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HOMEBREW Digest #4320

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HOMEBREW Digest #4320		             Mon 11 August 2003 

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beer in Zurich (Ulam Curjel)
Re: Problem with All-grain and New Survey (blutick)
CO2 Tank Safety ("Dave Burley")
Beer and Sweat 2003 Online entry problems and Dead line extension ("Eric Tepe")
Re: Compressed Gas Cylinders (was @ gauge regulator) (NO Spam)
Ben Franklin, World Select, Sanke conversion, heat diffuser (Eric)
Where is Miss Manners when you need her? (Lou King)
Krakow Food/Beer scene (Dave Howell)
Re: Ben Franklin quote (Jeff Renner)
Re: Anybody have a CAP in Milwaukee? (Jeff Renner)
Re: Hot (Jeff Renner)
re: Ben Franklin Quote (Robert Marshall)
Brewtree? ("Mike Eyre")
American Beer Month 2003 ("Fred Scheer")
Dr. Cone, 2003 - Cidery Flavor (John Palmer)
Seattle Beer (nlkanous)
RE: A response from Canada (Brian Lundeen)
2003 Topsfield Fair Homebrew Competition (North Shore Brewers)
quick thanks re: Krakow and Zurich (Michael Hetzel)
BJ's Brewery & Pizza (Roger & Roxy Whyman)
Dr. Clayton Cone Fortnight of Yeast ("Rob Moline")
Lallemand Pronunciation ("Rob Moline")

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* The HBD Logo Store is now open! *
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * COMING TO THE HBD! * * * * * * * *
* Dr. Clayton Cone Fortnight of Yeast *
* 8/11/03 - 8/22/03 Yeast Questions Answered *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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JANITOR on duty: Pat Babcock (


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 21:42:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ulam Curjel <>
Subject: beer in Zurich

Michael Hetzel asks about beer in Zurich. I can
recommend the brasserie "Federal" in the Zurich Train
station (Hauptbahnhof). They have an extensive
selection of Swiss beer. (mainly pilsen style lagers
with an occasional dark exception) They also have
"beer food" and, as seems to be the case in most of
Europe, lots of second hand smoke.

currently brewing and living in Zurich

PS. There is a beer shop on the lower level of the
train station with a "good" selection of beers from
around the world in case you need some beer for the
train ride.


Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 06:54:34 -0500
Subject: Re: Problem with All-grain and New Survey

Robert Sandefer wrote:

>3 gallons 165F water warmed mash tun (lidded) for 55 min while I did
>stuff. Warming water dumped. Mash in with 10 lbs room temp grain (~77F)
>and 11 quarts 170F tap water. Between additions and stirring, mash in
>24 min. Temp measured at 135F. (This is the crux, I believe, of the
>why was this temperature so low? I was shooting for 152-154F. Did I stir
>grain/mash too much and cause excess heat loss or what?)

I think you have it nailed. Hitting initial mash temperature targets in a
cooler with reasonable accuracy is pretty easy but you can't spend 24
minutes stirring the mash without losing significant heat. It takes me no
more than 2 minutes to pour in the grain while stirring, then another 1-2
minutes making sure any dough-balls are broken up. Check the temp, screw
the lid on, and let'er rip for an hour or so. The only other possible
explanation is that your water/grain/temperature measurements are off.

>What is your usual/average/ordinary priming rate? And what sugar(s) do
you use?

130 grams dextrose per 5 gallons. Less for English and Scottish ales.
Less for lagers that are CO2 saturated at 35-40F. I've used sucrose and
wort for priming at times and they work but I see no significant
advantage in using them.

>What is the largest amount of priming sugar (specify type) that you have
used in a
>bottle-conditioned beer (and that didn't cause bottle grenades)?

150 grams dextrose per 5 gallons and I could have used more. Just be sure
that the beer has reached terminal gravity before you bottle. I've never
had bottle grenades but I've certainly had over-carbonated beers a few
times. The problem was usually due to bottling too soon. A wild yeast was
apparently the problem on two consecutive batches several years ago,
where over-carbonation was slow to develop and accompanied by a film in
the neck and a nasty phenolic flavor.

>For any German wheat beer brewers, what priming rate do you use

150 grams dextrose in 5 gallons is a reasonable amount.

