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HOMEBREW Digest #4292

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HOMEBREW Digest #4292		             Wed 09 July 2003 

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Old Fridge Insulation ("Michael Maag")
RE: Masterbuilt SS Fryer (Jonathan Royce)
Airline beer ("Bridges, Scott")
Re: Seattle Brewpubs/breweries (Demonick)
A solution for thin kettles (Lee Ellman)
Maris Otter = stuck mash? (Paul Kensler)
RE: Too Much Beer ("Edward D")
Thin beer, Sparge Cooldown, and "dead" enzymes ("Jerry Zeidler")
Re: Breweries in and around Munich (Abe Kabakoff)
RE: Saflager lager lager... ("Drew Avis")
RE: Wheat Beer/ Low efficiency ("Sebastian Padilla")
More HERMS Questions (bruce.dir)
Pump for rims from McMaster-Carr ("Rob Dewhirst")
Homebrew to pro recipe conversion ("Don Van")
Paulaner tours ("Dennis Lewis")
Marsh rosemary availability (steve thomas)
Old bread, beer, yeast (steve thomas)
Re: Saflager lager lager... ("Rob Dewhirst")
Seattle Brewpubs (beerbuddy)
RE: Seattle Brewpubs/breweries ("Eric Spencer")
Pot with spigot at Target (Denis Bekaert)
Lallemand Scholarship Winner-2003 ("Rob Moline")
Special Water treatment (Thomas Rohner)
urgent request (moful.ben)

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JANITOR on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (


Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 08:00:10 -0400
From: "Michael Maag" <>
Subject: Old Fridge Insulation

Travis wonders if his old fridge has asbestos insulation.

Not likely, asbestos was mostly used in heat insulation, not cold.
It is most likely fiberglass.
Asbestos (and fiberglass) only is a problem if disturbed.
Ideally, you could have drilled through the panel, sprayed some
water mist into the hole to wet the stuff, then drill through it.
A dust mask is also a very good idea.
The shank and nuts will seal the hole just fine. But the spray
insulation would not hurt.
Note: fiberglass is suspected to be an inhalation hazard also.
It hasn't been used as long as asbestos, so the effects have not
had time to show up yet.

Mike Maag, Industrial Hygienist, VA. OSHA.


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 05:20:34 -0700
From: Jonathan Royce <>
Subject: RE: Masterbuilt SS Fryer

My original reply to Devon said that Walmart carries these for $96, but this AM
on the way to work I stopped and checked out the display. Seems that the
stainless fryer has fallen victim to a "Rollback" and is now selling for $75.
The Walmart version (which is also made by Masterbuilt) sells under the
name "Cookmaster". The only difference between this model and the one that
Devon linked to is that the burner is not stainless. The pot, however, is SS
and includes the "Turkey Tap".


Woodbury Brewing Co.


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 09:07:51 -0400
From: "Bridges, Scott" <>
Subject: Airline beer

Dave Harsh writes:

>Many years ago I carried a full case of Westvleteren in my carry on
>flying from Gatwick. Going through the security, the guy just raised
>his eyebrows and asked if I had a bit of a drinking problem. My wife
>and I had two bags checked on her ticket; I went straight to the gate
>and she went and shopped in duty free. I get to the gate as a single
>male traveling alone with no checked baggage and got to chat with Mr.
>Scotland Yard for 30 minutes. And that was in 1994!

Ah yes, but back in '94 Mr. Scotland Yard was still very concerned about
Lockerbie. I traveled around Europe numerous times in the late 80's/early
90's and they were serious about security in those days as well. I recall
the Germans, particularly in Frankfurt, being very thorough.



Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 07:02:54 -0700
From: Demonick <>
Subject: Re: Seattle Brewpubs/breweries

Mike Sharp posted:
>Mac and Jack's African Amber is my all-time favorite beer. Even though
>it's quite a drive from my end of the Sound, I should go up there some
>time...Do either of you know if they have a taproom? I thought it was a
>brewing-only operation.
>Mike (wanting a Mac N Jack's right NOW!) Sharp

Mac and Jack'seem to have quite a following in the Seattle area.
Personally I don't understand it. Every M&J's I have tried, and every year
I try one somewhere, has been cloudy, muddy tasting, with a yeast bite.
Come to think if it, it tastes like Africa. It is one of the very few
brews I have sent back to the bar. I have no idea of the recipe. It
doesn't take a filter to brew clear beer, or to get your yeast to drop.
It only takes attention to gross factors. I cringe every time I hear
someone order one :-)

Mike, review their African Amber for the HBD. Maybe it will help me
understand their popularity.

Domenick Venezia
Venezia & Company, LLC
Maker of PrimeTab
(206) 782-1152 phone
(206) 782-6766 fax
Seattle, WA
demonick at zgi dot com


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 10:47:21 -0400
From: Lee Ellman <>
Subject: A solution for thin kettles

I see lots of posts about the thickness, or lack thereof,
of brew kettles. What all of you need is a "flame tamer".

These come in one of two ways. One is a perforated
sandwich of steel that you place between the flame
and the pot and that I think of as the bottom of a stove
top potato baker. The other is a piece of enameled cast
iron that looks like an old time wood stove lid. Either
of them will effectively convert your thin kettle into a
thick bottomed pot and help to stop any scorching problems.

The cast iron type is great for all sorts of other uses
in the kitchen. The sauce or the hot cocoa never burns
when a flame tamer is used and seconds stay hot from
the thermal mass of the iron after you turn down the heat.


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 07:49:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Kensler <>
Subject: Maris Otter = stuck mash?

I've got a recurring problem whenever I used Maris
Otter malts (I've used Crisp in the past, and I'm
working my way through a sack of Fawcett right now).
Each and every time, I get a HUGE amount of grey
protein sludge on top of the mash. If I can manage
to, I have to regularly rake the top of the mash to
keep the sparge water flowing. If I get distracted,
the sludge turns into an impermeable layer and the
resulting suction sticks the mash bed. Even if I
manage to regularly rake the mash bed, I'm not a fan
of standing there during the whole sparge. I only
notice this problem when I use Maris Otter malts. I
typically use it in single-infusion, English-style

Is there some special treatment Maris Otter needs?
pH? Lower temperature rests instead of single
infusion? I've got more than half a sack to go
through, and I'm fed up with the problems.

Thanks in advance,
Paul Kensler
Gaithersburg, MD


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 22:51:34 +0800
From: "Edward D" <>
Subject: RE: Too Much Beer

A couple of HBS's ago I stated that I had had no problems brewing in
containers far larger than the brew volume (10L in a 30L fermenter).

I would like to qualify this by saying that I never secondary my brews (I
find it unnecessary 3 weeks in primary has always yielded full fermentation
on my ales and I don't have the kit to lager). In secondary without the
aggressive CO2 production to purge the headspace before O2 can dissolve in
fermented beer you would almost certainly have problems.



Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 11:03:29 -0400
From: "Jerry Zeidler" <>
Subject: Thin beer, Sparge Cooldown, and "dead" enzymes

Jonathan Royce wonders about beta-amylase during the cool-down while
sparging, since he cannot heat the wort during the sparge:

Johnathan, what is the temperature of your sparge water?

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, sparge water
temperature of 170 F will deactivate the alpha- and beta-amylase enzymes in
the mash. I am not organic chemist, to be certain, but I am fairly sure that
even when the temperature drops back below the threshold, the enzymes remain
inactivate, and thus should have no effect on the wort.

And since I'm posting my first message to the group after subscribing a
little more than a week ago -- Hello to one and all! I don't know why I
waited so long to subscribe to this excellent digest. I've enjoyed reading
your posts and have learned much, despite 10 years of homebrewing
experience. It's nice to be in such knowledgable company.

