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HOMEBREW Digest #4316

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HOMEBREW Digest #4316		             Wed 06 August 2003 

Digest Janitor:


Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739

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New European Brewing Tour ("Keith Lemcke")
All RIMS'ers and those who use pumps ("Parker Dutro")
hehe, leave it to Jim Busch... ("jim")
Kegging and Irish Ale Yeast (2 unrelated questions) (Michael Hartsock)
Pink residue ("Dave Burley")
lallemandian origins (Robin Griller)
AHA and HBD ("Matthew Coers")
Dr. Clayton Cone Fortnight of Yeast ("Rob Moline")
Problem with All-grain and New Survey (Robert Sandefer)
Madison brew pubs ("Rob & Robin Beck")
Beer and Sweat 2003-Entry Deadline Approaching ("Eric Tepe")

* The HBD Logo Store is now open!
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy!

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JANITOR on duty: Pat Babcock (


Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 09:20:41 -0600
From: "Keith Lemcke" <>
Subject: New European Brewing Tour

I just wanted to let HBD members know about our new World Brewing Academy
European Brewing Tours course, which will be run for the first time starting
November 17th. Leaving from Munich, the tour will offer professional-level
brewing instruction as students tour for two weeks to some of central
Europe's best-known breweries and brewing industry suppliers. You can get
more information on the WBA web site at Please remember
that space for this tour is very limited!

Keith Lemcke
World Brewing Academy


Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 23:28:57 -0700
From: "Parker Dutro" <>
Subject: All RIMS'ers and those who use pumps

What kinds of noises do your pumps make? I am about to use my HERMS for
the first time and during some test runs I have noticed a slight rattle
or buzzing, intermittently, from the motor. There are no bubbles
anywhere in the tubing and no air is entering my system. The noise
seems to originate in the motor, and it gets a bit more audible after a
few minutes of use. Sound normal? Anything I should re-evaluate? I am
not in any danger of exceeding my pumps head limitations, so I suppose
it's just normal motor noise. Being a freshman in the HERMS school
makes me paranoid. Thanks.



Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 04:07:54 -0400
From: "jim" <>
Subject: hehe, leave it to Jim Busch...

the man is not only part of, what I think, one of the best breweries in the
world, but, also, let me in on some hop devil secrets years ago via private
email (I doubt you remember, but you were cool enough to give me some info).
The babies due in 8 months. I gotta get brewing and I'm going with your
recommendation. expect a 6 pack or so in about a year c/o Victory brewing. I
expect you to hang onto it for awhile. I'd love your input on my sons (my
wife swears it's a boy, even though we won't be finding out) 18th birthday
what you think of the beer! I'll ask for you at the pub. I should be in town
in the next couple months some time.



Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 06:26:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Hartsock <>
Subject: Kegging and Irish Ale Yeast (2 unrelated questions)

First, I'd just like to say after one day of having
fresh draft beer on tap at my house, I can't believe I
bottled for so long! I'm so happy! My question is
about force carbonating. What is this "carbonating
stone" I've heard so much about? How expensive/where
do I get/how do they work? I don't like agitating my

Second, I had a very bad experience with W1084 in an
Irish Red Ale, I wanted to emulate Boulevard's Irish
Ale, but what I got was fruity, estery, cloyingly
sweet slosh. Its not a bad beer, and quite drinkable,
but not at all what I was shooting for. Is there an
Irish Ale yeast that provides the character of the
Irish ale without being as overbearing as W1084?

Columbia, MO

"May those who love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if he doesn't turn their hearts,
may he turn their ankles
So we'll know them
by their limping."


Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 10:27:23 -0400
From: "Dave Burley" <>
Subject: Pink residue


RRodda gets a pink resudue on his stuff if the water is allowed to evaporate
overnight. And worst of all his beer loses its head quickly.

When I lived in Central Jersey I got a pink residue in my shower and bath
area. I had it analysed and it was a yeast.

I'd talk to my water supplier about this, were I you. Try using bleach to
clean things up. An antibacterial soap may not do it and may even make it
worse by reducing competiton.

