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HOMEBREW Digest #4298

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HOMEBREW Digest #4298		             Wed 16 July 2003 

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some brewpubs (upstate NY, Baltimore) (ensmingr)
Weyermann for Vienna (Thomas Rohner)
keg cleaning ("Spencer W. Thomas")
Dinkel Acker Clone ("Sweeney, David")
RE: squishy wheat (Brian Lundeen)
Re: Keg cleaning question (R.A.)" <>
Re: Teach an man to fish? (NO Spam)
Re: Teach an man to fish? (Teresa Knezek)
RE: brewing in Puerto Rico, Keg cleaning question, Teach an man to fish?, White Month (AKA Alcohol-Free Month) (Ronald La Borde)
Scotland and Ireland (Glenn Ferrell)
Sake ("Jennifer/Nathan Hall")
Possibility of contamination? ("Association of Young E's")
The Wizard Speaks! ("Rob Moline")

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Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 02:43:04 -0400
Subject: some brewpubs (upstate NY, Baltimore)


Visited some brewpubs in the past two weeks and thought I would
share my opinions. I do not take notes when tasting, so have to
rely upon my (occasionally faulty) memory. Baltimorons: Please
send your feedback.

*King Arthurs (Oswego, NY). All their beers were defective. And I
heard the brewer was educated at UC Davis! They should
excommunicate him. The atmosphere: a Disneyland version of the
middle ages. This place should be bombed.

*DeGroen's (<>, Albermarle St.,
Baltimore, MD). A strong reputation for their German lagers. My
first visit, upon drinking a Pils and a Vienna, was that their
lagers had a Weizenbier-like character (clove-phenolic and
banana-ester). Contamination from their own Hefe Weizen? My
second visit was contaminated with 20-somethings and loud music,
so did not allow for quiet contemplation of the beer.
*Wharf Rat (Pratt St., Baltimore, MD). A tiny Pugsley system
(Shipyard, Middle Ages, Gritty McDuff's, ...). The cherry ale had
a barely perceptible cherry character but lots of rotten cabbage
(sulfide) character. OTOH, the pale ale was nice and chewy -- a
real treat.
*The Brewer's Art (<>, Charles St.,
Baltimore, MD). Very laid-back atmosphere with some strange
paintings but interesting Belgian-style beers. All the beers were
enjoyable, but nothing really slapped me in the face.
*Capitol City (<>, Harbor Place,
Baltimore, MD). Like the downtown DC place, they serve
dumbed-down beers, but nothing that offends.

Peter A. Ensminger
Syracuse, NY


Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 10:21:57 +0200
From: Thomas Rohner <>
Subject: Weyermann for Vienna

Hi Stuart, hi all
Since my malts are all from Weyermann, i can't compare it to others.
But i recently made a Vienna from 100 percent vienna malt. You don't
need anything else.(except hops, water and yeast of course)
All my friends love it. It's funny, i see lots of recipes with
complicated malt bills, but i do most of my beers with two to three
malts now. I started to make a summer beer last year. It really rocks.
I'm normally closer to my Oktoberfest's(traditional style) or to
my Bock's. But every brewery should have a light beer(something
around 12 Plato or 1.048 SG). I listen to my visitors and friends,
and they say the summer beer made of pilsener and vienna is very

have a good time "down under"



Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 09:31:15 -0400
From: "Spencer W. Thomas" <>
Subject: keg cleaning

I usually disassemble the keg completely every time. A good friend once
developed a consistent sourness in his beers, which he eventually traced
to something growing in a poppet valve. His practice at the time was to
run cleanser and sanitizer through the poppets but not to take them apart.

I soak everything in PBW, rinse well, and reassemble, then fill the keg
with StarSan and blow it out (usually into another keg to reuse the
StarSan) with CO2. Then I have a clean, sanitized keg full of CO2, just
ready to rack new beer into it.



Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 09:09:43 -0500
From: "Sweeney, David" <>
Subject: Dinkel Acker Clone

After searching the archives and Cat's Meow, and finding nothing,
I'm looking for a recipe for a Dinkel Acker clone. Any information
would be helpful.

David Sweeney
Texas Aggie Brew Club
Texas A&M University


Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 09:43:12 -0500
From: Brian Lundeen <>
Subject: RE: squishy wheat

Steve Alexander writes:

I would not recommend mashing with damp malt or even recently
dried malt. Yes the enzymes are present and you can make beer,
but the crushing is very difficult.

Me: This reminds of a question I had regarding some wheat I purchased.

The first sack of unmalted wheat was so hard I thought my Armstrong motor
was going to seize up during milling. Unfortunately, that supplier of good
cheap wheat got out of the business.

