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HOMEBREW Digest #4436

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HOMEBREW Digest #4436		             Fri 26 December 2003 

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Correction ("A.J deLange")
Norse&heather ale ("-S")
Re: Temp Control (Reversing Output...) (Kent Fletcher)
Re: Ale Swedish? (Bob Devine)
Merry Christmas ("Gary Smith")

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Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 13:46:49 +0000
From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at>
Subject: Correction

I should have said SPDT (not SPST) in my last post.

Happy holidays to all.



Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 12:12:05 -0500
From: "-S" <-s at>
Subject: Norse&heather ale

Chad writes ....

>Norse rule ended in 1057AD, when Malcolm Canmore married Ingibjorg,
> the widow of Thorfinn Skullsplitter, the Norse ruler of Galloway ....

1057 is far too early to call it quits for Norse rule in Scotland.
MalcolmC's great grandson, Edgar, was forced to officially ceded the
Hebrides and Kintyre peninsula to Mangus Barelegs king of Norway (cool
name - no ?) ~1120, tho' these and other regions were never really under
control. Edgar's brother David, a succeeding king, gave landholdings to
Normans (Normandy is basically a Viking colony in N.France) , thus the
prevalence of Norman names in Scottish history like Blaillol, Bruce <<de
Blailleul, de Brus>> , and also the French connection to Scotland. When
David dies ~1153 the Norway immediately sacks Aderdeen and the local Norse
under part-Norse Somerled pummeled Glasgow.

Galloway, Argyll, Moray and Caithness [the lords of the isles and the lords
of lorne] continue to pay allegiance to the king of Norway under clan names
like MacDonald and MacDougall until they and the fleet of Hakon king of
Norway were soundly defeated by Scottish king Alexander III at the Firth of
Clyde in 1263. Of course AlexanderIII is also of mixed Norse and Hibernean
lineage. The Orkney and Shetland islands remain in Norwegian hands till
they were given as dowry in the marriage of James III and 1469.

The Norse took full advantage of the Medieval climatic warming from
~1000-1300. Makes one wonder what the real impact of the greenhouse gasses
will be!

I believe that heather ale, and (northern) art of distilling are both
attributed in legend to the Picts. The book, "Scottish Folk-tales and
Legends" by Barbara Ker Wilson, has a nice account of the loss of the
Pictish heather ale recipe in the 9th century conflicts between Hibernian
invaders and Picts. Great book even if you aren't 10yo.

Great post too Chad - I'm much enjoying Wylie's eccentric history.



Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 10:56:18 -0800 (PST)
From: Kent Fletcher <fletcherhomebrew at>
Subject: Re: Temp Control (Reversing Output...)

A.J. mistyped slightly in his response to the OP's
question about inverting the output of a temperature

> A SPST (switching only the hot side) or DPDT
> switching both hot and neutral) relay energized
> by a controller can be used to get either direct
> or reversed output from it. The normally open
> contacts will close when the controller energizes
> the relay and are thus in the same sense as the
> controller. A load connected to the normally
> closed contacts is energized when the controller
> isn't and thus inverts.

Of course A.J. must have meant to say Single Pole
Double Throw (SPDT), not SPST. A SPST relay is
sufficient, there is no need to switch the neutral
side. As a matter of fact, it's better NOT to switch
the neutral, as there's one less thing (or actually
two: the two extra contacts) to fail.

The OP (Brendan) also mentioned that the output of the
controller was 110 v. Brendan, if you can find a
terminal strip, you'll probably see that the hot side
of the 110 input is jumpered to another terminal,
which is the line switched through the relay (the one
inside the controller, not the one you're connecting).
If you remove the jumper you can connect whatever
voltage you need for your new relay.

Kent Fletcher
Brewing in So Cal


Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 12:40:14 -0700
From: Bob Devine <bob.devine at>
Subject: Re: Ale Swedish?

> Bob Devine wrote:
>If you ever wondered where the name (ale)came from, >it is derived
from the
>Sweedish word for beer or ale. Ol is pronounced something between "ohl"
>and "uhl".

Chad Stevens chides me thusly:
> Bob; Bob Bob Bob....(repeat again while shaking head from side to
side). No
> self-respecting Norwegian can let this one go. Old Norse "ol" (o with a
> line through it) is used to indicate both the drink and the festivity.
> [...] The point is, there's a whole host of evidence
> linking the English word "ale" to the Old Norse "ol." I couldn't let
> modern Sweedish "ol" get all the credit.

And, of course, Chad is right that the word "ol" predates the Swiss examples
I cited. In fact, the word crosses many borders -- Iceland and Denmark also
use a descendent of the ancient word, in addition to Norway and Sweden.
Heck, even in Lithuanian do you find the word "olus", meaning beer.

In modern Norwegian, the word is spelled with an slashed 'o'. Variants
include juleol (Christmas beer), bokkol (bock), lettol (light beer), and
Unfortunately, Norway brewing is heavily controlled, government stores
the "monoplett", if I remember) are the only place to buy real beers.
Now less
than 20 breweries survive in Norway and most beers are a variation of

Bob Bob Bob Bob Devine ;-)


Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 18:10:08 -0600
From: "Gary Smith" <mandolinist at>
Subject: Merry Christmas

Best wishes to all of us, world-wide And a happy new year of wonderful
brewing and marvelous camaraderie.

Cheers to any & all of you,


Gary Smith

Most of us know how to say nothing--few of us know when.

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4436, 12/26/03

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