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HOMEBREW Digest #4256

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HOMEBREW Digest #4256		             Wed 28 May 2003 

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ONE WEEK LEFT FOR ENTRIES! BUZZ Off Home Brew Competition ("Christopher Clair")
Water, hardness, and alkalinity (Michael Hartsock)
-S (Jeff & Ellen)
Mash Tuns (Robert Sandefer)
Richmond, VA--where to buy beer? ("H. Dowda")
Question: What temperature for diacetyl rest for Ringwood Yeast? (darrell.leavitt)
Hanford, WA Brewpubs (Kevin White)
RE: Places, Cleveland (John Ferens)
Re: Places ("Jeffrey L. Fenton Jr.")
Beer and Sweat 2003 ("Eric Tepe")
Wood flavor? ("Eyre")

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Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 10:57:56 -0400
From: "Christopher Clair" <>
Subject: ONE WEEK LEFT FOR ENTRIES! BUZZ Off Home Brew Competition

Brewers Unlimited Zany Zymurgists (BUZZ) is proud to announce that the 2003
BUZZ Off home brew competition will be held on Saturday, June 7th at Iron
Hill Brewery & Restaurant in West Chester, PA. For another year we will be
a qualifying event for the prestigious Masters Championship of Amateur
Brewing (MCAB) as well as the Delaware Valley Homebrewer of the Year. All
BJCP recognized styles including meads and ciders are eligible for entry.
For complete details and forms, please visit the BUZZ web site at

Entries will be accepted between May 12 and June 1. For drop off and mail
in locations please refer to the BUZZ web site. Please, do not send entries
to Iron Hill.

BJCP Judges and stewards will be needed. If you are interested please
contact me or another committee member (contact information can be found on
the web site). All judges must be BJCP certified.

Good luck and cheers!

Christopher Clair

"The mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer."
- Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.


Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 10:08:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Hartsock <>
Subject: Water, hardness, and alkalinity

There has been much discussion about water, but I am
still confused. I am looking at my municiple water
report and it is clear that my Ca++ is low (28.4ppm)
and my alkalinity is rather high (116) with a total
harness of 148ppm (as CaCO3). I have to boil my mash
and sparge water, due to the 2.3ppm chlorine (with
1.96ppm as free chlorine).

What I don't understand, is after I boil, how do I
know what my hardness and mineral content is? Is
there a formula to show what my permanant hardness is
and how that affects my Ca++ and other mineral

I have been going about it blind, boiling and
decanting and then adding a good bit of gypsum to the
mash (Several heaping tablespoons for about 4 gallons
of mashwater) to get the pH in range. I'm concerned
about my sulfate content and the negative effects of
that. I know that I can use CaCl2, and I plan too, as
I have more room to play with my Cl- count.

I'm trying to avoid an accentuation of hop bitterness
that I've noticed in all but my most malty brews.

Here is my water analysis if it might help in assiting
in answers:

pH 8.84 (although I tested the tap water and it came
out 7.94 on a good corning meter)
Alkalinity (total) 116
Total hardness (as CaCO3) 148
Ca (as CaCO3) 71
Mg (as CaCO3) 77
Sulfate 68
Free Chlorine 1.96
Total Chlorine 2.3
Bicarbonate 141.5 according to Promash
Chloride 27

thanks in advance

columbia, MO

"May those who love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if he doesn't turn their hearts,
may he turn their ankles
So we'll know them
by their limping."


Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 14:26:11 -0400
From: Jeff & Ellen <>
Subject: -S

Patrick Hughes yesterday wrote a nice note about the contributions to this
forum by -S.
I agree. I'm very often afraid that we will lose in disgust some of our
better contributors due to the short-sighted comments of some of the posts.
Let me say that I appreciate the tenacity with which -S argues his
opinions and the way he backs them up with facts and experiments.

Now I think I'll go have a pint of delicious and refreshing Pablano

Jeff Gladish, Tampa


Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 14:38:39 -0400
From: Robert Sandefer <>
Subject: Mash Tuns

I am thinking about experimenting with all-grain, and none of my containers
maintain constant temp for starch-to-sugar conversion. The Costco near me
has a 5-gal spigoted Igloo cooler. I am uncertain that it could take the
temp; it seems to
be designed for cold beverages.