Jerry Zeidler
Williamsport, PA


Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 10:34:24 -0500
From: Abe Kabakoff <>
Subject: Re: Breweries in and around Munich

I am not sure Paulaner, or any of the Munich 6 for that matter, give
tours to individuals -- I went with a group and toured their brewery, so
it is possible to get a tour. You might have to call them at (089) 4 80
05-0 and ask about tours. The guy that gave us the tour spoke with a
thick Bavarian accent, which I didn't understand well at the time, and I
don't know if you could get a tour in English. Your best bet with the
"big six" would probably be Loewenbraeu's brewpub, Unionsbraeu, (089)
477 677, Einsteinstr.42, of course that isn't a big brewery.

The Ayinger Brewery has regular tours, and their tour was pretty cool.
They're a 40 minute light-rail ride outside of Munich in a beautiful
little town. Their number is (08095) 8890. I seem to remember that
English tours are possible.

Just outside of Munich in Feldkirchen is where I used to work:
Fliegerbraeu. Fifteen months ago I would have given you the tour. I
know the current brewer's English is good. The number is (089) 99 100
191, the S-Bahn stop is Feldkirchen on the S6. The restaurant opens at
11, and the brewers are there until 4:30 or 5 on weekdays. I believe
they charge 3 Euros for a tour, and you get a small beer with it. Their
sister brewery, Isarbraeu (S-Bahn S7-Grosshesselohe-Isartalbahnhof),
also gives tours, and the brewmaster has done tours in English before.
Their number is (089) 79 89 61.

Don't forget to leave off the 0 on those numbers when calling from
outside Germany, and feel free to ask if I left something out.

Abe Kabakoff
Saint Charles, MO


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 11:44:52 -0400
From: "Drew Avis" <>
Subject: RE: Saflager lager lager...

Stuart from Taz asks about lagering DCL S-23.

The few times I used this yeast I fermented at 48F, then slowly dropped the
temp towards 35F and lagered as usual. Seemed to work just fine. I believe
the "recommended" range is for fermentation - and this applies to liquid
yeasts as well. DCL S-23, S-189 and 34/70 all appear to be true lager
yeasts to me - they ferment well at 45-50F, and then can be lagered as you
would with a liquid strain.

Drew Avis, Ottawa, Ontario - with fond memories of the "Overland Track" in


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 09:05:38 -0700
From: "Sebastian Padilla" <>
Subject: RE: Wheat Beer/ Low efficiency

Michael writes about much lower expected efficiency when using unmalted

Michael, I am a big fan of Belgian Wit beers. My typical recipe uses 50%
unmalted wheat. I have found that a cereal mash is essential for me to get
any where near decent extraction rates. I know that the gelatinization of
wheat is in the mash temperature range, but alas this bit of knowledge has
not helped my mashes. When I started to do a cereal mash (see Jeff Renner's
CAP descriptions), my extraction increased greatly. I have heard that some
do not have this problem, and I suspect it might have something to do with
water chemistry. For now a cereal mash is easy enough.

Tucson, AZ


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 11:59:54 -0500
Subject: More HERMS Questions

I really appreciate the feedback I am getting as I get closer to putting my
system together. Most of my questions are about the Electric theory and is
only because I have a great deal of respect for eclectic power and trust
your feedback.

I have a 240V/5500W element in my HLT. I plan to energize a single 240V
receptacle from 2 separate 25 AMP SSR's. I will then plug the element into
that receptacle in my project box. The trigger will be the DC voltage sent
from the HLT PID reading the temperature in the HTL via Thermocouple.

Because the element is being powered by 2 SSR's, can the receptacles and
Circuit Breaker be 15 AMPS? or do I need to exchange my element for a
smaller wattage. (I was using the concept 240V x 15 AMPs = 3,600W) Do I
need a 3,500W element to stay within range or does splitting the feed cut
back ?

I will also have a pump on this circuit at 125V and 2 solenoids at 125V all
plugged into the box. They will only draw minimal AMPs however.

Do I need to go to 20AMP receptacles and Circuit breaker at the panel? Is
it better or can you oversize at the panel and go 30 AMP and still use
either 15 or 20 AMP receptacles at the project box?

Thank You in advance for your help!