This last sack I bought from a different supplier was completely different.
My Valley Mill had a heck of a time just getting it started. It just wanted
to sit there while the rollers rotated freely beneath the grain. I had to
open up the gap some to get it going, and when it did it didn't really look
crushed. Just sort of "squished". IOW, it didn't break it up into fine
particles, just smashed it down but the kernel still largely held together.

Would this be indicative of too high a moisture content? Am I likely to
suffer from mold problems as this stuff sits in storage? I mean, I like
Wits, but it's still going to take me awhile to go through a whole sack.

Brian, in Winnipeg


Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 10:49:02 -0400
From: "Barrett, Bob (R.A.)" <>
Subject: Re: Keg cleaning question

Dave Houseman asks: "I'm curious what others do on a regular basis in
cleaning kegs from one batch to the next."

Here is the procedure I use when a 5 gallon corny keg is empty:
1. Rinse the inside thoroughly with hot water 2 or 3 times.
2. Add 2 tbls Alconox and fill half way with hot water.
3. Scrub inside of keg with carboy brush. Side to side and up and down.
4. Replace lid and pressurize. Attach last used beer line hose with cobra
5. Open cobra tap and force all soapy liquid out. (May reuse this to clean
other kegs or carboys.) This cleans dip tube, beer line hose and cobra
6. Repeat 1,2,4 and 5 without adding Alconox. (plain hot water only)
7. Remove lid and dry inside of keg with clean, soft towel. Store upside
8. Before filling the keg with beer rack 2 gallons of sanitizer solution
into the
keg and pressurize it. Slowly roll the keg on the floor for 3-5
Attach last used beer line hose and cobra tap and force sanitizer
out. This will sanitize the keg, the poppet valve, the inside of the
dip tube
and the beer line hose and cobra tap.

The only time I have taken the poppets off and inspected the dip tube is
I bought the kegs. This procedure has been since Big Brew 2000. I do have
keg of barley wine that has been in the cooler for 15 months. I think when
one is empty I'll disassemble and clean everything.

We make the beer we drink!!
Bob Barrett
July is American Beer Month
Drink American Beer!!!!!!!
(2.8, 103.6 Rennerian) For some reason he didn't make the Beer BQ on


Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 12:06:22 -0400
From: NO Spam <>
Subject: Re: Teach an man to fish?

The REAL saying is:

"Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour.
Teach a man to brew, and he'll waste a lifetime."




Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 09:19:42 -0800
From: Teresa Knezek <>
Subject: Re: Teach an man to fish?

At 12:15 AM -0400 7/15/03, Beaverplt wrote:
>David Wilbur writes
>This brought to mind the saying that goes something
>like: "Give a man a fish and he eats for one day.
>Teach a man to fish and he eats for the rest
>of his life."
>The real saying is "Give a man a fish and he eats for
>one day. Teach a man to fish and he'll sit in a boat
>and drink beer all day".

But if you teach a man to brew, his buddies will probably pay to
bring him on the fishing trip... So it's an overall savings in the
long run.

(OTOH, for those anti-fishing folks: Teach a woman to brew, and her
man may not bother with fishing...)
- --
Teresa - Two Rivers, Alaska [2849, 325] Appt. Rennerian
visit - mostly stuff and nonsense
"It has been my experience that folks who have no vices
have very few virtues." -- Abraham Lincoln


Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 12:21:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ronald La Borde <>
Subject: RE: brewing in Puerto Rico, Keg cleaning question, Teach an man to fish?, White Month (AKA Alcohol-Free Month)

Hmm, a whole lotta nuttin lately so I will add more
nuttin :>))

>most locals who like beer like a very light local
>brew, "Madailla" or its slightly darker >cousin

I had some Medallia on draft, and actually considering
the choice, it was not bad. My PR friend who now lives
in Louisiana likes it a lot! I would like to brew a
similar beer to give to him - anyone have any help
with a recipie??????
- -------------------------
>I'm curious what others do on a regular basis in
>cleaning kegs from one
>batch to the next

I do not scrub with a carboy brush, because once I
used one on a 15 gal keg, and when I looked inside a
couple days later, there were rusty lines everywhere
the brush had been. The twisted wire must have
contaminated the keg walls. It cleaned up fine with
bar keepers friend and some scrubbing.

By the way, to get a good look inside - get a mag
light, unscrew the top piece and the lit bulb will now
appear on top, now just insert this inside the keg for
a fantasitc view! Thanks Peter Caddoo of Dixie
Brewing for this hint.

