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HOMEBREW Digest #4319

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HOMEBREW Digest #4319		             Sat 09 August 2003 

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Krakow microbrewery (Chris.Pittock)
Beer Glasses (Bob Southwick)
zurich (Alan McKay)
RE: Compressed Gas Cylinders (was @ gauge regulator) (Michael Hartsock)
Ben Franklin quote ("Pat Casey")
Mineral oil barrier vs O2 ("Ben Rodman")
stale kegs ("Dave Burley")
CO2 Regulators ("Dennis Collins")
zurich p.s. (Alan McKay)
Anybody have a CAP in Milwaukee? ("Troy A. Wilson")
Arizona Road trip and Beers to visit...for Greg Flores ("Steve Laycock")
roadtrip thru Phoenix (Dustin Hauck)
re. Lallemand ("John Misrahi")
Arizona Bottled Beer ("dave holt")
Hot (Jim Bermingham)
Stale Mini-Kegs/Pink residue/Mixed gas dispense/American yeast (BrewInfo)
Re: crushed ("John Sarette")

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JANITOR on duty: Pat Babcock (


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 14:50:31 +1000
Subject: Krakow microbrewery

Michael Hetzel asks about Krakow's brewing highlights... Well, I was there
in (Polish) Summer and had already tasted the fine beers readily available
around town, when I made the pleasant walk across town to the brew-pub (my
Lonely Planet book is at home... but the details are available in the LP
Krakow edition) Also, the LP website has some good forums where these
details can be sought. Krakow was the most beautiful of cities I've
managed to see -- but I hear raves about Prague...
Alas, after a thirsty slog in the warm afternoon air - they were closed for
renovations! Given that I couldn't swing a side trip to the Czech
Republic, I was shattered to find it shut!
My Polish travel agent here in Australia returns frequently, and has friend
and family there... I shall look into recent developments for you!
On the good side, I could find no evidence of a single mega-swill nothing
beer in all of Krakow! And a draught Budvar in Warsaw helped to take the
sting out of my disappointment...

Happy travels! Chris


Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2003 21:00:20 -0800
From: Bob Southwick <>
Subject: Beer Glasses

I have collect pint beer glasses. I am interested in finding pint
classes with logos on them. If you can advise me of sources for unique
glasses with logos I'd appreciate it.

I'm not looking for steins or mugs, just pint glasses.


Robert "WalknBob" Southwick


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 07:02:08 -0400
From: Alan McKay <>
Subject: zurich


In Zurich you absolutely have to visit the Zeughauskeller
or Old Armoury. Here is my report to rec.crafts.brewing
after visiting there in February 2000

A web search should bring up a map to the place.


- --
The Beer Site
"Life begins at 60 - 1.060, that is"
- Denny Conn


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 05:25:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Hartsock <>
Subject: RE: Compressed Gas Cylinders (was @ gauge regulator)

As for the mention of tanks falling over I highly
recommend using some chains to anchor your tanks to
the wall. Compressed gas tanks are (can be) very
dangerous, especially the cheaper aluminum ones. Two
toggle bolt wall anchors that use eye bolts and a
medium duty chain and a beaner clip make for good

Columbia, MO

"May those who love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if he doesn't turn their hearts,
may he turn their ankles
So we'll know them
by their limping."


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 23:05:33 +1000
From: "Pat Casey" <>
Subject: Ben Franklin quote

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
Does anyone have a reference for this quote of Ben Franklin, I've already
tried a dictionary of quotations.



Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 08:22:15 -0600
From: "Ben Rodman" <>
Subject: Mineral oil barrier vs O2

Hey folks,
On the last Mead Lover's Digest a poster recommended a thin layer of
mineral oil on top of mead to prevent oxidation during aging. The context
was a discussion of the usual techniques for minimizing headspace such as
adding marbles to displace mead up to the neck, topping up with additional
must or a similar mead, etc. Sounds compelling, with the caveat of racking
carefully to get the good stuff out from under the (less than yummy)
mineral oil. Any thoughts?

Ben Rodman


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 10:47:42 -0400
From: "Dave Burley" <>
Subject: stale kegs


Bob Hall is having trouble with stale kegs. Bob, chances are you are not
getting all the air out of the kegs.

Fill the keg with water and push out all the water with CO2 before you fill

Flushing the empty keg with CO2 to push out the air will not do it.

Keep on Brewin'

Dave Burley


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 11:28:10 -0400
From: "Dennis Collins" <>
Subject: CO2 Regulators

Regarding the thread on 1 vs 2 gage regulators. Where did the notion come
from that there is a huge price difference between 2 gage and 1 gage
regulators? I just did a search and found in most cases the difference is
less than $10. In fact, most of the regulators have the port already there
which is simply plugged if you opt for just the one gage. I have to side
with those in favor of the two gage set up. For less than $10 its a very
cheap way to tell when you are about to run out of CO2, regardless of the
size of your tank.