Bruce Dir


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 12:55:44 -0500
From: "Rob Dewhirst" <>
Subject: Pump for rims from McMaster-Carr

I am curious if anyone has purchased pump model # 9925K23 from
for use with RIMs. I am comparing this to the H315 pump sold by I would prefer not to buy another March pump (mine only
lasted 4 years -- and that was intermittent use) and the mcmaster pump seems
to have very similar specs for a 1/25 hp pump, and it's $30 cheaper.

Of course, it could be made by March as well.


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 10:37:45 -0700
From: "Don Van" <>
Subject: Homebrew to pro recipe conversion

Our club will be doing a group brew at a local brew pub. I know there are
differences in recipe formulation and conversions - one can not simply
multiply a recipe to scale up. Does anyone have experience in converting
homebrew recipes to a larger systems? Can anyone tell me what sort of
calculations would change? What sort of efficiencies would improve/or
degrade? We will be brewing on a 7bbl system, but only using about half
it's capacity.

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the
morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
- --- Frank Sinatra


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 15:02:26 -0400
From: "Dennis Lewis" <>
Subject: Paulaner tours

Steve B. asks:

"And as side question... I am heading to Munich in August and am trying to
find information on visiting the Paulaner Brewery. I have tried the websites
dot de and dot com, but no luck on finding solid information. Any one know
if the brewery gives tours or allows visitors?"

Steve, I went to Munich in Aug 1999 for a two week trip. I sent an email to
Paulaner using the info from their website. I got a response back saying "be
at the gate at 10am on Monday". So I go and tried my best to speak German to
the guard at the gate, like "We're here for the tour. Where do we go for the

The guard, who evidently could only reply in Bavarian (Boarsich as the website
calls it), was terribly confused as to what we were doing there. Fortunately,
I had the email and he called up to the woman who wrote to us

Anyway, it turns out there were no regular tours, we were meeting with their
export manager who was fluent in English, for a one-on-one tour. I think she
was feeling us out for the American market attitude as well. She gave us a
complete tour of the brewery, with the exception of actually going into the
fermentation cellars.

I actually got to go in the brewhouse and talk to the brewer who was actually
more like just a technician, plowing thru mash schedules, etc. They let me
open a hatch on a mash tun and were very impressed that I could tell that it
was a weissbier mash in there. (Not terribly difficult if you've made all
grain batches before. Your nose knows.)

The capper was she took us to lunch at the Nockherberg biergarten. You've got
to have the Schweinshaxen and the Pfifferlingesuppe. Wash that all down with a
couple dunkels and you'll be calling the in-laws to sell your house because
you won't want to come home. Hopefully you'll have similar hospitality.

There are many fun beery things to do in Munich. Check the archives for notes
on Andechs, Forschungsbrauerei, Ayinger, Weihenstephan, etc.

Have a blast. I'm jealous.

Dennis Lewis
Veni. Vidi. Bibi.
[175.3mi, 113.3] Apparent Rennerian (aka Warren, OH)


Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 15:13:10 -0400
From: steve thomas <>
Subject: Marsh rosemary availability

In fulfillment of a quest of years, I have finally gotten some marsh
rosemary plants, from Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery. It is listed under the
old botanical name, Ledum palustre ssp. decumbens. I don't know for sure,
but I suspect the plants are descended from seeds brought back from
northern China by a collecting expedition. The plants are the true
decumbent (sprawling) tundra form, as opposed ot the shrubby Labrador tea
form. The leaf margins are revolute (rolled under) though not so
pronounced as in the european form that earns the 'rosemary' name. They
are apparently being sold as rock garden plants.

