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HOMEBREW Digest #4352

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HOMEBREW Digest #4352		             Fri 19 September 2003 

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Automunged addresses abound! (Pat Babcock)
Medical Oxygen ("A.J. deLange")
Ant Hayes (Jim Bermingham)
Going to Duesseldorf (Alan McKay)
re: Memphis brewpubs ("Chuck Dougherty")
Dusseldorf (Jim Busch)
Re: Going to Dusseldorf ("Lori Brown")
Philly O'fest (DSCP)" <>
RE: How to sweeten a brew? ("Steve Dale-Johnson")
Re: Brewpubs in Portland Oregon (Mark W Wilson)
Iron in my well Water ("Ira Edwards")
Spooky Brew 2003 ("zemo")
Alaskan Smoked Porter Recipe Question ("Jeff Storm")
Dusseldorf Bier (rickdude02)

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JANITOR on duty: Pat Babcock (


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 21:21:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: Pat Babcock <pbabcock at>
Subject: Automunged addresses abound!

Greetings, Beerlings! Hide your email addresses from me!

Today's Digest is a milestone: the maiden voyage of the HBD
On-The-Fly Automunger! Yes, the HBD is now munging the addresses
of posters in the emailed and the archived versions of the HBD -
that, or it is broken, and you've received no Digest today.
Hopefully the former. In any case, I set the system so that it
backed up the incoming post directory prior to doing anything
with the Digest - just in case.

For the future, remember that if you pop the at symbol in your
post, it will be converted to the word version (no
sophistication here...)

Programmatically yours,

- --
God bless America!

Pat Babcock in SE Michigan pbabcock at
Home Brew Digest Janitor janitor at
HBD Web Site
The Home Brew Page
[18, 92.1] Rennerian
"I don't want a pickle. I just wanna ride on my motorsickle"
- Arlo Guthrie


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 12:19:19 +0000
From: "A.J. deLange" <ajdel at>
Subject: Medical Oxygen

I seem to remember that a smidgeon of CO2 is added to prevent alkosis
but I wouldn't swear to it.



Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 07:48:24 -0500
From: Jim Bermingham <JBHAM6843 at>
Subject: Ant Hayes

There is a nice Brewer's Profile article on Ant Hayes, HBD contributor
from S. Africa, in this month's edition of BYO magazine. The article
also has pictures of Ant and his brewery.

Jim Bermingham


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 08:59:23 -0400
From: Alan McKay <amckay at>
Subject: Going to Duesseldorf


Can't help you there, but judging by your email addy you are coming
all the way from Aus, so it would be an awful shame to go all that
distance and not visit Cologne, too. It's only a half hour away by
train, and most of the best places are within a 5 minute walk of
the Cologne trainstation.

See my Beerdrinkers Guide to Cologne for details :

And email me if you have any questions.

- --
TCP/IP: telecommunication protocol for imbibing pilsners
(Man-page of Unix-to-Unix beer protocol on Debian/GNU Linux)


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 08:25:40 -0500
From: "Chuck Dougherty" <jdougherty at>
Subject: re: Memphis brewpubs

A couple of people have mentioned the Bosco's in Germantown, but unfortunately
that location is closed. Bosco's Squared in downtown is still there though.
If you visit on a weekday try the cask conditioned ale; the daily offering is
posted on their web site at
Incidentally, Bosco's new location here in Little Rock just opened a couple of
weeks ago. I am looking forward to their full beer line being on tap, and my
wife, whose law office is directly above the brewpub, is just glad they are
finally finished remodeling.

Chuck Dougherty
Little Rock, AR


Date: Thu, Sep 18 2003 10:50:44 GMT-0400
From: Jim Busch <jim at>
Subject: Dusseldorf

Ah, one of my favorite beer hunting towns, I enjoy
it even more than the Ofest you will be missing.
Three hausbrauerei downtown not to be missed, plus
one in the shopping district. In the Altstadt I
like to start with 6 servings at Zum Schlussel
(the Key). Dont overdo yourself here, you have
much more to sample. I then go to Im Fueschen
(the Crafy Fox) for another 6 or so, and use them
to wash down their most excellent Sweinenhaxn
(pork knuckle extrodinaire!). Now with a proper
base in the system, one can move on to the
penultimate location for beer, Zum Uerige.
Finish the nite here with as many as you can
stomach. The one in town is called Schumacher
and they also have a tap outlet in the Altstadt.