Has anyone out there used an Igloo-brand cooler as a mash tun? If so, did
anything unusual/bad happen when it was actually used?

Suggestions? Comments?

Arlington, VA


Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 12:04:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: "H. Dowda" <>
Subject: Richmond, VA--where to buy beer?

Am in downtown Richmond with a car, in June. Want to
buy some high grav. brews to bring back to our
oppressive state. Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 07:27:39 -0400
Subject: Question: What temperature for diacetyl rest for Ringwood Yeast?

The Wyeast site specifies a diacetyl rest for the Ringwood strain:
Thorough diacetyl rest is recommended after fermentation is complete.
I have done this with lagers by letting the temp rise to 65 or so for a
day or so,...but what temp is best for the diacetyl rest for Ringwood? I
suppose higher than 74 F...but how much higher? Any help would be
greatly appreciated as I have a batch into its first day of very active
fermentation,...and need to do this within a week....

Happy Brewing!

Plattsburgh,NY 44 41 58 N Latitude
73 27 12 W Longitude

[544.9 miles, 68.9]Apparent Rennerian


Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 08:46:22 -0400
From: Kevin White <>
Subject: Hanford, WA Brewpubs

I'll be spending a few weeks this summer in Hanford, Washington.
I am seeking information on brewpubs in the area, and perhaps
within a couple hours drive of Hanford.

Kevin White
Columbia, MD


Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 10:53:53 -0400
From: John Ferens <>
Subject: RE: Places, Cleveland

I haven't been here yet, but the place sounds quite interesting:



Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 10:10:52 -0600
From: "Jeffrey L. Fenton Jr." <>
Subject: Re: Places


If you are going to be in the Akron area I would go to Riverside Wine
( in Kent (about 20 minutes from
Akron) they have a great selection of beers and wine; plus a very
knowledgeable staff. Also one of the best homebrew shops is in
Akron. Grape and Granary ( is a great
homebrew shop with some of the best staff; plus certified beer judges
working at all times. I would call them and see if they can also recommend
any place to go. A great bar in Kent to go to is Rays Place
( I hope that this gives you a
few places to start.

- --Jeff


Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 20:16:58 -0400
From: "Eric Tepe" <>
Subject: Beer and Sweat 2003

Hi Everyone,

This is the first announcement for Beer and Sweat 2003, the Ohio Valley's
premier keg only homebrew competition put on by the Bloatarian Brewing
League. Beer and Sweat 2003 will happen Saturday, August 23 at the Ramada
Inn located in Florence KY. I will let everyone know the exact room rates in
a later post, but the hotel rooms should be about $65. Entry fees will be $5
for the first entry, $3 for the 2nd entry and $1 for each additional entry.
Entries can be Corny kegs, Sanky kegs, party pigs, and mini kegs- we will
not accept entries in 2 liter bottles with carbonator caps or glass bottles.
will have a great raffle and live music from Roger Dawdry and the
Firestarters. Last year we had over 130 entries with Bill Krauth of the
Louisville based LAGERS taking home Best of Show with his Bourbon Barrel
Oatmeal Stout. If you don't have entries and want to show up to taste some
great homebrew-entry is only $5 at the door. If you come to drink-I would
suggest getting a room because KY is pretty harsh on DUI. A room is a lot
less than a DUI ticket. This competition is both BJCP and AHA sanctioned. I
hope to see everyone there. To enter online and for more details as they
arise-consult our website at

See Ya!

Eric Tepe
Bloatarian Brewing League


Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 20:23:02 -0400
From: "Eyre" <>
Subject: Wood flavor?

I've got an all-grain brown ale I've had in the bottle now for a couple of
months.. and it's just started to develop a "woody", almost "burned wood"
kind of flavor to it.. it's only sort of objectional at this point, but it's
definately getting more pronounced. What's going on in there??


End of HOMEBREW Digest #4256, 05/28/03

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