Dennis Collins
Knoxville, TN

"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but not in practice".


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 12:44:17 -0400
From: Alan McKay <>
Subject: zurich p.s.

BTW, the great Italian place I mention in my previously referenced
post is the Casa Ferlin (still have the match box at my desk at work),
not far from the Marriot. Strongly recommend it for the food!

A search on finds their website no problem :

And do make sure to visit a small chocolatier and buy your wife
some chocolates! Don't get the tourist's box of Lindt. There are
no shortage of small chocolatiers around, and believe me you'll earn
tonnes of beer bullets with the wife!

- --
The Beer Site
"Life begins at 60 - 1.060, that is"
- Denny Conn


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 11:54:20 -0500
From: "Troy A. Wilson" <>
Subject: Anybody have a CAP in Milwaukee?

My brewing buddy, Tom Kotowski, and I are going to be in Milwaukee next
the 15th - 17th, And were wondering if anybody there has a CAP either
lagering or ready to drink that we might be able to taste. For that
anybody in South Central Indiana?

We brewed or first CAP about 5 weeks ago and posted a question a few
weeks ago about
what flavors and aromas we should be experiencing. We have no basis for
so we would like to sample somebody else's CAP in order to better
understand how our
CAP should taste.

Any help is most appreciated!

Troy A. Wilson
[254.2, 205.7] Apparent Rennerian - Seymour, IN

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Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 12:09:18 -0700
From: "Steve Laycock" <>
Subject: Arizona Road trip and Beers to visit...for Greg Flores

Greg, I'd visit the Rio Salado Brewery while in the Phoenix area. I spent a
couple hours there over the Christmas vacation we spent there this past

They have several Lagers available, that were very nice during my visit.
Cant remember exactly all what they served, but here is what I remember...
Schwarz Dark Lager, Maerzen Amber Lager, Bock Winter Wheat Ale (as it turns
out was the worst beer they had... I purchased some to take home and share
with my fellow homebrew club brothers and found the six pak to include
infected beer, I contacted the brewery via e-mail and told them of the
infected product and they never returned my message), other than the Bad
Bacterial Bock", I was very pleased with their product and would spend more
time evaluating their current beers given the chance (I live in KC Missouri,
so Phoenix is a bit of a road trip)

Also while in NM, we traveled through Roswell and picked up a six pack of
their "Alien Amber Ale"
which includes a picture of the little green beady eyed freak alien head
that you see EVERYWHERE in Roswell NM.

Really!, the Sierra Blanca Brewing Company out of Carrizozo New Mexico
brewed this stuff and was available in a couple of the liquor stores in
Roswell. From what I understand this "Alien Amber Ale was the last batch of
"Alien" beer that they were bottling. I dont know if it was low sales or
just bad beer.... (I haven't opened and sampled the beer, just bought it for
the cool "alien" label.

Also as a side note while in NM, make sure you pull over and gaze into the
starlit night sky while there....what an awesome view into the heavens, Ive
never seen the sky so spectacular with bright stars and sheer numbers to
boot........ just dont lay down after drinking large quantities of barley
wine and expect to survive the spinning light show! "Beer with Passion"

P.S. There was a Brewpub in Flagstaff a couple years back, "Mogollon Brewing
Co." Just a small place and I remember the Porter that I had was quite
tasty. Not sure if this place is still open or not (i'd check with the
locals or try to call them before driving up there to make sure they still

Enjoy your road trip.

Highwater Brew Haus
Pleasant Hill Mo.


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 10:15:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dustin Hauck <>
Subject: roadtrip thru Phoenix

Greg Flores asked:
> I am going on a roadtrip to New Mexico next week
> through Arizona. I was hoping for suggestions on
> some
> local bottled beer I can bring back with me and
> enjoy
> on my trip. I am going to Phoenix and Albuquerque,

I am from San Diego but whenever I am in Phoenix I
stop at Sonora Brewing Co. (
They usually have something good on the hand pump and
the Burning Bird Pale is great to take home.


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 13:40:33 -0400
From: "John Misrahi" <>
Subject: re. Lallemand

Dave Towson asked about how to pronounce 'Lallemand'. Well, living in
Montreal and having passed by their building a few times, this is how I
would say it phonetically

'Lal mawnd'

That's the best way I can figure to write it.



Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 11:46:55 -0700
From: "dave holt" <>
Subject: Arizona Bottled Beer

For Greg Flores who will be traveling through Arizona. My recommendations
for Arizona bottle beer:

Four Peaks Scottish Ale
Mogollon Apache Trout Stout (pronounced MUH-gee-un, with a hard "g")
Nimbus Pale Ale
Sonora Midnight Porter and Burning Bird Pale ale (one of the finer pales
Rio Salado Schwarz Dark and Maerzen Amber Lager (a lager micro until
recently, now has ales too)

There are other good brews in AZ, but these are the breweries that offer
bottles. There are other bottled AZ beers but these are my favorites.

