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HOMEBREW Digest #4092

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HOMEBREW Digest #4092		             Wed 13 November 2002 

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Cleaning Aeration stone ("Michael O'Donnell")
Re: priming ("greg man")
wine, beer, and dementia (Rama Roberts)
high gravity pitching ("chad. . . .")
Drilling stainless/ mash tun design? ("Parker Dutro")
Recipe for Prague Dunkel ("Livia Gaffield")
Re: Altbier water profile ("Tom Lombardo")
Classic American Pilsner Recipe/Report/Ranting (william.m.menzl)
RE: Sanitizing Question ("Walker, Randy")
Schlenkerla (Calvin Perilloux)
Re: barleywine pitching (Jeff Renner)
water profiles (Marc Sedam)
Re: Rack and add water? (Jeff Renner)
Re: hops...different with corn? (Jeff Renner)
Subject: Gott Cooler Mashing - Capacity/Efficiency/Strike Temps ("Mike Racette")
Kegging/Bottling Basics (william.m.menzl)
Re: Ideal Conditions for a Yeast Starter (Demonick)
Re: Horehound Beer (Bill Wible)
Re: Altbier water profile (Jeff Renner)
RE: experiments with corn.... (Inland-Gaylord)" <BSmith51@ICCNET.COM>
Re: refrigerator tubing as wort chiller? ("Mike Sharp")
re: what happened? (LJ Vitt)
sodium hypochlorite? (darrell.leavitt)
starter question (Himsbrew)
"Why Life's a Bleach" (more on Sodium Hypochlorite) (darrell.leavitt)
From whence doth "tripel" derive? (Pat Babcock)
HBD # 4091 Bottle conditioning ("Fred Scheer")
Horehound in Beer (J & B Gallihue)

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Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 20:12:38 -0800
From: "Michael O'Donnell" <>
Subject: Cleaning Aeration stone

At 12:45 AM 11/11/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Can I assume from the air filter that your yeast aerater came from 3B?
>If so a couple of tips,

I am looking for advice on cleaning my aeration stone. I have the 3B one
mounted on a metal cane. I have been boiling it to clean it before and
after use, but then it ends up filled with water. I am wondering what kind
of beasties are probably living in there as it dries.

Does anyone have a better suggestion for cleaning and storing my aeration



Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 00:14:39 -0500
From: "greg man" <>
Subject: Re: priming

Speaking of priming, I was wondering how fermentable is Belgian candy
sugar? I was thinking 100% but I wanted to make sure. The reason of course
is simple I don't want my hard work to become flat or explosive.
I was thinking 4 oz or 1/4 lb to 5 oz as I like my Belgian ales to be
well carbonated. Almost like a weizen.
Thanks in advance..............gregman


Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 22:36:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Rama Roberts <>
Subject: wine, beer, and dementia

A study claiming wine drinkers have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's
and other forums of dementia, while "regular beer drinkers actually had a
higher risk of developing dementia."

The study admits there are other variables which could contribute to
their findings, including diet. The article goes on to say:

'"We have no satisfactory explanation for the increased risk of dementia
associated with beer," the researchers added. But they noted that beer
drinkers sometimes have deficiencies in B vitamins critical for brain and
nerve function.'

But you know, yeast is high in vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B6). It'd be
interesting to see a long term study of wine vs filtered macrobrew (ie
budmillwiser) vs homebrew and their health affects.

- --rama


Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 22:50:16 -0800 (PST)
From: "chad. . . ." <>
Subject: high gravity pitching

I sent an email to wyeast asking a few questions and
got a prompt reply, wish id saved it to pass along but
the crux of my questions involved high gravity
worts/musts. (mead and barleywine) Noting the
barleywine thread I thought id mention the advice I
was given. *note- following this suggestion will mean
you will most likely have to force carbonate*

Using a high alcohol yeast or champane yeast, prepare
the wort to an OG in the .060 range and allow it to
ferment out, upon racking to secondary, add remainder
of fermentables to bring SG back up and ferment again,
repeat process as needed.

The reasons for this I believe are twofold. One, you
are not pitching into an excessively high gravity
wort/must and Two, will be less stress on the yeast as
its pushed to its abv% tolerance.