--Steve Thomas


Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 14:41:59 -0400
From: steve thomas <>
Subject: Old bread, beer, yeast

Old sourdough cultures are available online from worldwide collectors;
see for several, including Egyptian and
Finnish variants. Many of the Asian rice wine processes include both
lactic and yeast organisms, the lower gravity versions sometimes described
as having a lemonade like character.
I have read that modern bread yeasts were developed from ale yeasts
quite recently, around 1900.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---

There is some mention of the Germans making wine from bread, chronicled
by the Romans when subjugating those tribes. Working under the premise
that malt was the starting point, I have made some fine beers with the
grist baked in a loaf. The technique I used was to dampen the grist to the
point no free water is evident at rest, but a little appears on squeezing a
handful; spread about 2 inches high on a baking sheet and bake at 350
farenhight for an hour.
This isn't as rough on the enzymes as might be expected at first. The
enzymes tolerate high temperatures better at low free water; and having the
oven at 350 doesn't mean the mash is at 350. I'd guess the internal
temperature finishes about 200 degrees. Extraction of husk tannins has
never been a problem.
Subsequently dilute and lauter or simply use as a mash adjunct.
Contributes a very full body that has only moderate sweetness and survives
fermentation well.
Note that this is just a loaf mashing technique, not a microbiological

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A few years ago there was an account of streptomycin staining on some
old bones (upper Nile, about 500 current era). Streptomycin is an
antibiotic with a characteristic of staining bone as it is built in the
body, making it fluoresce in the ultraviolet; so how did it get into the
old bones? The conclusion was that it was the result of brewing practices.
Loaves were baked and stored in preparation for brewday; residual moisture
in the loaves fostered development of streptomycin molds during storage;
The resulting beer was antibiotic as well as intoxicating.

--Steve Thomas


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 14:32:39 -0500
From: "Rob Dewhirst" <>
Subject: Re: Saflager lager lager...

> I'm making a simple lager using a (dry) Saflager-23 yeast. Its recommended
> temperature range is 48-59F which means lagering (say, at 45F) is "not
> recommended". One book I read suggested leaving it at the fermentation
> temperature for lagering, but are there any other options?

I have used S-23 in a light pilsner with no problems going all the way down
to low 40's and high 30's for the "lagering". It's a great yeast.

I suspect the the temperature range it to try to keep you from starting out
fermentation below 45F.


Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 20:03:43 +0000
Subject: Seattle Brewpubs

Mike said:

<<Mac and Jack's African Amber is my all-time favorite beer. Even though it's
quite a drive from my end of the Sound, I should go up there some time...Do
either of you know if they have a taproom? I thought it was a brewing-only

Like I said, I love Seattle - lots of good choices - besides, it's kinda fun
to be able to say that Mac and Jack's was developed in my brothers garage. He
bought his house from Jack, and apparently the garage of the house was used
for production during startup. The neighbors always wondered about the strong
smells coming from the house. Alas, now my brother, not much of a beer
drinker, has a couple of nice taps in his living room, coming from the beer
fridge in the garage, sitting dry. Sad.

North Bend, WA


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 20:36:10 -0700
From: "Eric Spencer" <>
Subject: RE: Seattle Brewpubs/breweries

Mike Sharp asked:
Also, I was surprised to see Eric mention the Market Cellar Winery and
homebrew shop...I thought that place closed down a long time ago, back
the Pike turned the space into a pool room or something. Is it still in


Market Cellar isn't my primary source of homebrew supplies, so I haven't
been there recently. It was still open a few months ago though. The
retail space is pretty small, so I'm not sure if it is the same shop
you're thinking of. Still, they have a current website: if you're curious.

Eric Spencer
Seattle, WA


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 20:33:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Denis Bekaert <>
Subject: Pot with spigot at Target

> No implied endorsement here, but I saw what looked
to be an "enamelled" pot with a plated spigot already
installed in the side. Looked to be ~12 quart
capacity. >

Mark...I went by our local Target store today to see
about this pot and found that:

1. It can not be used in a microwave (well, duh, it's
2. It can not be used in a conventional oven.
3. It can not be used on a stove top.

All this information was printed on a label on the
bottom of the pot I inspected. The claim was it
should be used for dispensing beverages only. So I
would guess that it would have very little use in the
brew kitchen that I can see. It's too small for a
bottling bucket.

Perhaps someone else can think of a practical use for
this pot. I'm not trying to be a wet blanket on this,
because it sounded like a great find, but I thought it
might save someone the trouble of trying to find one
at Target.

Keep on brewing....