Hope this helps, Robert. Hang in there.

Jim Layton
Howe, TX


Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 08:56:52 -0400
From: "Dave Burley" <>
Subject: CO2 Tank Safety


Mention of tank safety recently probably doesn't do justce to how careful you
should be. Chaining the tank to the wall or whatever is fine for big tanks
and long hoses, but for those of you who don't have a dedicated facility,
having a tank chained to the wall in the kitchen or dining room doesn't get
you any beer bullets.

The big tanks are a real danger but most often chains and such are available
at the supplier and due to their size and weight, once in place they stay
there. The small tanks, which are perhaps more commonly used in brewing
represent perhaps more danger as they can be more easily pulled over during an
enthuisiastic charging of the keg or other use. Because the majority of the
CO2 in the tank is liquid, it is important that you keep the tank in a
vertical position in all cases as you use the contents. Their small size makes
them more portable and it is tempting to carry them with you.

Some years ago I found a large plastic christmas tree platform about 2 ft in
diameter with a hole large enough to fit my small CO2 tank. This has worked
perfectly for many years and it still allows proper use, portability as well
as safety.

Keep on Brewin'

Dave Burley


Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 10:56:58 -0400
From: "Eric Tepe" <>
Subject: Beer and Sweat 2003 Online entry problems and Dead line extension

Hi All,

This message is going out to everyone who has or is going to enter Beer and
Sweat 2003, so if you are getting a duplicate or would like to be removed
let me know please.

The website that processes our online entry and judge signup is down again
without notice, because of this you will need to send your entries directly
to Rob and Roxanne Westendorf at Please contact them
if you would like to judge as well. You can see the most recent BJCP
guides at for you to make sure your entry is in the right
category. Because this is the second time the site has been down-we are
extending the entry
deadline to Friday, August 15th at midnight. We are sorry for the problems
and we will look forward to seeing everyone at the event.

Eric Tepe
Beer and Sweat Coordinator


Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 11:16:27 -0400
From: NO Spam <>
Subject: Re: Compressed Gas Cylinders (was @ gauge regulator)

>As for the mention of tanks falling over I highly
>recommend using some chains to anchor your tanks to
>the wall.

You can also buy a regulator "crash guard" or sometimes
they're called "gauge cages". It's essentially a roll bar
enclosure that screws on around your gauges to protect them
if the tank should get knocked over.

Considering these usually sell for about $20 and I've seen
a single replacement regulator gauge for as much as $35, I
figure if it saves your gauges once, it more than pays for

Mine has saved my gauges more times than I can count.

Not to put up spam or anything here, but I do sell them
on my site at for $17.99



Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 12:06:41 -0400
From: Eric <>
Subject: Ben Franklin, World Select, Sanke conversion, heat diffuser

I thought that I had the source for the beer quote from Ben Franklin,
but was wrong. Instead I found this in a book of letters and advice from
BF called Fart Proudly. There are several verses, but most deal with
wine. It's called "The Antediluvians were all very sober"
The Antediluvians were all very sober
For they had no Wine, and they brewed no October;
All wicked, bad livers, on Mischief still thinking,
For there can't be good Living where there is not good Drinking.

On the topic of AB World Select - a friend recently brought me a case
from NewJersey. My wife and I each tried a bottle and were not impressed
at all. Seemed very thin, watery and boring. Slightly more concentrated
Bud. But I generally don't care for Lagers, so who knows maybe it's
great? Anyone in the Rochester NY area who would like a bottle or two or
more, could trade some homebrew or Lambics if your interested.

I am working on the switch to all grain brewing and recently converted a
1/2 barrel Sanke to a boil pot. The websites I had looked at generally
recommend a plasma torch (wish I had one) a sawzall, or grinding. I'd
like to throw in my vote for my DeWalt 893 12 gauge shear. I used a 2.5"
bi metal hole saw after venting the keg to get the shear into the lid.
The shear was wonderful - I simply spiraled out to the edge, leaving me
with an 11" diameter circle naturally. There is a little fin on the side
of the shear that prevented me from cutting a larger diameter. The
diameter of the keg is about 14". Anyway it worked like a charm. I used
a die grinder to clean up, and that was my only mistake - it seemed to
sharpen the edge. The shear had left a very blunt square edge.