While I've yet to do this with a barleywine, I do this
regularly with ales and meads. In fact the ale I
racked to secondary today is the first batch of
anything I have not added something extra to in quite

*on a different note*
the clean-out-the-supply-bin ale I made several weeks
ago is now in mini's and bottles. too green yet to say
for sure but the test bottle i drank today makes me
think IPA by flavor and aroma but mouthfeel and color
suggest a deep porter. hoppy but tasty.

cq dx de KM5QF k k kn?


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 00:43:23 -0800
From: "Parker Dutro" <>
Subject: Drilling stainless/ mash tun design?

Last brew day rendered my 5.5 gallon plastic cooler/mash tun unusable.
The heat took its toll and severely warped the inside. So now that I am
in a position to invest in more equipment, I am thinking of converting
one of my 15gln. S.S. pots into a mash/lauter tun. I think that to do
this I need to drill a hole for a spigot. I have read that sanitary
welding is the best mode, but is there an alternative, perhaps putting
together a spigot assembly with washers and nuts like you find in an
Igloo picnic cooler (of course using metal components instead of
plastic). Any ideas are welcome. Thanks.

Parker Dutro

"Excuse me doctor, but I think I know a little something about
-Homer Simpson


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 12:30:10 +0100
From: "Livia Gaffield" <>
Subject: Recipe for Prague Dunkel


Does anybody have a recipe for a Prague Dunkel ? I'm not sure if that is the
proper name for the style. It's a rich brown beer and I believe it's lager.

I've had it in Pragus and recently in Vienna, some of the brewpubs had it
and they referred to it as "Prague Dunkel".

Anyway, a great beer and difficult if not impossible to buy in the bottle so
I thought as lager season approaches, I'd like to make one.

RAY Gaffield


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 06:53:31 -0600
From: "Tom Lombardo" <>
Subject: Re: Altbier water profile

Petr writes:
~I am planning to do a Duesseldorfer style Altbier on the weekend. I have
~read through the archives and my recipe is inspired by Al Korzonas' recipe
~posted in HBD #2827 (except I will need to substitute some of the Munich
~malt for Vienna as I dont have enough).
~The one thing I cant seem to find in the archives is the appropriate water
~profile for a Duesseldorfer Altbier. I have very soft, neutral water, low
~in total dissolved solids, and typically use just a little Calcium
~to boost the Ca level when brewing Pilsners or light lagers.
~Can I assume that Altbier would require a similar water profile to a

According to Al's book, if you start with distilled H2O, you should add 2
teaspoons of food-grade chalk, and 1/3 teaspoon of gypsum.

I brewed the Altbier recipe from Al's book, and it turned out great!

Rockford, Illinois


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 08:55:32 -0500
Subject: Classic American Pilsner Recipe/Report/Ranting

Back in August I decided that I would try making a Classic American Pilsner
and asked for some suggestions from the Home Brew Digest (#4021). I got a
lot of good information both on the digest and via personal e-mails! Jeff
Renner requested "Please report back on your results" in HBD # 4024 and this
note is that report.

I am severely impressed and can't say enough about this beer! I now see why
Jeff and others have been touting this beer for so long. I am also dismayed
that this flavor is not available commercially. Add my name to those who
highly recommend it! The real test comes this weekend at deer camp when I
put it up against the swill the other guys drink. I sure hope they don't
like anything but water flavor as I want to keep it all to myself!

The recipe I used is as found in John Palmers "How to Brew"
( for "Your Fathers Moustache" with just the
sacharification rest as Jeff suggested. I have copied the recipe modified
with my faults and changes below. This was my second all-grain batch (four
more since) and being a newbie at it, I followed the suggestions in "How to
Brew" for water adjustment.

National Midnight Star Classic American Pilsner
Adapted from the recipe "Your Fathers Moustache" as credited
to Jeff Renner in John Palmer's book "How to Brew".
Note: Recipe is how it was done and not necessary how it should be done.