As far as head on beer, the soap makes a big difference. Try various
dishwashing soaps and a dip in washing soda ( sodium carbonate -
supermarket ) solution followed by rinsing, to clean the glassware surface.
Various cleansing agents are available from bar suppliers but may be in larger
packages than you can use.

Keep on Brewin'

Dave Burley


Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 10:43:39 -0400
From: Robin Griller <>
Subject: lallemandian origins

Hi all,

While we often debate the misty origins of the yeast strains available to
us, It surprised me to read Lallemand described by Rob Moline as 'the
American yeast company', given that Lallemand's corporate origin
and home is Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Can it be that Lallemand's being a
Canadian company is just a front to hide the reality of yeast imperialism?
Is the 'product of Canada' printed on every package I purchase merely
misinformation? Perhaps this is America's revenge for all the Canadians
posing as Americans on U.S. news broadcasts and television shows... :)

Welcome back Dr. Cone!!



Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 10:04:05 -0500
From: "Matthew Coers" <>
Subject: AHA and HBD

I've seen several posts on HBD talking about
the "dark years" of AHA involvement in HBD. I'm
curious as to what was going wrong with AHA that
has so many posters cheering the "reform" that has

Matthew Coers


Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:49:04 -0500
From: "Rob Moline" <>
Subject: Dr. Clayton Cone Fortnight of Yeast

Dr. Clayton Cone Fortnight of Yeast
8.11.03 - 8.22.03 Yeast Questions Answered

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Clayton Cone, consultant to
Lallemand, the American
Yeast Company, and formerly of Fleischmann's Yeast Company....... and one of
my own personal "Yeast Gods" has graciously agreed to host a 2 week period
of answering yeast related questions from the members of the HBD, commencing
August 11th, 2003 through August 22nd, 2003.
Dr. Cone, certainly among the most generous of the brewing world's
experts has allowed that he may call on others in the field....."as no one
can know it all!"
Questions may be submitted to the HBD, 8.11.03 up to the
posts/questions that appear in the HBD 8.22.03. Dr. Cone will answer any and
all questions at his discretion...which means if you have submitted a
redundant question that is answered by any other response, you may not be
directly answered.
Standards to be followed.....
1. Questions MUST be sent to the HBD, submitted to , and
submitted with "Dr. Cone, 2003" in the subject line, with or without further
subject heading.
2. Questions shall be accepted for response via HBD 8.11.03, through
8.22.03. Dr. Cone has graciously allowed that follow-up may be required post
the cut-off point, and they will
deal with that on an as needed basis.
3. Reprinting of the Questions and Answers may be published by
Lallemand and Dr. Cone at their discretion, in any media. Attribution of
name is granted by the questioner, without further publication of any e-mail

Ladies and Gentlemen, Brewers and Brewsters....we are ever so fortunate
to have Dr. Cone add his decades of expertise to what we @ the HBD exist
for..."Brewers Helping Brewers!"
Dr. Cone...Bless You Sir! And Thanks, mate!

Jethro Gump

Rob Moline
515-282-2739 brewery
515-450-0243 cell

"The More I Know About Beer, The More I Realize I Need To Know More About
- ---

(Janitor's note: this is being repeated by the Janitor so that it is well
announced, and teh conditions are well understood. Please do not flame Rob
for the repetition. T'is me! -P)


Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 15:47:06 -0400
From: Robert Sandefer <>
Subject: Problem with All-grain and New Survey

Well, I finally got around to doing my first all-grain batch last week, and
it did not go as easily as I had hoped. Hopefully someone here will be able
to tell me what happened.

First off, my mash/lauter tun is an insulated Igloo water cooler with the
spigot replaced by a stopper with a short section of brass pipe; the pipe
is connected externally to a 2' section of plastic tubing with a clamp and
internally to plastic tubing that connects the brass to the Phil's Phalse

Second, when I measured temperatures, I used my standard thermometer (non-
electric), made sure the probe was covered as much as possible, and checked
at least 3 spots in the container (generally towards center, towards edge,
and midway). I never had a discrepancy between locations in this mash. I
should also note that I tested my thermometer on boiling water a couple
days after mashing (because I thought it might have been miscalibrated),
and it is no more than 3F too low.