I am wondering what the more experienced all grainers out there use to
diffuse the heat on your Sanke kettles. Cast iron? Ordinary cold rolled
steel? What sizes and thicknesses? Bould you simply have some 10" or so
steel rod sawed to 1/4" slices? Or are heat diffusers unnecessary? I'm
thinking mostly about scorching the wort to the bottom of the Sanke. And
of course low price is a bonus.

Reading, drinking and wishing,
Eric D.
Rochester NY


Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 13:14:23 -0400
From: Lou King <>
Subject: Where is Miss Manners when you need her?

So, we are getting ready to go to a party of a non-homebrewer. I asked
my wife (who I refuse to call SWMBO), "do you think it's ok to bring
some homebrew?". We both know the hosts, and we know they like beer.

Anyway, she thinks it might be inappropriate to bring beer to more
formal parties such as this (there will be several dozen people there)
unless we plan to leave the beer as a gift, e.g., in bottles. Now
normally when I go to an informal neighborhood party or that of a
homebrewer, I fill a couple of growlers from my kegs and carry them
along -- no one seems to mind, and my neighbors generally send me home
for more.

She thinks that for such a party, there might be some confusion and the
growlers might get put away similar to wine being presented as a gift.
Clearly, I want to leave the party with the growlers. Another thought
was, maybe people will think I am turning my nose up at their beer.

My question to those who are less socially challenged than myself is:
when is it and is it not appropriate to bring homebrew to a party?

Lou King
Ijamsville, MD


Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 10:14:39 -0700
From: Dave Howell <>
Subject: Krakow Food/Beer scene

Czesc, Michael Hetzel.

I travel to Krakow about once a quarter. Many people will speak English.
Many will also speak other languages, but they really pride themselves on
their English.

Krakow is a great city for pedestrians. You can walk most anywhere or take
a tram. It's a college/university town, lots of young good-looking people
wearing form-fitting clothing in the summer, and lots of young,
good-looking people freezing in the winter.

Kasimierz (pronounced "CASH-meersh", the Jewish Quarter) is the place to be
for pub action. If you go, go to the 'Zinger' pub - it's filled with old
Singer sewing machines. Right around there is a bunch of other pubs, and a
place to get hotdogs (no kidding) in the square. I recommend pub crawling

There's always the Rynek Glowny ("REE-nick GWOVE-neh", Main Square) in the
old town, for beer garden eats and drinks in the square in the summer. In
the winter, the places to be are in Old Krakow's many basements. You can't
go wrong in the Old Town for food. I also enjoy pub food in Kasimierz - try
asking for a salad sometime.

I haven't found any microbreweries. Then again, I haven't looked.

Your choices in beer are the Zywiec brewed nearby, which is excellent,
Okocim, Warka (the Strong version is a nice bock). Stay away from Brax
(yechh - sparge temperature or mashout is way too high, tastes astringent
as all get out).

Imports include the ubiquitous Pilsner Urquell (which is being pushed
heavily in Poland, as it is elsewhere in Europe, and isn't as good as it
should be), Heineken, Carlsberg, etc.

If you do eat/drink in the Old Town/Rynek Glowny, have a glass of Cracovia
Supreme, followed by a glass of Starka. These are truly truly fine Wodkas.
If you buy 'alkohole' to bring back, do it in the Duty Free in Balice
Airport (the Krakow airport is just outside town in Balice). It's much
cheaper - no VAT. Also, bring back the assorted chocolates in the red and
navy bag for your secretary/wife/kids. They are awesome.

Hope it helps,

Dave Howell


Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 13:33:12 -0400
From: Jeff Renner <>
Subject: Re: Ben Franklin quote

"Pat Casey" <> takes time out from his usual haunts
on the Oz Craftbrewing list down under to ask:

>"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
>Does anyone have a reference for this quote of Ben Franklin, I've already
>tried a dictionary of quotations.

It certainly is widely quoted, including on the back of the waiter's
t-shirts at my local brewpub and on the outside wall of another pub
in a nearby town. Some years ago, before the quality and craft beer
upsurge of the last 10-15 years or so, I saw it with "wine"
substituted for "beer" and attributed to Thomas Jefferson.