7 pounds of 6-Row Base Malt
1.75 pounds of Flaked Maize
Crack the malt and mash with maize at 149 degrees F for 1 hour.
Jeff and others suggest 146-148F for a more attenuated beer, or 153-155F for
a less attenuated one.
Mash adjusted to pH 5.3 at mash temp with ~ 1.5 tsp CaCl2
Sparge with 170 degrees F water with a FWH of 3 HBU Saaz.
(Note: runoff real clear after a very short time!)
My efficiency was 76% so technique needed some work.
Bring to boil and add 7.2 HBU of Cluster.
Add 1 caterpillar at some unknown time during the boil. Found later during
transfer to primary. (I assume this is optional for the great taste, I love
outdoor brewing!)
After 50 minutes add 2.7 HBU of Tettnang and 1 tsp Irish Moss
After 60 minutes, cut heat and add 1.3 HBU of Tettnang.
Allow to steep 15 minutes.
Cool the wort. Transfer to Primary fermentor removing hops/break.
Add a starter of Wyeast Bavarian Lager Yeast #2206.
Ferment at 48 degrees F for 19 days.
Transfer to secondary and diacetyl rest at 60 degrees for ~ 36 hours.
Wash yeast from primary and store cool for later use.
Lower secondary to 35 degrees F and lager for 6.5 weeks.
Bottle with 1.25 cups of Extra-light DME and a little of the saved yeast.

I just started kegging and this is going to be on tap at all times. It is
that good!

William Menzl
Midland, Michigan [99.8, 344.8] Apparent Rennerian

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Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 06:12:58 -0800
From: "Walker, Randy" <>
Subject: RE: Sanitizing Question

I have used my dishwasher many times to sanitize clean bottles.
I've never had a problem with infections. The heated drying cycle
is the key. I pour about 1/4 cup of bleach in before starting
the dishwasher, but no detergent.

Randy Walker
Northrop Grumman
Navigation Systems Division
Salt Lake City, UT
801-539-1200, X-7484


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 06:29:10 -0800 (PST)
From: Calvin Perilloux <>
Subject: Schlenkerla

Just being pedantic here, but the correct spelling
for the famed Rauchbier is: Schlenkerla.

Don't be fooled by the alt-deutsches lettering.
That's a k, not an f. Sadly, one or two *German*
sites even spelled it wrongly! Arrghhh!!!
Try: for the real source.
Let's stop this "Schlenferla" virus from spreading!


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:37:49 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <>
Subject: Re: barleywine pitching

Marc Sedam <> gives his advice on barleywine yeast
and suggests brewing a regular gravity beer and then

>place in a chest freezer when the beer is completely
>done fermenting. That way I get ALL the yeast from the first batch.

I agree that brewing a five gallon starter is the way to go, but I
don't like to pitch on top of all the trub, dead yeast, etc. of this
method. I love to ferment with true top fermenting ales so that I
can harvest top yeast. If you skim the braunheffe (to mix a German
term with an English style) on the first day or two, it is incredibly
clean and healthy, and apparently consists of mostly live yeast.
It's a thick pancake or mat of creamy white yeast.

The best time to skim is when the beer still has a few points of
fermentables left. This way the yeast is at its prime and hasn't
started to "shut down" at the end of the fermentation. Then I store
this under an inch of beer in the fridge until I brew again. Of
course, while this works especially well for barleywines, I use it
for all of my ales. I don't brew often enough to keep a yeast going
very long, but there are many breweries that keep their yeast this
way for years. I suspect that there may be some "killer" factor at
work here that keeps contaminants at bay.

To do this, you have to ferment in an accessible fermenter, though it
doesn't have to be actually open. I ferment in my ten gallon stock
pot with a spigot that I use to heat my mash and sparge water. I
cover it with plastic wrap so I can watch but keep out airborne
contaminants. About three days after brewing, I harvest the yeast
with a perforated flat ladle. I don't know what it's really called,
but it consists of a 4.5" barely concave disk with a handle. You can
get it in the kitchenware section of stores.

From the description, it appears that Wyeast 1214 Belgian Ale yeast
that Adam is considering is a true top cropper. The other two he
says he may consider, 1084 and 1056 both are from my experience. Of
course, they will give much different results.

- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA,
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:44:11 -0500
From: Marc Sedam <>
Subject: water profiles

There's been some traffic here this week about the "proper" water to use
for a particular beer. The whole concept is pretty interesting to me.
As has been my wont this week, I'll provide some conjecture and
anecdotal evidence based on my experience. Very little science was
harmed in the composition of this message.

For a period in my brewing, I became slightly obsessed with the proper
water profile for each beer. I had a good pH meter, lots of mineral
salts, and used the "ppm calculator" on BreWater or ProMash to get it
spot on (NAYYY). I found ways to put CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) in water
via bubbling CO2, and all sorts of other things to ensure that my beers
were authentic.