And if thats not enough for you, you can also
get fresh Urquell and Budvar in the Altstadt too!
Me, Ive never gotten out of the hausbrauerei to
find out.....


Jim Busch


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 08:17:26 -0700
From: "Lori Brown" <loribrown at>
Subject: Re: Going to Dusseldorf

I was just in Dusseldorf in May. If you get a chance, pick up the CBSS book
Altbier and read it on the plane to give yourself a little background info
before you taste.

I recommend going to four places (at a minimum) while you are in town:
Fuchschen (28 Ratingerstrasse), Uerige (1 Bergerstrasse), and Schlussel (43
Bolkerstrasse). All three of these are in the old town. The fourth is
Schumacher (123 Oststrasse) is about a 10 minute walk from the old town.
Pick up a map from the tourist office and they have the breweries located
for you on the map!

Uerige and Fuchschen have more malt and higher bitterness. They show the
more aggressive end of the style. Schlussel and Schumacher are lighter,
less malty, less bitter versions of the style - almost a brown version of
alt. It is very interesting to see how different each one of these beers
tastes. It is a very wide ranging style.

Also, remember - you are less than an hour from Dusseldorf to Cologne. If
you need a list of must visit breweries in Cologne, I recommend Fruh (by the
cathedral and the train station), Paffgen, Malzmuhle, and Gaffel. Again the
CBSS book Kolsch lists addresses for these places.

Don't forget to bring back samples - I promise that you will miss these
beers once you return to the States.



Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 12:09:08 -0400
From: "Spinelli, Mike (DSCP)" <Mike.Spinelli at>
Subject: Philly O'fest



Ludwig's Garten in Philly is having its annual O'fest.
The next 2 Saturdays.

Cherry Hill NJ

Details here:


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 10:59:06 -0700
From: "Steve Dale-Johnson" <sdalejohnson at>
Subject: RE: How to sweeten a brew?

Charles Gee (of we know not where, but apparently in Canada) asks about
making a sweeter brew.

I have used lactose in the past to make a sweet "milk" stout and added it at
priming to just a portion of the beer with the priming dextrose when I used
to bottle. Aside from realizing that I don't like sweet beers, it worked
well and the ladies loved it. It has a sweeter taste than maltodextrin,
which simply appears to add body.

It is available from many brew stores and is non fermentable by brewing

As for the foaming gushers you have experienced with maltodextrin, very
little of powdered maltodextrin is fermentable, as I have been told the
amount is +\- 5%. If you are experiencing gushers in time, it is more
likely a sanitiation related beer infection, and there is something out
there in the wild to ferment any type of sugar, including lactose. Changing
your sweetening sugar will likely not help if you have sanitation issues.

Steve Dale-Johnson
Brewing at (1918 miles, 298 degrees) Rennerian
Delta (Vancouver), BC, Canada.


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 11:22:04 -0700
From: Mark W Wilson <mwwilson at>
Subject: Re: Brewpubs in Portland Oregon

> On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 at 16:53:09 -0500, enteract Migrated User <zpat at>
> wrote:
> > I am heading to Portland, Oregon this weekend and am staying
> > in the heart of downtown. Anyone have any suggestions for
> > brewpubs in the area that are a "must visit".

Bridgeport on 13th & NW Marshall is Oregon's oldest and always has 2 of
their beers on cask. Pizza.

McMenamin's are everywhere. Great funky properties, medicore food & beers.
Hammerhead is always good though.

Full Sail Pilsener Room on the waterfront has good food (2 Happy hours) and
3 casks.

Widmer Gausthaus is just across the river and has good food and tasty,
less-availible widmer beers (i.e. Alt, Seasonals, Collaborator).

New Old Lompoc on NW 23rd is a fledgling micro that has some original
beers. (C-Note (triple-C-hopped to 100IBU), LSD, etc.).

Lucky Lab brewpub on 9th & SE Hawthorne is my personal favorite. Peanut shells
on the floor kind of place w/ great Bento & beer.