You won't find these beers in Circle K just off the freeway. You will have
to go to a grocery store or two or a good carry out. I would recommend
Papago Brewing in Scottsdale. It is a beer bar with an incredible carry
out. Over 450 beers. Like a kid in the candy store. They also have 32
beers on tap, two on cask generally. They try to feature AZ beers on tap
and have 3 of their own beers. (Contract brewed by a local micro) The list
changes daily. They will have all the beers listed above.

Email if you have more questions. Well, except for Saturday. I'll be in
Flagstaff for the Made in the Shade Beer Festival. Cool weather, cool beer

Dave Holt
Chandler, AZ (dry heat my ...)
Forest Lakes, AZ (ahh....nature's free AC)


Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 03:23:09 -0500
From: Jim Bermingham <>
Subject: Hot

It's too hot to fish, to hot to golf, and I'm out of beer. The high
temperature has averaged 109 the past 4 days. This has required me to
drink up all my reserves. It's too hot to brew so I will be buying
until October. You brewers with your breweries in you basements don't
know just how lucky you are. If I had a shade tree, it would be too hot
to set under it. The reason I don't have a basement is the same reason
I don't have shade trees. At about one foot down the rock starts and
continue for about 60 feet. Dave, it's even too hot to mend fences.
The silver lining to all this is, I do get to buy all types of beer that
I don't get a chance to brew. My wife has her favorites and I have mine
and then we start picking out bottles of this and some of that until we
have enough to last for a couple of weeks. Then we go back and do it
again. This heat wave isn't so bad after all.

Jim Bermingham
Millsap, TX


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 17:03:43 -0500 (CDT)
From: (BrewInfo)
Subject: Stale Mini-Kegs/Pink residue/Mixed gas dispense/American yeast

Bob writes:
>I've worked away from home much of the summer, and began using mini-kegs as
>a more convenient way of transporting homebrew. I've kept kegs on tap both
>at home and at my apartment. I've noticed that the brew tastes very good
>when the initially tapped, but over time the beer tastes stale and perhaps
>oxidized even when under pressure. This is especially noticable with the

I'm no chemist, but I've read where iron can oxidise compounds in your beer,
not just oxygen. It would not be uninteresting to me if this was expounded
(or corrected) by someone with better chemical credentials than I.


I've read that manganese in your water can give a pink residue. Just
another possibility.


One thing to remember when using mixed gas (N2/CO2) to push beer is
that the beer "sees" each gas a fraction of the total pressure...
proportional to the percentage of the gas mixture. In other words,
if you have 75% N2 and 25% CO2 and you want the carbonation level
that you would get from 8psi of 100% CO2, you would need to use
a pressure of 32psi of the 75/25 mixed gas. The reason that mixed
gas is usually used is to be able to dispense at high pressure
(for effect as in the case of Nitrokeg & Guinness or because
of very long beer lines) without overcarbonation. You can pick
several different proportions, depending on your needs. You pick
the pressure you want and the carbonation you want and select
proportions to meet those specs. It's *easier* if you use pre-
carbonated beer, but if you follow my example above, you can even
carbonate with mixed gas and the carbonation won't change unless
you change the pressure, mixture, or temperature.


Last time I checked, Montreal (and the whole of Quebec) was still in
America, so even Rob's mis-statement was still correct.


Al Korzonas
Homer Glen, IL


Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 17:24:10 -0500
From: "John Sarette" <>
Subject: Re: crushed

- ----- Original Message -----
From: John Sarette
To: Posting Address Only - No Requests
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 5:20 PM
Subject: crushed

Dan Listerman writes:
- ---(Stephen T. Kajdasz) asks about his poor
efficiency. Almost all efficiency problems experienced by beginning
all-grain brewers is related to inadequate crush. They read "just barely
crush it" in a lot of books and wonder why they get lousy efficiency. This
advice might have been good with difficult to control Corona mills, but is
not good for proper roller mills. Crush the grain until it is difficult to
find uncrushed corns and those you do find should look underdeveloped.----

I'm one of those corona grain mill guys, and I find that the finer the crush
the relatively speaking higher effeciency I get. I think that the problem
with a corona mill is theamoutt of flour you get with it. I kettle mash and
batch sparge. With a fly sparge I expect you would have a lot of problems
with a stuck mash.

"Labor is prior to, and independent of capital.
Capital is only the fruit of labour and could never have existed
if labor had not first existed.
Labor is the superior of capital and deserves
much the higher consideratiion."
A. Lincoln (1st marxist er Republican president)

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4319, 08/09/03

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