Then I had a beer from an unnamed brewpub who claimed the water was
adjusted to be exactly the same as Burton-on-Trent (a highly suspect and
virtually unbelievable claim based on the taste), the ancestral home of
IPA. This beer tasted closer to ocean water than beer, and smelled more
like Old Faithful (sulfur) than an IPA. It's one of the few beers I've
ever spit out that wasn't infected. You can take the concept a little
too far.

In addition, I did an experiment (published in Zymurgy some time back)
where I brewed four IPAs with four different water profiles:
Burton-on-Trent (sulfate), Dortmund (carbonate), Dublin (also
carbonate), and Chapel Hill (near dead-ringer for Plzen water...very
soft). The beers were blinded and taste tested. The beer most
preferred was the BoT IPA, but the second most preferred beer was the
unadulterated one. The scores were VERY close, and an equal number
preferred the Chapel Hill IPA and the BoT IPA. The BoT version had
higher overall scores and had a very mild sulfate aroma that mingled
well with the hops. It most certainly did *not* smell like Old
Faithful. :-)

The more I read on water profiles the more I realized that brewers were
creating beers to get "around" their particular profiles, not to accent
them. Did Dublin become the home to stout because they made great
stouts or because stouts used enough roasted malts to drop the pH of the
mash to the point where it was possible to get complete conversion and
clear beer, with other beers brewed in Dublin being inferior for just
the opposite reasons. And remember that most brewers with carbonate
water try to either treat or boil the water to force the carbonate OUT
of the water.

Nowadays the only mineral addition I make is a teaspoon of calcium
chloride to keep the enzymes healthy, happy, and wise. The exception to
this rule is a tablespoon of gypsum (CaSO4) per five gallons of IPA, but
only if the IPA is made with Kent Goldings hops. There is something
pretty magical about a small amount of sulfate in beer brewed with Kent
Goldings. Kinda like chocolate and stout and cherries. The ingredients
just work. I think sulfate water and Cascade hops make a less pleasant
combination, but that's solely my taste buds. There are other styles
where certain minerals are part of the profile, but the choice is yours
whether to brew exactly to style or brew close to style. For example, I
don't think the sulfate in a Dortmund adds much at all--again...that's
just me.

That being said, brewing with softened or distilled/deionized water is
not advisable. Softened water often has excessive sodium levels which
can (though not always) make the beer taste unpleasant. Dist/DI water
has no minerals to speak of, which is also a problem. The enzymes
active in all-grain brewing require some minerals (esp. calcium). If
you have uber-hard water, a good solution is to blend your water 1:10
with a soft (but not softened) water source. If you're an extract
brewer, use whatever water comes out of your tap provided it doesn't
reek of chlorine. It's all good.

Thought this might help people. For the most part, I think there are a
lot of other things you can do in homebrewing to improve your beer
before jumping into the water chemistry. A good rule of thumb is to
brew with the softest water you can use. Sometimes the best effect
water can have is no effect at all.


P.S. Apologies for being long-winded. My morning coffee kicked in.

- --

Marc Sedam
Chapel Hill, NC


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:57:52 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <>
Subject: Re: Rack and add water?

Mark Baich, aka "Mark BitzMart" <> of Buffalo Grove,
IL writes about his latest brew:

>target OG was 1.042-1.046 and mine was 1.056.
>Looking back over my notes and calculating how much water I used, I
>am guessing that rather than having a full 5g of water in my plastic
>fermentor I have approx 4.0g to 4.5g, and that may at least
>partially explain the difference.

A surprisingly common mistake among beginning brewers is to take a
hydrometer sample from wort that is not well mixed. If you didn't
add any water after boiling (aside from the squirting chiller), then
this is probably not your problem. It is always nice to mark off
your fermenter with one gallon lines so you know how much wort you

>Fermentation is hard at work (Wyeast 1272), but only after I helped
>warm the bucket with a heating pad and wrapped a blanket around it.
>I don't want to disturb it at this point.

I hope you aren't heating it very much. Mid to upper 60's F (19-20C)
is where I like to ferment most ales. Much over 70-72F and you are
likely to start getting esters and fusel oils (higher alcohols).
There really isn't any danger in disturbing your beer. It's hardy,
and fermentations are fun to watch.

>My question is: in a few days should I rack the wort into my glass
>carboy for a secondary fermentation, and can I add boiled, cooled
>water at that point to top off to 5g? I don't want to end up with
>overly sweet beer. The target FG is 1.010-1.014.

