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HOMEBREW Digest #4308

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HOMEBREW Digest #4308		             Mon 28 July 2003 

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Re: No Spam and beer colture (NO Spam)
Herbs, Tannins, Sanitation (Alexandre Enkerli)
re: Pacific Ridge PA (was: re: Anheuser world select) (Robert Marshall)
RE: Kegging equipment (Michael Hartsock)
Re:La Folie (Robert Sandefer)
College, kids, and drinking (Robert Sandefer)
Qc Attitudes (Alexandre Enkerli)
Re: Colour Software ("tOM Trottier")
Pilsner glasses with a nucleation site ("tOM Trottier")

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Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 11:31:42 -0400
From: NO Spam <>
Subject: Re: No Spam and beer colture


The discussion has been about binge drinking, and mainly
in the context of young adults or college kids, and how
they get their attitudes about alcohol and drinking.

There has been alot of comment about lifestyle, growing
up with alcohol, and how it has made a difference in
people's choices.

The previous poster stated that Canada doesn't have a
problem with binge drinking on their college campuses.
First, I'm not sure that's true. He also stated
(incorrectly) that England has a problem with binge
drinking, but doesn't have heavy taxes or any kind
of prohibition. He obviously doesn't know much about
the UK.

The discussion was NOT in the context of responsible adults
enjoying drinks (whatever drinks - beer, wine, mixed, other)
in their local establishments. That is a whole 'nother topic.

I gathered people are talking about why binge drinking occurs
here more frequently than not on college campuses, once young
people get away from their families and out on their own.
The question is raised about lifestyles, parents attitudes,
local laws, exposure to alcohol, and how any of this matters.

So my remarks are in THAT context. And yes, when you examine
college campus lifestyles in the US and look at the behavior
of these kids, you'll find beer, beer, and beer. Maybe
some grain alcohol and harder stuff, but I think very little
wine. And kids at that age are not conniseuers. If they
pair alcoholic beverages with food, bet its pizza and french

Knowing that wine is bigger among the French Canadians, I simply
asked if that was a factor.

Please do not be offended, I am not slandering you, Texas,
or anybody or anyplace else.



Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 11:22:05 -0400
From: Alexandre Enkerli <>
Subject: Herbs, Tannins, Sanitation

Been thinking about gruits and herb beers. In fact, my dream would be
to brew a complex liqueur-like beer, a bit of a Chartreuse or
Benedictine idea. Saw a few references, including this one:
And this one, with some liqueur recipes:

After doing some tea experiments with a few herbs (like gentian and
agrimony), it's starting to look like the additions will follow a
complete schedule from beginning of boil to bottling (with vodka-based
Might some herbs contain tannins? If so, are they only leached while
boiling or is there a temperature range one should avoid to avoid the
tannins? And are tannins that bad? With a gruit or herb beer, it seems
tannins might simply add to the complexity. And with a very strong
full-bodied beer, the astringency wouldn't be that prominent, would it?

Obviously, sanitation is a concern. So, again, what are the best
procedures to sanitize such additions?
One possibility is to simmer with aromatic herbs after the boil. With
an electric boiler, this could be as simple as maintaining the
temperature in the right range. But what is that range? Aromatics are
boiled off but would, say, 170F be a good temperature to keep the wort
sanitized without actually boiling off the flavours?



Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 10:26:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Robert Marshall <>
Subject: re: Pacific Ridge PA (was: re: Anheuser world select)

I've had Pacific Ridge PA. Its not too bad. Think
Sierra Nevada PA knock-off.

In fact, rumor has it that you used to be able to see
the recipe posted for SNPA along their tour route.
That is until PRPA came out. The thought was that AB
actually took a photo of the recipe and took it home
to Fairfield, CA (local AB brewery).

Sure, I'd drink it again, but if its only a dollar
difference in price, I'm going for the SNPA.


- --------------
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 10:33:49 -0400
From: "Tom & Dana Karnowski" <>
Subject: Re: Anheuser world select

...What I find more interesting is "Pacific Ridge" (I
think?), which is an AB pale ale. I saw it on their
web site and it said they only sell it in Western
states. Has anyone tried it?...


Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 10:28:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Hartsock <>
Subject: RE: Kegging equipment

Thanks to everyone who replied to my queiry. There
are far to many to email individually. But I just
thought I'd report, that I just bought a kegerator
from a garage sale this morning. It came with four
nice tap handles, a 10 or 15# cylinder, a regulator,
built into a large refirgerator. should hold 4
cornies. (kegerator was made for 16 gal keg). I also
talked him out of a 7 gallon primary bucket and a 6
gal carboy. cost me $80. Hope everything checks out!


"May those who love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if he doesn't turn their hearts,
may he turn their ankles
So we'll know them
by their limping."


Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 14:04:55 -0400
From: Robert Sandefer <>
Subject: Re:La Folie

According to Jeff Sparrow's article "Getting Good and Sour: Conditioning
Wood Barrels for Sour Beer Production" in Zymurgy Vol. 25 No. 5
September/October 2002, La Folie is "sterile filtered" but unpasteurized.
The beer is then bottled with sugar and wine yeast (pg. 32).

This seems to suggest culturing from the bottle will not be worth the
effort. The above article seems well written, so anyone trying to replicate
this beer would probably benefit from it.

I personally have no experience with this style--yet.