I thought both of them to be suspicious and have tried to find them
authoritatively attributed, but have failed.

I am suspicious that both quotes are spurious. For one thing, it
doesn't sound like 18th century thought or language to me, and I
haven't seen anything to suggest that Franklin was particularly a
beer drinker. Jefferson, of course, was a well know oenophile.

There is a newly published best selling biography of Franklin,
_Benjamin Franklin : An American Life_, by Walter Isaacson,
and another biography published last October, _Benjamin Franklin_, by
Edmund S. Morgan. Perhaps a diligent reading of these would turn
something up. The Isaacson book is on my short list to read, as I
recently finished a biography of John Adams, who didn't like
Franklin. I think I would have liked him better than I would have
Adams, who seems to have been rather rigid. But he had a tot of hard
cider every morning to start his day!

- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA,
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 13:39:28 -0400
From: Jeff Renner <>
Subject: Re: Anybody have a CAP in Milwaukee?

"Troy A. Wilson" <> in Seymour, IN writes that he is:

>going to be in Milwaukee next weekend [and is] wondering if anybody
>there has a CAP either currently lagering or ready to drink that we
>might be able to taste.

Can't help you there, but a caution. In Wisconsin you will find a
commercial beer from Capital Brewery near Madison called Capital 1900 which purports to be an
American pilsner in the style of 100 years ago, but it isn't. Too
wimpy by far. Maybe 20 IBU max and too light bodied.

- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA,
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 13:45:22 -0400
From: Jeff Renner <>
Subject: Re: Hot

Jim Bermingham <> writes from Millsap, TX

>the reason I don't have a basement is the same reason I don't have
>shade trees. At about one foot down the rock starts and continue
>for about 60 feet.

Haven't you heard of fuel oil and fertilizer? You can have a
basement in no time.

Probably isn't practical for the existing house, though.

- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA,
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 11:06:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Robert Marshall <>
Subject: re: Ben Franklin Quote

G'day Pat!

What comes around goes around, eh?

After reading your post this morning, I decided to try
and find a reference and couldn't either.
All of a sudden an old citation from HBD, or all
places, came up in the Ask Jeeves search engine!

Here it is:

- ---------------------------------
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 10:33:46 -0500
From: "Brett A. Spivy" <>
Subject: Re: Ben Franklin

...While I have not tried to find the quote on the
web, I know that this quotation is listed in the 12th
edition of Bartlett's and attributed to Mr. Franklin.

IMS, it can be found in the first volume of columns in
Mr. Franklin's second newspaper under the heading:
Poor Richard. This was the early forerunner of what
eventually became his most popular writings and then
later the almanac most everyone has heard about.

This quotation comes out of Mr. Franklin's general
discussion of "Moral Perfection", a concept that he
took up at the age of 21, maintained was fully within
the reach of man, and proclaimed he had attained at
the age of 34. This "life plan" was grounded deeply
in the concept that "in all things moderation" was not
only possible but preferable.

In those first 22 columns detailing "Moral
Perfection", what it meant, its basic tenants, and how
to achieve it over a lifetime, Mr. Franklin makes the
case that to deny oneself of drink was neither
virtuous nor healthy. He makes the case for King
David, the brewer and Noah the winemaker, cites the
obvious first miracle of Jesus (water to wine) and
recounts of Ismael's being sustained by angels with
grain and drink as proof that drink, in moderation, is
the natural desire and healthful path of man. Mr.
Franklin opined that man, in his decidedly ignorant
and survival oriented state could simply NOT have come
to drink on his own and further that it was God who
designed the Honey, Grain, and Grape so that its
natural end state is alcohol. Ergo, God taught Man to
ferment, and "Beer is proof that God loves us and
wants of to be happy."

This great man, helped found a country, created wealth
for himself and others, developed technology, and
loved women, drink, and food (in that order), all the
while attributing his success to God and preaching to
our forefathers the importance of faith and good beer.

Brett A. Spivy
Stolen Cactus Brewery
Student of Moral Perfection (stuck at the third tenant
@ 32)

- ------------------------

Robert Marshall
N-NY Brewing Co.
(No, not northern NY, No-Name-Yet!)
Albany, CA
[2037.3, 274.5] Apparent Rennerian


Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 15:26:27 -0400
From: "Mike Eyre" <>
Subject: Brewtree?