In general I think it's best to add water at the beginning of
fermentation or at least before it's done fermenting. Higher gravity
ferments produce more esters (especially at higher temperatures).
Besides, there is always the danger of introducing oxygen to the
finished beer when you top off, but the yeast in fermenting beer will
pretty much sop it up. Unless you are adding it early in the
fermentation, do be sure that you've boiled the water, not just for
sanitation, but more importantly, to drive off dissolved oxygen.
Then try not to splash or otherwise aerate the water or beer.

Hope this helps.

- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA,
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 10:10:11 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <>
Subject: Re: hops...different with corn?

From:, who is constantly asking probing
questions (some people just brew, but he wants to know why), writes:

>I have been experimenting with brewers corn/ flaked corn in several
>different brews, and wonder: I usually try to balance the malt with the
>hops, ie if there is more malt, I'll generally up the hop count as
>well...but if one uses corn,does the "effect" of the hops remain about the
>same?..., or another way of asking is whether a larger amount of corn may
>enhance or show the hops more than an equal amount of grain?,...or does
>this make any sense at all?

I think that since corn (and other adjuncts) are pretty neutral in
flavor, that the hops show up more. I like this in a pilsner, but
certainly one with 25% fermentables from corn (like my CAPs) will be
less malty than one with 100% malt, and will need less hops to have
the same balance. One of the things I like about CAP is the clean,
hoppiness I get combined with the drinkability of a less satiating
beer (German-American brewers of a century ago called a beer that was
satiating "vollmundkeit," roughly translatable as full-mouth-ness).

- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA,
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 08:27:27 -0700
From: "Mike Racette" <>
Subject: Subject: Gott Cooler Mashing - Capacity/Efficiency/Strike Temps

Mike Rogers states:
"One additional note. I use a Phils false bottom with a mash pad. I
literally do not have to take more than a half a cup of wort from the mash
to ensure a clear run off."

Mike, what is a mash pad and why does it make the run-off clear faster?


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 10:16:32 -0500
Subject: Kegging/Bottling Basics

Well, I have started down the road to kegging and hope some may help me with
my questions. I have one beer kegged and soon expect to keg a couple of
batches that are in process. Any and all suggestions/information is greatly

* Do you have to refrigerate kegged beer after carbonating (either force or
primed) or can you store it at room temp until you have time/room to cool it
* Will the beer go bad if you cool it and dispense for a period of time,
then pull it out and leave it a room temp for a while.
* How long can kegged beer be kept? Does it matter if it is warm or cold?
* Are there any good websites that describe any of the above? (I have
found a few and used them for balancing my system but they haven't touched a
lot on storage/times etc.)
* I am thinking of lagering in a corney keg to free up some room in the keg
fridge. Any good tips?
* One last curiosity question: Kegman ( recommends 12
psi as minimum and 19 psi as a maximum pressure and temperature from 32-42
degrees F for kegs. I have seen other sites list similar recommendations.
The "Guideline for degrees of carbonation at various beer temperatures" from
Brewing Techniques show a range of 2.39 to 3.27 volumes of CO2 for the
pressures and temperatures recommended by Kegman. How do you dispense
kegged beer at other volumes of CO2 (as appropriate for many other styles)
and stay within the temperatures and pressures recommended? I am not there
yet but it appears that I must be missing some basic knowledge when I study

I read with interest the posts around air in the racking cane when bottling.
I use a bottling bucket with a spigot. I have about a 6" tube that I have
attached to the spigot for filling from the bottom of the bottle up. My
spigot is designed that once the valve is turned to the off position, air is
vented in at the top of the spigot and whatever fluid is in the line is
vented and flows into the bottle. Therefore, there 6 " line is empty of
fluid and full of air for each bottle. I haven't noticed any ill effects
but my pallet is not educated real well for oxidation yet and my beer
doesn't sit around for long before it is gone. Anyone have a similar setup?
Am I opening myself up for problems?

Thanks again!

William Menzl
Midland, Michigan [99.8, 344.8] Apparent Rennerian

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Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 07:41:32 -0800
From: Demonick <>
Subject: Re: Ideal Conditions for a Yeast Starter

Kevin White <>
>Instead of casting a starter into a larger wort volume for more
>growth, is there anything wrong with flocculating the yeast by
>refrigeration, decanting, warming, and then mixing with another
>volume of fresh oxygenated wort in the same container?

I don't know about "ideal", and would hesitate to use "ideal" yeast growing
conditions for a beer starter.

