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HOMEBREW Digest #4054

HOMEBREW Digest #4054 Mon 30 September 2002
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All grain setup question ("Joe O'Meara")
Homebrew Digest 4052 ("joekish")
re: Overnight Mashing ("The Artist Formerly Known As Kap'n Salty")
Re: Michelob Ultra (Martin_Brungard)
7th Annual Music City Brew-Off (Stephen Johnson)
pumpkin beer ("Joe O'Meara")
p-lambic questions ("John Misrahi")
pH (colorPhast question, and Wit question) (Darrell.Leavitt)
4th Annual Palmetto State Brewers Open-Results ("H. Dowda")
Fruity esters ("Patrick Twohy")
Plambic Fermentation ("John Misrahi")
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JANITOR on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 22:45:16 -0600
From: "Joe O'Meara" <>
Subject: All grain setup question
Hi everyone,
I'm currently building an all grain, 10 gallon system. I have two 15.5
gallon kegs and a 10 gallon gott cooler for mashing. What would be the best
way to go about building stands for a gravity system without welding (since
I don't have a welder)?
TIA for the help,
Joe O'Meara
ICQ#: 170630830
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 22:05:38 -0700
From: "joekish" <>
Subject: Homebrew Digest 4052
Dr. Roy Roberts was talking to Nathan Hoskins about
Chilling the Wort, and he said,
"and you certainly won't have large colonies of bacteria
flying around looking to splash into your wort"
Any course in micro-biology describes the air we breath;
"Every cubic foot of air, both outdoors and indoors, contains
100,000 plant spores, 100,000 fungus spores, and
100,000 bacteria. They fall at the rate of one foot in 30 minutes
but air movement keeps them airbourne" Does he believe that
"They must not be there" because he can't see them?
Joseph Kish
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 09:50:51 -0500
From: "The Artist Formerly Known As Kap'n Salty" <>
Subject: re: Overnight Mashing
Gregory Michael Remec writes in HBD# 4053
{snip} For the
past few years I mash and sparge at night, including a mash out,
then leave the full kettle on the stove until morning, when I bring it
to boil and finish the process. Total process time is a little longer
because the runnings cool overnight and take longer to bring to bring
back up to boil, but otherwise this approach allows me to take
advantage of the only times I can reliably have to myself at home.
I'll second this method of mashing. In fact, this is the ONLY way I do
it anymore. I have yet to get knocked in a comp for thin body or
excessive DMS, and over-attenuation is never problem. (I also sparge
at around @170). After 24 hours there are no off-flavors in the wort
at all, and anything that _has_ managed to reproduce is killed in the
boil. I generally collect the runnings into a couple of large,
sanitized RubberMaid 6 gallon gas cans -- but lots of people simply
run off into the pot and cover the pot overnight.
I've always preferred this method to simply mashing overnight -- it
seems to be a better division of the labor involved in all-grain
brewing, and avoids a lot of the problems associated with extended
In fact, I suspect that once the wort is cooled overnight it could
probably be stored safely for at least week or so in my chest freezer
at 32F. This would remove the requirements for setting aside parts of
two consecutive days for brewing.
Teleoperate a roving mobile robot from the web:
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 12:03:50 -0400
Subject: Re: Michelob Ultra
I had the opportunity to try this beer last week. My wife wanted to try
it. I guess the Tallahassee market is one of the first to get it since one
of the Busch daughters lives here and runs the local AB distributorship.
The beer is incredibly thin. Just a notch of malt taste. Only a few
clicks away from drinking carbonated water.
How about that, all the adages still hold can't something for
nothing, you get what you pay for, can't make a silk purse out of a sow's
ear, etc.
My wife finished it, but she wasn't interested in any more whimpy beer.
She went to SNPA. Its nice to see that my influence is working.
Martin Brungard
Tallahassee, FL
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 11:10:00 -0500
From: Stephen Johnson <>
Subject: 7th Annual Music City Brew-Off
The Music City Brewers of Nashville, Tennessee, are proud to announce
their 7th Annual Music City Brew-Off, Saturday, October 19th, with final
round judging taking place beginning at 9:00 AM at Boscos Nashville
Brewery, 1805 21st Ave. South (615-385-0050). This is the last leg of
the Mid-South Homebrewer and Club of the Year competitions (Atlanta,
Memphis, Asheville, and Nashville. Our featured weekend guest is Jeff
Renner, baker, writer, member of Ann Arbor Brewers Guild and frequent
contributor to the HomeBrew Digest and recognized expert on cereal
mashing and pre-prohibition Classic American Pilsner style beers
See website for forms and additional information:
or contact:
Kirby Berry, competition organizer: 615-226-2512 or
Parties interested in judging or stewarding should contact: Steve
Johnson, judging coordinator: 615-327-4100 or
All AHA/BJCP styles of beer, mead, and cider will be accepted.