I think I've seen this posted once before on here, but I don't recall
seeing an answer to it other than someone said his RIMS vs gravity feed
bit was kind of mental.. But.. Does anyone have/had any experience with
a system like this BrewTree?


Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 22:25:41 -0500
From: "Fred Scheer" <>
Subject: American Beer Month 2003

HI All:
If you like to see how we at Boscos
celebrated American beer Month 2003,
please go to
and click on the brewkettles.
Fred Scheer


Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 21:53:08 -0700
From: John Palmer <>
Subject: Dr. Cone, 2003 - Cidery Flavor

Good Morning Dr. Cone!
First let me say that it has always been a pleasure just chatting beer
with you when we have met at some of the various brewing conferences
over the past few years.

My question this time is the legendary cidery flavor that homebrewers
have gotten from brewing with refined sugars as a significant portion
of the wort. To this day, any homebrewing book that you pick up will
warn against the use of sugars except for priming because of the
dreaded cidery flavor.

Do you have any idea of what is causing this flavor?

I know of several theories by experienced brewers. For instance, Al
Korzonas states in his book Homebrewing Volume 1 that although pure
glucose, sucrose and partially inverted sucrose worts all had the
cidery flavor, that the strongest was in the pure sucrose. This finding
suggests the flavor might be due to invartase enzyme produced by the
yeast. Or he goes on to say, it may be due to the lack of proper yeast
nutrients in the worts.

Dan Listermann of Listermann Manufacturing has posted that in his
experience, the flavor seems more associated with stale liquid malt
extract. He had brewed several expired beer kits from his shelves and
had used dry malt extract in lieu of sugar and still had the cidery
taste. He had brewed high sucrose worts using fresh malt extract and
had not experienced the cidery flavor. He suspected that the cidery
flavor was nearly always present, but that in higher sugar worts, was
not effectively masked by other malt character.

For myself, I only remember my very first beer being extremely cidery,
and it was a high corn sugar, light beer kit. I seem to remember that
my second beer was all liquid malt extract, and only had a slight cider
flavor if any. I only recently started brewing with extract again, and
have not experienced it at all. I wonder if the yeast may be a cause.
My first beer was made with Red Star Brewing Yeast, as was the second.
Do you think yeast strain may be a factor?

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter. Thank you,

John Palmer - the free online book of homebrewing


Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 09:15:07 -0400
Subject: Seattle Beer

I'll be heading to Seattle Aug 18 to 21. Looking for suggestions for
pubs / bars near the Westin on Fifth Ave. I've got one free evening and
on't be drinkin' all night so one or two select stops is in order. Lemme
know what you think.
nathan in madison, wi


Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 10:58:22 -0500
From: Brian Lundeen <>
Subject: RE: A response from Canada

Al Korzonas virtually guarantees a response from all the Canadians here
> Last time I checked, Montreal (and the whole of Quebec) was
> still in America, so even Rob's mis-statement was still correct.

Unfortunately, America and Americans in common usage have come to be
associated with your country. Drag out all the dictionary definitions you
want, that is what counts, and I think you know that. We don't like being
thought of as Americans (except maybe those #$%^& Torontonians) ;-). It has
nothing to do with a dislike of your country or its people. It has
everything to do with maintaining our own identity against overwhelming
odds. Please try to be more sensitive.

Brian, in Winnipeg


Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 12:27:58 -0400
From: North Shore Brewers <>
Subject: 2003 Topsfield Fair Homebrew Competition

The North Shore Brewers and the Topsfield Fair announce the 2003 Topsfield
Fair Homebrew Competition, to be held on Saturday, September 13, 2003 at
the Topsfield Fairgrounds, Topsfield, MA. This is a BJCP sanctioned
competition. Entries are due by September 5, 2003.

There will be numerous drop-off locations in the Greater Boston
Area. Entries can also be dropped off at the Topsfield Fairgrounds
September 3rd - 5th from 6 - 8 p.m., or shipped to us by the shipping
service of your choice.