My suggestion is to use an OG close to the one you are going to brew,
forget the hops, do the starter in one big cycle (no step up), and be
absolutely compulsive about sanitation. As many here know, I am a yeast
abuser. I believe that yeast are hardy buggers, and let my starters floc
(refrigerated), cake, then decant, and pitch only the cake. I also aerate
my starters. For a more complete write up see

Domenick Venezia
Venezia & Company, LLC
Maker of PrimeTab
(206) 782-1152 phone
(206) 782-6766 fax
Seattle, WA
demonick at zgi dot com


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:11:26 -0500
From: Bill Wible <>
Subject: Re: Horehound Beer


There's a book called "Sacred Herbal and Healing
Beers" by Steven Buhner. Don't be put off by the
title, it's a great book with lots of info on
all kinds of plants. It describes the plant,
which parts of it to use, what medicinal effects
if any it has on the body, and in just about
every case it gives recipes.

I'm 99% sure I saw Horehound in there.



Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:08:58 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <>
Subject: Re: Altbier water profile

Petr Otahal <> writes from way down under in
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

>I am planning to do a Duesseldorfer style Altbier on the weekend. I have
>read through the archives and my recipe is inspired by Al Korzonas' recipe
>posted in HBD #2827 (except I will need to substitute some of the Munich
>malt for Vienna as I dont have enough).
>The one thing I cant seem to find in the archives is the appropriate water
>profile for a Duesseldorfer Altbier. I have very soft, neutral water, low
>in total dissolved solids, and typically use just a little Calcium Chloride
>to boost the Ca level when brewing Pilsners or light lagers.
>Can I assume that Altbier would require a similar water profile to a pilsner?

No, due to the acidity of the dark malts, you can use some alkalinity
here. As a matter of fact, it is due to the alkalinity of Dusseldorf
water that dark beer is indigenous to Dusseldorf, as with other
famous dark beer areas such as London (porter), Dublin (stout) and
Munich (Munchener dunkel). However, Dusseldorf water is only
somewhat alkaline (60 ppm CaCO3, see below) compared to these other

This was badly screwed up by Horst Dornbusch in his Classic Beer
Series book "Altbeer" a few years ago and for which I took him to
task here in HBD (see archives). He confessed to being weak on water
chemistry, but I can't understand how this slipped by the editors.
(Now that Ray Daniels is editor for the AoB's Brewers Publications,
this shouldn't happen again).

Now, whether or not you actually need to add some alkalinity is
another question. Your mash pH should tell you. You wouldn't need
to add much.

>Do I want any sulphates in there to give the Altbier a longer finish to the

Dusseldorf water has (according to AJ) ~80 ppm sulfate, so a little
probably wouldn't be out of place. However, the few Alts I've had
were very smoothly bitter, so keep it low. I suspect you could leave
it out entirely.

The HBD resident water chemist, AJ DeLange (whom I've cc'd), wrote a
series on fabricating famous brewing waters some years ago. You can
find his excellent posts at

Here is his target for Dusseldorf water, which he describes how to
hit with acid, salt and CO2 additions.

Ca 40
Mg 0
Na 25
K 0
CO3 60
SO4 80
Cl 45.000

AJ pointed out that this was in part an intellectual exercise that is
not necessary to actually brew beers to style. For one thing,
brewers often modify their water (Dortmunder is an example, as is
Munich for Helles). My own guess is that if you used CaCl2, CaSO4
(gypsum) and NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate) in your water to get the
major ions in the ballpark, you'd do fine. A little extra Ca++ won't
hurt, but I'd try not to exceed the others.


- ---------

PS - For those of you who don't know, there was an interesting bit in
the news this morning that made me think of Petr (see ).
It seems that a professional pilot in Cuba "appropriated" a
cropduster/commuter biplane and flew it with seven others including
one child to Key West, where they are expected to be given asylum.

Now I don't think it is letting any secrets out to tell you all that
twenty-some years ago, when Petr was a little boy, his father, a crop
duster pilot in Czechoslovakia, similarly appropriated a smaller crop
duster (no cabin, only a cockpit) and stuffed his wife and child
(Petr) and maybe a suitcase into the cockpit and daringly flew over
the border at treetops to freedom in Austria (or was it Germany?). I
remember the news stories at the time.

I wonder if any future homebrewers were in the flight to Key West?

- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA,
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 10:32:55 -0500
From: "Smith, Brian (Inland-Gaylord)" <BSmith51@ICCNET.COM>
Subject: RE: experiments with corn....