Third, I was trying to do a dunkelweizen with 5 lbs Weissheimer wheat malt
and 5 lbs Weissheimer Munich malt (both vendor-milled). I had decided on an
infusion mash at 153F with 11 quarts water to the 10 lbs grain.

So, here's what I did:
3 gallons 165F water warmed mash tun (lidded) for 55 min while I did other
stuff. Warming water dumped.
Mash in with 10 lbs room temp grain (~77F) and 11 quarts 170F tap water.
Between additions and stirring, mash in took 24 min. Temp measured at
135F. (This is the crux, I believe, of the problem--why was this
temperature so low? I was shooting
for 152-154F. Did I stir the grain/mash too much and cause excess heat
loss or what?)
I added 1 quart boiling water (which I had as insurance), stirred in for 2
min. Temp = 140F
I added another quart boiling water, stirred it in. Temp measured at 143F.
Attached lid and waited 14 min. (I then decided to try to do a quick-and-
dirty decoction to try to boost the temperature.)
I pulled slightly less than a gallon of stirred mash and took 26 min
heating it to boiling and then boiled for 5 min. Stirred decoction into
mash. Put the lid on and left it alone for 1 hr 54 min.
Iodine test showed no starch, so I added 6 quarts of 180F water to mash
and waited 10 min.
I then started draining liquid into my brewing pot. I recirculated 3
quarts before wort was clear.
I sparged for 1 hr 18 min.
I boiled the wort and 1 oz Saaz hops pellets for an hour, chilled, poured
the wort into sanitized fermenter, added 1.5 quarts tap water to take
volume to 5.25 gallons, and stirred vigorously for 3 min. I then took a
hydrometer sample and OG = 1.044 (which if I am not mistaken is horrible
inefficiency in extraction of sugars from the grain). I then pitched a
quart of slurry of White Labs Hefeweizen yeast (from a previous batch).

I would very much like someone(s) to tell me why the original temperature
was so low.
I have been thinking that I will have to use mash water 18F hotter (i.e.,
188F). Will this work or cause problems?
Thanks in advance.

Next, I would like to conduct a survey of priming sugar usage in bottle-
conditioned beers.
1. What is your usual/average/ordinary priming rate? And what sugar(s) do
you use?
2. What is the largest amount of priming sugar (specify type) that you
have used in a bottle-conditioned beer (and that didn't cause bottle
3. For any German wheat beer brewers, what priming rate do you use

Sorry for the long post.
Robert Sandefer
Arlington, VA


Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 19:33:50 -0500
From: "Rob & Robin Beck" <>
Subject: Madison brew pubs

I'm going to be up in Madison WI this weekend and was looking for opinions
on the 3 local brew pubs.


Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 21:19:13 -0400
From: "Eric Tepe" <>
Subject: Beer and Sweat 2003-Entry Deadline Approaching

Hi Everyone,

You have less than 1 week to enter Beer and Sweat 2003, the Ohio Valley's
premier keg only homebrew competition put on by the Bloatarian Brewing
League. Beer and Sweat 2003 will happen Saturday, August 23 at the Ramada
Inn located in Florence KY.and room rates are $65. Entry fees will be $5
for the first entry, $3 for the 2nd entry and $1 for each additional entry.
Entries can be Corny kegs, Sanky kegs, party pigs, and mini kegs- we will
not accept entries in 2 liter bottles with carbonator caps or glass bottles.
We will have a great raffle with no less than (3) 50lb sacks of grain
assorted other great prizes.
We will have live music from Roger Dawdry and the Firestarters, a local
Celtic band that puts out great tunes.
Last year we had over 130 entries with Bill Krauth of the
Louisville based LAGERS taking home Best of Show with his Bourbon Barrel
Oatmeal Stout. If you don't have entries and want to show up to taste some
great homebrew-entry is only $5 at the door. If you come to drink-I would
suggest getting a room because KY is pretty harsh on DUI. A room is a lot
less than a DUI ticket. This competition is both BJCP and AHA sanctioned and
we could always use judges.
I hope to see everyone there. To enter online and for more details as they
arise-consult our website at

See Ya!

Eric Tepe
Bloatarian Brewing League

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4316, 08/06/03

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