers out there have luck duplicating or
nearly-duplicating these brews?
La Rossa is the only Italian beer I've ever enjoyed, and getting more of
it for less than ~$3/bottle sounds like my idea of a good time. I've seen
it described as more of a doppel than a maerzen, and that makes some
sense. But my memory of it includes an ineffable "spiciness" that doesn't
characterize many of the doppels I've had.
Samuel Smith's Taddy is, of course, right up my alley. I was thinking I
liked it because it wasn't as robust and overpowering as some of the other
porters available out there such as Summit or Anchor (I like a robust
porter, but I don't want to brew one right now) and more clearly
distinguishes itself in a field where people are constantly asking
"really, what's the difference between stouts and porters anyway?" I
can't peg the Taddy Porter's flavors in my head and I'm looking for
Feel free to reply off-list if you like, burnunit at

Oh, for systems... I mash in a cooler, and use a homemade zapap lauter
tun. I like to batch sparge, but if you're a fly-sparger, I can do the
math on your recipe myself (with a little help from Ken Schwartz of
Thanks in advance,
Jon O
Minneapolis, MN


Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 15:46:44 -0500
From: John Segedy <segedy at>
Subject: In the news


In Granholm v. Heald (the Granholm, Swedenburg, and Michigan Beer
cases, to be argued Dec. 7, the Supreme Court considers how much
power the Twenty-First Amendment grants states to regulate the
importation of alcoholic beverages. The cases deal with states
that bar out-of-state companies from shipping alcohol directly
to in-state customers. Such states generally require liquor
distribution through licensed in-state wholesalers. The Twenty-
First Amendment, which explicitly declares that transporting
liquor into a state "in violation of the laws thereof, is
hereby prohibited," would seem to grant states wide leeway to
regulate the importation of alcohol. However, the Commerce
Clause specifically grants Congress, not the states, the power
to "regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the
several States." For centuries, courts have read the Commerce
Clause as preventing states from interfering with interstate
commerce. The states claim that they are simply trying to
regulate the liquor market, collect all applicable taxes and
make sure alcohol stays out of minors' hands, but the
plaintiffs, who include liquor interests and consumers, accuse
the states of protecting their local industries, in violation
of the Commerce Clause.
< >


Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 14:54:54 +0100
From: Randy Mosher <randymosher at>
Subject: Pumps and More

My two cents on pumps:

I can relate to the caution about not blocking the outlet on a peristaltic
(which I mostly use for transferring beer). I had a bunch of people over and
we're pumping out of the kettle and somebody suddenly says "Whoa!" The vinyl
tubing, softened by the heat, had a swollen goiter the size of an orange,
just about ready to burst. I still have the thing nailed to my wall as a

No one in the recent discussion has mentioned the gear-type of magnetically
coupled pumps. These use two (or three) small gears in a SS head to move the
liquid. They are truly self-priming and will usually pump a hundred PSI or
more and will handle hot liquids. Theoretically they should be more
sensitive to chunks of grain in the hoses, but I have found this not to be a
problem in practice, as it will just squish the mashed grain right on
through. However, I do take measures to avoid too much chaff in the line.
They're harder to find than centrifugal, but they're out there on eBay from
time to time. Tuthill or Micropump are the search words to use.

This has probably come up before, but these related companies carry several
types of vanilla and extracts as well as many other wondrous herbs & spices:

- --Randy Mosher

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4667, 12/06/04

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