Listers, Jeff R.,

Well, as you may recall I purchased some fresh milled corn meal about a
month ago with the thoughts of using it as an adjunct. I finally got around
to doing it this weekend. Of course my instructions were at work and not at
home where they could help me. But when the fever strikes there is no
stopping it. My plan was to use the corn meal in my annual Christmas beer
("Festive Spawn" long story about the name). Not being an all grainer, this
was to be a partial mash with extract. I used 1.5 lbs. of 60 lov. crystal,
.75 lbs. of munich and .5 lbs. of the corn meal. Now, from memory of Jeff's
instructions, I took about 30% of the malt and mixed it with the corn meal
and cooked it like a polenta. I mixed it with enough water to make a thin
mixture and cooked it until it was fairly thick. ( like a medium thick
oatmeal). In another pot I mixed my grains with water and got the temp
about 140 F. To this I added the corn mess, and put the whole thing it an
oven set at about 160. This I left for several hours. Using the B3
mini-mass set up I Then sparged the mixture until the sparge water ran
pretty much clear. I ended up with about 2.75 gals of wort. I put this in
my boiling pot and brought the volume up to 6.5 gals. I brought this to a
boil and added 5 lbs. of light malt extract. I used 3 ounces of Halluter
and .75 ounces of cascade pellets for bittering and 2 handfuls of homegrown
cascade as aroma. Since this is a Christmas Ale I also added some fresh
grated ginger, zest from 2 oranges and one Louisiana Satsuma, some cinnamon
and some cardamom. I'm using a Wyeast American Ale yeast XL pack.
Unfortunately the made on date was Nov. 2001 so I hope it's still good. I
have kept it refrigerated since I bought it and the pack was showing signs
of swelling when I pitched it. Now all I have to do is wait. I will keep
you posted.

p.s., I know my technique (or lack of one) has all you all-grainers' hair
standing on end.

Brian Smith
Big Ring Brewery
Bogalusa, LA


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:13:10 -0800
From: "Mike Sharp" <>
Subject: Re: refrigerator tubing as wort chiller?

Drew Shelton <> asks about refrigerator tubing...

Refrigeration tubing is the same as regular soft copper tubing of the same
dimensions, but it is cleaned and dehydrated on the inside. It's sold with
caps to keep it that way. This is the case whether it's ACR in straight
lengths or soft copper in coils. So, it's fine for use in home brewing.
Non-refrigeration tubing might not be clean, and have some oils on it. But
if you're buying the coiled type, I'd bet that most places sell the
clean/dry stuff anyway, no matter which you ask for. I have bought non-ACR
copper pipe, and found it to be dirty and oily--so I always specify ACR
(which I _think_ means Air Conditioning and Refrigeration).

The only odd thing about it is that at a commmercial supply house, if you
ask for, say, 1 inch copper pipe, you're a plumber--and you get 1 1/8 inch
OD copper pipe/tube. If you ask for 1 1/8 inch copper tubing, you get the
same pipe/tube, but now you're a refrigeration tech.

I was told some time back that the main difference between the copper pipe
and copper tubing this particular supply house sold was in how you asked for
it, which depended on which industry you were in! It was all the same Type
M or L copper.

Mike Sharp


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:34:56 -0800 (PST)
From: LJ Vitt <>
Subject: re: what happened?

Axel maker asked about his/her(?) attenuation:

>Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 18:43:25 -0500
>From: "Axle Maker" <>
>Subject: What Happened ?

>1st batch was an IPA, I used Northwestern Extract and specialty grains, it
>was fermented with Calif. Ale yeast (WLP001).

>Then it spent another 2 week's dry hopped in the secondary.
>The O.G. was 10.58, and the F.G. was 10.12, the beer came out fine.

>The second batch was a Smoked Porter, once again it was made with
>Northwestern Extract and specialty grains.

>This was pitched on top of the cake from the IPA (the primary cake), it took
>off in 2 hours.
>5 day's later it went from a 10.70 to a 10.20, I bottled at 4 week's, it was
>still no lower than 10.20, a little under
>attenuated but didn't taste that bad.

>Well I tried one this weekend only to find it to be completely flat.

Is it possible that the alcohol level has reached the tolerance level
for the yeast? I looked at the wyeast web site, and can find attenuation
figures, but not alcohol tolerance.
The first beer 1.058 --> 1.012 79% attenuation
Second beer 1.070 --> 1.020 71%

The white labs site
says 73-80%.