Denis in Beechgrove, TN


Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 00:05:01 -0500
From: "Rob Moline" <>
Subject: Lallemand Scholarship Winner-2003

Lallemand Scholarship Winner-2003

Lallemand is pleased to announce that Tony Simmons of Pagosa
Springs, Colorado is the winner of the 4th Annual Lallemand Scholarship
for the two-week WBA Concise Course in Brewing Technology, drawn at
random by Fred Eckhardt, American craft-brewing pioneer and Member
Emeritus of the AHA Board at the American Homebrewers Association
National Homebrew Conference in Chicago, IL., on June 20th, 2003.
The Lallemand Scholarship is awarded to an AHA Member, and offers a
two week Concise Course to the Siebel Institute and World Brewing
Academy in Chicago, Illinois, valued at $2900, Oct. 27 - Nov. 7, 2003,
and a $1000 stipend to offset travel and accommodation expenses.
Previous winners are Richard Sieben, Antoinette Hodges, and Jeremy
Lenzendorf. Their reports on their experiences at Siebel are available at
Beer and brewing have been Tony's passion for many years. Tony has
been actively homebrewing since 1995 and has won numerous awards
including Champion Brewer in the Four Corners for the past three years
and was the top medal winner at last year's Colorado State Fair.
He runs two homebrew shops in the region, and serves as a Liaison
for the AHA and is always happy to promote brewing along with sharing
ideas and techniques. Tony has also guest-brewed with most of the craft
brewers in the area and is finalizing plans to open his own brewpub in
his mountain resort town of Pagosa Springs.
In Tony's words, "I continue to relish the opportunity to drink
deeper from the beer mug of life!"
And he is right...."Beer Heaven" is the Siebel Institute,
especially since their new move to Clybourn Avenue with one of the
largest regional breweries in America, the Goose Island Brewery.

For more information, go to

Rob Moline

"The More I Know About Beer, The More I Realize I Need To Know More About
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Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 10:28:17 +0200
From: Thomas Rohner <>
Subject: Special Water treatment

Hi all
has anyone here tried to brew with water treated the "mystical way".
I was asked to brew a batch with "levitated" water. My understanding
of this is: You take regularly treated(partly demineralized) water,
put it in a "water levitator", then brew as always.
This "water levitator" looks to me like a "expensive blender".
This part of hardware was invented by a german, his name is Mr.
Hacheney. I found some coverage on the internet, but my name is Thomas
the nonbeliever. They told me, that beer brewed with this water has
special properties.(like lower molecular alcohols....whatever this
should mean)
I told this guy that he can bring me this water, then i try it.
(i told him, that i don't believe in it, but that i will try it.)
On my way through the internet, i found some other "mystical" water
treatment methods like: Information water(system Grander)
All the methods i'm talkin about have something in common:
You don't take anything out and you don't add anything to it.

If you thenk it's off topic, let me know.

Happy brewing Thomas


Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 12:37:46 +0200
Subject: urgent request


I need your help, i am Benedict moful, the son of a

Late minister during the reign of mobutu seseko,
I came to know you in the course of my search for
a reliable and God fearing partner and I decide
to contact you because I believe you are a reputable

person and I felt you can help us over this
matter. I count on your intergrity and honesty to be
to handle this business.

My father was a minister in Democratic Republic of
Congo during the reign of Late President Mobutu.
Our father was killed during the rebel attack and
our house was burnt. We manage to escape to Ghana
with my mother and two of my sisters
where we are now taking refuge.Before the death of
my father he deposited US50 MILLION, with a
company in Europe.The money is kept in a trunk boxes

and was registered as precious substance. Thus there
nobody that knows that it is money that is in the

All the document with which the money was deposited

with us. I am lookinf for somebody to that is
and willing to travel to any part of Europe to
receive the two trunk boxes of money on behalf of my
family from the security company.

We need a trust worthy and experience person that

help us to invest this money in your country and
us as one family and will also buy a house for us
there where we can live safely.

We are expecting to hear from you.Please contact me

this Email Address:
Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.please
include your telephone number and fax number in
your reply

Best Regards,

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4292, 07/09/03

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