Robert Sandefer


Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 15:03:46 -0400
From: Robert Sandefer <>
Subject: College, kids, and drinking

In the recent disucssion of kids and alcohol there have been numerous
stereotypes about college students and alcohol consumption. While
stereotypes have their usefulness, I believe it is important to remember
they are still stereotypes and are at best guides and summaries of

Having escaped campus recently (2 years ago), I feel very secure of
speaking of the diversity of drinking habits of "college students" (at
least for the university I attended, which I feel is quite likely very
average for the US).

Remember that the number of college students is in the millions. That's a
lot of people to be lumping together for any reason.

Does binge drinking occur on campuses (whatever definition of binge
drinking you want to use)? Certainly. I have heard stories, which I have no
reason to doubt, that would make any parent faint. I have read articles in
the campus paper of alcohol poisoning. I have seen dorm mates literally
stumbling into their rooms early in the morning and breaking things along
the way. I have laughed at hungover classmates. I have heard of a sororiety
(sp?), with underage members, renting out a bar for a weekend night just to
get drunk. I have heard of "good" kids turn to drunkard partyers...or

Are there students who drink to get drunk? Certainly. Just as there are
mothers, and fathers, and priests, and politicians, and doctors...all
drinking to get drunk. Are people drinking Coors, Miller, and Bud for
taste? Egads, what a disgusting thought. I would rather never drink beer
again than drink that swill, used in as insulting a meaning as possible :)
Wine, cider, and mead are fine, thank you.

But these people are not in the majority. I have heard a lot more people
saying things like, "Yeah, I'm going out to hang with a couple friends," "I
don't really like alcohol," "I have to drive tonight so I'm going just to
hang," "I'm the designated driver tonight," "We don't go out that much
anymore," etc.

My point is that the irresponsibility of "college students" is often highly
misrepresented, and it is worthwhile to remember not all children turn out
as wild partyers. Some of us actually learn to drink responsibly without
parental assistance (like me), and some of us actually wait until we're 21
before we start drinking (like me).

There, I have avenged the honor of my generation. :)

Robert Sandefer
Arlington, VA


Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 18:22:44 -0400
From: Alexandre Enkerli <>
Subject: Qc Attitudes

Oops! I may have given the wrong impression about Quebec. Nah, we're
not *that* European in attitude and Quebeckers as a whole don't usually
drink red wine with their meals. And young people do get drunk, on
occasion. It's just not a major thing. Binge drinking itself, the
stereotype of shotguns in frat houses, I never saw here but it probably
exists. And while we can get beer and "cheap" (but expensive!) wine at
convenience stores everyday (before 11PM), people do buy a lot of beer
when they get the money.
The SAQ (Qc's provincial liquor board) isn't very beer-friendly,
though. At least not for real beer. They have an impressive selection
of wine (heavily taxed) and they do carry Qc micros, but their import
selection isn't impressive. Some brewers in fact make trips to Ontario
just to get a better variety. And despite NAFTA, we don't even get
Sierra Nevada or Sam Adams. AFAIK, even "Milwaukee's Best" is brewed in
The beer market as a whole is dominated by Molson and Labatt. They buy
fridge in convenience and grocery stores, do exclusive deals with
distributors and all but prevent micros from getting bigger. But I do
*feel* there might be statistically more sophisticated/discriminating
drinkers in Montreal than in most other places around North America
(which, IMHO, holds true for coffee/espresso). Still, I've mostly been
to places like IN, SC, VT, and MA...

About Scandinavia, I was obviously wrong. My impression was out of a
very short trip during which I never really got a chance to mingle with
the locals, contrary to my habits... ;-)

As for Switzerland, Thomas confirms what I thought. And, at least in
French-speaking Switzerland, I felt alcohol was treated with enough
respect without being a forbidden fruit. Still, this acquaintance from
Geneva was quite amazed that patrons at the Saint-Sulpice (a Montreal
bar with several patios) were drinking a fair deal without looking
inebriated. At the same time, he was probably more impressed by the
casual ambiance than by the lack of drunkenness.


Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 11:19:17 -0400
From: "tOM Trottier" <>
Subject: Re: Colour Software

On Saturday, July 26, 2003 at 0:01
Travis Dahl KE4VYZ <> wrote:

> On the subject of color software, I think that anyone who believes that
> it is even meant to give an exact color needs to have their head examined.
> First off, I know that there is a lot of variation between different

You can get pretty close to accurate with ICC profiles and calibration of
your scanner, camera, monitor and printer. See

If you're scanning labels, scan a standard color target at the same time.

- ---- Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur ----
,__@ tOM Trottier +1 613 860-6633 fax:+1-270-596-1042
_-\_<, 758 Albert St.,Ottawa ON Canada K1R 7V8
(*)/'(*) ICQ:57647974 N45.412 W75.714
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor
safety." -- Benjamin Franklin
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too
much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
-Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826)


Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 11:22:31 -0400
From: "tOM Trottier" <>
Subject: Pilsner glasses with a nucleation site

Does anyone know where to get pilsner glasses, the inverted cone type,
which have a nucleation site in the very middle of the bottom?

Brands? Canadian sellers?

Thanks, tOM
- ---- Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur ----
,__@ tOM Trottier +1 613 860-6633 fax:+1-270-596-1042
_-\_<, 758 Albert St.,Ottawa ON Canada K1R 7V8
(*)/'(*) ICQ:57647974 N45.412 W75.714
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor
safety." -- Benjamin Franklin
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too
much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
-Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826)

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4308, 07/28/03

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