Competition is AHA sanctioned. Two (2) unmarked brown or green 10 - 14
ounce bottles. Fees are $6 for each of the first two entries, $5 for
each additional entry. Make checks payable to The Music City Brewers c/o
Ken Rebman, Treasurer. Checks or money orders only please. Entries will
be accepted between September 30, 2002 and October 12, 2002 at 2:00PM.
Absolutely no late entries accepted - NO EXCEPTIONS! We are sorry, but,
we will not be accepting any day-of entries for out-of-town judges or
stewards. Drop off or send your entries to the
Music City Brewers
c/o J. Barleycorn's Beverage Barn
Attn: Larry Sanford
5000 Harding Place
Nashville, TN 37211
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 10:51:06 -0600
From: "Joe O'Meara" <>
Subject: pumpkin beer
I'm toying with the notion of doing a pumpkin beer for Thanksgiving...any
suggestions, tips, etc?
Joe O'Meara
ICQ#: 170630830
"I'll make it felony to drink small beer."
-William Shakespear, Henry VI, Part 2
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 23:42:36 -0700
From: "John Misrahi" <>
Subject: p-lambic questions
Hi all
, i am getting ready to brew a pseudo-lambic. Any one have any experience
with these? I have loads of frozen raspberries which i will use in
secondary for part of the batch. The rest will remain 'plain' as a sort of
geuze lambic.
I have a pack of wyeast belgian lambic blend, a pack of the brettanomyces
lambicus, and some neutral ale yeast. I understand the order in which you
pitch is imporant as the beasties grow better at certain times. Anyone know
anything about this?
i have some hopps (hallertauer or saaz - forget but dont think it matters),
ive been aging on top of the fridge for 6 or 7 months. Totally odorless,
brown and not very bitter. should be perfect.
The grist will contain pilsner malt and flaked or unmalted wheat.
Any comments on pitching schedule or grist composition?
much appreciated
Pothole? Thats luxury! I have to ferment directly in my mouth. On brew
day I fill up my mouth with wort in the am and drop a few yeast cells in and
3 hours later I swallow. Wish I had a pothole to ferment in. -Mike Brennan
on the HBD
"Ah, Billy Beer... we elected the wrong Carter." -Homer Simpson
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 05:39:56 -0400
Subject: pH (colorPhast question, and Wit question)
I am using colorpHast for the first time, and really like them...much
easier to read than the Precision Labs strips that I have used up to the
present...but I have a question: can one re-use the colorpHast several
times in one brew session?
Now the second question: making a wit, and David Miller states, on p221
(Complete Handbook..) that mash pH should be 5.3, which I have
accomplished, but then that 'wort pH at pitching' should be 4.2 .
Now, is it best for me to adjust this at the end of the brew session (with
lactic acid) ....or with the sparge water? If the latter,...won't this
result in a really thin tasting
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 11:56:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: "H. Dowda" <>
Subject: 4th Annual Palmetto State Brewers Open-Results
Congratulations to the winners.
and follow links.
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 14:42:39 -0700
From: "Patrick Twohy" <>
Subject: Fruity esters
In #4041, Carson asked how to deal with unintended fruity esters.
My suggestion: Use a phrase I've heard often while working
in Silicon Valley: "Hey! That's not a bug, that's a feature!"
As long as you tell the world that's what you intended,
the world will like what you did. You might come to like it too!
- --
Patrick Twohy
Brewing and blathering at
(1784, 274) Rennerian, apparent
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 20:44:47 -0700
From: "John Misrahi" <>
Subject: Plambic Fermentation
Hi all
When fermenting a Plambic type of beer, is it true that the beer shouldn't
be racked to a secondary for *several months* ? What about yeast autolysis
etc.. ? I have been given this advice. Is it on track or totally off?
I am in uncharted waters here... any pros that can give me a map?
Pothole? Thats luxury! I have to ferment directly in my mouth. On brew
day I fill up my mouth with wort in the am and drop a few yeast cells in and
3 hours later I swallow. Wish I had a pothole to ferment in. -Mike Brennan
on the HBD
"Ah, Billy Beer... we elected the wrong Carter." -Homer Simpson
End of HOMEBREW Digest #4054, 09/30/02