The only time I disassemble the poppets or in/out
tubes is in the rare instance that I had a spoiled
beer in the keg just before I cleaned it.

Now I like to clean the hand tap and tubing every
time. This ever since I got a good look at the insides
of one after a few weeks of use.
- -----------------------
>The real saying is "Give a man a fish and he eats for
>one day. Teach a man to fish and he'll sit in a boat
>and drink beer all day".

Give a man a beer and he will waste a day
Teach a man to brew and he will waste a lifetime
- -----------------------
>"A good test is to drink no alcohol for a month
>without telling anyone why."

I went on a ship cruise for 7 days, and thought this
could be a good test (and save some money). I planned
to see just how much I missed the 'relax, and have a
homebrew'. Well, no problem, we were so busy having
fun and eating that the ice tea was just fine at
Once at poolside, no twice, no hmm well gee, looks
like I had about 4 beers at the lounge, 2 snob drinks
at the poolside bar. Hmmmmmmmmm


Ronald J. La Borde -- Metairie, LA
New Orleans is the suburb of Metairie, LA


Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 16:24:41 -0400
From: Glenn Ferrell <>
Subject: Scotland and Ireland

I'm getting married...again. I'm a widower.

I'm marrying a woman who currently lives in Glasgow, Scotland.

I was there in April and enjoyed visits to the local pub, sampling cask
conditioned real ales and drinking Guinness on tap.

I'm going back July 30th. My wedding is August 2, in Glasgow. We plan to spend
most of our honeymoon in Scotland with four days in Dublin, Ireland.

In Dublin, I want to take the Guinness tour, sample some of the fresh stuff and
check out a pub or two, hopefully with some traditional music.

Can anyone offer suggestions for our visit to Dublin and tell me what I should
check out, beer wise, in Scotland. I'll be there two weeks this time.

Thanks in advance...


Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 17:49:32 -0400
From: "Jennifer/Nathan Hall" <>
Subject: Sake

Has anyone out there ever tried making Sake? I posted some info a few weeks
ago offering some guidance on my experiences in Sake making, but no one that
responded had actually tried making the stuff. I'd really like to hear about
another's experience with making this beverage, if there is anybody!

Nate Hall
BBV Brewery


Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 23:10:37 -0400
From: "Association of Young E's" <>
Subject: Possibility of contamination?


I'm experimenting with a semi-alcoholic beverage and am wondering
if it's possible that it could be contaminated with anything that
would make me sick.

My recipe was:

2.5oz brown sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
.5 oz red grape juice
4 tsp loose tea
1/4 tsp ginger
1/8 tsp ground cloves
* Boiled for ~ 5 minutes *
Red Star P.C. yeast (after cooling)

It looks/smells ok, and I plan to bottle and carbonate it tomorrow
(after about 12 days of fermenting).

Is it ok?



Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 22:48:46 -0500
From: "Rob Moline" <>
Subject: The Wizard Speaks!

The Wizard Speaks!

So,'ve travelled to the Land of Oz, and dreamily hypnotic
from the fields of poppies, took a wrong turn and ended up in the Land of
Iowa and then the BrewLands! Well done! Few discover my BrewLands, and fewer
understand what they have found.
I am pleased that you met my brewer Gump! He has been known to brew a
decent batch or two....but I am not buying your description as a "cross
between Sir Lawrence Olivier and Mel Gibson." More like Woody Allen and
Carrot Top! But he really needs a brain!
Nonetheless, I am afraid your 'pretty, pretty' words still don't
secure Toto's release...yet. That will wait until you travel back to Iowa to
see if the brewer Gump is still brewing well...or just playing with his
Flying Monkey!
Failure to return will result in next year's Holiday
Seasonal...."Little Dog Lager!"

BTW, Gump wants me to tell you that he never stated he had no
scales...everyone who knows him will agree he indeed has a dorsal fin and
scales.....he wanted you to tell your kin that he had no horns or a tail!

The Wizard

"I could while away the hours, conferrin' with hop flowers
Consultin' with the grain.
And my head I'd be scratchin' while my brews were busy batchin'
If I only had a brain.
I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le,
In RIMS trouble or HERMS pain."

"With the brews you'll be taskin' you could be Michael Jackson,
If you only had a brain!"

"Oh, I could tell you why the hop needs a malty floor!
I could think of beers I never drunk before!
And then I'd sit, and drink some more!"

"I would not be just a nothin' my head all full of stuffin'
My heart all full of grain.
I would dance and be merry, life would be a brew-a-derry,
If I only had a brain!"

(Apologies to EH Harburg)

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End of HOMEBREW Digest #4298, 07/16/03

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