If it had quit fermenting, but fermented the priming surgar, I would
pick on the unfermentables in the second beer.

I had a scottish strong that did not carbonate. I reopened all of the
bottles and added a few grains of dry yeast to each bottle and recapped.
It did carbonate. My theory was the alcohol content of the beer caused
the problem.

Leo Vitt
Rochester MN


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 13:17:09 -0500
Subject: sodium hypochlorite?

I am attempting to determine the feasibility of using local town water for
brewing,...and I think that I can either filter or pre-boil to remove
chlorine. Is this the same for sodium hypochloride(/ite?). I am yet to
receive the water analysis from our town, but one of the engineers told me that
this was "the same as chlorine" and that this was what they added.

I note that John Palmer (in How to Brew) states that chloramine is not removed
by boiling, and I wonder what may be the case for sodium hypochloride?

trying to learn a little more about a dimension of brewing that I have somewhat
avoided...hardness, bicarbonates, and all that jazz...


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 13:38:12 -0500
Subject: starter question

what is the right amount of dry extract/water to use
for a normal starter?
thought I remember hearing 1 cup extract to 1 quart?
does that sound right?
jim cuny
green bay wi


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 13:41:39 -0500
Subject: "Why Life's a Bleach" (more on Sodium Hypochlorite)

If anyone is interested: in searching around for sodium hypochlorite I found
the following brief article ( at )
entitled "Why Life's a Bleach: The Sodium Hypochlorite Story" by a couple of
scientists at Colgate-Palmolive...

Still don't know, but think that I must be able to boil it away...?



Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 16:49:32 -0500 (EST)
From: Pat Babcock <>
Subject: From whence doth "tripel" derive?

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...

I was recently accosted by a garbage picker regarding the source
of the word "tripel" when describing the Belgian style of the
same name. Now, I admit not to being a genius, nor an
all-knowing sage on things beerie, but I have always believed
the name to refer to the beer's strength, as a progression from
dubbel. The item this person plucked from the garbage stated
that the term derives from "... the three grains - barley,
wheat, oats - used to brew it."

I have never noticed "... the three grains - barley, wheat, oats
..." in any recipe for Tripel I've ever reviewed. Usually, there
is a base malt, a symphony of specialty malts - typically
something in the crystal and/or cara-whatever family - and some
kind of (but we hope it's candi) sugar.

However, I ain't the sharpest stick in the bundle. Nope not
neither. So which is it? Is tripel in reference to the strength
of the beer, or to it's grain bill?

- --
God bless America!

Pat Babcock in SE Michigan
Home Brew Digest Janitor
HBD Web Site
The Home Brew Page
[18, 92.1] Rennerian
"I don't want a pickle. I just wanna ride on my motorsickle"
- Arlo Guthrie


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 16:37:16 -0600
From: "Fred Scheer" <>
Subject: HBD # 4091 Bottle conditioning

When bottle conditioning my 3L bottles,
I use ~ 1/2 cup of corn sugar for bottle conditioning.

My HBD #4091 only went to the posting :Subject: Gott Cooler Mashing -
Capacity/Efficiency/Strike Temps"
anything wrong with my computer????


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 22:04:22 -0500
From: J & B Gallihue <>
Subject: Horehound in Beer

Noel asks:
"Does anybody have a recipe for horehound beer (alcoholic) or any taste
memories they can give me??"

The book Homebrewers Garden by Joe and Dennis Fisher recommends it as a
bittering hop and has many herb beer recipes.
In The Historical Companion to House-Brewing, La Pensee notes, "The common
German name "Berghopfen" (mountain hops) gives it all away." He goes on to
say he thinks its too medicinal a flavor for him to use.

Here is my two cents:
Horehound is very bitter. In fact, Horehound is very, very very bitter.
Experiment with it by preparing teas with it of various strengths and
various boil times. Add the teas to a samples of cheap beer and see what
proportions match. That way you don't waste a day and a batch of homebrew.
You may wish to then brew a home brew batch that has the specialty grains
you think you may wish to use do the tea experiment with that. I theorize
you need malt and residual sweetness to balance the bitterness. I also
doubt you will want the horehound in the boil for very long.

Good luck and have fun.

Joel Gallihue.
Columbia, MD

End of HOMEBREW Digest #4092, 11/13/02

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