Please visit the Topsfield Fair Homebrew Competition web site at:

We are in need of judges and stewards, and hope to see many of the people
back who have helped us in the past, along with lots of new faces. At the
website is a link for *on-line* judge and steward sign-up.

Thanks, and good luck in the competition!

Seth Goodman


Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 12:23:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Hetzel <>
Subject: quick thanks re: Krakow and Zurich

Thank you to all who've responded.. now I am extremely anxious to get
started with my research. The way it sounds now is that I *may* just
happen to lose my passport and get stranded in Krakow (where the dollar
is stronger).. I can think of worse fates. I will make sure to let you
all know how it goes.
Anyway, I also want to thank the HBD community at large as well for
being such an incredible resource (give yourselves a pat on the back).
Traveling beer lovers never had it so good.
Two weeks to go!

Na Zdrowie,
Mike Hetzel
Waltham, MA


Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 17:38:48 -0600
From: Roger & Roxy Whyman <>
Subject: BJ's Brewery & Pizza

Just thought that I would comment on an experience at BJ's last night.
My family and I were in Boulder after a day trip to Rocky Mt Nat. Park
and having never been to a BJ's before, we decided to try out the place.
Knowing that they participate in the AHA Pub discount, I also thought I
could save a little money. Although we were pleased with the serve,
pizza and beers, I was surprised to learn that the only discount they
offer is 10% off on merchandise and glassware. The place was packed, so
I guess they don't care about a few homebrewers who may pass on the word
about the place. I also thought that the AHA might require a little
better deal from the participating breweries to get the free ( I'm
assuming) advertising to be in the program. Although I would go there
again, I might be more inclined to go down the block to the Walnut
Brewery were I can get a 20% discount on all food and beverage or
Redfish were they offer 25% off the whole bill.

Roger Whyman


Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 22:07:39 -0500
From: "Rob Moline" <>
Subject: Dr. Clayton Cone Fortnight of Yeast

Dr. Clayton Cone Fortnight of Yeast
8.11.03 - 8.22.03 Yeast Questions Answered

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Clayton Cone, consultant to
Lallemand, the American
Yeast Company, and formerly of Fleischmann's Yeast Company....... and one of
my own personal "Yeast Gods" has graciously agreed to host a 2 week period
of answering yeast related questions from the members of the HBD, commencing
August 11th, 2003 through August 22nd, 2003.
Dr. Cone, certainly among the most generous of the brewing world's
experts has allowed that he may call on others in the field....."as no one
can know it all!"
Questions may be submitted to the HBD, 8.11.03 up to the
posts/questions that appear in the HBD 8.22.03. Dr. Cone will answer any and
all questions at his discretion...which means if you have submitted a
redundant question that is answered by any other response, you may not be
directly answered.
Standards to be followed.....
1. Questions MUST be sent to the HBD, submitted to , and
submitted with "Dr. Cone, 2003" in the subject line, with or without further
subject heading.
2. Questions shall be accepted for response via HBD 8.11.03, through
8.22.03. Dr. Cone has graciously allowed that follow-up may be required post
the cut-off point, and they will
deal with that on an as needed basis.
3. Reprinting of the Questions and Answers may be published by
Lallemand and Dr. Cone at their discretion, in any media. Attribution of
name is granted by the questioner, without further publication of any e-mail

Ladies and Gentlemen, Brewers and Brewsters....we are ever so fortunate
to have Dr. Cone add his decades of expertise to what we @ the HBD exist
for..."Brewers Helping Brewers!"
Dr. Cone...Bless You Sir! And Thanks, mate!

Jethro Gump

Rob Moline
515-282-2739 brewery
515-450-0243 cell

"The More I Know About Beer, The More I Realize I Need To Know More About
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Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 22:18:58 -0500
From: "Rob Moline" <>
Subject: Lallemand Pronunciation

Lallemand Pronunciation

1.) Best dry yeast this side of Nagasaki!


Dave, call me and I will pronounce it for you!
515-450-0243 cell
515-515-0243 brewery

>From: David Towson <>
>Subject: Lallemand
>Question for Rob Moline: If you can figure out how to portray it, please
>tell us how to properly pronounce the company name. Thanks.
>Dave Towson

"The More I Know About Beer, The More I Realize I Need To Know More About
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #4320, 08/11/03

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