I second the recommendations for Portland Brewing & Rogue Public House.
Portland B. is making some great small batch beers that you can only get at
the brewpub.

Higgin's restaurant is downtown on Broadway & Columbia. Amazing Northwest
cuisine, huge belgian/import list, and ~12 taps including Hair of the Dog
Fred & Greg. There is a bar section but it is often restaurant-only on the

The following eastside pubs (across river from downtown) have great beer
selections, too. These are easy to get to on public transit.

Rose & Raindrop on Grand & SE Stark. Oysters.

Horse Brass on 45th & SE Belmont. Great bottle shop next door.

Moon & Sixpence in the Hollywood district. English pub with lots of taps and
belgian bottles. Laurelwood brewery is close by, _excellent beer_ (Free
Range organic red, space stout, etc.) which makes this pair a good light
rail stop. You could also wander up to Gustav's restaurant up the street
for great german food and beers.

It's an embarrasment of riches, really. Hope you have a good trip!

-Mark in Portland.


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 19:40:19 +0000
From: "Ira Edwards" <ira_j_e at>
Subject: Iron in my well Water

Hi all, my wife and I are looking a renting an older home witha well that
appears to have a iron problem. (ie. everything is stained orange). we are
looking at the water treatments out there so at least we will be abel to
wash our whites in the laundry and not have them come out orange over time.
the water does not seem to have any off flavors.

I am wondering if there are any treatments I should be aware of that would
be detrimental to my all grain brewing adventures, or if there are any
really easy solutions that the water treatment companies may not want to
tell me...

thanks for the help,
Ira Edwards
Anchorage, Alaska


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 16:29:23 -0500
From: "zemo" <zemo at>
Subject: Spooky Brew 2003

Sorry, Linus, there isn't a Great Pumpkin.
But, there will be Spooky Brew 2003!!

Once again (and not a moment too soon ;-)...
Chicago Beer Society presents it's
Annual Homebrew Competition
Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 9am-5pm

This year, our gracious host is
220 N Randall Rd
(just north of Algonquin Rd. (Rt. 62))
Lake in the Hills, IL

For a PDFed entry form, go to
and follow the link.

Entries will be excepted October 8-18 at the brewpub
and selected locations (please see the entry form).

As always, we'll need Beer Judges and Stewards.
Please contact Joe Preiser at joe at

All other inquiries, please contact me at zemo at

Thanks, and we'll see you there!

Head Organizer
(I organize the heads)


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 22:22:32 +0000
From: "Jeff Storm" <homebrewjeff at>
Subject: Alaskan Smoked Porter Recipe Question

I have a recipe for Alaskan Smoked Porter from the
Zymurgy issue this summer. It calls for 2 lbs of smoked
malt. I don't have a smoker so I went to the local
homebrew shop and they suggested I use English Peated.
It has a very smokey odor. I am brewing 10 gallons
and he told me to use 1 lb in my malt bill. My question
is the recipe in Zymurgy calls for 2lbs in 5 gallons.
Are they using less smokey malt in that recipe? I
don't want to end up with a beer that is too smokey and
undrinkable, yet I want a definate smoke
characteristic. Any help is appreciated. Personal emails welcome.


Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 18:05:01 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: rickdude02 at
Subject: Dusseldorf Bier

John Kennedy asks about finding good beer in Dusseldorf.

Unfortunately I can't remember specifics, but I certainly
had a blast in the Altstadt, drinking altbier (of course).
If you need details, email me, by which time I will be
back at the office and will have records of where I
stayed, what I was looking for, etc. But for now I'll
simply say two things--

Just wander around in the Altstadt and you will find good
alt. The best, IMHO, was not the place that everyone
directed me to, but a place called Schumacher. They are
right on the edge of the market square. From there,
simply head up the street, remaining parallel to the river,
and you should be able to spot 3 more good breweries if
you keep your eyes open. Mine were becoming a little
heavy due to the beer and festivities (it was Carnival time
when I was there), but I still was able to drag my father
into a number of pubs that were recommended simply
by watching for them.

Have fun!


End of HOMEBREW Digest #4352, 09/19/03

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